use of org.apache.qpid.server.virtualhost.UnknownAlternateBindingException in project qpid-broker-j by apache.
the class ServerSessionDelegate method exchangeDeclare.
public void exchangeDeclare(ServerSession session, ExchangeDeclare method) {
String exchangeName = method.getExchange();
NamedAddressSpace addressSpace = getAddressSpace(session);
// we must check for any unsupported arguments present and throw not-implemented
if (method.hasArguments()) {
Map<String, Object> args = method.getArguments();
// QPID-3392: currently we don't support any!
if (!args.isEmpty()) {
exception(session, method, ExecutionErrorCode.NOT_IMPLEMENTED, "Unsupported exchange argument(s) found " + args.keySet().toString());
String alternateExchangeName = method.getAlternateExchange();
if (nameNullOrEmpty(method.getExchange())) {
// special case handling to fake the existence of the default exchange for 0-10
if (!ExchangeDefaults.DIRECT_EXCHANGE_CLASS.equals(method.getType())) {
exception(session, method, ExecutionErrorCode.NOT_ALLOWED, "Attempt to redeclare default exchange " + " of type " + ExchangeDefaults.DIRECT_EXCHANGE_CLASS + " to " + method.getType() + ".");
if (!nameNullOrEmpty(alternateExchangeName)) {
exception(session, method, ExecutionErrorCode.NOT_ALLOWED, "Attempt to set alternate exchange of the default exchange " + " to " + alternateExchangeName + ".");
} else {
if (method.getPassive()) {
Exchange<?> exchange = getExchange(session, exchangeName);
if (exchange == null) {
exception(session, method, ExecutionErrorCode.NOT_FOUND, "not-found: exchange-name '" + exchangeName + "'");
} else {
if (!exchange.getType().equals(method.getType()) && (method.getType() != null && method.getType().length() > 0)) {
exception(session, method, ExecutionErrorCode.NOT_ALLOWED, "Attempt to redeclare exchange: " + exchangeName + " of type " + exchange.getType() + " to " + method.getType() + ".");
} else {
try {
Map<String, Object> attributes = new HashMap<String, Object>();
attributes.put(org.apache.qpid.server.model.Exchange.NAME, method.getExchange());
attributes.put(org.apache.qpid.server.model.Exchange.TYPE, method.getType());
attributes.put(org.apache.qpid.server.model.Exchange.DURABLE, method.getDurable());
attributes.put(org.apache.qpid.server.model.Exchange.LIFETIME_POLICY, method.getAutoDelete() ? LifetimePolicy.DELETE_ON_NO_LINKS : LifetimePolicy.PERMANENT);
if (method.hasAlternateExchange() && !nameNullOrEmpty(alternateExchangeName)) {
validateAlternateExchangeIsNotQueue(addressSpace, alternateExchangeName);
attributes.put(org.apache.qpid.server.model.Exchange.ALTERNATE_BINDING, Collections.singletonMap(AlternateBinding.DESTINATION, alternateExchangeName));
addressSpace.createMessageDestination(Exchange.class, attributes);
} catch (ReservedExchangeNameException e) {
Exchange<?> existingExchange = getExchange(session, exchangeName);
if (existingExchange == null || !existingExchange.getType().equals(method.getType()) || (method.hasAlternateExchange() && (existingExchange.getAlternateBinding() == null || !alternateExchangeName.equals(existingExchange.getAlternateBinding().getDestination())))) {
exception(session, method, ExecutionErrorCode.NOT_ALLOWED, "Attempt to declare exchange: " + exchangeName + " which begins with reserved name or prefix.");
} catch (UnknownAlternateBindingException e) {
exception(session, method, ExecutionErrorCode.NOT_FOUND, String.format("Unknown alternate exchange '%s'", e.getAlternateBindingName()));
} catch (NoFactoryForTypeException e) {
exception(session, method, ExecutionErrorCode.NOT_FOUND, "Unknown Exchange Type: " + method.getType());
} catch (AbstractConfiguredObject.DuplicateNameException e) {
Exchange<?> exchange = (Exchange<?>) e.getExisting();
if (!exchange.getType().equals(method.getType())) {
exception(session, method, ExecutionErrorCode.NOT_ALLOWED, "Attempt to redeclare exchange: " + exchangeName + " of type " + exchange.getType() + " to " + method.getType() + ".");
} else if (method.hasAlternateExchange() && (exchange.getAlternateBinding() == null || !alternateExchangeName.equals(exchange.getAlternateBinding().getDestination()))) {
exception(session, method, ExecutionErrorCode.NOT_ALLOWED, "Attempt to change alternate exchange of: " + exchangeName + " from " + exchange.getAlternateBinding() + " to " + alternateExchangeName + ".");
} catch (AccessControlException e) {
exception(session, method, ExecutionErrorCode.UNAUTHORIZED_ACCESS, e.getMessage());
} catch (IllegalArgumentException | IllegalConfigurationException e) {
exception(session, method, ExecutionErrorCode.ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT, e.getMessage());
use of org.apache.qpid.server.virtualhost.UnknownAlternateBindingException in project qpid-broker-j by apache.
the class AMQChannel method receiveExchangeDeclare.
public void receiveExchangeDeclare(final AMQShortString exchangeName, final AMQShortString type, final boolean passive, final boolean durable, final boolean autoDelete, final boolean internal, final boolean nowait, final FieldTable arguments) {
if (LOGGER.isDebugEnabled()) {
LOGGER.debug("RECV[" + _channelId + "] ExchangeDeclare[" + " exchange: " + exchangeName + " type: " + type + " passive: " + passive + " durable: " + durable + " autoDelete: " + autoDelete + " internal: " + internal + " nowait: " + nowait + " arguments: " + arguments + " ]");
final MethodRegistry methodRegistry = _connection.getMethodRegistry();
final AMQMethodBody declareOkBody = methodRegistry.createExchangeDeclareOkBody();
Exchange<?> exchange;
NamedAddressSpace virtualHost = _connection.getAddressSpace();
if (isDefaultExchange(exchangeName)) {
if (!new AMQShortString(ExchangeDefaults.DIRECT_EXCHANGE_CLASS).equals(type)) {
_connection.sendConnectionClose(ErrorCodes.NOT_ALLOWED, "Attempt to redeclare default exchange: " + " of type " + ExchangeDefaults.DIRECT_EXCHANGE_CLASS + " to " + type + ".", getChannelId());
} else if (!nowait) {
} else {
if (passive) {
exchange = getExchange(exchangeName.toString());
if (exchange == null) {
closeChannel(ErrorCodes.NOT_FOUND, "Unknown exchange: '" + exchangeName + "'");
} else if (!(type == null || type.length() == 0) && !exchange.getType().equals(type.toString())) {
_connection.sendConnectionClose(ErrorCodes.NOT_ALLOWED, "Attempt to redeclare exchange: '" + exchangeName + "' of type " + exchange.getType() + " to " + type + ".", getChannelId());
} else if (!nowait) {
} else {
String name = exchangeName.toString();
String typeString = type == null ? null : type.toString();
try {
Map<String, Object> attributes = new HashMap<String, Object>();
if (arguments != null) {
attributes.put(Exchange.NAME, name);
attributes.put(Exchange.TYPE, typeString);
attributes.put(Exchange.DURABLE, durable);
attributes.put(Exchange.LIFETIME_POLICY, autoDelete ? LifetimePolicy.DELETE_ON_NO_LINKS : LifetimePolicy.PERMANENT);
Object alternateExchange = attributes.remove(ALTERNATE_EXCHANGE);
if (alternateExchange != null) {
String alternateExchangeName = String.valueOf(alternateExchange);
validateAlternateExchangeIsNotQueue(virtualHost, alternateExchangeName);
attributes.put(Exchange.ALTERNATE_BINDING, Collections.singletonMap(AlternateBinding.DESTINATION, alternateExchangeName));
exchange = virtualHost.createMessageDestination(Exchange.class, attributes);
if (!nowait) {
} catch (ReservedExchangeNameException e) {
Exchange existing = getExchange(name);
if (existing == null || !existing.getType().equals(typeString)) {
_connection.sendConnectionClose(ErrorCodes.NOT_ALLOWED, "Attempt to declare exchange: '" + exchangeName + "' which begins with reserved prefix.", getChannelId());
} else if (!nowait) {
} catch (AbstractConfiguredObject.DuplicateNameException e) {
exchange = (Exchange<?>) e.getExisting();
if (!exchange.getType().equals(typeString)) {
_connection.sendConnectionClose(ErrorCodes.NOT_ALLOWED, "Attempt to redeclare exchange: '" + exchangeName + "' of type " + exchange.getType() + " to " + type + ".", getChannelId());
} else {
if (!nowait) {
} catch (NoFactoryForTypeException e) {
_connection.sendConnectionClose(ErrorCodes.COMMAND_INVALID, "Unknown exchange type '" + e.getType() + "' for exchange '" + exchangeName + "'", getChannelId());
} catch (AccessControlException e) {
_connection.sendConnectionClose(ErrorCodes.ACCESS_REFUSED, e.getMessage(), getChannelId());
} catch (UnknownAlternateBindingException e) {
final String message = String.format("Unknown alternate exchange '%s'", e.getAlternateBindingName());
_connection.sendConnectionClose(ErrorCodes.NOT_FOUND, message, getChannelId());
} catch (IllegalArgumentException | IllegalConfigurationException e) {
_connection.sendConnectionClose(ErrorCodes.COMMAND_INVALID, "Error creating exchange '" + exchangeName + "': " + e.getMessage(), getChannelId());
use of org.apache.qpid.server.virtualhost.UnknownAlternateBindingException in project qpid-broker-j by apache.
the class AMQChannel method receiveQueueDeclare.
public void receiveQueueDeclare(final AMQShortString queueStr, final boolean passive, final boolean durable, final boolean exclusive, final boolean autoDelete, final boolean nowait, final FieldTable arguments) {
if (LOGGER.isDebugEnabled()) {
LOGGER.debug("RECV[" + _channelId + "] QueueDeclare[" + " queue: " + queueStr + " passive: " + passive + " durable: " + durable + " exclusive: " + exclusive + " autoDelete: " + autoDelete + " nowait: " + nowait + " arguments: " + arguments + " ]");
NamedAddressSpace virtualHost = _connection.getAddressSpace();
final AMQShortString queueName;
// if we aren't given a queue name, we create one which we return to the client
if ((queueStr == null) || (queueStr.length() == 0)) {
queueName = new AMQShortString("tmp_" + UUID.randomUUID());
} else {
queueName = queueStr;
Queue<?> queue;
if (passive) {
queue = getQueue(queueName.toString());
if (queue == null) {
closeChannel(ErrorCodes.NOT_FOUND, "Queue: '" + queueName + "' not found on VirtualHost '" + virtualHost.getName() + "'.");
} else {
if (!queue.verifySessionAccess(this)) {
_connection.sendConnectionClose(ErrorCodes.NOT_ALLOWED, "Queue '" + queue.getName() + "' is exclusive, but not created on this Connection.", getChannelId());
} else {
// set this as the default queue on the channel:
if (!nowait) {
MethodRegistry methodRegistry = _connection.getMethodRegistry();
QueueDeclareOkBody responseBody = methodRegistry.createQueueDeclareOkBody(queueName, queue.getQueueDepthMessages(), queue.getConsumerCount());
if (LOGGER.isDebugEnabled()) {
LOGGER.debug("Queue " + queueName + " declared successfully");
} else {
try {
final String queueNameString = AMQShortString.toString(queueName);
Map<String, Object> wireArguments = FieldTable.convertToMap(arguments);
Object alternateExchange = wireArguments.get(ALTERNATE_EXCHANGE);
if (alternateExchange != null) {
String alternateExchangeName = String.valueOf(alternateExchange);
validateAlternateExchangeIsNotQueue(virtualHost, alternateExchangeName);
Map<String, Object> attributes = QueueArgumentsConverter.convertWireArgsToModel(queueNameString, wireArguments);
attributes.put(Queue.NAME, queueNameString);
attributes.put(Queue.DURABLE, durable);
LifetimePolicy lifetimePolicy;
ExclusivityPolicy exclusivityPolicy;
if (exclusive) {
lifetimePolicy = autoDelete ? LifetimePolicy.DELETE_ON_NO_OUTBOUND_LINKS : durable ? LifetimePolicy.PERMANENT : LifetimePolicy.DELETE_ON_CONNECTION_CLOSE;
exclusivityPolicy = durable ? ExclusivityPolicy.CONTAINER : ExclusivityPolicy.CONNECTION;
} else {
lifetimePolicy = autoDelete ? LifetimePolicy.DELETE_ON_NO_OUTBOUND_LINKS : LifetimePolicy.PERMANENT;
exclusivityPolicy = ExclusivityPolicy.NONE;
if (!attributes.containsKey(Queue.EXCLUSIVE)) {
attributes.put(Queue.EXCLUSIVE, exclusivityPolicy);
if (!attributes.containsKey(Queue.LIFETIME_POLICY)) {
attributes.put(Queue.LIFETIME_POLICY, lifetimePolicy);
queue = virtualHost.createMessageSource(Queue.class, attributes);
if (!nowait) {
MethodRegistry methodRegistry = _connection.getMethodRegistry();
QueueDeclareOkBody responseBody = methodRegistry.createQueueDeclareOkBody(queueName, queue.getQueueDepthMessages(), queue.getConsumerCount());
if (LOGGER.isDebugEnabled()) {
LOGGER.debug("Queue " + queueName + " declared successfully");
} catch (AbstractConfiguredObject.DuplicateNameException qe) {
queue = (Queue<?>) qe.getExisting();
if (!queue.verifySessionAccess(this)) {
_connection.sendConnectionClose(ErrorCodes.NOT_ALLOWED, "Queue '" + queue.getName() + "' is exclusive, but not created on this Connection.", getChannelId());
} else if (queue.isExclusive() != exclusive) {
closeChannel(ErrorCodes.ALREADY_EXISTS, "Cannot re-declare queue '" + queue.getName() + "' with different exclusivity (was: " + queue.isExclusive() + " requested " + exclusive + ")");
} else if ((autoDelete && queue.getLifetimePolicy() == LifetimePolicy.PERMANENT) || (!autoDelete && queue.getLifetimePolicy() != ((exclusive && !durable) ? LifetimePolicy.DELETE_ON_CONNECTION_CLOSE : LifetimePolicy.PERMANENT))) {
closeChannel(ErrorCodes.ALREADY_EXISTS, "Cannot re-declare queue '" + queue.getName() + "' with different lifetime policy (was: " + queue.getLifetimePolicy() + " requested autodelete: " + autoDelete + ")");
} else {
if (!nowait) {
MethodRegistry methodRegistry = _connection.getMethodRegistry();
QueueDeclareOkBody responseBody = methodRegistry.createQueueDeclareOkBody(queueName, queue.getQueueDepthMessages(), queue.getConsumerCount());
if (LOGGER.isDebugEnabled()) {
LOGGER.debug("Queue " + queueName + " declared successfully");
} catch (AccessControlException e) {
_connection.sendConnectionClose(ErrorCodes.ACCESS_REFUSED, e.getMessage(), getChannelId());
} catch (UnknownAlternateBindingException e) {
final String message = String.format("Unknown alternate exchange: '%s'", e.getAlternateBindingName());
_connection.sendConnectionClose(ErrorCodes.NOT_FOUND, message, getChannelId());
} catch (IllegalArgumentException | IllegalConfigurationException e) {
String message = String.format("Error creating queue '%s': %s", queueName, e.getMessage());
_connection.sendConnectionClose(ErrorCodes.COMMAND_INVALID, message, getChannelId());
use of org.apache.qpid.server.virtualhost.UnknownAlternateBindingException in project qpid-broker-j by apache.
the class ServerSessionDelegate method queueDeclare.
public void queueDeclare(ServerSession session, final QueueDeclare method) {
final NamedAddressSpace addressSpace = getAddressSpace(session);
String queueName = method.getQueue();
Queue<?> queue;
// TODO: do we need to check that the queue already exists with exactly the same "configuration"?
final boolean exclusive = method.getExclusive();
final boolean autoDelete = method.getAutoDelete();
if (method.getPassive()) {
queue = getQueue(addressSpace, queueName);
if (queue == null) {
String description = "Queue: " + queueName + " not found on VirtualHost(" + addressSpace + ").";
ExecutionErrorCode errorCode = ExecutionErrorCode.NOT_FOUND;
exception(session, method, errorCode, description);
} else if (exclusive) {
if (queue.getExclusive() == ExclusivityPolicy.NONE) {
String description = "Cannot passively declare queue ('" + queueName + "')" + " as exclusive as queue with same name is" + " already declared as non-exclusive";
ExecutionErrorCode errorCode = ExecutionErrorCode.RESOURCE_LOCKED;
exception(session, method, errorCode, description);
} else if (!verifySessionAccess(session, queue)) {
String description = "Cannot passively declare queue('" + queueName + "')," + " as exclusive queue with same name " + "declared on another session";
ExecutionErrorCode errorCode = ExecutionErrorCode.RESOURCE_LOCKED;
exception(session, method, errorCode, description);
} else {
try {
final Map<String, Object> arguments = QueueArgumentsConverter.convertWireArgsToModel(queueName, method.getArguments());
final String alternateExchangeName = method.getAlternateExchange();
if (method.hasAlternateExchange() && !nameNullOrEmpty(alternateExchangeName)) {
validateAlternateExchangeIsNotQueue(addressSpace, alternateExchangeName);
arguments.put(Queue.ALTERNATE_BINDING, Collections.singletonMap(AlternateBinding.DESTINATION, alternateExchangeName));
arguments.put(Queue.NAME, queueName);
if (!arguments.containsKey(Queue.LIFETIME_POLICY)) {
LifetimePolicy lifetime;
if (autoDelete) {
lifetime = exclusive ? LifetimePolicy.DELETE_ON_SESSION_END : LifetimePolicy.DELETE_ON_NO_OUTBOUND_LINKS;
} else {
lifetime = LifetimePolicy.PERMANENT;
arguments.put(Queue.LIFETIME_POLICY, lifetime);
if (!arguments.containsKey(Queue.EXCLUSIVE)) {
ExclusivityPolicy exclusivityPolicy = exclusive ? ExclusivityPolicy.SESSION : ExclusivityPolicy.NONE;
arguments.put(Queue.EXCLUSIVE, exclusivityPolicy);
arguments.put(Queue.DURABLE, method.getDurable());
queue = addressSpace.createMessageSource(Queue.class, arguments);
} catch (AbstractConfiguredObject.DuplicateNameException qe) {
queue = (Queue<?>) qe.getExisting();
if (!verifySessionAccess(session, queue)) {
String description = "Cannot declare queue('" + queueName + "')," + " as exclusive queue with same name " + "declared on another session";
ExecutionErrorCode errorCode = ExecutionErrorCode.RESOURCE_LOCKED;
exception(session, method, errorCode, description);
} catch (AccessControlException e) {
exception(session, method, ExecutionErrorCode.UNAUTHORIZED_ACCESS, e.getMessage());
} catch (UnknownAlternateBindingException e) {
exception(session, method, ExecutionErrorCode.NOT_FOUND, String.format("Unknown alternate exchange '%s'", e.getAlternateBindingName()));
} catch (IllegalArgumentException | IllegalConfigurationException e) {
exception(session, method, ExecutionErrorCode.ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT, e.getMessage());
use of org.apache.qpid.server.virtualhost.UnknownAlternateBindingException in project qpid-broker-j by apache.
the class AbstractQueue method validateOrCreateAlternateBinding.
private void validateOrCreateAlternateBinding(final Queue<?> queue, final boolean mayCreate) {
Object value = queue.getAttribute(ALTERNATE_BINDING);
if (value instanceof AlternateBinding) {
AlternateBinding alternateBinding = (AlternateBinding) value;
String destinationName = alternateBinding.getDestination();
MessageDestination messageDestination = _virtualHost.getAttainedMessageDestination(destinationName, mayCreate);
if (messageDestination == null) {
throw new UnknownAlternateBindingException(destinationName);
} else if (messageDestination == this) {
throw new IllegalConfigurationException(String.format("Cannot create alternate binding for '%s' : Alternate binding destination cannot refer to self.", getName()));
} else if (isDurable() && !messageDestination.isDurable()) {
throw new IllegalConfigurationException(String.format("Cannot create alternate binding for '%s' : Alternate binding destination '%s' is not durable.", getName(), destinationName));