use of org.apache.kafka.streams.processor.internals.assignment.SubscriptionInfo.UNKNOWN_OFFSET_SUM in project kafka by apache.
the class StreamsPartitionAssignor method populateClientStatesMap.
* Builds a map from client to state, and readies each ClientState for assignment by adding any missing prev tasks
* and computing the per-task overall lag based on the fetched end offsets for each changelog.
* @param clientStates a map from each client to its state, including offset lags. Populated by this method.
* @param clientMetadataMap a map from each client to its full metadata
* @param taskForPartition map from topic partition to its corresponding task
* @param changelogTopics object that manages changelog topics
* @return whether we were able to successfully fetch the changelog end offsets and compute each client's lag
private boolean populateClientStatesMap(final Map<UUID, ClientState> clientStates, final Map<UUID, ClientMetadata> clientMetadataMap, final Map<TopicPartition, TaskId> taskForPartition, final ChangelogTopics changelogTopics) {
boolean fetchEndOffsetsSuccessful;
Map<TaskId, Long> allTaskEndOffsetSums;
try {
// Make the listOffsets request first so it can fetch the offsets for non-source changelogs
// asynchronously while we use the blocking Consumer#committed call to fetch source-changelog offsets
final KafkaFuture<Map<TopicPartition, ListOffsetsResultInfo>> endOffsetsFuture = fetchEndOffsetsFuture(changelogTopics.preExistingNonSourceTopicBasedPartitions(), adminClient);
final Map<TopicPartition, Long> sourceChangelogEndOffsets = fetchCommittedOffsets(changelogTopics.preExistingSourceTopicBasedPartitions(), mainConsumerSupplier.get());
final Map<TopicPartition, ListOffsetsResultInfo> endOffsets = ClientUtils.getEndOffsets(endOffsetsFuture);
allTaskEndOffsetSums = computeEndOffsetSumsByTask(endOffsets, sourceChangelogEndOffsets, changelogTopics);
fetchEndOffsetsSuccessful = true;
} catch (final StreamsException | TimeoutException e) {
allTaskEndOffsetSums = changelogTopics.statefulTaskIds().stream().collect(Collectors.toMap(t -> t, t -> UNKNOWN_OFFSET_SUM));
fetchEndOffsetsSuccessful = false;
for (final Map.Entry<UUID, ClientMetadata> entry : clientMetadataMap.entrySet()) {
final UUID uuid = entry.getKey();
final ClientState state = entry.getValue().state;
state.initializePrevTasks(taskForPartition, taskManager.topologyMetadata().hasNamedTopologies());
state.computeTaskLags(uuid, allTaskEndOffsetSums);
clientStates.put(uuid, state);
return fetchEndOffsetsSuccessful;