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Example 1 with GenericDataSourceException

use of org.apache.ofbiz.entity.GenericDataSourceException in project ofbiz-framework by apache.

the class GenericDAO method selectCountByCondition.

public long selectCountByCondition(Delegator delegator, ModelEntity modelEntity, EntityCondition whereEntityCondition, EntityCondition havingEntityCondition, List<ModelField> selectFields, EntityFindOptions findOptions) throws GenericEntityException {
    if (modelEntity == null) {
        return 0;
    // if no find options passed, use default
    if (findOptions == null) {
        findOptions = new EntityFindOptions();
    boolean verboseOn = Debug.verboseOn();
    if (verboseOn) {
        // put this inside an if statement so that we don't have to generate the string when not used...
        if (Debug.verboseOn())
            Debug.logVerbose("Doing selectListIteratorByCondition with whereEntityCondition: " + whereEntityCondition, module);
    boolean isGroupBy = false;
    ModelViewEntity modelViewEntity = null;
    if (modelEntity instanceof ModelViewEntity) {
        modelViewEntity = (ModelViewEntity) modelEntity;
        isGroupBy = modelViewEntity.getGroupBysSize() > 0;
    // To get a count of the rows that will be returned when there is a GROUP BY, must do something like:
    // instead of a simple:
    StringBuilder sqlBuffer = new StringBuilder("SELECT ");
    if (isGroupBy) {
        sqlBuffer.append("COUNT(1) FROM (SELECT ");
    if (findOptions.getDistinct()) {
        /* DEJ20100304: the code below was causing problems so the line above may be used instead, but hopefully this is fixed now 
             * may need varying SQL for different databases, and also in view-entities in some cases it seems to 
             * cause the "COUNT(DISTINCT " to appear twice, causing an attempt to try to count a count (function="count-distinct", distinct=true in find options)
        if (selectFields != null && selectFields.size() > 0) {
            ModelField firstSelectField = selectFields.get(0);
            ModelViewEntity.ModelAlias firstModelAlias = modelViewEntity != null ? modelViewEntity.getAlias(firstSelectField.getName()) : null;
            if (firstModelAlias != null && UtilValidate.isNotEmpty(firstModelAlias.getFunction())) {
                // if the field has a function already we don't want to count just it, would be meaningless
                sqlBuffer.append("COUNT(DISTINCT *) ");
            } else {
                sqlBuffer.append("COUNT(DISTINCT ");
                // this only seems to support a single column, which is not desirable but seems a lot better than no columns or in certain cases all columns
                // sqlBuffer.append(modelEntity.colNameString(selectFields, ", ", "", datasource.aliasViews));
        } else {
            sqlBuffer.append("COUNT(DISTINCT *) ");
    } else {
        // NOTE DEJ20080701 Changed from COUNT(*) to COUNT(1) to improve performance, and should get the same results at least when there is no DISTINCT
        sqlBuffer.append("COUNT(1) ");
    // populate the info from entity-condition in the view-entity, if it is one and there is one
    List<EntityCondition> viewWhereConditions = null;
    List<EntityCondition> viewHavingConditions = null;
    List<String> viewOrderByList = null;
    if (modelViewEntity != null) {
        viewWhereConditions = new LinkedList<EntityCondition>();
        viewHavingConditions = new LinkedList<EntityCondition>();
        viewOrderByList = new LinkedList<String>();
        modelViewEntity.populateViewEntityConditionInformation(modelFieldTypeReader, viewWhereConditions, viewHavingConditions, viewOrderByList, null);
    // FROM clause and when necessary the JOIN or LEFT JOIN clause(s) as well
    sqlBuffer.append(SqlJdbcUtil.makeFromClause(modelEntity, modelFieldTypeReader, datasource));
    // WHERE clause
    List<EntityConditionParam> whereEntityConditionParams = new LinkedList<EntityConditionParam>();
    makeConditionWhereString(sqlBuffer, " WHERE ", modelEntity, whereEntityCondition, viewWhereConditions, whereEntityConditionParams);
    // GROUP BY clause for view-entity
    if (isGroupBy) {
        modelViewEntity.colNameString(modelViewEntity.getGroupBysCopy(), sqlBuffer, " GROUP BY ", ", ", "", false);
    // HAVING clause
    List<EntityConditionParam> havingEntityConditionParams = new LinkedList<EntityConditionParam>();
    makeConditionHavingString(sqlBuffer, " HAVING ", modelEntity, havingEntityCondition, viewHavingConditions, havingEntityConditionParams);
    if (isGroupBy) {
        sqlBuffer.append(") TEMP_NAME");
    String sql = sqlBuffer.toString();
    if (Debug.verboseOn())
        Debug.logVerbose("Count select sql: " + sql, module);
    try (SQLProcessor sqlP = new SQLProcessor(delegator, helperInfo)) {
        sqlP.prepareStatement(sql, findOptions.getSpecifyTypeAndConcur(), findOptions.getResultSetType(), findOptions.getResultSetConcurrency(), findOptions.getFetchSize(), findOptions.getMaxRows());
        if (verboseOn) {
            // put this inside an if statement so that we don't have to generate the string when not used...
            if (Debug.verboseOn())
                Debug.logVerbose("Setting the whereEntityConditionParams: " + whereEntityConditionParams, module);
        // set all of the values from the Where EntityCondition
        for (EntityConditionParam whereEntityConditionParam : whereEntityConditionParams) {
            SqlJdbcUtil.setValue(sqlP, whereEntityConditionParam.getModelField(), modelEntity.getEntityName(), whereEntityConditionParam.getFieldValue(), modelFieldTypeReader);
        if (verboseOn) {
            // put this inside an if statement so that we don't have to generate the string when not used...
            if (Debug.verboseOn())
                Debug.logVerbose("Setting the havingEntityConditionParams: " + havingEntityConditionParams, module);
        // set all of the values from the Having EntityCondition
        for (EntityConditionParam havingEntityConditionParam : havingEntityConditionParams) {
            SqlJdbcUtil.setValue(sqlP, havingEntityConditionParam.getModelField(), modelEntity.getEntityName(), havingEntityConditionParam.getFieldValue(), modelFieldTypeReader);
        try {
            long count = 0;
            ResultSet resultSet = sqlP.getResultSet();
            if ( {
                count = resultSet.getLong(1);
            return count;
        } catch (SQLException e) {
            throw new GenericDataSourceException("Error getting count value", e);
Also used : SQLException(java.sql.SQLException) EntityCondition(org.apache.ofbiz.entity.condition.EntityCondition) LinkedList(java.util.LinkedList) SQLProcessor(org.apache.ofbiz.entity.jdbc.SQLProcessor) ModelField(org.apache.ofbiz.entity.model.ModelField) EntityFindOptions(org.apache.ofbiz.entity.util.EntityFindOptions) ModelViewEntity(org.apache.ofbiz.entity.model.ModelViewEntity) ResultSet(java.sql.ResultSet) GenericDataSourceException(org.apache.ofbiz.entity.GenericDataSourceException) EntityConditionParam(org.apache.ofbiz.entity.condition.EntityConditionParam)

Example 2 with GenericDataSourceException

use of org.apache.ofbiz.entity.GenericDataSourceException in project ofbiz-framework by apache.

the class SqlJdbcUtil method getValue.

public static void getValue(ResultSet rs, int ind, ModelField curField, GenericEntity entity, ModelFieldTypeReader modelFieldTypeReader) throws GenericEntityException {
    ModelFieldType mft = modelFieldTypeReader.getModelFieldType(curField.getType());
    if (mft == null) {
        throw new GenericModelException("definition fieldType " + curField.getType() + " not found, cannot getValue for field " + entity.getEntityName() + "." + curField.getName() + ".");
    ModelEntity model = entity.getModelEntity();
    String encryptionKeyName = entity.getEntityName();
    if (curField.getEncryptMethod().isEncrypted() && model instanceof ModelViewEntity) {
        ModelViewEntity modelView = (ModelViewEntity) model;
        encryptionKeyName = modelView.getAliasedEntity(modelView.getAlias(curField.getName()).getEntityAlias(), entity.getDelegator().getModelReader()).getEntityName();
    // ----- Try out the new handler code -----
    JdbcValueHandler<?> handler = mft.getJdbcValueHandler();
    if (handler != null) {
        try {
            Object jdbcValue = handler.getValue(rs, ind);
            if (jdbcValue instanceof String && curField.getEncryptMethod().isEncrypted()) {
                jdbcValue = entity.getDelegator().decryptFieldValue(encryptionKeyName, curField.getEncryptMethod(), (String) jdbcValue);
            entity.dangerousSetNoCheckButFast(curField, jdbcValue);
        } catch (Exception e) {
            Debug.logError(e, module);
    } else {
        Debug.logWarning("JdbcValueHandler not found for java-type " + mft.getJavaType() + ", falling back on switch statement. Entity = " + curField.getModelEntity().getEntityName() + ", field = " + curField.getName() + ".", module);
    // ------------------------------------------
    String fieldType = mft.getJavaType();
    try {
        // checking to see if the object is null is really only necessary for the numbers
        int typeValue = getType(fieldType);
        ResultSetMetaData rsmd = rs.getMetaData();
        int colType = rsmd.getColumnType(ind);
        if (typeValue <= 4 || typeValue >= 11) {
            switch(typeValue) {
                case 1:
                    if (java.sql.Types.CLOB == colType) {
                        // Debug.logInfo("For field " + curField.getName() + " of entity " + entity.getEntityName() + " getString is a CLOB, trying getCharacterStream", module);
                        // if the String is empty, try to get a text input stream, this is required for some databases for larger fields, like CLOBs
                        Clob valueClob = rs.getClob(ind);
                        Reader valueReader = null;
                        if (valueClob != null) {
                            valueReader = valueClob.getCharacterStream();
                        // Reader valueReader = rs.getCharacterStream(ind);
                        if (valueReader != null) {
                            char[] inCharBuffer = new char[CHAR_BUFFER_SIZE];
                            StringBuilder strBuf = new StringBuilder();
                            int charsRead = 0;
                            try {
                                while ((charsRead =, 0, CHAR_BUFFER_SIZE)) > 0) {
                                    strBuf.append(inCharBuffer, 0, charsRead);
                            } catch (IOException e) {
                                throw new GenericEntityException("Error reading long character stream for field " + curField.getName() + " of entity " + entity.getEntityName(), e);
                            entity.dangerousSetNoCheckButFast(curField, strBuf.toString());
                        } else {
                            entity.dangerousSetNoCheckButFast(curField, null);
                    } else {
                        String value = rs.getString(ind);
                        if (curField.getEncryptMethod().isEncrypted()) {
                            value = (String) entity.getDelegator().decryptFieldValue(encryptionKeyName, curField.getEncryptMethod(), value);
                        entity.dangerousSetNoCheckButFast(curField, value);
                case 2:
                    entity.dangerousSetNoCheckButFast(curField, rs.getTimestamp(ind));
                case 3:
                    entity.dangerousSetNoCheckButFast(curField, rs.getTime(ind));
                case 4:
                    entity.dangerousSetNoCheckButFast(curField, rs.getDate(ind));
                case 11:
                    Object obj = null;
                    byte[] originalBytes = rs.getBytes(ind);
                    obj = deserializeField(originalBytes, ind, curField);
                    if (obj != null) {
                        entity.dangerousSetNoCheckButFast(curField, obj);
                    } else {
                        entity.dangerousSetNoCheckButFast(curField, originalBytes);
                case 12:
                    Object originalObject;
                    byte[] fieldBytes;
                    try {
                        Blob theBlob = rs.getBlob(ind);
                        fieldBytes = theBlob != null ? theBlob.getBytes(1, (int) theBlob.length()) : null;
                        originalObject = theBlob;
                    } catch (SQLException e) {
                        // for backward compatibility if getBlob didn't work try getBytes
                        fieldBytes = rs.getBytes(ind);
                        originalObject = fieldBytes;
                    if (originalObject != null) {
                        // for backward compatibility, check to see if there is a serialized object and if so return that
                        Object blobObject = deserializeField(fieldBytes, ind, curField);
                        if (blobObject != null) {
                            entity.dangerousSetNoCheckButFast(curField, blobObject);
                        } else {
                            if (originalObject instanceof Blob) {
                                // NOTE using SerialBlob here instead of the Blob from the database to make sure we can pass it around, serialize it, etc
                                entity.dangerousSetNoCheckButFast(curField, new SerialBlob((Blob) originalObject));
                            } else {
                                entity.dangerousSetNoCheckButFast(curField, originalObject);
                case 13:
                    entity.dangerousSetNoCheckButFast(curField, new SerialClob(rs.getClob(ind)));
                case 14:
                case 15:
                    entity.dangerousSetNoCheckButFast(curField, rs.getObject(ind));
        } else {
            switch(typeValue) {
                case 5:
                    int intValue = rs.getInt(ind);
                    if (rs.wasNull()) {
                        entity.dangerousSetNoCheckButFast(curField, null);
                    } else {
                        entity.dangerousSetNoCheckButFast(curField, Integer.valueOf(intValue));
                case 6:
                    long longValue = rs.getLong(ind);
                    if (rs.wasNull()) {
                        entity.dangerousSetNoCheckButFast(curField, null);
                    } else {
                        entity.dangerousSetNoCheckButFast(curField, Long.valueOf(longValue));
                case 7:
                    float floatValue = rs.getFloat(ind);
                    if (rs.wasNull()) {
                        entity.dangerousSetNoCheckButFast(curField, null);
                    } else {
                        entity.dangerousSetNoCheckButFast(curField, Float.valueOf(floatValue));
                case 8:
                    double doubleValue = rs.getDouble(ind);
                    if (rs.wasNull()) {
                        entity.dangerousSetNoCheckButFast(curField, null);
                    } else {
                        entity.dangerousSetNoCheckButFast(curField, Double.valueOf(doubleValue));
                case 9:
                    BigDecimal bigDecimalValue = rs.getBigDecimal(ind);
                    if (rs.wasNull()) {
                        entity.dangerousSetNoCheckButFast(curField, null);
                    } else {
                        entity.dangerousSetNoCheckButFast(curField, bigDecimalValue);
                case 10:
                    boolean booleanValue = rs.getBoolean(ind);
                    if (rs.wasNull()) {
                        entity.dangerousSetNoCheckButFast(curField, null);
                    } else {
                        entity.dangerousSetNoCheckButFast(curField, Boolean.valueOf(booleanValue));
    } catch (SQLException sqle) {
        throw new GenericDataSourceException("SQL Exception while getting value : " + curField.getName() + " [" + curField.getColName() + "] (" + ind + ")", sqle);
Also used : GenericModelException(org.apache.ofbiz.entity.GenericModelException) SQLException(java.sql.SQLException) ModelFieldTypeReader(org.apache.ofbiz.entity.model.ModelFieldTypeReader) Reader( SerialBlob(javax.sql.rowset.serial.SerialBlob) ResultSetMetaData(java.sql.ResultSetMetaData) ModelViewEntity(org.apache.ofbiz.entity.model.ModelViewEntity) ModelEntity(org.apache.ofbiz.entity.model.ModelEntity) GenericDataSourceException(org.apache.ofbiz.entity.GenericDataSourceException) SerialBlob(javax.sql.rowset.serial.SerialBlob) Blob(java.sql.Blob) IOException( SerialClob(javax.sql.rowset.serial.SerialClob) SQLException(java.sql.SQLException) GenericDataSourceException(org.apache.ofbiz.entity.GenericDataSourceException) GenericNotImplementedException(org.apache.ofbiz.entity.GenericNotImplementedException) GenericModelException(org.apache.ofbiz.entity.GenericModelException) IOException( GenericEntityException(org.apache.ofbiz.entity.GenericEntityException) BigDecimal(java.math.BigDecimal) GenericEntityException(org.apache.ofbiz.entity.GenericEntityException) ModelFieldType(org.apache.ofbiz.entity.model.ModelFieldType) Clob(java.sql.Clob) SerialClob(javax.sql.rowset.serial.SerialClob)

Example 3 with GenericDataSourceException

use of org.apache.ofbiz.entity.GenericDataSourceException in project ofbiz-framework by apache.

the class SQLProcessor method getConnection.

 * Get a connection from the TransactionFactoryLoader
 * @return  The connection created
 * @throws GenericDataSourceException
 * @throws GenericEntityException
public Connection getConnection() throws GenericDataSourceException, GenericEntityException {
    if (_connection != null)
        return _connection;
    _manualTX = true;
    try {
        _connection = TransactionFactoryLoader.getInstance().getConnection(helperInfo);
        if (Debug.verboseOn())
            Debug.logVerbose("SQLProcessor:connection() : manualTx=" + _manualTX, module);
    } catch (SQLException sqle) {
        throw new GenericDataSourceException("Unable to establish a connection with the database.", sqle);
    // make sure we actually did get a connection
    if (_connection == null) {
        throw new GenericDataSourceException("Unable to establish a connection with the database. Connection was null!");
    // test the connection
    // always try to set auto commit to false, but if we can't then later on we won't commit
    try {
        if (_connection.getAutoCommit()) {
            try {
                if (Debug.verboseOn())
                    Debug.logVerbose("SQLProcessor:setAutoCommit(false) : manualTx=" + _manualTX, module);
            } catch (SQLException sqle) {
                _manualTX = false;
    } catch (SQLException e) {
        throw new GenericDataSourceException("Cannot get autoCommit status from connection", e);
    try {
        if (TransactionUtil.getStatus() == TransactionUtil.STATUS_ACTIVE) {
            if (Debug.verboseOn())
                Debug.logVerbose("[SQLProcessor.getConnection] : active transaction", module);
            _manualTX = false;
    } catch (GenericTransactionException e) {
        // nevermind, don't worry about it, but print the exc anyway
        Debug.logWarning("[SQLProcessor.getConnection]: Exception was thrown trying to check " + "transaction status: " + e.toString(), module);
    if (Debug.verboseOn())
        Debug.logVerbose("[SQLProcessor.getConnection] : con=" + _connection, module);
    _bDeleteConnection = true;
    return _connection;
Also used : SQLException(java.sql.SQLException) GenericTransactionException(org.apache.ofbiz.entity.transaction.GenericTransactionException) GenericDataSourceException(org.apache.ofbiz.entity.GenericDataSourceException)

Example 4 with GenericDataSourceException

use of org.apache.ofbiz.entity.GenericDataSourceException in project ofbiz-framework by apache.

the class SqlJdbcUtil method setValue.

public static <T> void setValue(SQLProcessor sqlP, ModelField modelField, String entityName, Object fieldValue, ModelFieldTypeReader modelFieldTypeReader) throws GenericEntityException {
    ModelFieldType mft = modelFieldTypeReader.getModelFieldType(modelField.getType());
    if (mft == null) {
        throw new GenericModelException("GenericDAO.getValue: definition fieldType " + modelField.getType() + " not found, cannot setValue for field " + entityName + "." + modelField.getName() + ".");
    // if the value is the GenericEntity.NullField, treat as null
    if (fieldValue == GenericEntity.NULL_FIELD) {
        fieldValue = null;
    // ----- Try out the new handler code -----
    ModelField.EncryptMethod encryptMethod = modelField.getEncryptMethod();
    if (encryptMethod.isEncrypted()) {
        fieldValue = sqlP.getDelegator().encryptFieldValue(entityName, encryptMethod, fieldValue);
    JdbcValueHandler<T> handler = UtilGenerics.cast(mft.getJdbcValueHandler());
    if (handler != null) {
        try {
            sqlP.setValue(handler, handler.getJavaClass().cast(fieldValue));
        } catch (SQLException e) {
            throw new GenericDataSourceException("SQL Exception while setting value on field [" + modelField.getName() + "] of entity " + entityName + ": ", e);
    } else {
        Debug.logWarning("JdbcValueHandler not found for java-type " + mft.getJavaType() + ", falling back on switch statement. Entity = " + modelField.getModelEntity().getEntityName() + ", field = " + modelField.getName() + ".", module);
    // ------------------------------------------
    String fieldType = mft.getJavaType();
    if (fieldValue != null) {
        if (!ObjectType.instanceOf(fieldValue, fieldType)) {
            // this is only an info level message because under normal operation for most JDBC
            // drivers this will be okay, but if not then the JDBC driver will throw an exception
            // and when lower debug levels are on this should help give more info on what happened
            String fieldClassName = fieldValue.getClass().getName();
            if (fieldValue instanceof byte[]) {
                fieldClassName = "byte[]";
            if (Debug.verboseOn())
                Debug.logVerbose("type of field " + entityName + "." + modelField.getName() + " is " + fieldClassName + ", was expecting " + mft.getJavaType() + "; this may " + "indicate an error in the configuration or in the class, and may result " + "in an SQL-Java data conversion error. Will use the real field type: " + fieldClassName + ", not the definition.", module);
            fieldType = fieldClassName;
    try {
        int typeValue = getType(fieldType);
        switch(typeValue) {
            case 1:
                sqlP.setValue((String) fieldValue);
            case 2:
                sqlP.setValue((java.sql.Timestamp) fieldValue);
            case 3:
                sqlP.setValue((java.sql.Time) fieldValue);
            case 4:
                sqlP.setValue((java.sql.Date) fieldValue);
            case 5:
                sqlP.setValue((java.lang.Integer) fieldValue);
            case 6:
                sqlP.setValue((java.lang.Long) fieldValue);
            case 7:
                sqlP.setValue((java.lang.Float) fieldValue);
            case 8:
                sqlP.setValue((java.lang.Double) fieldValue);
            case 9:
                sqlP.setValue((java.math.BigDecimal) fieldValue);
            case 10:
                sqlP.setValue((java.lang.Boolean) fieldValue);
            case 11:
            case 12:
                if (fieldValue instanceof byte[]) {
                    sqlP.setBytes((byte[]) fieldValue);
                } else if (fieldValue instanceof ByteBuffer) {
                    sqlP.setBytes(((ByteBuffer) fieldValue).array());
                } else {
                    sqlP.setValue((java.sql.Blob) fieldValue);
            case 13:
                sqlP.setValue((java.sql.Clob) fieldValue);
            case 14:
                if (fieldValue != null) {
                    sqlP.setValue(new java.sql.Date(((java.util.Date) fieldValue).getTime()));
                } else {
                    sqlP.setValue((java.sql.Date) null);
            case 15:
    } catch (GenericNotImplementedException e) {
        throw new GenericNotImplementedException("Not Implemented Exception while setting value on field [" + modelField.getName() + "] of entity " + entityName + ": " + e.toString(), e);
    } catch (SQLException sqle) {
        throw new GenericDataSourceException("SQL Exception while setting value on field [" + modelField.getName() + "] of entity " + entityName + ": ", sqle);
Also used : GenericModelException(org.apache.ofbiz.entity.GenericModelException) SerialBlob(javax.sql.rowset.serial.SerialBlob) Blob(java.sql.Blob) SQLException(java.sql.SQLException) GenericNotImplementedException(org.apache.ofbiz.entity.GenericNotImplementedException) ByteBuffer(java.nio.ByteBuffer) ModelField(org.apache.ofbiz.entity.model.ModelField) ModelFieldType(org.apache.ofbiz.entity.model.ModelFieldType) GenericDataSourceException(org.apache.ofbiz.entity.GenericDataSourceException)

Example 5 with GenericDataSourceException

use of org.apache.ofbiz.entity.GenericDataSourceException in project ofbiz-framework by apache.

the class SQLProcessor method prepareStatement.

 * Prepare a statement. In case no connection has been given, allocate a
 * new one.
 * @param sql  The SQL statement to be executed
 * @throws GenericDataSourceException
 * @throws GenericEntityException
public void prepareStatement(String sql, boolean specifyTypeAndConcur, int resultSetType, int resultSetConcurrency, int fetchSize, int maxRows) throws GenericDataSourceException, GenericEntityException {
    if (Debug.verboseOn())
        Debug.logVerbose("[SQLProcessor.prepareStatement] sql=" + sql, module);
    if (_connection == null) {
    try {
        _sql = sql;
        _ind = 1;
        if (specifyTypeAndConcur) {
            _ps = _connection.prepareStatement(sql, resultSetType, resultSetConcurrency);
            if (Debug.verboseOn())
                Debug.logVerbose("[SQLProcessor.prepareStatement] _ps=" + _ps, module);
        } else {
            _ps = _connection.prepareStatement(sql);
            if (Debug.verboseOn())
                Debug.logVerbose("[SQLProcessor.prepareStatement] (def) _ps=" + _ps, module);
        if (maxRows > 0) {
            if (Debug.verboseOn())
                Debug.logVerbose("[SQLProcessor.prepareStatement] max rows set : " + maxRows, module);
        this.setFetchSize(_ps, fetchSize);
    } catch (SQLException sqle) {
        throw new GenericDataSourceException("SQL Exception while executing the following:" + sql, sqle);
Also used : SQLException(java.sql.SQLException) GenericDataSourceException(org.apache.ofbiz.entity.GenericDataSourceException)


SQLException (java.sql.SQLException)5 GenericDataSourceException (org.apache.ofbiz.entity.GenericDataSourceException)5 Blob (java.sql.Blob)2 SerialBlob (javax.sql.rowset.serial.SerialBlob)2 GenericModelException (org.apache.ofbiz.entity.GenericModelException)2 GenericNotImplementedException (org.apache.ofbiz.entity.GenericNotImplementedException)2 ModelField (org.apache.ofbiz.entity.model.ModelField)2 ModelFieldType (org.apache.ofbiz.entity.model.ModelFieldType)2 ModelViewEntity (org.apache.ofbiz.entity.model.ModelViewEntity)2 IOException ( Reader ( BigDecimal (java.math.BigDecimal)1 ByteBuffer (java.nio.ByteBuffer)1 Clob (java.sql.Clob)1 ResultSet (java.sql.ResultSet)1 ResultSetMetaData (java.sql.ResultSetMetaData)1 LinkedList (java.util.LinkedList)1 SerialClob (javax.sql.rowset.serial.SerialClob)1 GenericEntityException (org.apache.ofbiz.entity.GenericEntityException)1 EntityCondition (org.apache.ofbiz.entity.condition.EntityCondition)1