use of org.apache.kafka.streams.errors.StreamsException in project kafka by apache.
the class InternalTopicManager method cleanUpCreatedTopics.
private void cleanUpCreatedTopics(final Set<String> topicsToCleanUp) {"Starting to clean up internal topics {}.", topicsToCleanUp);
final long now = time.milliseconds();
final long deadline = now + retryTimeoutMs;
final Set<String> topicsStillToCleanup = new HashSet<>(topicsToCleanUp);
while (!topicsStillToCleanup.isEmpty()) {"Going to cleanup internal topics: " + topicsStillToCleanup);
final DeleteTopicsResult deleteTopicsResult = adminClient.deleteTopics(topicsStillToCleanup);
final Map<String, KafkaFuture<Void>> deleteResultForTopic = deleteTopicsResult.topicNameValues();
while (!deleteResultForTopic.isEmpty()) {
for (final String topicName : new HashSet<>(topicsStillToCleanup)) {
if (!deleteResultForTopic.containsKey(topicName)) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Delete topic results do not contain internal topic " + topicName + " to clean up. " + BUG_ERROR_MESSAGE);
final KafkaFuture<Void> deleteResult = deleteResultForTopic.get(topicName);
if (deleteResult.isDone()) {
try {
} catch (final ExecutionException executionException) {
final Throwable cause = executionException.getCause();
if (cause instanceof UnknownTopicOrPartitionException) {"Internal topic {} to clean up is missing", topicName);
} else if (cause instanceof LeaderNotAvailableException) {"The leader of internal topic {} to clean up is not available.", topicName);
} else if (cause instanceof TimeoutException) {"Cleaning up internal topic {} timed out.", topicName);
} else {
log.error("Unexpected error during cleanup of internal topics: ", cause);
throw new StreamsException(String.format("Could not clean up internal topics %s, because during the cleanup " + "of topic %s the following error occurred: ", topicsStillToCleanup, topicName), cause);
} catch (final InterruptedException interruptedException) {
throw new InterruptException(interruptedException);
} finally {
maybeThrowTimeoutException(Collections.singletonList(topicsStillToCleanup), deadline, String.format("Could not cleanup internal topics within %d milliseconds. This can happen if the " + "Kafka cluster is temporarily not available or the broker did not complete topic creation " + "before the cleanup. The following internal topics could not be cleaned up: %s", retryTimeoutMs, topicsStillToCleanup));
if (!deleteResultForTopic.isEmpty()) {
maybeSleep(Collections.singletonList(topicsStillToCleanup), deadline, "validated");
}"Completed cleanup of internal topics {}.", topicsToCleanUp);
use of org.apache.kafka.streams.errors.StreamsException in project kafka by apache.
the class InternalTopicManager method doValidateTopic.
private <V> void doValidateTopic(final ValidationResult validationResult, final Map<String, KafkaFuture<V>> futuresForTopic, final Map<String, InternalTopicConfig> topicsConfigs, final Set<String> topicsStillToValidate, final BiConsumer<InternalTopicConfig, V> validator) {
for (final String topicName : new HashSet<>(topicsStillToValidate)) {
if (!futuresForTopic.containsKey(topicName)) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Description results do not contain topics to validate. " + BUG_ERROR_MESSAGE);
final KafkaFuture<V> future = futuresForTopic.get(topicName);
if (future.isDone()) {
try {
final V brokerSideTopicConfig = future.get();
final InternalTopicConfig streamsSideTopicConfig = topicsConfigs.get(topicName);
validator.accept(streamsSideTopicConfig, brokerSideTopicConfig);
} catch (final ExecutionException executionException) {
final Throwable cause = executionException.getCause();
if (cause instanceof UnknownTopicOrPartitionException) {"Internal topic {} is missing", topicName);
} else if (cause instanceof LeaderNotAvailableException) {"The leader of internal topic {} is not available.", topicName);
} else if (cause instanceof TimeoutException) {"Retrieving data for internal topic {} timed out.", topicName);
} else {
log.error("Unexpected error during internal topic validation: ", cause);
throw new StreamsException(String.format("Could not validate internal topic %s for the following reason: ", topicName), cause);
} catch (final InterruptedException interruptedException) {
throw new InterruptException(interruptedException);
} finally {
use of org.apache.kafka.streams.errors.StreamsException in project kafka by apache.
the class InternalTopicManager method getNumPartitions.
* Try to get the number of partitions for the given topics; return the number of partitions for topics that already exists.
* Topics that were not able to get its description will simply not be returned
// visible for testing
protected Map<String, Integer> getNumPartitions(final Set<String> topics, final Set<String> tempUnknownTopics) {
log.debug("Trying to check if topics {} have been created with expected number of partitions.", topics);
final DescribeTopicsResult describeTopicsResult = adminClient.describeTopics(topics);
final Map<String, KafkaFuture<TopicDescription>> futures = describeTopicsResult.topicNameValues();
final Map<String, Integer> existedTopicPartition = new HashMap<>();
for (final Map.Entry<String, KafkaFuture<TopicDescription>> topicFuture : futures.entrySet()) {
final String topicName = topicFuture.getKey();
try {
final TopicDescription topicDescription = topicFuture.getValue().get();
existedTopicPartition.put(topicName, topicDescription.partitions().size());
} catch (final InterruptedException fatalException) {
// this should not happen; if it ever happens it indicate a bug
log.error(INTERRUPTED_ERROR_MESSAGE, fatalException);
throw new IllegalStateException(INTERRUPTED_ERROR_MESSAGE, fatalException);
} catch (final ExecutionException couldNotDescribeTopicException) {
final Throwable cause = couldNotDescribeTopicException.getCause();
if (cause instanceof UnknownTopicOrPartitionException) {
// This topic didn't exist, proceed to try to create it
log.debug("Topic {} is unknown or not found, hence not existed yet.\n" + "Error message was: {}", topicName, cause.toString());
} else if (cause instanceof LeaderNotAvailableException) {
log.debug("The leader of topic {} is not available.\n" + "Error message was: {}", topicName, cause.toString());
} else {
log.error("Unexpected error during topic description for {}.\n" + "Error message was: {}", topicName, cause.toString());
throw new StreamsException(String.format("Could not create topic %s.", topicName), cause);
} catch (final TimeoutException retriableException) {
log.debug("Describing topic {} (to get number of partitions) timed out.\n" + "Error message was: {}", topicName, retriableException.toString());
return existedTopicPartition;
use of org.apache.kafka.streams.errors.StreamsException in project kafka by apache.
the class ProcessorNode method init.
public void init(final InternalProcessorContext<KOut, VOut> context) {
if (!closed)
throw new IllegalStateException("The processor is not closed");
try {
threadId = Thread.currentThread().getName();
internalProcessorContext = context;
if (processor != null) {
} catch (final Exception e) {
throw new StreamsException(String.format("failed to initialize processor %s", name), e);
// revived tasks could re-initialize the topology,
// in which case we should reset the flag
closed = false;
use of org.apache.kafka.streams.errors.StreamsException in project kafka by apache.
the class ProcessorStateManager method flush.
* @throws TaskMigratedException recoverable error sending changelog records that would cause the task to be removed
* @throws StreamsException fatal error when flushing the state store, for example sending changelog records failed
* or flushing state store get IO errors; such error should cause the thread to die
public void flush() {
RuntimeException firstException = null;
// attempting to flush the stores
if (!stores.isEmpty()) {
log.debug("Flushing all stores registered in the state manager: {}", stores);
for (final StateStoreMetadata metadata : stores.values()) {
final StateStore store = metadata.stateStore;
log.trace("Flushing store {}",;
try {
} catch (final RuntimeException exception) {
if (firstException == null) {
// do NOT wrap the error if it is actually caused by Streams itself
if (exception instanceof StreamsException)
firstException = exception;
firstException = new ProcessorStateException(format("%sFailed to flush state store %s", logPrefix,, exception);
log.error("Failed to flush state store {}: ",, exception);
if (firstException != null) {
throw firstException;