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Example 1 with BinaryAttributeDetector

use of in project directory-ldap-api by apache.

the class LdapNetworkConnection method connect.

// -------------------------- The methods ---------------------------//
 * {@inheritDoc}
public boolean connect() throws LdapException {
    if ((ldapSession != null) && connected.get()) {
        // No need to connect if we already have a connected session
        return true;
    // Create the connector if needed
    if (connector == null) {
    // Build the connection address
    SocketAddress address = new InetSocketAddress(config.getLdapHost(), config.getLdapPort());
    // And create the connection future
    timeout = config.getTimeout();
    long maxRetry = System.currentTimeMillis() + timeout;
    ConnectFuture connectionFuture = null;
    boolean interrupted = false;
    while (maxRetry > System.currentTimeMillis() && !interrupted) {
        connectionFuture = connector.connect(address);
        boolean result = false;
        // Wait until it's established
        try {
            result = connectionFuture.await(timeout);
        } catch (InterruptedException e) {
            connector = null;
            LOG.debug(I18n.msg(I18n.MSG_03221_INTERRUPTED_WAITING_FOR_CONNECTION, config.getLdapHost(), config.getLdapPort()), e);
            interrupted = true;
            throw new LdapOtherException(e.getMessage(), e);
        } finally {
            if (result) {
                boolean isConnected = connectionFuture.isConnected();
                if (!isConnected) {
                    Throwable connectionException = connectionFuture.getException();
                    if ((connectionException instanceof ConnectException) || (connectionException instanceof UnresolvedAddressException)) {
                        // We know that there was a permanent error such as "connection refused".
                        if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
                            LOG.debug(I18n.msg(I18n.MSG_03245_CONNECTION_ERROR, connectionFuture.getException().getMessage()));
                    if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
                    // Wait 500 ms and retry
                    try {
                    } catch (InterruptedException e) {
                        connector = null;
                        LOG.debug(I18n.msg(I18n.MSG_03221_INTERRUPTED_WAITING_FOR_CONNECTION, config.getLdapHost(), config.getLdapPort()), e);
                        interrupted = true;
                        throw new LdapOtherException(e.getMessage(), e);
                } else {
    if (connectionFuture == null) {
        throw new InvalidConnectionException("Cannot connect");
    boolean isConnected = connectionFuture.isConnected();
    if (!isConnected) {
        // disposing connector if not connected
        try {
        } catch (IOException ioe) {
        // Nothing to do
        Throwable e = connectionFuture.getException();
        if (e != null) {
            StringBuilder message = new StringBuilder("Cannot connect to the server: ");
            // (most of the time no message is associated with this exception)
            if ((e instanceof UnresolvedAddressException) && (e.getMessage() == null)) {
                message.append("Hostname '");
                message.append("' could not be resolved.");
                throw new InvalidConnectionException(message.toString(), e);
            // Default case
            throw new InvalidConnectionException(message.toString(), e);
        return false;
    // Get the close future for this session
    CloseFuture closeFuture = connectionFuture.getSession().getCloseFuture();
    // Add a listener to close the session in the session.
    closeFuture.addListener(new IoFutureListener<IoFuture>() {

        public void operationComplete(IoFuture future) {
            // Process all the waiting operations and cancel them
            for (ResponseFuture<?> responseFuture : futureMap.values()) {
                LOG.debug(I18n.msg(I18n.MSG_03235_CLOSING, responseFuture));
                try {
                    if (responseFuture instanceof AddFuture) {
                        ((AddFuture) responseFuture).set(AddNoDResponse.PROTOCOLERROR);
                    } else if (responseFuture instanceof BindFuture) {
                        ((BindFuture) responseFuture).set(BindNoDResponse.PROTOCOLERROR);
                    } else if (responseFuture instanceof CompareFuture) {
                        ((CompareFuture) responseFuture).set(CompareNoDResponse.PROTOCOLERROR);
                    } else if (responseFuture instanceof DeleteFuture) {
                        ((DeleteFuture) responseFuture).set(DeleteNoDResponse.PROTOCOLERROR);
                    } else if (responseFuture instanceof ExtendedFuture) {
                        ((ExtendedFuture) responseFuture).set(ExtendedNoDResponse.PROTOCOLERROR);
                    } else if (responseFuture instanceof ModifyFuture) {
                        ((ModifyFuture) responseFuture).set(ModifyNoDResponse.PROTOCOLERROR);
                    } else if (responseFuture instanceof ModifyDnFuture) {
                        ((ModifyDnFuture) responseFuture).set(ModifyDnNoDResponse.PROTOCOLERROR);
                    } else if (responseFuture instanceof SearchFuture) {
                        ((SearchFuture) responseFuture).set(SearchNoDResponse.PROTOCOLERROR);
                } catch (InterruptedException e) {
                    LOG.error(I18n.err(I18n.ERR_03202_ERROR_PROCESSING_NOD, responseFuture), e);
    // Get back the session
    ldapSession = connectionFuture.getSession();
    // Store the container into the session if we don't have one
    @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") LdapMessageContainer<MessageDecorator<? extends Message>> container = (LdapMessageContainer<MessageDecorator<? extends Message>>) ldapSession.getAttribute(LdapDecoder.MESSAGE_CONTAINER_ATTR);
    if (container != null) {
        if ((schemaManager != null) && !(container.getBinaryAttributeDetector() instanceof SchemaBinaryAttributeDetector)) {
            container.setBinaryAttributeDetector(new SchemaBinaryAttributeDetector(schemaManager));
    } else {
        BinaryAttributeDetector atDetector = new DefaultConfigurableBinaryAttributeDetector();
        if (schemaManager != null) {
            atDetector = new SchemaBinaryAttributeDetector(schemaManager);
        ldapSession.setAttribute(LdapDecoder.MESSAGE_CONTAINER_ATTR, new LdapMessageContainer<MessageDecorator<? extends Message>>(codec, atDetector));
    // Initialize the MessageId
    // And return
    return true;
Also used : LdapMessageContainer( ModifyFuture( Message( InetSocketAddress( IoFuture(org.apache.mina.core.future.IoFuture) ConnectFuture(org.apache.mina.core.future.ConnectFuture) BindFuture( ModifyDnFuture( InvalidConnectionException( DefaultConfigurableBinaryAttributeDetector( UnresolvedAddressException(java.nio.channels.UnresolvedAddressException) SocketAddress( InetSocketAddress( CompareFuture( SchemaBinaryAttributeDetector( LdapOtherException( ConnectException( CloseFuture(org.apache.mina.core.future.CloseFuture) ResponseFuture( ExtendedFuture( IOException( SchemaBinaryAttributeDetector( DefaultConfigurableBinaryAttributeDetector( BinaryAttributeDetector( DeleteFuture( MessageDecorator( AddFuture( SearchFuture(

Example 2 with BinaryAttributeDetector

use of in project directory-ldap-api by apache.

the class QuirkySchemaTest method createFakeConnection.

private LdapConnection createFakeConnection(final String schemaFileName) {
    return new LdapConnection() {

        public void unBind() throws LdapException {

        public void setTimeOut(long timeOut) {

        public void setSchemaManager(SchemaManager schemaManager) {

        public void setBinaryAttributeDetector(BinaryAttributeDetector binaryAttributeDetecter) {

        public SearchCursor search(SearchRequest searchRequest) throws LdapException {
            return null;

        public EntryCursor search(String baseDn, String filter, SearchScope scope, String... attributes) throws LdapException {
            return null;

        public EntryCursor search(Dn baseDn, String filter, SearchScope scope, String... attributes) throws LdapException {
            return null;

        public void rename(Dn entryDn, Rdn newRdn, boolean deleteOldRdn) throws LdapException {

        public void rename(String entryDn, String newRdn, boolean deleteOldRdn) throws LdapException {

        public void rename(Dn entryDn, Rdn newRdn) throws LdapException {

        public void rename(String entryDn, String newRdn) throws LdapException {

        public void moveAndRename(String entryDn, String newDn, boolean deleteOldRdn) throws LdapException {

        public void moveAndRename(Dn entryDn, Dn newDn, boolean deleteOldRdn) throws LdapException {

        public void moveAndRename(String entryDn, String newDn) throws LdapException {

        public void moveAndRename(Dn entryDn, Dn newDn) throws LdapException {

        public void move(Dn entryDn, Dn newSuperiorDn) throws LdapException {

        public void move(String entryDn, String newSuperiorDn) throws LdapException {

        public ModifyDnResponse modifyDn(ModifyDnRequest modDnRequest) throws LdapException {
            return null;

        public ModifyResponse modify(ModifyRequest modRequest) throws LdapException {
            return null;

        public void modify(Entry entry, ModificationOperation modOp) throws LdapException {

        public void modify(String dn, Modification... modifications) throws LdapException {

        public void modify(Dn dn, Modification... modifications) throws LdapException {

        public Entry lookup(String dn, Control[] controls, String... attributes) throws LdapException {
            return lookup(new Dn(dn));

        public Entry lookup(String dn, String... attributes) throws LdapException {
            return lookup(new Dn(dn));

        public Entry lookup(Dn dn, Control[] controls, String... attributes) throws LdapException {
            return lookup(dn);

        public Entry lookup(Dn dn, String... attributes) throws LdapException {
            return lookup(dn);

        public Entry lookup(String dn) throws LdapException {
            return lookup(new Dn(dn));

        public Entry lookup(Dn dn) throws LdapException {
            if (dn.isRootDse()) {
                Entry entry = new DefaultEntry(dn);
                entry.add(SchemaConstants.SUBSCHEMA_SUBENTRY_AT, SCHEMA_DN);
                return entry;
            } else if (dn.toString().equals(SCHEMA_DN)) {
                Entry entry = loadSchemaEntry(schemaFileName);
                return entry;
            } else {
                throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Unexpected DN " + dn);

        public void loadSchemaRelaxed() throws LdapException {

        public void loadSchema() throws LdapException {

        public boolean isRequestCompleted(int messageId) {
            return true;

        public boolean isControlSupported(String controlOID) throws LdapException {
            return true;

        public boolean isConnected() {
            return true;

        public boolean isAuthenticated() {
            return false;

        public List<String> getSupportedControls() throws LdapException {
            return null;

        public SchemaManager getSchemaManager() {
            return null;

        public Entry getRootDse(String... attributes) throws LdapException {
            return lookup(Dn.ROOT_DSE);

        public Entry getRootDse() throws LdapException {
            return lookup(Dn.ROOT_DSE);

        public LdapApiService getCodecService() {
            return null;

        public BinaryAttributeDetector getBinaryAttributeDetector() {
            return null;

        public ExtendedResponse extended(ExtendedRequest extendedRequest) throws LdapException {
            return null;

        public ExtendedResponse extended(Oid oid, byte[] value) throws LdapException {
            return null;

        public ExtendedResponse extended(Oid oid) throws LdapException {
            return null;

        public ExtendedResponse extended(String oid, byte[] value) throws LdapException {
            return null;

        public ExtendedResponse extended(String oid) throws LdapException {
            return null;

        public boolean exists(Dn dn) throws LdapException {
            return false;

        public boolean exists(String dn) throws LdapException {
            return false;

        public boolean doesFutureExistFor(int messageId) {
            return false;

        public DeleteResponse delete(DeleteRequest deleteRequest) throws LdapException {
            return null;

        public void delete(Dn dn) throws LdapException {

        public void delete(String dn) throws LdapException {

        public boolean connect() throws LdapException {
            return true;

        public CompareResponse compare(CompareRequest compareRequest) throws LdapException {
            return null;

        public boolean compare(Dn dn, String attributeName, byte[] value) throws LdapException {
            return false;

        public boolean compare(Dn dn, String attributeName, String value) throws LdapException {
            return false;

        public boolean compare(String dn, String attributeName, byte[] value) throws LdapException {
            return false;

        public boolean compare(String dn, String attributeName, String value) throws LdapException {
            return false;

        public void close() throws IOException {

        public BindResponse bind(BindRequest bindRequest) throws LdapException {
            return null;

        public void bind(Dn name, String credentials) throws LdapException {

        public void bind(Dn name) throws LdapException {

        public void bind(String name, String credentials) throws LdapException {

        public void bind(String name) throws LdapException {

        public void bind() throws LdapException {

        public void anonymousBind() throws LdapException {

        public AddResponse add(AddRequest addRequest) throws LdapException {
            return null;

        public void add(Entry entry) throws LdapException {

        public void abandon(AbandonRequest abandonRequest) {

        public void abandon(int messageId) {

        public boolean compare(String dn, String attributeName, Value value) throws LdapException {
            // TODO Auto-generated method stub
            return false;

        public boolean compare(Dn dn, String attributeName, Value value) throws LdapException {
            // TODO Auto-generated method stub
            return false;

        public BindResponse bind(SaslRequest saslRequest) throws LdapException {
            // TODO Auto-generated method stub
            return null;
Also used : SearchRequest( Modification( BindRequest( AbandonRequest( DefaultEntry( Dn( DefaultSchemaManager( SchemaManager( ModifyDnRequest( ModifyRequest( Oid( BinaryAttributeDetector( AddRequest( DefaultEntry( Entry( LdifEntry( CompareRequest( ModificationOperation( ExtendedRequest( SearchScope( Value( Rdn( DeleteRequest(


BinaryAttributeDetector ( IOException ( ConnectException ( InetSocketAddress ( SocketAddress ( UnresolvedAddressException (java.nio.channels.UnresolvedAddressException)1 Oid ( DefaultConfigurableBinaryAttributeDetector ( LdapMessageContainer ( MessageDecorator ( SchemaBinaryAttributeDetector ( DefaultEntry ( Entry ( Modification ( ModificationOperation ( Value ( LdapOtherException ( LdifEntry ( AbandonRequest ( AddRequest (