use of org.apache.kafka.streams.errors.StreamsException in project kafka by apache.
the class GlobalStreamThread method run.
public void run() {
final StateConsumer stateConsumer = initialize();
if (stateConsumer == null) {
// during initialization, the caller thread would wait for the state consumer
// to restore the global state store before transiting to RUNNING state and return;
// if an error happens during the restoration process, the stateConsumer will be null
// and in this case we will transit the state to PENDING_SHUTDOWN and DEAD immediately.
// the exception will be thrown in the caller thread during start() function.
log.error("Error happened during initialization of the global state store; this thread has shutdown.");
boolean wipeStateStore = false;
try {
while (stillRunning()) {
final long size = cacheSize.getAndSet(-1L);
if (size != -1L) {
} catch (final InvalidOffsetException recoverableException) {
wipeStateStore = true;
log.error("Updating global state failed due to inconsistent local state. Will attempt to clean up the local state. You can restart KafkaStreams to recover from this error.", recoverableException);
final StreamsException e = new StreamsException("Updating global state failed. You can restart KafkaStreams to launch a new GlobalStreamThread to recover from this error.", recoverableException);
} catch (final Exception e) {
log.error("Error happened while maintaining global state store. The streams application or client will now close to ERROR.", e);
} finally {
// set the state to pending shutdown first as it may be called due to error;
// its state may already be PENDING_SHUTDOWN so it will return false but we
// intentionally do not check the returned flag
setState(State.PENDING_SHUTDOWN);"Shutting down");
try {
} catch (final IOException e) {
log.error("Failed to close state maintainer due to the following error:", e);
setState(DEAD);"Shutdown complete");
use of org.apache.kafka.streams.errors.StreamsException in project kafka by apache.
the class StreamsPartitionAssignor method populateClientStatesMap.
* Builds a map from client to state, and readies each ClientState for assignment by adding any missing prev tasks
* and computing the per-task overall lag based on the fetched end offsets for each changelog.
* @param clientStates a map from each client to its state, including offset lags. Populated by this method.
* @param clientMetadataMap a map from each client to its full metadata
* @param taskForPartition map from topic partition to its corresponding task
* @param changelogTopics object that manages changelog topics
* @return whether we were able to successfully fetch the changelog end offsets and compute each client's lag
private boolean populateClientStatesMap(final Map<UUID, ClientState> clientStates, final Map<UUID, ClientMetadata> clientMetadataMap, final Map<TopicPartition, TaskId> taskForPartition, final ChangelogTopics changelogTopics) {
boolean fetchEndOffsetsSuccessful;
Map<TaskId, Long> allTaskEndOffsetSums;
try {
// Make the listOffsets request first so it can fetch the offsets for non-source changelogs
// asynchronously while we use the blocking Consumer#committed call to fetch source-changelog offsets
final KafkaFuture<Map<TopicPartition, ListOffsetsResultInfo>> endOffsetsFuture = fetchEndOffsetsFuture(changelogTopics.preExistingNonSourceTopicBasedPartitions(), adminClient);
final Map<TopicPartition, Long> sourceChangelogEndOffsets = fetchCommittedOffsets(changelogTopics.preExistingSourceTopicBasedPartitions(), mainConsumerSupplier.get());
final Map<TopicPartition, ListOffsetsResultInfo> endOffsets = ClientUtils.getEndOffsets(endOffsetsFuture);
allTaskEndOffsetSums = computeEndOffsetSumsByTask(endOffsets, sourceChangelogEndOffsets, changelogTopics);
fetchEndOffsetsSuccessful = true;
} catch (final StreamsException | TimeoutException e) {
allTaskEndOffsetSums = changelogTopics.statefulTaskIds().stream().collect(Collectors.toMap(t -> t, t -> UNKNOWN_OFFSET_SUM));
fetchEndOffsetsSuccessful = false;
for (final Map.Entry<UUID, ClientMetadata> entry : clientMetadataMap.entrySet()) {
final UUID uuid = entry.getKey();
final ClientState state = entry.getValue().state;
state.initializePrevTasks(taskForPartition, taskManager.topologyMetadata().hasNamedTopologies());
state.computeTaskLags(uuid, allTaskEndOffsetSums);
clientStates.put(uuid, state);
return fetchEndOffsetsSuccessful;
use of org.apache.kafka.streams.errors.StreamsException in project kafka by apache.
the class TaskManager method maybeWrapAndSetFirstException.
private void maybeWrapAndSetFirstException(final AtomicReference<RuntimeException> firstException, final RuntimeException exception, final TaskId taskId) {
if (exception instanceof StreamsException) {
((StreamsException) exception).setTaskId(taskId);
firstException.compareAndSet(null, exception);
} else {
firstException.compareAndSet(null, new StreamsException(exception, taskId));
use of org.apache.kafka.streams.errors.StreamsException in project kafka by apache.
the class TaskManager method handleAssignment.
* @throws TaskMigratedException if the task producer got fenced (EOS only)
* @throws StreamsException fatal error while creating / initializing the task
* public for upgrade testing only
public void handleAssignment(final Map<TaskId, Set<TopicPartition>> activeTasks, final Map<TaskId, Set<TopicPartition>> standbyTasks) {"Handle new assignment with:\n" + "\tNew active tasks: {}\n" + "\tNew standby tasks: {}\n" + "\tExisting active tasks: {}\n" + "\tExisting standby tasks: {}", activeTasks.keySet(), standbyTasks.keySet(), activeTaskIds(), standbyTaskIds());
topologyMetadata.addSubscribedTopicsFromAssignment(activeTasks.values().stream().flatMap(Collection::stream).collect(Collectors.toList()), logPrefix);
final LinkedHashMap<TaskId, RuntimeException> taskCloseExceptions = new LinkedHashMap<>();
final Map<TaskId, Set<TopicPartition>> activeTasksToCreate = new HashMap<>(activeTasks);
final Map<TaskId, Set<TopicPartition>> standbyTasksToCreate = new HashMap<>(standbyTasks);
final Comparator<Task> byId = Comparator.comparing(Task::id);
final Set<Task> tasksToRecycle = new TreeSet<>(byId);
final Set<Task> tasksToCloseClean = new TreeSet<>(byId);
final Set<Task> tasksToCloseDirty = new TreeSet<>(byId);
// first rectify all existing tasks
for (final Task task : tasks.allTasks()) {
if (activeTasks.containsKey( && task.isActive()) {
tasks.updateInputPartitionsAndResume(task, activeTasks.get(;
} else if (standbyTasks.containsKey( && !task.isActive()) {
tasks.updateInputPartitionsAndResume(task, standbyTasks.get(;
} else if (activeTasks.containsKey( || standbyTasks.containsKey( {
// check for tasks that were owned previously but have changed active/standby status
} else {
// close and recycle those tasks
handleCloseAndRecycle(tasksToRecycle, tasksToCloseClean, tasksToCloseDirty, activeTasksToCreate, standbyTasksToCreate, taskCloseExceptions);
if (!taskCloseExceptions.isEmpty()) {
log.error("Hit exceptions while closing / recycling tasks: {}", taskCloseExceptions);
for (final Map.Entry<TaskId, RuntimeException> entry : taskCloseExceptions.entrySet()) {
if (!(entry.getValue() instanceof TaskMigratedException)) {
final TaskId taskId = entry.getKey();
final RuntimeException exception = entry.getValue();
if (exception instanceof StreamsException) {
((StreamsException) exception).setTaskId(taskId);
throw exception;
} else if (exception instanceof KafkaException) {
throw new StreamsException(exception, taskId);
} else {
throw new StreamsException("Unexpected failure to close " + taskCloseExceptions.size() + " task(s) [" + taskCloseExceptions.keySet() + "]. " + "First unexpected exception (for task " + taskId + ") follows.", exception, taskId);
// If all exceptions are task-migrated, we would just throw the first one. No need to wrap with a
// StreamsException since TaskMigrated is handled explicitly by the StreamThread
final Map.Entry<TaskId, RuntimeException> first = taskCloseExceptions.entrySet().iterator().next();
throw first.getValue();
tasks.handleNewAssignmentAndCreateTasks(activeTasksToCreate, standbyTasksToCreate, activeTasks.keySet(), standbyTasks.keySet());
use of org.apache.kafka.streams.errors.StreamsException in project kafka by apache.
the class TaskExecutor method processTask.
private long processTask(final Task task, final int maxNumRecords, final long begin, final Time time) {
int processed = 0;
long now = begin;
final long then = now;
try {
while (processed < maxNumRecords && task.process(now)) {
// TODO: enable regardless of whether using named topologies
if (processed > 0 && hasNamedTopologies && processingMode != EXACTLY_ONCE_V2) {
log.trace("Successfully processed task {}",;
} catch (final TimeoutException timeoutException) {
// TODO consolidate TimeoutException retries with general error handling
task.maybeInitTaskTimeoutOrThrow(now, timeoutException);
log.error(String.format("Could not complete processing records for %s due to the following exception; will move to next task and retry later",, timeoutException);
} catch (final TaskMigratedException e) {"Failed to process stream task {} since it got migrated to another thread already. " + "Will trigger a new rebalance and close all tasks as zombies together.",;
throw e;
} catch (final StreamsException e) {
log.error(String.format("Failed to process stream task %s due to the following error:",, e);
throw e;
} catch (final RuntimeException e) {
log.error(String.format("Failed to process stream task %s due to the following error:",, e);
throw new StreamsException(e,;
} finally {
now = time.milliseconds();
task.recordProcessBatchTime(now - then);
return processed;