use of org.apache.qpid.server.model.ExclusivityPolicy in project qpid-broker-j by apache.
the class AMQChannel method receiveQueueDeclare.
public void receiveQueueDeclare(final AMQShortString queueStr, final boolean passive, final boolean durable, final boolean exclusive, final boolean autoDelete, final boolean nowait, final FieldTable arguments) {
if (LOGGER.isDebugEnabled()) {
LOGGER.debug("RECV[" + _channelId + "] QueueDeclare[" + " queue: " + queueStr + " passive: " + passive + " durable: " + durable + " exclusive: " + exclusive + " autoDelete: " + autoDelete + " nowait: " + nowait + " arguments: " + arguments + " ]");
NamedAddressSpace virtualHost = _connection.getAddressSpace();
final AMQShortString queueName;
// if we aren't given a queue name, we create one which we return to the client
if ((queueStr == null) || (queueStr.length() == 0)) {
queueName = AMQShortString.createAMQShortString("tmp_" + UUID.randomUUID());
} else {
queueName = queueStr;
Queue<?> queue;
if (passive) {
queue = getQueue(queueName.toString());
if (queue == null) {
closeChannel(ErrorCodes.NOT_FOUND, "Queue: '" + queueName + "' not found on VirtualHost '" + virtualHost.getName() + "'.");
} else {
if (!queue.verifySessionAccess(this)) {
_connection.sendConnectionClose(ErrorCodes.NOT_ALLOWED, "Queue '" + queue.getName() + "' is exclusive, but not created on this Connection.", getChannelId());
} else {
// set this as the default queue on the channel:
if (!nowait) {
MethodRegistry methodRegistry = _connection.getMethodRegistry();
QueueDeclareOkBody responseBody = methodRegistry.createQueueDeclareOkBody(queueName, queue.getQueueDepthMessages(), queue.getConsumerCount());
if (LOGGER.isDebugEnabled()) {
LOGGER.debug("Queue " + queueName + " declared successfully");
} else {
try {
final String queueNameString = AMQShortString.toString(queueName);
Map<String, Object> wireArguments = FieldTable.convertToMap(arguments);
Object alternateExchange = wireArguments.get(ALTERNATE_EXCHANGE);
if (alternateExchange != null) {
String alternateExchangeName = String.valueOf(alternateExchange);
validateAlternateExchangeIsNotQueue(virtualHost, alternateExchangeName);
Queue.BehaviourOnUnknownDeclareArgument unknownArgumentBehaviour = getConnection().getContextValue(Queue.BehaviourOnUnknownDeclareArgument.class, Queue.UNKNOWN_QUEUE_DECLARE_ARGUMENT_BEHAVIOUR_NAME);
Map<String, Object> attributes = QueueArgumentsConverter.convertWireArgsToModel(queueNameString, wireArguments, getModel(), unknownArgumentBehaviour);
attributes.put(Queue.NAME, queueNameString);
attributes.put(Queue.DURABLE, durable);
LifetimePolicy lifetimePolicy;
ExclusivityPolicy exclusivityPolicy;
if (exclusive) {
lifetimePolicy = autoDelete ? LifetimePolicy.DELETE_ON_NO_OUTBOUND_LINKS : durable ? LifetimePolicy.PERMANENT : LifetimePolicy.DELETE_ON_CONNECTION_CLOSE;
exclusivityPolicy = durable ? ExclusivityPolicy.CONTAINER : ExclusivityPolicy.CONNECTION;
} else {
lifetimePolicy = autoDelete ? LifetimePolicy.DELETE_ON_NO_OUTBOUND_LINKS : LifetimePolicy.PERMANENT;
exclusivityPolicy = ExclusivityPolicy.NONE;
if (!attributes.containsKey(Queue.EXCLUSIVE)) {
attributes.put(Queue.EXCLUSIVE, exclusivityPolicy);
if (!attributes.containsKey(Queue.LIFETIME_POLICY)) {
attributes.put(Queue.LIFETIME_POLICY, lifetimePolicy);
queue = virtualHost.createMessageSource(Queue.class, attributes);
if (!nowait) {
MethodRegistry methodRegistry = _connection.getMethodRegistry();
QueueDeclareOkBody responseBody = methodRegistry.createQueueDeclareOkBody(queueName, queue.getQueueDepthMessages(), queue.getConsumerCount());
if (LOGGER.isDebugEnabled()) {
LOGGER.debug("Queue " + queueName + " declared successfully");
} catch (AbstractConfiguredObject.DuplicateNameException qe) {
queue = (Queue<?>) qe.getExisting();
if (!queue.verifySessionAccess(this)) {
_connection.sendConnectionClose(ErrorCodes.NOT_ALLOWED, "Queue '" + queue.getName() + "' is exclusive, but not created on this Connection.", getChannelId());
} else if (queue.isExclusive() != exclusive) {
closeChannel(ErrorCodes.ALREADY_EXISTS, "Cannot re-declare queue '" + queue.getName() + "' with different exclusivity (was: " + queue.isExclusive() + " requested " + exclusive + ")");
} else if ((autoDelete && queue.getLifetimePolicy() == LifetimePolicy.PERMANENT) || (!autoDelete && queue.getLifetimePolicy() != ((exclusive && !durable) ? LifetimePolicy.DELETE_ON_CONNECTION_CLOSE : LifetimePolicy.PERMANENT))) {
closeChannel(ErrorCodes.ALREADY_EXISTS, "Cannot re-declare queue '" + queue.getName() + "' with different lifetime policy (was: " + queue.getLifetimePolicy() + " requested autodelete: " + autoDelete + ")");
} else {
if (!nowait) {
MethodRegistry methodRegistry = _connection.getMethodRegistry();
QueueDeclareOkBody responseBody = methodRegistry.createQueueDeclareOkBody(queueName, queue.getQueueDepthMessages(), queue.getConsumerCount());
if (LOGGER.isDebugEnabled()) {
LOGGER.debug("Queue " + queueName + " declared successfully");
} catch (AccessControlException e) {
_connection.sendConnectionClose(ErrorCodes.ACCESS_REFUSED, e.getMessage(), getChannelId());
} catch (UnknownAlternateBindingException e) {
final String message = String.format("Unknown alternate destination: '%s'", e.getAlternateBindingName());
_connection.sendConnectionClose(ErrorCodes.NOT_FOUND, message, getChannelId());
} catch (IllegalArgumentException | IllegalConfigurationException e) {
String message = String.format("Error creating queue '%s': %s", queueName, e.getMessage());
_connection.sendConnectionClose(ErrorCodes.INVALID_ARGUMENT, message, getChannelId());