use of org.apache.kafka.clients.consumer.internals.SubscriptionState.FetchPosition in project kafka by apache.
the class Fetcher method initializeCompletedFetch.
* Initialize a CompletedFetch object.
private CompletedFetch initializeCompletedFetch(CompletedFetch nextCompletedFetch) {
TopicPartition tp = nextCompletedFetch.partition;
FetchResponseData.PartitionData partition = nextCompletedFetch.partitionData;
long fetchOffset = nextCompletedFetch.nextFetchOffset;
CompletedFetch completedFetch = null;
Errors error = Errors.forCode(partition.errorCode());
try {
if (!subscriptions.hasValidPosition(tp)) {
// this can happen when a rebalance happened while fetch is still in-flight
log.debug("Ignoring fetched records for partition {} since it no longer has valid position", tp);
} else if (error == Errors.NONE) {
// we are interested in this fetch only if the beginning offset matches the
// current consumed position
FetchPosition position = subscriptions.position(tp);
if (position == null || position.offset != fetchOffset) {
log.debug("Discarding stale fetch response for partition {} since its offset {} does not match " + "the expected offset {}", tp, fetchOffset, position);
return null;
log.trace("Preparing to read {} bytes of data for partition {} with offset {}", FetchResponse.recordsSize(partition), tp, position);
Iterator<? extends RecordBatch> batches = FetchResponse.recordsOrFail(partition).batches().iterator();
completedFetch = nextCompletedFetch;
if (!batches.hasNext() && FetchResponse.recordsSize(partition) > 0) {
if (completedFetch.responseVersion < 3) {
// Implement the pre KIP-74 behavior of throwing a RecordTooLargeException.
Map<TopicPartition, Long> recordTooLargePartitions = Collections.singletonMap(tp, fetchOffset);
throw new RecordTooLargeException("There are some messages at [Partition=Offset]: " + recordTooLargePartitions + " whose size is larger than the fetch size " + this.fetchSize + " and hence cannot be returned. Please considering upgrading your broker to or " + "newer to avoid this issue. Alternately, increase the fetch size on the client (using " + ConsumerConfig.MAX_PARTITION_FETCH_BYTES_CONFIG + ")", recordTooLargePartitions);
} else {
// This should not happen with brokers that support FetchRequest/Response V3 or higher (i.e. KIP-74)
throw new KafkaException("Failed to make progress reading messages at " + tp + "=" + fetchOffset + ". Received a non-empty fetch response from the server, but no " + "complete records were found.");
if (partition.highWatermark() >= 0) {
log.trace("Updating high watermark for partition {} to {}", tp, partition.highWatermark());
subscriptions.updateHighWatermark(tp, partition.highWatermark());
if (partition.logStartOffset() >= 0) {
log.trace("Updating log start offset for partition {} to {}", tp, partition.logStartOffset());
subscriptions.updateLogStartOffset(tp, partition.logStartOffset());
if (partition.lastStableOffset() >= 0) {
log.trace("Updating last stable offset for partition {} to {}", tp, partition.lastStableOffset());
subscriptions.updateLastStableOffset(tp, partition.lastStableOffset());
if (FetchResponse.isPreferredReplica(partition)) {
subscriptions.updatePreferredReadReplica(completedFetch.partition, partition.preferredReadReplica(), () -> {
long expireTimeMs = time.milliseconds() + metadata.metadataExpireMs();
log.debug("Updating preferred read replica for partition {} to {}, set to expire at {}", tp, partition.preferredReadReplica(), expireTimeMs);
return expireTimeMs;
nextCompletedFetch.initialized = true;
} else if (error == Errors.NOT_LEADER_OR_FOLLOWER || error == Errors.REPLICA_NOT_AVAILABLE || error == Errors.KAFKA_STORAGE_ERROR || error == Errors.FENCED_LEADER_EPOCH || error == Errors.OFFSET_NOT_AVAILABLE) {
log.debug("Error in fetch for partition {}: {}", tp, error.exceptionName());
} else if (error == Errors.UNKNOWN_TOPIC_OR_PARTITION) {
log.warn("Received unknown topic or partition error in fetch for partition {}", tp);
} else if (error == Errors.UNKNOWN_TOPIC_ID) {
log.warn("Received unknown topic ID error in fetch for partition {}", tp);
} else if (error == Errors.INCONSISTENT_TOPIC_ID) {
log.warn("Received inconsistent topic ID error in fetch for partition {}", tp);
} else if (error == Errors.OFFSET_OUT_OF_RANGE) {
Optional<Integer> clearedReplicaId = subscriptions.clearPreferredReadReplica(tp);
if (!clearedReplicaId.isPresent()) {
// If there's no preferred replica to clear, we're fetching from the leader so handle this error normally
FetchPosition position = subscriptions.position(tp);
if (position == null || fetchOffset != position.offset) {
log.debug("Discarding stale fetch response for partition {} since the fetched offset {} " + "does not match the current offset {}", tp, fetchOffset, position);
} else {
handleOffsetOutOfRange(position, tp);
} else {
log.debug("Unset the preferred read replica {} for partition {} since we got {} when fetching {}", clearedReplicaId.get(), tp, error, fetchOffset);
} else if (error == Errors.TOPIC_AUTHORIZATION_FAILED) {
// we log the actual partition and not just the topic to help with ACL propagation issues in large clusters
log.warn("Not authorized to read from partition {}.", tp);
throw new TopicAuthorizationException(Collections.singleton(tp.topic()));
} else if (error == Errors.UNKNOWN_LEADER_EPOCH) {
log.debug("Received unknown leader epoch error in fetch for partition {}", tp);
} else if (error == Errors.UNKNOWN_SERVER_ERROR) {
log.warn("Unknown server error while fetching offset {} for topic-partition {}", fetchOffset, tp);
} else if (error == Errors.CORRUPT_MESSAGE) {
throw new KafkaException("Encountered corrupt message when fetching offset " + fetchOffset + " for topic-partition " + tp);
} else {
throw new IllegalStateException("Unexpected error code " + error.code() + " while fetching at offset " + fetchOffset + " from topic-partition " + tp);
} finally {
if (completedFetch == null)
nextCompletedFetch.metricAggregator.record(tp, 0, 0);
if (error != Errors.NONE)
// we move the partition to the end if there was an error. This way, it's more likely that partitions for
// the same topic can remain together (allowing for more efficient serialization).
return completedFetch;
use of org.apache.kafka.clients.consumer.internals.SubscriptionState.FetchPosition in project kafka by apache.
the class Fetcher method fetchRecords.
private Fetch<K, V> fetchRecords(CompletedFetch completedFetch, int maxRecords) {
if (!subscriptions.isAssigned(completedFetch.partition)) {
// this can happen when a rebalance happened before fetched records are returned to the consumer's poll call
log.debug("Not returning fetched records for partition {} since it is no longer assigned", completedFetch.partition);
} else if (!subscriptions.isFetchable(completedFetch.partition)) {
// this can happen when a partition is paused before fetched records are returned to the consumer's
// poll call or if the offset is being reset
log.debug("Not returning fetched records for assigned partition {} since it is no longer fetchable", completedFetch.partition);
} else {
FetchPosition position = subscriptions.position(completedFetch.partition);
if (position == null) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Missing position for fetchable partition " + completedFetch.partition);
if (completedFetch.nextFetchOffset == position.offset) {
List<ConsumerRecord<K, V>> partRecords = completedFetch.fetchRecords(maxRecords);
log.trace("Returning {} fetched records at offset {} for assigned partition {}", partRecords.size(), position, completedFetch.partition);
boolean positionAdvanced = false;
if (completedFetch.nextFetchOffset > position.offset) {
FetchPosition nextPosition = new FetchPosition(completedFetch.nextFetchOffset, completedFetch.lastEpoch, position.currentLeader);
log.trace("Updating fetch position from {} to {} for partition {} and returning {} records from `poll()`", position, nextPosition, completedFetch.partition, partRecords.size());
subscriptions.position(completedFetch.partition, nextPosition);
positionAdvanced = true;
Long partitionLag = subscriptions.partitionLag(completedFetch.partition, isolationLevel);
if (partitionLag != null)
this.sensors.recordPartitionLag(completedFetch.partition, partitionLag);
Long lead = subscriptions.partitionLead(completedFetch.partition);
if (lead != null) {
this.sensors.recordPartitionLead(completedFetch.partition, lead);
return Fetch.forPartition(completedFetch.partition, partRecords, positionAdvanced);
} else {
// these records aren't next in line based on the last consumed position, ignore them
// they must be from an obsolete request
log.debug("Ignoring fetched records for {} at offset {} since the current position is {}", completedFetch.partition, completedFetch.nextFetchOffset, position);
log.trace("Draining fetched records for partition {}", completedFetch.partition);
return Fetch.empty();
use of org.apache.kafka.clients.consumer.internals.SubscriptionState.FetchPosition in project kafka by apache.
the class Fetcher method resetOffsetIfNeeded.
// Visible for testing
void resetOffsetIfNeeded(TopicPartition partition, OffsetResetStrategy requestedResetStrategy, ListOffsetData offsetData) {
FetchPosition position = new FetchPosition(offsetData.offset, // This will ensure we skip validation
Optional.empty(), metadata.currentLeader(partition));
offsetData.leaderEpoch.ifPresent(epoch -> metadata.updateLastSeenEpochIfNewer(partition, epoch));
subscriptions.maybeSeekUnvalidated(partition, position, requestedResetStrategy);
use of org.apache.kafka.clients.consumer.internals.SubscriptionState.FetchPosition in project kafka by apache.
the class Fetcher method validateOffsetsAsync.
* For each partition which needs validation, make an asynchronous request to get the end-offsets for the partition
* with the epoch less than or equal to the epoch the partition last saw.
* Requests are grouped by Node for efficiency.
private void validateOffsetsAsync(Map<TopicPartition, FetchPosition> partitionsToValidate) {
final Map<Node, Map<TopicPartition, FetchPosition>> regrouped = regroupFetchPositionsByLeader(partitionsToValidate);
long nextResetTimeMs = time.milliseconds() + requestTimeoutMs;
regrouped.forEach((node, fetchPositions) -> {
if (node.isEmpty()) {
NodeApiVersions nodeApiVersions = apiVersions.get(node.idString());
if (nodeApiVersions == null) {
if (!hasUsableOffsetForLeaderEpochVersion(nodeApiVersions)) {
log.debug("Skipping validation of fetch offsets for partitions {} since the broker does not " + "support the required protocol version (introduced in Kafka 2.3)", fetchPositions.keySet());
for (TopicPartition partition : fetchPositions.keySet()) {
subscriptions.setNextAllowedRetry(fetchPositions.keySet(), nextResetTimeMs);
RequestFuture<OffsetForEpochResult> future = offsetsForLeaderEpochClient.sendAsyncRequest(node, fetchPositions);
future.addListener(new RequestFutureListener<OffsetForEpochResult>() {
public void onSuccess(OffsetForEpochResult offsetsResult) {
List<SubscriptionState.LogTruncation> truncations = new ArrayList<>();
if (!offsetsResult.partitionsToRetry().isEmpty()) {
subscriptions.setNextAllowedRetry(offsetsResult.partitionsToRetry(), time.milliseconds() + retryBackoffMs);
// For each OffsetsForLeader response, check if the end-offset is lower than our current offset
// for the partition. If so, it means we have experienced log truncation and need to reposition
// that partition's offset.
// In addition, check whether the returned offset and epoch are valid. If not, then we should reset
// its offset if reset policy is configured, or throw out of range exception.
offsetsResult.endOffsets().forEach((topicPartition, respEndOffset) -> {
FetchPosition requestPosition = fetchPositions.get(topicPartition);
Optional<SubscriptionState.LogTruncation> truncationOpt = subscriptions.maybeCompleteValidation(topicPartition, requestPosition, respEndOffset);
if (!truncations.isEmpty()) {
public void onFailure(RuntimeException e) {
subscriptions.requestFailed(fetchPositions.keySet(), time.milliseconds() + retryBackoffMs);
if (!(e instanceof RetriableException)) {
use of org.apache.kafka.clients.consumer.internals.SubscriptionState.FetchPosition in project kafka by apache.
the class Fetcher method prepareFetchRequests.
* Create fetch requests for all nodes for which we have assigned partitions
* that have no existing requests in flight.
private Map<Node, FetchSessionHandler.FetchRequestData> prepareFetchRequests() {
Map<Node, FetchSessionHandler.Builder> fetchable = new LinkedHashMap<>();
long currentTimeMs = time.milliseconds();
Map<String, Uuid> topicIds = metadata.topicIds();
for (TopicPartition partition : fetchablePartitions()) {
FetchPosition position = this.subscriptions.position(partition);
if (position == null) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Missing position for fetchable partition " + partition);
Optional<Node> leaderOpt = position.currentLeader.leader;
if (!leaderOpt.isPresent()) {
log.debug("Requesting metadata update for partition {} since the position {} is missing the current leader node", partition, position);
// Use the preferred read replica if set, otherwise the position's leader
Node node = selectReadReplica(partition, leaderOpt.get(), currentTimeMs);
if (client.isUnavailable(node)) {
// If we try to send during the reconnect backoff window, then the request is just
// going to be failed anyway before being sent, so skip the send for now
log.trace("Skipping fetch for partition {} because node {} is awaiting reconnect backoff", partition, node);
} else if (this.nodesWithPendingFetchRequests.contains( {
log.trace("Skipping fetch for partition {} because previous request to {} has not been processed", partition, node);
} else {
// if there is a leader and no in-flight requests, issue a new fetch
FetchSessionHandler.Builder builder = fetchable.get(node);
if (builder == null) {
int id =;
FetchSessionHandler handler = sessionHandler(id);
if (handler == null) {
handler = new FetchSessionHandler(logContext, id);
sessionHandlers.put(id, handler);
builder = handler.newBuilder();
fetchable.put(node, builder);
builder.add(partition, new FetchRequest.PartitionData(topicIds.getOrDefault(partition.topic(), Uuid.ZERO_UUID), position.offset, FetchRequest.INVALID_LOG_START_OFFSET, this.fetchSize, position.currentLeader.epoch, Optional.empty()));
log.debug("Added {} fetch request for partition {} at position {} to node {}", isolationLevel, partition, position, node);
Map<Node, FetchSessionHandler.FetchRequestData> reqs = new LinkedHashMap<>();
for (Map.Entry<Node, FetchSessionHandler.Builder> entry : fetchable.entrySet()) {
reqs.put(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue().build());
return reqs;