use of org.apache.nifi.web.api.entity.VersionedFlowSnapshotEntity in project nifi by apache.
the class VersionsResource method updateFlowVersion.
private VersionControlInformationEntity updateFlowVersion(final String groupId, final ComponentLifecycle componentLifecycle, final URI exampleUri, final Set<AffectedComponentEntity> affectedComponents, final NiFiUser user, final boolean replicateRequest, final Revision revision, final VersionControlInformationEntity requestEntity, final VersionedFlowSnapshot flowSnapshot, final AsynchronousWebRequest<VersionControlInformationEntity> asyncRequest, final String idGenerationSeed, final boolean verifyNotModified, final boolean updateDescendantVersionedFlows) throws LifecycleManagementException, ResumeFlowException {
// Steps 6-7: Determine which components must be stopped and stop them.
final Set<String> stoppableReferenceTypes = new HashSet<>();
final Set<AffectedComponentEntity> runningComponents = -> stoppableReferenceTypes.contains(dto.getComponent().getReferenceType())).filter(dto -> "Running".equalsIgnoreCase(dto.getComponent().getState())).collect(Collectors.toSet());"Stopping {} Processors", runningComponents.size());
final CancellableTimedPause stopComponentsPause = new CancellableTimedPause(250, Long.MAX_VALUE, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);
componentLifecycle.scheduleComponents(exampleUri, user, groupId, runningComponents, ScheduledState.STOPPED, stopComponentsPause);
if (asyncRequest.isCancelled()) {
return null;
asyncRequest.update(new Date(), "Disabling Affected Controller Services", 20);
// Steps 8-9. Disable enabled controller services that are affected
final Set<AffectedComponentEntity> enabledServices = -> AffectedComponentDTO.COMPONENT_TYPE_CONTROLLER_SERVICE.equals(dto.getComponent().getReferenceType())).filter(dto -> "Enabled".equalsIgnoreCase(dto.getComponent().getState())).collect(Collectors.toSet());"Disabling {} Controller Services", enabledServices.size());
final CancellableTimedPause disableServicesPause = new CancellableTimedPause(250, Long.MAX_VALUE, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);
componentLifecycle.activateControllerServices(exampleUri, user, groupId, enabledServices, ControllerServiceState.DISABLED, disableServicesPause);
if (asyncRequest.isCancelled()) {
return null;
asyncRequest.update(new Date(), "Updating Flow", 40);"Updating Process Group with ID {} to version {} of the Versioned Flow", groupId, flowSnapshot.getSnapshotMetadata().getVersion());
// by replicating a PUT to /nifi-api/versions/process-groups/{groupId}
try {
if (replicateRequest) {
final URI updateUri;
try {
updateUri = new URI(exampleUri.getScheme(), exampleUri.getUserInfo(), exampleUri.getHost(), exampleUri.getPort(), "/nifi-api/versions/process-groups/" + groupId, null, exampleUri.getFragment());
} catch (URISyntaxException e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
final Map<String, String> headers = new HashMap<>();
headers.put("content-type", MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON);
final VersionedFlowSnapshotEntity snapshotEntity = new VersionedFlowSnapshotEntity();
final NodeResponse clusterResponse;
try {
logger.debug("Replicating PUT request to {} for user {}", updateUri, user);
if (getReplicationTarget() == ReplicationTarget.CLUSTER_NODES) {
clusterResponse = getRequestReplicator().replicate(user, HttpMethod.PUT, updateUri, snapshotEntity, headers).awaitMergedResponse();
} else {
clusterResponse = getRequestReplicator().forwardToCoordinator(getClusterCoordinatorNode(), user, HttpMethod.PUT, updateUri, snapshotEntity, headers).awaitMergedResponse();
} catch (final InterruptedException ie) {
logger.warn("Interrupted while replicating PUT request to {} for user {}", updateUri, user);
throw new LifecycleManagementException("Interrupted while updating flows across cluster", ie);
final int updateFlowStatus = clusterResponse.getStatus();
if (updateFlowStatus != Status.OK.getStatusCode()) {
final String explanation = getResponseEntity(clusterResponse, String.class);
logger.error("Failed to update flow across cluster when replicating PUT request to {} for user {}. Received {} response with explanation: {}", updateUri, user, updateFlowStatus, explanation);
throw new LifecycleManagementException("Failed to update Flow on all nodes in cluster due to " + explanation);
} else {
// Step 10: Ensure that if any connection exists in the flow and does not exist in the proposed snapshot,
// that it has no data in it. Ensure that no Input Port was removed, unless it currently has no incoming connections.
// Ensure that no Output Port was removed, unless it currently has no outgoing connections.
serviceFacade.verifyCanUpdate(groupId, flowSnapshot, true, verifyNotModified);
// Step 11-12. Update Process Group to the new flow and update variable registry with any Variables that were added or removed
final VersionControlInformationDTO requestVci = requestEntity.getVersionControlInformation();
final Bucket bucket = flowSnapshot.getBucket();
final VersionedFlow flow = flowSnapshot.getFlow();
final VersionedFlowSnapshotMetadata metadata = flowSnapshot.getSnapshotMetadata();
final VersionControlInformationDTO vci = new VersionControlInformationDTO();
vci.setState(flowSnapshot.isLatest() ? :;
serviceFacade.updateProcessGroupContents(user, revision, groupId, vci, flowSnapshot, idGenerationSeed, verifyNotModified, false, updateDescendantVersionedFlows);
} finally {
if (!asyncRequest.isCancelled()) {
if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
logger.debug("Re-Enabling {} Controller Services: {}", enabledServices.size(), enabledServices);
asyncRequest.update(new Date(), "Re-Enabling Controller Services", 60);
// Step 13. Re-enable all disabled controller services
final CancellableTimedPause enableServicesPause = new CancellableTimedPause(250, Long.MAX_VALUE, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);
final Set<AffectedComponentEntity> servicesToEnable = getUpdatedEntities(enabledServices, user);"Successfully updated flow; re-enabling {} Controller Services", servicesToEnable.size());
try {
componentLifecycle.activateControllerServices(exampleUri, user, groupId, servicesToEnable, ControllerServiceState.ENABLED, enableServicesPause);
} catch (final IllegalStateException ise) {
// a more intelligent error message as to exactly what happened, rather than indicate that the flow could not be updated.
throw new ResumeFlowException("Failed to re-enable Controller Services because " + ise.getMessage(), ise);
if (!asyncRequest.isCancelled()) {
if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
logger.debug("Restart {} Processors: {}", runningComponents.size(), runningComponents);
asyncRequest.update(new Date(), "Restarting Processors", 80);
// Step 14. Restart all components
final Set<AffectedComponentEntity> componentsToStart = getUpdatedEntities(runningComponents, user);
// If there are any Remote Group Ports that are supposed to be started and have no connections, we want to remove those from our Set.
// This will happen if the Remote Group Port is transmitting when the version change happens but the new flow version does not have
// a connection to the port. In such a case, the Port still is included in the Updated Entities because we do not remove them
// when updating the flow (they are removed in the background).
final Set<AffectedComponentEntity> avoidStarting = new HashSet<>();
for (final AffectedComponentEntity componentEntity : componentsToStart) {
final AffectedComponentDTO componentDto = componentEntity.getComponent();
final String referenceType = componentDto.getReferenceType();
if (!AffectedComponentDTO.COMPONENT_TYPE_REMOTE_INPUT_PORT.equals(referenceType) && !AffectedComponentDTO.COMPONENT_TYPE_REMOTE_OUTPUT_PORT.equals(referenceType)) {
boolean startComponent;
try {
startComponent = serviceFacade.isRemoteGroupPortConnected(componentDto.getProcessGroupId(), componentDto.getId());
} catch (final ResourceNotFoundException rnfe) {
// Could occur if RPG is refreshed at just the right time.
startComponent = false;
// rather than removing the component here, because doing so would result in a ConcurrentModificationException.
if (!startComponent) {
final CancellableTimedPause startComponentsPause = new CancellableTimedPause(250, Long.MAX_VALUE, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);
asyncRequest.setCancelCallback(startComponentsPause::cancel);"Restarting {} Processors", componentsToStart.size());
try {
componentLifecycle.scheduleComponents(exampleUri, user, groupId, componentsToStart, ScheduledState.RUNNING, startComponentsPause);
} catch (final IllegalStateException ise) {
// a more intelligent error message as to exactly what happened, rather than indicate that the flow could not be updated.
throw new ResumeFlowException("Failed to restart components because " + ise.getMessage(), ise);
if (asyncRequest.isCancelled()) {
return null;
asyncRequest.update(new Date(), "Complete", 100);
return serviceFacade.getVersionControlInformation(groupId);