use of org.apache.ofbiz.entity.GenericModelException in project ofbiz-framework by apache.
the class GenericDAO method partialSelect.
public void partialSelect(GenericEntity entity, Set<String> keys) throws GenericEntityException {
ModelEntity modelEntity = entity.getModelEntity();
if (modelEntity instanceof ModelViewEntity) {
throw new org.apache.ofbiz.entity.GenericNotImplementedException("Operation partialSelect not supported yet for view entities");
// we don't want to select ALL fields, just the nonpk fields that are in the passed GenericEntity
List<ModelField> partialFields = new LinkedList<ModelField>();
Set<String> tempKeys = new TreeSet<String>(keys);
Iterator<ModelField> entityFieldIter = modelEntity.getFieldsIterator();
while (entityFieldIter.hasNext()) {
ModelField curField =;
if (tempKeys.contains(curField.getName())) {
if (tempKeys.size() > 0) {
throw new GenericModelException("In partialSelect invalid field names specified: " + tempKeys.toString());
StringBuilder sqlBuffer = new StringBuilder("SELECT ");
if (partialFields.size() > 0) {
modelEntity.colNameString(partialFields, sqlBuffer, "", ", ", "", datasource.getAliasViewColumns());
} else {
sqlBuffer.append(SqlJdbcUtil.makeFromClause(modelEntity, modelFieldTypeReader, datasource));
sqlBuffer.append(SqlJdbcUtil.makeWhereClause(modelEntity, modelEntity.getPkFieldsUnmodifiable(), entity, "AND", datasource.getJoinStyle()));
try (SQLProcessor sqlP = new SQLProcessor(entity.getDelegator(), helperInfo)) {
sqlP.prepareStatement(sqlBuffer.toString(), true, ResultSet.TYPE_FORWARD_ONLY, ResultSet.CONCUR_READ_ONLY);
SqlJdbcUtil.setPkValues(sqlP, modelEntity, entity, modelFieldTypeReader);
if ( {
for (int j = 0; j < partialFields.size(); j++) {
ModelField curField = partialFields.get(j);
SqlJdbcUtil.getValue(sqlP.getResultSet(), j + 1, curField, entity, modelFieldTypeReader);
} else {
throw new GenericEntityNotFoundException("Result set was empty for entity: " + entity.toString());
use of org.apache.ofbiz.entity.GenericModelException in project ofbiz-framework by apache.
the class SqlJdbcUtil method makeViewWhereClause.
public static String makeViewWhereClause(ModelEntity modelEntity, String joinStyle) throws GenericEntityException {
if (modelEntity instanceof ModelViewEntity) {
StringBuilder whereString = new StringBuilder();
ModelViewEntity modelViewEntity = (ModelViewEntity) modelEntity;
if ("ansi".equals(joinStyle) || "ansi-no-parenthesis".equals(joinStyle)) {
// nothing to do here, all done in the JOIN clauses
} else if ("theta-oracle".equals(joinStyle) || "theta-mssql".equals(joinStyle)) {
boolean isOracleStyle = "theta-oracle".equals(joinStyle);
boolean isMssqlStyle = "theta-mssql".equals(joinStyle);
for (int i = 0; i < modelViewEntity.getViewLinksSize(); i++) {
ModelViewEntity.ModelViewLink viewLink = modelViewEntity.getViewLink(i);
ModelEntity linkEntity = modelViewEntity.getMemberModelEntity(viewLink.getEntityAlias());
ModelEntity relLinkEntity = modelViewEntity.getMemberModelEntity(viewLink.getRelEntityAlias());
if (linkEntity == null) {
throw new GenericEntityException("Link entity not found with alias: " + viewLink.getEntityAlias() + " for entity: " + modelViewEntity.getEntityName());
if (relLinkEntity == null) {
throw new GenericEntityException("Rel-Link entity not found with alias: " + viewLink.getRelEntityAlias() + " for entity: " + modelViewEntity.getEntityName());
for (int j = 0; j < viewLink.getKeyMapsSize(); j++) {
ModelKeyMap keyMap = viewLink.getKeyMap(j);
ModelField linkField = linkEntity.getField(keyMap.getFieldName());
ModelField relLinkField = relLinkEntity.getField(keyMap.getRelFieldName());
if (whereString.length() > 0) {
whereString.append(" AND ");
// if (isOracleStyle && linkMemberEntity.getOptional()) whereString.append(" (+) ");
if (isMssqlStyle && viewLink.isRelOptional())
// if (isMssqlStyle && linkMemberEntity.getOptional()) whereString.append("*");
if (isOracleStyle && viewLink.isRelOptional())
whereString.append(" (+) ");
} else {
throw new GenericModelException("The join-style " + joinStyle + " is not supported");
if (whereString.length() > 0) {
return "(" + whereString.toString() + ")";
return "";
use of org.apache.ofbiz.entity.GenericModelException in project ofbiz-framework by apache.
the class SqlJdbcUtil method getValue.
public static void getValue(ResultSet rs, int ind, ModelField curField, GenericEntity entity, ModelFieldTypeReader modelFieldTypeReader) throws GenericEntityException {
ModelFieldType mft = modelFieldTypeReader.getModelFieldType(curField.getType());
if (mft == null) {
throw new GenericModelException("definition fieldType " + curField.getType() + " not found, cannot getValue for field " + entity.getEntityName() + "." + curField.getName() + ".");
ModelEntity model = entity.getModelEntity();
String encryptionKeyName = entity.getEntityName();
if (curField.getEncryptMethod().isEncrypted() && model instanceof ModelViewEntity) {
ModelViewEntity modelView = (ModelViewEntity) model;
encryptionKeyName = modelView.getAliasedEntity(modelView.getAlias(curField.getName()).getEntityAlias(), entity.getDelegator().getModelReader()).getEntityName();
// ----- Try out the new handler code -----
JdbcValueHandler<?> handler = mft.getJdbcValueHandler();
if (handler != null) {
try {
Object jdbcValue = handler.getValue(rs, ind);
if (jdbcValue instanceof String && curField.getEncryptMethod().isEncrypted()) {
jdbcValue = entity.getDelegator().decryptFieldValue(encryptionKeyName, curField.getEncryptMethod(), (String) jdbcValue);
entity.dangerousSetNoCheckButFast(curField, jdbcValue);
} catch (Exception e) {
Debug.logError(e, module);
} else {
Debug.logWarning("JdbcValueHandler not found for java-type " + mft.getJavaType() + ", falling back on switch statement. Entity = " + curField.getModelEntity().getEntityName() + ", field = " + curField.getName() + ".", module);
// ------------------------------------------
String fieldType = mft.getJavaType();
try {
// checking to see if the object is null is really only necessary for the numbers
int typeValue = getType(fieldType);
ResultSetMetaData rsmd = rs.getMetaData();
int colType = rsmd.getColumnType(ind);
if (typeValue <= 4 || typeValue >= 11) {
switch(typeValue) {
case 1:
if (java.sql.Types.CLOB == colType) {
// Debug.logInfo("For field " + curField.getName() + " of entity " + entity.getEntityName() + " getString is a CLOB, trying getCharacterStream", module);
// if the String is empty, try to get a text input stream, this is required for some databases for larger fields, like CLOBs
Clob valueClob = rs.getClob(ind);
Reader valueReader = null;
if (valueClob != null) {
valueReader = valueClob.getCharacterStream();
// Reader valueReader = rs.getCharacterStream(ind);
if (valueReader != null) {
char[] inCharBuffer = new char[CHAR_BUFFER_SIZE];
StringBuilder strBuf = new StringBuilder();
int charsRead = 0;
try {
while ((charsRead =, 0, CHAR_BUFFER_SIZE)) > 0) {
strBuf.append(inCharBuffer, 0, charsRead);
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new GenericEntityException("Error reading long character stream for field " + curField.getName() + " of entity " + entity.getEntityName(), e);
entity.dangerousSetNoCheckButFast(curField, strBuf.toString());
} else {
entity.dangerousSetNoCheckButFast(curField, null);
} else {
String value = rs.getString(ind);
if (curField.getEncryptMethod().isEncrypted()) {
value = (String) entity.getDelegator().decryptFieldValue(encryptionKeyName, curField.getEncryptMethod(), value);
entity.dangerousSetNoCheckButFast(curField, value);
case 2:
entity.dangerousSetNoCheckButFast(curField, rs.getTimestamp(ind));
case 3:
entity.dangerousSetNoCheckButFast(curField, rs.getTime(ind));
case 4:
entity.dangerousSetNoCheckButFast(curField, rs.getDate(ind));
case 11:
Object obj = null;
byte[] originalBytes = rs.getBytes(ind);
obj = deserializeField(originalBytes, ind, curField);
if (obj != null) {
entity.dangerousSetNoCheckButFast(curField, obj);
} else {
entity.dangerousSetNoCheckButFast(curField, originalBytes);
case 12:
Object originalObject;
byte[] fieldBytes;
try {
Blob theBlob = rs.getBlob(ind);
fieldBytes = theBlob != null ? theBlob.getBytes(1, (int) theBlob.length()) : null;
originalObject = theBlob;
} catch (SQLException e) {
// for backward compatibility if getBlob didn't work try getBytes
fieldBytes = rs.getBytes(ind);
originalObject = fieldBytes;
if (originalObject != null) {
// for backward compatibility, check to see if there is a serialized object and if so return that
Object blobObject = deserializeField(fieldBytes, ind, curField);
if (blobObject != null) {
entity.dangerousSetNoCheckButFast(curField, blobObject);
} else {
if (originalObject instanceof Blob) {
// NOTE using SerialBlob here instead of the Blob from the database to make sure we can pass it around, serialize it, etc
entity.dangerousSetNoCheckButFast(curField, new SerialBlob((Blob) originalObject));
} else {
entity.dangerousSetNoCheckButFast(curField, originalObject);
case 13:
entity.dangerousSetNoCheckButFast(curField, new SerialClob(rs.getClob(ind)));
case 14:
case 15:
entity.dangerousSetNoCheckButFast(curField, rs.getObject(ind));
} else {
switch(typeValue) {
case 5:
int intValue = rs.getInt(ind);
if (rs.wasNull()) {
entity.dangerousSetNoCheckButFast(curField, null);
} else {
entity.dangerousSetNoCheckButFast(curField, Integer.valueOf(intValue));
case 6:
long longValue = rs.getLong(ind);
if (rs.wasNull()) {
entity.dangerousSetNoCheckButFast(curField, null);
} else {
entity.dangerousSetNoCheckButFast(curField, Long.valueOf(longValue));
case 7:
float floatValue = rs.getFloat(ind);
if (rs.wasNull()) {
entity.dangerousSetNoCheckButFast(curField, null);
} else {
entity.dangerousSetNoCheckButFast(curField, Float.valueOf(floatValue));
case 8:
double doubleValue = rs.getDouble(ind);
if (rs.wasNull()) {
entity.dangerousSetNoCheckButFast(curField, null);
} else {
entity.dangerousSetNoCheckButFast(curField, Double.valueOf(doubleValue));
case 9:
BigDecimal bigDecimalValue = rs.getBigDecimal(ind);
if (rs.wasNull()) {
entity.dangerousSetNoCheckButFast(curField, null);
} else {
entity.dangerousSetNoCheckButFast(curField, bigDecimalValue);
case 10:
boolean booleanValue = rs.getBoolean(ind);
if (rs.wasNull()) {
entity.dangerousSetNoCheckButFast(curField, null);
} else {
entity.dangerousSetNoCheckButFast(curField, Boolean.valueOf(booleanValue));
} catch (SQLException sqle) {
throw new GenericDataSourceException("SQL Exception while getting value : " + curField.getName() + " [" + curField.getColName() + "] (" + ind + ")", sqle);
use of org.apache.ofbiz.entity.GenericModelException in project ofbiz-framework by apache.
the class SqlJdbcUtil method makeFromClause.
* Makes the FROM clause and when necessary the JOIN clause(s) as well
public static String makeFromClause(ModelEntity modelEntity, ModelFieldTypeReader modelFieldTypeReader, Datasource datasourceInfo) throws GenericEntityException {
StringBuilder sql = new StringBuilder(" FROM ");
if (modelEntity instanceof ModelViewEntity) {
ModelViewEntity modelViewEntity = (ModelViewEntity) modelEntity;
if ("ansi".equals(datasourceInfo.getJoinStyle()) || "ansi-no-parenthesis".equals(datasourceInfo.getJoinStyle())) {
boolean useParenthesis = true;
if ("ansi-no-parenthesis".equals(datasourceInfo.getJoinStyle())) {
useParenthesis = false;
// FROM clause: in this case will be a bunch of joins that correspond with the view-links
// BIG NOTE on the JOIN clauses: the order of joins is determined by the order of the
// view-links; for more flexible order we'll have to figure something else out and
// extend the DTD for the nested view-link elements or something
// At this point it is assumed that in each view-link the left hand alias will
// either be the first alias in the series or will already be in a previous
// view-link and already be in the big join; SO keep a set of all aliases
// in the join so far and if the left entity alias isn't there yet, and this
// isn't the first one, throw an exception
Set<String> joinedAliasSet = new TreeSet<String>();
// TODO: at view-link read time make sure they are ordered properly so that each
// left hand alias after the first view-link has already been linked before
StringBuilder openParens = null;
if (useParenthesis)
openParens = new StringBuilder();
StringBuilder restOfStatement = new StringBuilder();
for (int i = 0; i < modelViewEntity.getViewLinksSize(); i++) {
// don't put starting parenthesis
if (i > 0 && useParenthesis)
ModelViewEntity.ModelViewLink viewLink = modelViewEntity.getViewLink(i);
ModelEntity linkEntity = modelViewEntity.getMemberModelEntity(viewLink.getEntityAlias());
ModelEntity relLinkEntity = modelViewEntity.getMemberModelEntity(viewLink.getRelEntityAlias());
if (i == 0) {
// this is the first referenced member alias, so keep track of it for future use...
restOfStatement.append(makeViewTable(linkEntity, modelFieldTypeReader, datasourceInfo));
// another possible one that some dbs might need, but not sure of any yet: restOfStatement.append(" AS ");
restOfStatement.append(" ");
} else {
// make sure the left entity alias is already in the join...
if (!joinedAliasSet.contains(viewLink.getEntityAlias())) {
throw new GenericModelException("Tried to link the " + viewLink.getEntityAlias() + " alias to the " + viewLink.getRelEntityAlias() + " alias of the " + modelViewEntity.getEntityName() + " view-entity, but it is not the first view-link and has not been included in a previous view-link. In other words, the left/main alias isn't connected to the rest of the member-entities yet.");
// now put the rel (right) entity alias into the set that is in the join
if (viewLink.isRelOptional()) {
restOfStatement.append(" LEFT OUTER JOIN ");
} else {
restOfStatement.append(" INNER JOIN ");
restOfStatement.append(makeViewTable(relLinkEntity, modelFieldTypeReader, datasourceInfo));
// another possible one that some dbs might need, but not sure of any yet: restOfStatement.append(" AS ");
restOfStatement.append(" ");
restOfStatement.append(" ON ");
StringBuilder condBuffer = new StringBuilder();
for (int j = 0; j < viewLink.getKeyMapsSize(); j++) {
ModelKeyMap keyMap = viewLink.getKeyMap(j);
ModelField linkField = linkEntity.getField(keyMap.getFieldName());
if (linkField == null) {
throw new GenericModelException("Invalid field name in view-link key-map for the " + viewLink.getEntityAlias() + " and the " + viewLink.getRelEntityAlias() + " member-entities of the " + modelViewEntity.getEntityName() + " view-entity; the field [" + keyMap.getFieldName() + "] does not exist on the [" + linkEntity.getEntityName() + "] entity.");
ModelField relLinkField = relLinkEntity.getField(keyMap.getRelFieldName());
if (relLinkField == null) {
throw new GenericModelException("Invalid related field name in view-link key-map for the " + viewLink.getEntityAlias() + " and the " + viewLink.getRelEntityAlias() + " member-entities of the " + modelViewEntity.getEntityName() + " view-entity; the field [" + keyMap.getRelFieldName() + "] does not exist on the [" + relLinkEntity.getEntityName() + "] entity.");
if (condBuffer.length() > 0) {
condBuffer.append(" AND ");
condBuffer.append(" = ");
if (condBuffer.length() == 0) {
throw new GenericModelException("No view-link/join key-maps found for the " + viewLink.getEntityAlias() + " and the " + viewLink.getRelEntityAlias() + " member-entities of the " + modelViewEntity.getEntityName() + " view-entity.");
ModelViewEntity.ViewEntityCondition viewEntityCondition = viewLink.getViewEntityCondition();
if (viewEntityCondition != null) {
EntityCondition whereCondition = viewEntityCondition.getWhereCondition(modelFieldTypeReader, null);
condBuffer.append(" AND ");
condBuffer.append(whereCondition.makeWhereString(modelEntity, null, datasourceInfo));
// don't put ending parenthesis
if (i < (modelViewEntity.getViewLinksSize() - 1) && useParenthesis)
if (useParenthesis)
// handle tables not included in view-link
boolean fromEmpty = restOfStatement.length() == 0;
for (String aliasName : modelViewEntity.getMemberModelMemberEntities().keySet()) {
ModelEntity fromEntity = modelViewEntity.getMemberModelEntity(aliasName);
if (!joinedAliasSet.contains(aliasName)) {
if (!fromEmpty)
sql.append(", ");
fromEmpty = false;
sql.append(makeViewTable(fromEntity, modelFieldTypeReader, datasourceInfo));
sql.append(" ");
} else if ("theta-oracle".equals(datasourceInfo.getJoinStyle()) || "theta-mssql".equals(datasourceInfo.getJoinStyle())) {
// FROM clause
Iterator<String> meIter = modelViewEntity.getMemberModelMemberEntities().keySet().iterator();
while (meIter.hasNext()) {
String aliasName =;
ModelEntity fromEntity = modelViewEntity.getMemberModelEntity(aliasName);
sql.append(makeViewTable(fromEntity, modelFieldTypeReader, datasourceInfo));
sql.append(" ");
if (meIter.hasNext())
sql.append(", ");
// JOIN clause(s): none needed, all the work done in the where clause for theta-oracle
} else {
throw new GenericModelException("The join-style " + datasourceInfo.getJoinStyle() + " is not yet supported");
} else {
return sql.toString();
use of org.apache.ofbiz.entity.GenericModelException in project ofbiz-framework by apache.
the class SqlJdbcUtil method setValue.
public static <T> void setValue(SQLProcessor sqlP, ModelField modelField, String entityName, Object fieldValue, ModelFieldTypeReader modelFieldTypeReader) throws GenericEntityException {
ModelFieldType mft = modelFieldTypeReader.getModelFieldType(modelField.getType());
if (mft == null) {
throw new GenericModelException("GenericDAO.getValue: definition fieldType " + modelField.getType() + " not found, cannot setValue for field " + entityName + "." + modelField.getName() + ".");
// if the value is the GenericEntity.NullField, treat as null
if (fieldValue == GenericEntity.NULL_FIELD) {
fieldValue = null;
// ----- Try out the new handler code -----
ModelField.EncryptMethod encryptMethod = modelField.getEncryptMethod();
if (encryptMethod.isEncrypted()) {
fieldValue = sqlP.getDelegator().encryptFieldValue(entityName, encryptMethod, fieldValue);
JdbcValueHandler<T> handler = UtilGenerics.cast(mft.getJdbcValueHandler());
if (handler != null) {
try {
sqlP.setValue(handler, handler.getJavaClass().cast(fieldValue));
} catch (SQLException e) {
throw new GenericDataSourceException("SQL Exception while setting value on field [" + modelField.getName() + "] of entity " + entityName + ": ", e);
} else {
Debug.logWarning("JdbcValueHandler not found for java-type " + mft.getJavaType() + ", falling back on switch statement. Entity = " + modelField.getModelEntity().getEntityName() + ", field = " + modelField.getName() + ".", module);
// ------------------------------------------
String fieldType = mft.getJavaType();
if (fieldValue != null) {
if (!ObjectType.instanceOf(fieldValue, fieldType)) {
// this is only an info level message because under normal operation for most JDBC
// drivers this will be okay, but if not then the JDBC driver will throw an exception
// and when lower debug levels are on this should help give more info on what happened
String fieldClassName = fieldValue.getClass().getName();
if (fieldValue instanceof byte[]) {
fieldClassName = "byte[]";
if (Debug.verboseOn())
Debug.logVerbose("type of field " + entityName + "." + modelField.getName() + " is " + fieldClassName + ", was expecting " + mft.getJavaType() + "; this may " + "indicate an error in the configuration or in the class, and may result " + "in an SQL-Java data conversion error. Will use the real field type: " + fieldClassName + ", not the definition.", module);
fieldType = fieldClassName;
try {
int typeValue = getType(fieldType);
switch(typeValue) {
case 1:
sqlP.setValue((String) fieldValue);
case 2:
sqlP.setValue((java.sql.Timestamp) fieldValue);
case 3:
sqlP.setValue((java.sql.Time) fieldValue);
case 4:
sqlP.setValue((java.sql.Date) fieldValue);
case 5:
sqlP.setValue((java.lang.Integer) fieldValue);
case 6:
sqlP.setValue((java.lang.Long) fieldValue);
case 7:
sqlP.setValue((java.lang.Float) fieldValue);
case 8:
sqlP.setValue((java.lang.Double) fieldValue);
case 9:
sqlP.setValue((java.math.BigDecimal) fieldValue);
case 10:
sqlP.setValue((java.lang.Boolean) fieldValue);
case 11:
case 12:
if (fieldValue instanceof byte[]) {
sqlP.setBytes((byte[]) fieldValue);
} else if (fieldValue instanceof ByteBuffer) {
sqlP.setBytes(((ByteBuffer) fieldValue).array());
} else {
sqlP.setValue((java.sql.Blob) fieldValue);
case 13:
sqlP.setValue((java.sql.Clob) fieldValue);
case 14:
if (fieldValue != null) {
sqlP.setValue(new java.sql.Date(((java.util.Date) fieldValue).getTime()));
} else {
sqlP.setValue((java.sql.Date) null);
case 15:
} catch (GenericNotImplementedException e) {
throw new GenericNotImplementedException("Not Implemented Exception while setting value on field [" + modelField.getName() + "] of entity " + entityName + ": " + e.toString(), e);
} catch (SQLException sqle) {
throw new GenericDataSourceException("SQL Exception while setting value on field [" + modelField.getName() + "] of entity " + entityName + ": ", sqle);