Search in sources :

Example 1 with ModificationOperation

use of in project directory-ldap-api by apache.

the class ModifyRequestDsml method toDsml.

 * {@inheritDoc}
public Element toDsml(Element root) {
    Element element = super.toDsml(root);
    ModifyRequest request = getDecorated();
    // Dn
    if (request.getName() != null) {
        element.addAttribute("dn", request.getName().getName());
    // Modifications
    Collection<Modification> modifications = request.getModifications();
    for (Modification modification : modifications) {
        Element modElement = element.addElement("modification");
        if (modification.getAttribute() != null) {
            modElement.addAttribute("name", modification.getAttribute().getId());
            for (Value value : modification.getAttribute()) {
                if (value.getValue() != null) {
                    if (ParserUtils.needsBase64Encoding(value.getValue())) {
                        Namespace xsdNamespace = new Namespace("xsd", ParserUtils.XML_SCHEMA_URI);
                        Namespace xsiNamespace = new Namespace("xsi", ParserUtils.XML_SCHEMA_INSTANCE_URI);
                        Element valueElement = modElement.addElement("value").addText(ParserUtils.base64Encode(value.getValue()));
                        valueElement.addAttribute(new QName("type", xsiNamespace), "xsd:" + ParserUtils.BASE64BINARY);
                    } else {
        ModificationOperation operation = modification.getOperation();
        if (operation == ModificationOperation.ADD_ATTRIBUTE) {
            modElement.addAttribute("operation", "add");
        } else if (operation == ModificationOperation.REPLACE_ATTRIBUTE) {
            modElement.addAttribute("operation", "replace");
        } else if (operation == ModificationOperation.REMOVE_ATTRIBUTE) {
            modElement.addAttribute("operation", "delete");
    return element;
Also used : DefaultModification( Modification( ModificationOperation( QName(org.dom4j.QName) Element(org.dom4j.Element) Value( ModifyRequest( Namespace(org.dom4j.Namespace)

Example 2 with ModificationOperation

use of in project directory-ldap-api by apache.

the class QuirkySchemaTest method createFakeConnection.

private LdapConnection createFakeConnection(final String schemaFileName) {
    return new LdapConnection() {

        public void unBind() throws LdapException {

        public void setTimeOut(long timeOut) {

        public void setSchemaManager(SchemaManager schemaManager) {

        public void setBinaryAttributeDetector(BinaryAttributeDetector binaryAttributeDetecter) {

        public SearchCursor search(SearchRequest searchRequest) throws LdapException {
            return null;

        public EntryCursor search(String baseDn, String filter, SearchScope scope, String... attributes) throws LdapException {
            return null;

        public EntryCursor search(Dn baseDn, String filter, SearchScope scope, String... attributes) throws LdapException {
            return null;

        public void rename(Dn entryDn, Rdn newRdn, boolean deleteOldRdn) throws LdapException {

        public void rename(String entryDn, String newRdn, boolean deleteOldRdn) throws LdapException {

        public void rename(Dn entryDn, Rdn newRdn) throws LdapException {

        public void rename(String entryDn, String newRdn) throws LdapException {

        public void moveAndRename(String entryDn, String newDn, boolean deleteOldRdn) throws LdapException {

        public void moveAndRename(Dn entryDn, Dn newDn, boolean deleteOldRdn) throws LdapException {

        public void moveAndRename(String entryDn, String newDn) throws LdapException {

        public void moveAndRename(Dn entryDn, Dn newDn) throws LdapException {

        public void move(Dn entryDn, Dn newSuperiorDn) throws LdapException {

        public void move(String entryDn, String newSuperiorDn) throws LdapException {

        public ModifyDnResponse modifyDn(ModifyDnRequest modDnRequest) throws LdapException {
            return null;

        public ModifyResponse modify(ModifyRequest modRequest) throws LdapException {
            return null;

        public void modify(Entry entry, ModificationOperation modOp) throws LdapException {

        public void modify(String dn, Modification... modifications) throws LdapException {

        public void modify(Dn dn, Modification... modifications) throws LdapException {

        public Entry lookup(String dn, Control[] controls, String... attributes) throws LdapException {
            return lookup(new Dn(dn));

        public Entry lookup(String dn, String... attributes) throws LdapException {
            return lookup(new Dn(dn));

        public Entry lookup(Dn dn, Control[] controls, String... attributes) throws LdapException {
            return lookup(dn);

        public Entry lookup(Dn dn, String... attributes) throws LdapException {
            return lookup(dn);

        public Entry lookup(String dn) throws LdapException {
            return lookup(new Dn(dn));

        public Entry lookup(Dn dn) throws LdapException {
            if (dn.isRootDse()) {
                Entry entry = new DefaultEntry(dn);
                entry.add(SchemaConstants.SUBSCHEMA_SUBENTRY_AT, SCHEMA_DN);
                return entry;
            } else if (dn.toString().equals(SCHEMA_DN)) {
                Entry entry = loadSchemaEntry(schemaFileName);
                return entry;
            } else {
                throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Unexpected DN " + dn);

        public void loadSchemaRelaxed() throws LdapException {

        public void loadSchema() throws LdapException {

        public boolean isRequestCompleted(int messageId) {
            return true;

        public boolean isControlSupported(String controlOID) throws LdapException {
            return true;

        public boolean isConnected() {
            return true;

        public boolean isAuthenticated() {
            return false;

        public List<String> getSupportedControls() throws LdapException {
            return null;

        public SchemaManager getSchemaManager() {
            return null;

        public Entry getRootDse(String... attributes) throws LdapException {
            return lookup(Dn.ROOT_DSE);

        public Entry getRootDse() throws LdapException {
            return lookup(Dn.ROOT_DSE);

        public LdapApiService getCodecService() {
            return null;

        public BinaryAttributeDetector getBinaryAttributeDetector() {
            return null;

        public ExtendedResponse extended(ExtendedRequest extendedRequest) throws LdapException {
            return null;

        public ExtendedResponse extended(Oid oid, byte[] value) throws LdapException {
            return null;

        public ExtendedResponse extended(Oid oid) throws LdapException {
            return null;

        public ExtendedResponse extended(String oid, byte[] value) throws LdapException {
            return null;

        public ExtendedResponse extended(String oid) throws LdapException {
            return null;

        public boolean exists(Dn dn) throws LdapException {
            return false;

        public boolean exists(String dn) throws LdapException {
            return false;

        public boolean doesFutureExistFor(int messageId) {
            return false;

        public DeleteResponse delete(DeleteRequest deleteRequest) throws LdapException {
            return null;

        public void delete(Dn dn) throws LdapException {

        public void delete(String dn) throws LdapException {

        public boolean connect() throws LdapException {
            return true;

        public CompareResponse compare(CompareRequest compareRequest) throws LdapException {
            return null;

        public boolean compare(Dn dn, String attributeName, byte[] value) throws LdapException {
            return false;

        public boolean compare(Dn dn, String attributeName, String value) throws LdapException {
            return false;

        public boolean compare(String dn, String attributeName, byte[] value) throws LdapException {
            return false;

        public boolean compare(String dn, String attributeName, String value) throws LdapException {
            return false;

        public void close() throws IOException {

        public BindResponse bind(BindRequest bindRequest) throws LdapException {
            return null;

        public void bind(Dn name, String credentials) throws LdapException {

        public void bind(Dn name) throws LdapException {

        public void bind(String name, String credentials) throws LdapException {

        public void bind(String name) throws LdapException {

        public void bind() throws LdapException {

        public void anonymousBind() throws LdapException {

        public AddResponse add(AddRequest addRequest) throws LdapException {
            return null;

        public void add(Entry entry) throws LdapException {

        public void abandon(AbandonRequest abandonRequest) {

        public void abandon(int messageId) {

        public boolean compare(String dn, String attributeName, Value value) throws LdapException {
            // TODO Auto-generated method stub
            return false;

        public boolean compare(Dn dn, String attributeName, Value value) throws LdapException {
            // TODO Auto-generated method stub
            return false;

        public BindResponse bind(SaslRequest saslRequest) throws LdapException {
            // TODO Auto-generated method stub
            return null;
Also used : SearchRequest( Modification( BindRequest( AbandonRequest( DefaultEntry( Dn( DefaultSchemaManager( SchemaManager( ModifyDnRequest( ModifyRequest( Oid( BinaryAttributeDetector( AddRequest( DefaultEntry( Entry( LdifEntry( CompareRequest( ModificationOperation( ExtendedRequest( SearchScope( Value( Rdn( DeleteRequest(

Example 3 with ModificationOperation

use of in project directory-ldap-api by apache.

the class LdifReader method parseModify.

 * Parse a modify change type.
 * The grammar is :
 * <pre>
 * &lt;changerecord&gt; ::= "changetype:" FILL "modify" SEP &lt;mod-spec&gt; &lt;mod-specs-e&gt;
 * &lt;mod-spec&gt; ::= "add:" &lt;mod-val&gt; | "delete:" &lt;mod-val-del&gt; | "replace:" &lt;mod-val&gt;
 * &lt;mod-specs-e&gt; ::= &lt;mod-spec&gt;
 * &lt;mod-specs-e&gt; | e
 * &lt;mod-val&gt; ::= FILL ATTRIBUTE-DESCRIPTION SEP ATTRVAL-SPEC &lt;attrval-specs-e&gt; "-" SEP
 * &lt;mod-val-del&gt; ::= FILL ATTRIBUTE-DESCRIPTION SEP &lt;attrval-specs-e&gt; "-" SEP
 * &lt;attrval-specs-e&gt; ::= ATTRVAL-SPEC &lt;attrval-specs&gt; | e
 * </pre>
 * @param entry The entry to feed
 * @param iter The lines
 * @exception LdapLdifException If the modify operation is invalid
private void parseModify(LdifEntry entry, Iterator<String> iter) throws LdapLdifException {
    int state = MOD_SPEC;
    String modified = null;
    ModificationOperation modificationType = ModificationOperation.ADD_ATTRIBUTE;
    Attribute attribute = null;
    // The following flag is used to deal with empty modifications
    boolean isEmptyValue = true;
    while (iter.hasNext()) {
        String line =;
        String lowerLine = Strings.toLowerCaseAscii(line);
        if (lowerLine.startsWith("-")) {
            if ((state != ATTRVAL_SPEC_OR_SEP) && (state != ATTRVAL_SPEC)) {
                String msg = I18n.err(I18n.ERR_13413_BAD_MODIFY_SEPARATOR, lineNumber);
                throw new LdapLdifException(msg);
            } else {
                if (isEmptyValue) {
                    if (state == ATTRVAL_SPEC_OR_SEP) {
                        entry.addModification(modificationType, modified);
                    } else {
                        // Update the entry with a null value
                        entry.addModification(modificationType, modified, null);
                } else {
                    // Update the entry with the attribute
                    entry.addModification(modificationType, attribute);
                state = MOD_SPEC;
                isEmptyValue = true;
        } else if (lowerLine.startsWith("add:")) {
            if ((state != MOD_SPEC) && (state != ATTRVAL_SPEC)) {
                String msg = I18n.err(I18n.ERR_13414_BAD_MODIFY_SEPARATOR_2, lineNumber);
                throw new LdapLdifException(msg);
            modified = Strings.trim(line.substring("add:".length()));
            modificationType = ModificationOperation.ADD_ATTRIBUTE;
            attribute = new DefaultAttribute(modified);
            state = ATTRVAL_SPEC;
        } else if (lowerLine.startsWith("delete:")) {
            if ((state != MOD_SPEC) && (state != ATTRVAL_SPEC)) {
                String msg = I18n.err(I18n.ERR_13414_BAD_MODIFY_SEPARATOR_2, lineNumber);
                throw new LdapLdifException(msg);
            modified = Strings.trim(line.substring("delete:".length()));
            modificationType = ModificationOperation.REMOVE_ATTRIBUTE;
            attribute = new DefaultAttribute(modified);
            isEmptyValue = false;
            state = ATTRVAL_SPEC_OR_SEP;
        } else if (lowerLine.startsWith("replace:")) {
            if ((state != MOD_SPEC) && (state != ATTRVAL_SPEC)) {
                String msg = I18n.err(I18n.ERR_13414_BAD_MODIFY_SEPARATOR_2, lineNumber);
                throw new LdapLdifException(msg);
            modified = Strings.trim(line.substring("replace:".length()));
            modificationType = ModificationOperation.REPLACE_ATTRIBUTE;
            if (schemaManager != null) {
                AttributeType attributeType = schemaManager.getAttributeType(modified);
                attribute = new DefaultAttribute(modified, attributeType);
            } else {
                attribute = new DefaultAttribute(modified);
            state = ATTRVAL_SPEC_OR_SEP;
        } else {
            if ((state != ATTRVAL_SPEC) && (state != ATTRVAL_SPEC_OR_SEP)) {
                String msg = I18n.err(I18n.ERR_13413_BAD_MODIFY_SEPARATOR, lineNumber);
                throw new LdapLdifException(msg);
            // A standard AttributeType/AttributeValue pair
            int colonIndex = line.indexOf(':');
            String attributeType = line.substring(0, colonIndex);
            if (!attributeType.equalsIgnoreCase(modified)) {
                LOG.error(I18n.err(I18n.ERR_13415_MOD_ATTR_AND_VALUE_SPEC_NOT_EQUAL, lineNumber));
                throw new LdapLdifException(I18n.err(I18n.ERR_13454_BAD_MODIFY_ATTRIBUTE));
            // We should *not* have a Dn twice
            if ("dn".equalsIgnoreCase(attributeType)) {
                LOG.error(I18n.err(I18n.ERR_13400_ENTRY_WITH_TWO_DNS, lineNumber));
                throw new LdapLdifException(I18n.err(I18n.ERR_13439_LDIF_ENTRY_WITH_TWO_DNS));
            Object attributeValue = parseValue(attributeType, line, colonIndex);
            try {
                if (attributeValue instanceof String) {
                    attribute.add((String) attributeValue);
                } else {
                    attribute.add((byte[]) attributeValue);
            } catch (LdapInvalidAttributeValueException liave) {
                throw new LdapLdifException(liave.getMessage(), liave);
            isEmptyValue = false;
            state = ATTRVAL_SPEC_OR_SEP;
    if (state != MOD_SPEC) {
        String msg = I18n.err(I18n.ERR_13414_BAD_MODIFY_SEPARATOR_2, lineNumber);
        throw new LdapLdifException(msg);
Also used : ModificationOperation( DefaultAttribute( Attribute( AttributeType( MutableAttributeType( DefaultAttribute( LdapInvalidAttributeValueException(

Example 4 with ModificationOperation

use of in project directory-ldap-api by apache.

the class ModifyRequestImplTest method testEqualsDiffImpl.

 * Tests for equality even when another BindRequest implementation is used.
public void testEqualsDiffImpl() throws LdapException {
    ModifyRequest req0 = new ModifyRequest() {

        public Collection<Modification> getModifications() {
            List<Modification> list = new ArrayList<Modification>();
            try {
                Attribute attr = new DefaultAttribute("attr0");
                Modification item = new DefaultModification(ModificationOperation.ADD_ATTRIBUTE, attr);
                attr = new DefaultAttribute("attr1");
                item = new DefaultModification(ModificationOperation.REMOVE_ATTRIBUTE, attr);
                attr = new DefaultAttribute("attr2");
                item = new DefaultModification(ModificationOperation.REPLACE_ATTRIBUTE, attr);
            } catch (LdapInvalidAttributeValueException liave) {
            // Can't happen
            return list;

        public ModifyRequest addModification(Modification mod) {
            return this;

        public ModifyRequest removeModification(Modification mod) {
            return this;

        public Dn getName() {
            try {
                return new Dn("cn=admin,dc=apache,dc=org");
            } catch (Exception e) {
                // do nothing
                return null;

        public ModifyRequest setName(Dn name) {
            return this;

        public MessageTypeEnum getResponseType() {
            return MessageTypeEnum.MODIFY_RESPONSE;

        public boolean hasResponse() {
            return true;

        public MessageTypeEnum getType() {
            return MessageTypeEnum.MODIFY_REQUEST;

        public Map<String, Control> getControls() {
            return EMPTY_CONTROL_MAP;

        public ModifyRequest addControl(Control a_control) {
            return this;

        public ModifyRequest removeControl(Control a_control) {
            return this;

        public int getMessageId() {
            return 45;

        public Object get(Object a_key) {
            return null;

        public Object put(Object a_key, Object a_value) {
            return null;

        public void abandon() {

        public boolean isAbandoned() {
            return false;

        public ModifyRequest addAbandonListener(AbandonListener listener) {
            return this;

        public ModifyResponse getResultResponse() {
            return null;

        public ModifyRequest addAllControls(Control[] controls) {
            return this;

        public boolean hasControl(String oid) {
            return false;

        public Control getControl(String oid) {
            return null;

        public ModifyRequest setMessageId(int messageId) {
            return this;

        public ModifyRequest addModification(Attribute attr, ModificationOperation modOp) {
            return this;

        public ModifyRequest replace(String attributeName) {
            return this;

        public ModifyRequest replace(String attributeName, String... attributeValue) {
            return this;

        public ModifyRequest replace(String attributeName, byte[]... attributeValue) {
            return this;

        public ModifyRequest replace(Attribute attr) {
            return this;

        public ModifyRequest add(String attributeName, String... attributeValue) {
            return this;

        public ModifyRequest add(String attributeName, byte[]... attributeValue) {
            return this;

        public ModifyRequest add(Attribute attr) {
            return this;

        public ModifyRequest remove(String attributeName, String... attributeValue) {
            return this;

        public ModifyRequest remove(String attributeName, byte[]... attributeValue) {
            return this;

        public ModifyRequest remove(Attribute attr) {
            return this;

        public ModifyRequest remove(String attributerName) {
            return this;
    ModifyRequestImpl req1 = getRequest();
Also used : DefaultModification( Modification( DefaultAttribute( Attribute( DefaultModification( ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) Dn( LdapInvalidAttributeValueException( LdapInvalidAttributeValueException( LdapException( ModificationOperation( DefaultAttribute( Test(org.junit.Test)


ModificationOperation ( Modification ( Attribute ( DefaultAttribute ( DefaultModification ( Value ( LdapInvalidAttributeValueException ( ModifyRequest ( Dn ( ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)1 Oid ( BinaryAttributeDetector ( DefaultEntry ( Entry ( LdapException ( LdifEntry ( AbandonRequest ( AddRequest ( BindRequest ( CompareRequest (