use of org.apache.nifi.registry.flow.VersionedFlowSnapshot in project nifi by apache.
the class StandardNiFiServiceFacade method getLocalModifications.
public FlowComparisonEntity getLocalModifications(final String processGroupId) {
final ProcessGroup processGroup = processGroupDAO.getProcessGroup(processGroupId);
final VersionControlInformation versionControlInfo = processGroup.getVersionControlInformation();
if (versionControlInfo == null) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Process Group with ID " + processGroupId + " is not under Version Control");
final FlowRegistry flowRegistry = flowRegistryClient.getFlowRegistry(versionControlInfo.getRegistryIdentifier());
if (flowRegistry == null) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Process Group with ID " + processGroupId + " is tracking to a flow in Flow Registry with ID " + versionControlInfo.getRegistryIdentifier() + " but cannot find a Flow Registry with that identifier");
final VersionedFlowSnapshot versionedFlowSnapshot;
try {
versionedFlowSnapshot = flowRegistry.getFlowContents(versionControlInfo.getBucketIdentifier(), versionControlInfo.getFlowIdentifier(), versionControlInfo.getVersion(), true, NiFiUserUtils.getNiFiUser());
} catch (final IOException | NiFiRegistryException e) {
throw new NiFiCoreException("Failed to retrieve flow with Flow Registry in order to calculate local differences due to " + e.getMessage(), e);
final NiFiRegistryFlowMapper mapper = new NiFiRegistryFlowMapper();
final VersionedProcessGroup localGroup = mapper.mapProcessGroup(processGroup, controllerFacade.getControllerServiceProvider(), flowRegistryClient, true);
final VersionedProcessGroup registryGroup = versionedFlowSnapshot.getFlowContents();
final ComparableDataFlow localFlow = new StandardComparableDataFlow("Local Flow", localGroup);
final ComparableDataFlow registryFlow = new StandardComparableDataFlow("Versioned Flow", registryGroup);
final Set<String> ancestorServiceIds = getAncestorGroupServiceIds(processGroup);
final FlowComparator flowComparator = new StandardFlowComparator(registryFlow, localFlow, ancestorServiceIds, new ConciseEvolvingDifferenceDescriptor());
final FlowComparison flowComparison =;
final Set<ComponentDifferenceDTO> differenceDtos = dtoFactory.createComponentDifferenceDtos(flowComparison);
final FlowComparisonEntity entity = new FlowComparisonEntity();
return entity;
use of org.apache.nifi.registry.flow.VersionedFlowSnapshot in project nifi by apache.
the class StandardNiFiServiceFacade method registerFlowWithFlowRegistry.
public VersionControlComponentMappingEntity registerFlowWithFlowRegistry(final String groupId, final StartVersionControlRequestEntity requestEntity) {
final ProcessGroup processGroup = processGroupDAO.getProcessGroup(groupId);
final VersionControlInformation currentVci = processGroup.getVersionControlInformation();
final int expectedVersion = currentVci == null ? 1 : currentVci.getVersion() + 1;
// Create a VersionedProcessGroup snapshot of the flow as it is currently.
final InstantiatedVersionedProcessGroup versionedProcessGroup = createFlowSnapshot(groupId);
final VersionedFlowDTO versionedFlowDto = requestEntity.getVersionedFlow();
final String flowId = versionedFlowDto.getFlowId() == null ? UUID.randomUUID().toString() : versionedFlowDto.getFlowId();
final VersionedFlow versionedFlow = new VersionedFlow();
// Add the Versioned Flow and first snapshot to the Flow Registry
final String registryId = requestEntity.getVersionedFlow().getRegistryId();
final VersionedFlowSnapshot registeredSnapshot;
final VersionedFlow registeredFlow;
String action = "create the flow";
try {
// first, create the flow in the registry, if necessary
if (versionedFlowDto.getFlowId() == null) {
registeredFlow = registerVersionedFlow(registryId, versionedFlow);
} else {
registeredFlow = getVersionedFlow(registryId, versionedFlowDto.getBucketId(), versionedFlowDto.getFlowId());
action = "add the local flow to the Flow Registry as the first Snapshot";
// add first snapshot to the flow in the registry
registeredSnapshot = registerVersionedFlowSnapshot(registryId, registeredFlow, versionedProcessGroup, versionedFlowDto.getComments(), expectedVersion);
} catch (final NiFiRegistryException e) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(e.getLocalizedMessage());
} catch (final IOException ioe) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Failed to communicate with Flow Registry when attempting to " + action);
final Bucket bucket = registeredSnapshot.getBucket();
final VersionedFlow flow = registeredSnapshot.getFlow();
// Update the Process Group with the new VersionControlInformation. (Send this to all nodes).
final VersionControlInformationDTO vci = new VersionControlInformationDTO();
final Map<String, String> mapping = dtoFactory.createVersionControlComponentMappingDto(versionedProcessGroup);
final Revision groupRevision = revisionManager.getRevision(groupId);
final RevisionDTO groupRevisionDto = dtoFactory.createRevisionDTO(groupRevision);
final VersionControlComponentMappingEntity entity = new VersionControlComponentMappingEntity();
return entity;
use of org.apache.nifi.registry.flow.VersionedFlowSnapshot in project nifi by apache.
the class VersionsResource method updateFlowVersion.
private VersionControlInformationEntity updateFlowVersion(final String groupId, final ComponentLifecycle componentLifecycle, final URI exampleUri, final Set<AffectedComponentEntity> affectedComponents, final NiFiUser user, final boolean replicateRequest, final Revision revision, final VersionControlInformationEntity requestEntity, final VersionedFlowSnapshot flowSnapshot, final AsynchronousWebRequest<VersionControlInformationEntity> asyncRequest, final String idGenerationSeed, final boolean verifyNotModified, final boolean updateDescendantVersionedFlows) throws LifecycleManagementException, ResumeFlowException {
// Steps 6-7: Determine which components must be stopped and stop them.
final Set<String> stoppableReferenceTypes = new HashSet<>();
final Set<AffectedComponentEntity> runningComponents = -> stoppableReferenceTypes.contains(dto.getComponent().getReferenceType())).filter(dto -> "Running".equalsIgnoreCase(dto.getComponent().getState())).collect(Collectors.toSet());"Stopping {} Processors", runningComponents.size());
final CancellableTimedPause stopComponentsPause = new CancellableTimedPause(250, Long.MAX_VALUE, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);
componentLifecycle.scheduleComponents(exampleUri, user, groupId, runningComponents, ScheduledState.STOPPED, stopComponentsPause);
if (asyncRequest.isCancelled()) {
return null;
asyncRequest.update(new Date(), "Disabling Affected Controller Services", 20);
// Steps 8-9. Disable enabled controller services that are affected
final Set<AffectedComponentEntity> enabledServices = -> AffectedComponentDTO.COMPONENT_TYPE_CONTROLLER_SERVICE.equals(dto.getComponent().getReferenceType())).filter(dto -> "Enabled".equalsIgnoreCase(dto.getComponent().getState())).collect(Collectors.toSet());"Disabling {} Controller Services", enabledServices.size());
final CancellableTimedPause disableServicesPause = new CancellableTimedPause(250, Long.MAX_VALUE, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);
componentLifecycle.activateControllerServices(exampleUri, user, groupId, enabledServices, ControllerServiceState.DISABLED, disableServicesPause);
if (asyncRequest.isCancelled()) {
return null;
asyncRequest.update(new Date(), "Updating Flow", 40);"Updating Process Group with ID {} to version {} of the Versioned Flow", groupId, flowSnapshot.getSnapshotMetadata().getVersion());
// by replicating a PUT to /nifi-api/versions/process-groups/{groupId}
try {
if (replicateRequest) {
final URI updateUri;
try {
updateUri = new URI(exampleUri.getScheme(), exampleUri.getUserInfo(), exampleUri.getHost(), exampleUri.getPort(), "/nifi-api/versions/process-groups/" + groupId, null, exampleUri.getFragment());
} catch (URISyntaxException e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
final Map<String, String> headers = new HashMap<>();
headers.put("content-type", MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON);
final VersionedFlowSnapshotEntity snapshotEntity = new VersionedFlowSnapshotEntity();
final NodeResponse clusterResponse;
try {
logger.debug("Replicating PUT request to {} for user {}", updateUri, user);
if (getReplicationTarget() == ReplicationTarget.CLUSTER_NODES) {
clusterResponse = getRequestReplicator().replicate(user, HttpMethod.PUT, updateUri, snapshotEntity, headers).awaitMergedResponse();
} else {
clusterResponse = getRequestReplicator().forwardToCoordinator(getClusterCoordinatorNode(), user, HttpMethod.PUT, updateUri, snapshotEntity, headers).awaitMergedResponse();
} catch (final InterruptedException ie) {
logger.warn("Interrupted while replicating PUT request to {} for user {}", updateUri, user);
throw new LifecycleManagementException("Interrupted while updating flows across cluster", ie);
final int updateFlowStatus = clusterResponse.getStatus();
if (updateFlowStatus != Status.OK.getStatusCode()) {
final String explanation = getResponseEntity(clusterResponse, String.class);
logger.error("Failed to update flow across cluster when replicating PUT request to {} for user {}. Received {} response with explanation: {}", updateUri, user, updateFlowStatus, explanation);
throw new LifecycleManagementException("Failed to update Flow on all nodes in cluster due to " + explanation);
} else {
// Step 10: Ensure that if any connection exists in the flow and does not exist in the proposed snapshot,
// that it has no data in it. Ensure that no Input Port was removed, unless it currently has no incoming connections.
// Ensure that no Output Port was removed, unless it currently has no outgoing connections.
serviceFacade.verifyCanUpdate(groupId, flowSnapshot, true, verifyNotModified);
// Step 11-12. Update Process Group to the new flow and update variable registry with any Variables that were added or removed
final VersionControlInformationDTO requestVci = requestEntity.getVersionControlInformation();
final Bucket bucket = flowSnapshot.getBucket();
final VersionedFlow flow = flowSnapshot.getFlow();
final VersionedFlowSnapshotMetadata metadata = flowSnapshot.getSnapshotMetadata();
final VersionControlInformationDTO vci = new VersionControlInformationDTO();
vci.setState(flowSnapshot.isLatest() ? :;
serviceFacade.updateProcessGroupContents(user, revision, groupId, vci, flowSnapshot, idGenerationSeed, verifyNotModified, false, updateDescendantVersionedFlows);
} finally {
if (!asyncRequest.isCancelled()) {
if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
logger.debug("Re-Enabling {} Controller Services: {}", enabledServices.size(), enabledServices);
asyncRequest.update(new Date(), "Re-Enabling Controller Services", 60);
// Step 13. Re-enable all disabled controller services
final CancellableTimedPause enableServicesPause = new CancellableTimedPause(250, Long.MAX_VALUE, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);
final Set<AffectedComponentEntity> servicesToEnable = getUpdatedEntities(enabledServices, user);"Successfully updated flow; re-enabling {} Controller Services", servicesToEnable.size());
try {
componentLifecycle.activateControllerServices(exampleUri, user, groupId, servicesToEnable, ControllerServiceState.ENABLED, enableServicesPause);
} catch (final IllegalStateException ise) {
// a more intelligent error message as to exactly what happened, rather than indicate that the flow could not be updated.
throw new ResumeFlowException("Failed to re-enable Controller Services because " + ise.getMessage(), ise);
if (!asyncRequest.isCancelled()) {
if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
logger.debug("Restart {} Processors: {}", runningComponents.size(), runningComponents);
asyncRequest.update(new Date(), "Restarting Processors", 80);
// Step 14. Restart all components
final Set<AffectedComponentEntity> componentsToStart = getUpdatedEntities(runningComponents, user);
// If there are any Remote Group Ports that are supposed to be started and have no connections, we want to remove those from our Set.
// This will happen if the Remote Group Port is transmitting when the version change happens but the new flow version does not have
// a connection to the port. In such a case, the Port still is included in the Updated Entities because we do not remove them
// when updating the flow (they are removed in the background).
final Set<AffectedComponentEntity> avoidStarting = new HashSet<>();
for (final AffectedComponentEntity componentEntity : componentsToStart) {
final AffectedComponentDTO componentDto = componentEntity.getComponent();
final String referenceType = componentDto.getReferenceType();
if (!AffectedComponentDTO.COMPONENT_TYPE_REMOTE_INPUT_PORT.equals(referenceType) && !AffectedComponentDTO.COMPONENT_TYPE_REMOTE_OUTPUT_PORT.equals(referenceType)) {
boolean startComponent;
try {
startComponent = serviceFacade.isRemoteGroupPortConnected(componentDto.getProcessGroupId(), componentDto.getId());
} catch (final ResourceNotFoundException rnfe) {
// Could occur if RPG is refreshed at just the right time.
startComponent = false;
// rather than removing the component here, because doing so would result in a ConcurrentModificationException.
if (!startComponent) {
final CancellableTimedPause startComponentsPause = new CancellableTimedPause(250, Long.MAX_VALUE, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);
asyncRequest.setCancelCallback(startComponentsPause::cancel);"Restarting {} Processors", componentsToStart.size());
try {
componentLifecycle.scheduleComponents(exampleUri, user, groupId, componentsToStart, ScheduledState.RUNNING, startComponentsPause);
} catch (final IllegalStateException ise) {
// a more intelligent error message as to exactly what happened, rather than indicate that the flow could not be updated.
throw new ResumeFlowException("Failed to restart components because " + ise.getMessage(), ise);
if (asyncRequest.isCancelled()) {
return null;
asyncRequest.update(new Date(), "Complete", 100);
return serviceFacade.getVersionControlInformation(groupId);
use of org.apache.nifi.registry.flow.VersionedFlowSnapshot in project nifi by apache.
the class StandardNiFiServiceFacade method updateProcessGroupContents.
public ProcessGroupEntity updateProcessGroupContents(final NiFiUser user, final Revision revision, final String groupId, final VersionControlInformationDTO versionControlInfo, final VersionedFlowSnapshot proposedFlowSnapshot, final String componentIdSeed, final boolean verifyNotModified, final boolean updateSettings, final boolean updateDescendantVersionedFlows) {
final ProcessGroup processGroup = processGroupDAO.getProcessGroup(groupId);
final List<Revision> revisions = getComponentRevisions(processGroup, false);
final RevisionClaim revisionClaim = new StandardRevisionClaim(revisions);
final RevisionUpdate<ProcessGroupDTO> revisionUpdate = revisionManager.updateRevision(revisionClaim, user, new UpdateRevisionTask<ProcessGroupDTO>() {
public RevisionUpdate<ProcessGroupDTO> update() {
// update the Process Group
processGroupDAO.updateProcessGroupFlow(groupId, user, proposedFlowSnapshot, versionControlInfo, componentIdSeed, verifyNotModified, updateSettings, updateDescendantVersionedFlows);
// update the revisions
final Set<Revision> updatedRevisions = -> revisionManager.getRevision(rev.getComponentId()).incrementRevision(revision.getClientId())).collect(Collectors.toSet());
// save;
// gather details for response
final ProcessGroupDTO dto = dtoFactory.createProcessGroupDto(processGroup);
final Revision updatedRevision = revisionManager.getRevision(groupId).incrementRevision(revision.getClientId());
final FlowModification lastModification = new FlowModification(updatedRevision, user.getIdentity());
return new StandardRevisionUpdate<>(dto, lastModification, updatedRevisions);
final FlowModification lastModification = revisionUpdate.getLastModification();
final PermissionsDTO permissions = dtoFactory.createPermissionsDto(processGroup);
final RevisionDTO updatedRevision = dtoFactory.createRevisionDTO(lastModification);
final ProcessGroupStatusDTO status = dtoFactory.createConciseProcessGroupStatusDto(controllerFacade.getProcessGroupStatus(processGroup.getIdentifier()));
final List<BulletinDTO> bulletins = dtoFactory.createBulletinDtos(bulletinRepository.findBulletinsForSource(processGroup.getIdentifier()));
final List<BulletinEntity> bulletinEntities = -> entityFactory.createBulletinEntity(bulletin, permissions.getCanRead())).collect(Collectors.toList());
return entityFactory.createProcessGroupEntity(revisionUpdate.getComponent(), updatedRevision, permissions, status, bulletinEntities);
use of org.apache.nifi.registry.flow.VersionedFlowSnapshot in project nifi by apache.
the class ProcessGroupResource method createProcessGroup.
* Adds the specified process group.
* @param httpServletRequest request
* @param groupId The group id
* @param requestProcessGroupEntity A processGroupEntity
* @return A processGroupEntity
* @throws IOException if the request indicates that the Process Group should be imported from a Flow Registry and NiFi is unable to communicate with the Flow Registry
@ApiOperation(value = "Creates a process group", response = ProcessGroupEntity.class, authorizations = { @Authorization(value = "Write - /process-groups/{uuid}") })
@ApiResponses(value = { @ApiResponse(code = 400, message = "NiFi was unable to complete the request because it was invalid. The request should not be retried without modification."), @ApiResponse(code = 401, message = "Client could not be authenticated."), @ApiResponse(code = 403, message = "Client is not authorized to make this request."), @ApiResponse(code = 404, message = "The specified resource could not be found."), @ApiResponse(code = 409, message = "The request was valid but NiFi was not in the appropriate state to process it. Retrying the same request later may be successful.") })
public Response createProcessGroup(@Context final HttpServletRequest httpServletRequest, @ApiParam(value = "The process group id.", required = true) @PathParam("id") final String groupId, @ApiParam(value = "The process group configuration details.", required = true) final ProcessGroupEntity requestProcessGroupEntity) throws IOException {
if (requestProcessGroupEntity == null || requestProcessGroupEntity.getComponent() == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Process group details must be specified.");
if (requestProcessGroupEntity.getRevision() == null || (requestProcessGroupEntity.getRevision().getVersion() == null || requestProcessGroupEntity.getRevision().getVersion() != 0)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("A revision of 0 must be specified when creating a new Process group.");
if (requestProcessGroupEntity.getComponent().getId() != null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Process group ID cannot be specified.");
final PositionDTO proposedPosition = requestProcessGroupEntity.getComponent().getPosition();
if (proposedPosition != null) {
if (proposedPosition.getX() == null || proposedPosition.getY() == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("The x and y coordinate of the proposed position must be specified.");
// if the group name isn't specified, ensure the group is being imported from version control
if (StringUtils.isBlank(requestProcessGroupEntity.getComponent().getName()) && requestProcessGroupEntity.getComponent().getVersionControlInformation() == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("The group name is required when the group is not imported from version control.");
if (requestProcessGroupEntity.getComponent().getParentGroupId() != null && !groupId.equals(requestProcessGroupEntity.getComponent().getParentGroupId())) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(String.format("If specified, the parent process group id %s must be the same as specified in the URI %s", requestProcessGroupEntity.getComponent().getParentGroupId(), groupId));
// Step 1: Ensure that user has write permissions to the Process Group. If not, then immediately fail.
// Step 2: Retrieve flow from Flow Registry
// Step 3: Resolve Bundle info
// Step 4: Update contents of the ProcessGroupDTO passed in to include the components that need to be added.
// Step 5: If any of the components is a Restricted Component, then we must authorize the user
// for write access to the RestrictedComponents resource
// Step 6: Replicate the request or call serviceFacade.updateProcessGroup
final VersionControlInformationDTO versionControlInfo = requestProcessGroupEntity.getComponent().getVersionControlInformation();
if (versionControlInfo != null && requestProcessGroupEntity.getVersionedFlowSnapshot() == null) {
// Step 1: Ensure that user has write permissions to the Process Group. If not, then immediately fail.
// Step 2: Retrieve flow from Flow Registry
final VersionedFlowSnapshot flowSnapshot = serviceFacade.getVersionedFlowSnapshot(versionControlInfo, true);
final Bucket bucket = flowSnapshot.getBucket();
final VersionedFlow flow = flowSnapshot.getFlow();
final VersionedFlowState flowState = flowSnapshot.isLatest() ? VersionedFlowState.UP_TO_DATE : VersionedFlowState.STALE;
// Step 3: Resolve Bundle info
// Step 4: Update contents of the ProcessGroupDTO passed in to include the components that need to be added.
if (versionControlInfo != null) {
final VersionedFlowSnapshot flowSnapshot = requestProcessGroupEntity.getVersionedFlowSnapshot();
serviceFacade.verifyImportProcessGroup(versionControlInfo, flowSnapshot.getFlowContents(), groupId);
// Step 6: Replicate the request or call serviceFacade.updateProcessGroup
if (isReplicateRequest()) {
return replicate(HttpMethod.POST, requestProcessGroupEntity);
return withWriteLock(serviceFacade, requestProcessGroupEntity, lookup -> {
final Authorizable processGroup = lookup.getProcessGroup(groupId).getAuthorizable();
processGroup.authorize(authorizer, RequestAction.WRITE, NiFiUserUtils.getNiFiUser());
// Step 5: If any of the components is a Restricted Component, then we must authorize the user
// for write access to the RestrictedComponents resource
final VersionedFlowSnapshot versionedFlowSnapshot = requestProcessGroupEntity.getVersionedFlowSnapshot();
if (versionedFlowSnapshot != null) {
final Set<ConfigurableComponent> restrictedComponents = FlowRegistryUtils.getRestrictedComponents(versionedFlowSnapshot.getFlowContents());
restrictedComponents.forEach(restrictedComponent -> {
final ComponentAuthorizable restrictedComponentAuthorizable = lookup.getConfigurableComponent(restrictedComponent);
authorizeRestrictions(authorizer, restrictedComponentAuthorizable);
}, () -> {
final VersionedFlowSnapshot versionedFlowSnapshot = requestProcessGroupEntity.getVersionedFlowSnapshot();
if (versionedFlowSnapshot != null) {
}, processGroupEntity -> {
final ProcessGroupDTO processGroup = processGroupEntity.getComponent();
// set the processor id as appropriate
// ensure the group name comes from the versioned flow
final VersionedFlowSnapshot flowSnapshot = processGroupEntity.getVersionedFlowSnapshot();
if (flowSnapshot != null && StringUtils.isNotBlank(flowSnapshot.getFlowContents().getName()) && StringUtils.isBlank(processGroup.getName())) {
// create the process group contents
final Revision revision = getRevision(processGroupEntity, processGroup.getId());
ProcessGroupEntity entity = serviceFacade.createProcessGroup(revision, groupId, processGroup);
if (flowSnapshot != null) {
final RevisionDTO revisionDto = entity.getRevision();
final String newGroupId = entity.getComponent().getId();
final Revision newGroupRevision = new Revision(revisionDto.getVersion(), revisionDto.getClientId(), newGroupId);
// We don't want the Process Group's position to be updated because we want to keep the position where the user
// placed the Process Group. However, we do want to use the name of the Process Group that is in the Flow Contents.
// To accomplish this, we call updateProcessGroupContents() passing 'true' for the updateSettings flag but null out the position.
entity = serviceFacade.updateProcessGroupContents(NiFiUserUtils.getNiFiUser(), newGroupRevision, newGroupId, versionControlInfo, flowSnapshot, getIdGenerationSeed().orElse(null), false, true, true);
// generate a 201 created response
String uri = entity.getUri();
return generateCreatedResponse(URI.create(uri), entity).build();