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Example 1 with ConnectFuture

use of org.apache.mina.core.future.ConnectFuture in project camel by apache.

the class Mina2Producer method openConnection.

private void openConnection() {
    if (this.address == null || !this.configuration.isCachedAddress()) {
    if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
        LOG.debug("Creating connector to address: {} using connector: {} timeout: {} millis.", address, connector, timeout);
    // connect and wait until the connection is established
    if (connectorConfig != null) {
    ConnectFuture future = connector.connect(address);
    session = future.getSession();
Also used : ConnectFuture(org.apache.mina.core.future.ConnectFuture)

Example 2 with ConnectFuture

use of org.apache.mina.core.future.ConnectFuture in project opennms by OpenNMS.

the class AsyncBasicDetectorMinaImpl method isServiceDetected.

 * {@inheritDoc}
public final DetectFuture isServiceDetected(final InetAddress address) {
    final DetectFutureMinaImpl detectFuture = new DetectFutureMinaImpl(this);
    try {
        // Set this up here because it can throw an Exception, which we want
        // to throw now, not in initializeSession
        final SSLContext c = createClientSSLContext();
        // Create an IoSessionInitializer that will configure this individual
        // session. Previously, all this was done on a new Connector each time
        // but that was leaking file handles all over the place. This way gives
        // us per-connection settings without the overhead of creating new
        // Connectors each time
        IoSessionInitializer<ConnectFuture> init = new IoSessionInitializer<ConnectFuture>() {

            public void initializeSession(IoSession session, ConnectFuture future) {
                // Add filters to the session
                if (isUseSSLFilter()) {
                    final SslFilter filter = new SslFilter(c);
                    session.getFilterChain().addFirst("SSL", filter);
                session.getFilterChain().addLast("logger", getLoggingFilter() != null ? getLoggingFilter() : new SlightlyMoreVerboseLoggingFilter());
                session.getFilterChain().addLast("codec", getProtocolCodecFilter());
                // Make the minimum idle timeout 1 second
                int idleTimeInSeconds = Math.max(1, Math.round(getIdleTime() / 1000.0f));
                // Set all of the idle time limits. Make sure to specify values in
                // seconds!!!
        // Start communication
        final InetSocketAddress socketAddress = new InetSocketAddress(address, getPort());
        final ConnectFuture cf = m_connectionFactory.connect(socketAddress, init, createDetectorHandler(detectFuture));
        cf.addListener(retryAttemptListener(detectFuture, socketAddress, init, getRetries()));
    } catch (KeyManagementException e) {
    } catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException e) {
    } catch (Throwable e) {
    return detectFuture;
Also used : SslFilter(org.apache.mina.filter.ssl.SslFilter) InetSocketAddress( SSLContext( ConnectFuture(org.apache.mina.core.future.ConnectFuture) NoSuchAlgorithmException( KeyManagementException( IoSessionInitializer(org.apache.mina.core.session.IoSessionInitializer) IoSession(org.apache.mina.core.session.IoSession)

Example 3 with ConnectFuture

use of org.apache.mina.core.future.ConnectFuture in project opennms by OpenNMS.

the class ConnectionFactoryConnectorPoolImpl method connect.

 * <p>Connect to a remote socket. If org.opennms.netmgt.provision.maxConcurrentConnections
 * is set, this may block until a connection slot is available.</p>
 * <p>You must dispose both the {@link ConnectionFactoryConnectorPoolImpl} and {@link ConnectFuture} when done
 * by calling {@link #dispose(ConnectionFactoryConnectorPoolImpl, ConnectFuture)}.</p>
 * @param remoteAddress
 * 		Destination address
 * @param init
 * 		Initialiser for the IoSession
 * @return
 * 		ConnectFuture from a Mina connect call
public ConnectFuture connect(SocketAddress remoteAddress, IoSessionInitializer<? extends ConnectFuture> init, IoHandler handler) {
    for (int retries = 0; retries < 3; retries++) {
        synchronized (m_connectorMutex) {
            if (m_connector == null) {
                // Sanity check for null connector instance
                LOG.debug("Found a null NioSocketConnector, creating a new one with timeout {}", getTimeout());
                m_connector = getSocketConnector(getTimeout(), handler);
            try {
                     * Set the handler each time since we are reusing this connector for every incoming
                     * connect() call.
                InetSocketAddress localAddress = null;
                synchronized (m_portMutex) {
                    if (m_port == null) {
                        // Fetch a new ephemeral port
                        localAddress = new InetSocketAddress(InetAddressUtils.getLocalHostAddress(), 0);
                        m_port = localAddress.getPort();
                    } else {
                        localAddress = new InetSocketAddress(InetAddressUtils.getLocalHostAddress(), m_port);
                     * Use the 3-argument call to connect(). If you use the 2-argument version without
                     * the localhost port, the call will end up doing a name lookup which seems to fail
                     * intermittently in unit tests.
                     * @see
                ConnectFuture cf = m_connector.connect(remoteAddress, localAddress, init);
                cf.addListener(portSwitcher(m_connector, remoteAddress, init, handler));
                return cf;
            } catch (Throwable e) {
                LOG.debug("Caught exception on factory {}, retrying: {}", this, e);
                m_connector = getSocketConnector(getTimeout(), handler);
    throw new IllegalStateException("Could not connect to socket because of excessive RejectedExecutionExceptions");
Also used : InetSocketAddress( ConnectFuture(org.apache.mina.core.future.ConnectFuture)

Example 4 with ConnectFuture

use of org.apache.mina.core.future.ConnectFuture in project pancm_project by xuwujing.

the class MinaClient method main.

 * The entry point of application.
 * @param args the input arguments
    * 测试服务端与客户端程序!
    a. 启动服务端,然后再启动客户端(客户端发送的消息是"why are you so diao ")
    b. 服务端接收消息并处理成功;
public static void main(String[] args) {
    // 创建一个非阻塞的客户端程序
    IoConnector connector = new NioSocketConnector();
    // 设置链接超时时间
    ProtocolCodecFilter pf = new ProtocolCodecFilter((new MyTextLineCodecFactory(Charset.forName("utf-8"), "\r\n")));
    // 添加过滤器
    connector.getFilterChain().addLast("codec", pf);
    // 添加业务逻辑处理器类
    connector.setHandler(new MinaClientHandler());
    IoSession session = null;
    try {
        ConnectFuture future = connector.connect(new InetSocketAddress(HOST, // 创建连接
        // 等待连接创建完成
        // 获得session
        session = future.getSession();
        String msg = "hello \r\n";
        // 发送消息
        session.write(msg);"客户端与服务端建立连接成功...发送的消息为:" + msg);
    } catch (Exception e) {
        logger.error("客户端链接异常...", e);
    // 等待连接断开
Also used : NioSocketConnector(org.apache.mina.transport.socket.nio.NioSocketConnector) InetSocketAddress( ConnectFuture(org.apache.mina.core.future.ConnectFuture) IoConnector(org.apache.mina.core.service.IoConnector) ProtocolCodecFilter(org.apache.mina.filter.codec.ProtocolCodecFilter) IoSession(org.apache.mina.core.session.IoSession)

Example 5 with ConnectFuture

use of org.apache.mina.core.future.ConnectFuture in project pancm_project by xuwujing.

the class MinaClient method main.

 * The entry point of application.
 * @param args the input arguments
    * 测试服务端与客户端程序!
    a. 启动服务端,然后再启动客户端
    b. 服务端接收消息并处理成功;
public static void main(String[] args) {
    // 设置链接超时时间
    // 添加过滤器  可序列话的对象
    connector.getFilterChain().addLast("codec", new ProtocolCodecFilter(new ObjectSerializationCodecFactory()));
    // 添加业务逻辑处理器类
    connector.setHandler(new MinaClientHandler());
    ConnectFuture future = connector.connect(new InetSocketAddress(HOST, // 创建连接
    // 等待连接创建完成
    // 获得session
    session = future.getSession();
Also used : ObjectSerializationCodecFactory(org.apache.mina.filter.codec.serialization.ObjectSerializationCodecFactory) InetSocketAddress( ConnectFuture(org.apache.mina.core.future.ConnectFuture) ProtocolCodecFilter(org.apache.mina.filter.codec.ProtocolCodecFilter)


ConnectFuture (org.apache.mina.core.future.ConnectFuture)14 InetSocketAddress ( IoSession (org.apache.mina.core.session.IoSession)3 IOException ( RuntimeIoException (org.apache.mina.core.RuntimeIoException)2 ProtocolCodecFilter (org.apache.mina.filter.codec.ProtocolCodecFilter)2 NioSocketConnector (org.apache.mina.transport.socket.nio.NioSocketConnector)2 ConnectException ( SocketAddress ( URI ( UnresolvedAddressException (java.nio.channels.UnresolvedAddressException)1 KeyManagementException ( NoSuchAlgorithmException ( SSLContext ( BinaryAttributeDetector ( DefaultConfigurableBinaryAttributeDetector ( LdapMessageContainer ( MessageDecorator ( SchemaBinaryAttributeDetector ( LdapOtherException (