use of org.apache.rya.accumulo.instance.AccumuloRyaInstanceDetailsRepository in project incubator-rya by apache.
the class AccumuloCreatePCJ method createPCJ.
public String createPCJ(final String instanceName, final String sparql, Set<ExportStrategy> strategies) throws InstanceDoesNotExistException, RyaClientException {
final Optional<RyaDetails> ryaDetailsHolder = getInstanceDetails.getDetails(instanceName);
final boolean ryaInstanceExists = ryaDetailsHolder.isPresent();
if (!ryaInstanceExists) {
throw new InstanceDoesNotExistException(String.format("The '%s' instance of Rya does not exist.", instanceName));
final PCJIndexDetails pcjIndexDetails = ryaDetailsHolder.get().getPCJIndexDetails();
final boolean pcjIndexingEnabeld = pcjIndexDetails.isEnabled();
if (!pcjIndexingEnabeld) {
throw new RyaClientException(String.format("The '%s' instance of Rya does not have PCJ Indexing enabled.", instanceName));
// Create the PCJ table that will receive the index results.
final String pcjId;
try (final PrecomputedJoinStorage pcjStorage = new AccumuloPcjStorage(getConnector(), instanceName)) {
pcjId = pcjStorage.createPcj(sparql);
// If a Fluo application is being used, task it with updating the PCJ.
final Optional<FluoDetails> fluoDetailsHolder = pcjIndexDetails.getFluoDetails();
if (fluoDetailsHolder.isPresent()) {
final String fluoAppName = fluoDetailsHolder.get().getUpdateAppName();
try {
updateFluoApp(instanceName, fluoAppName, pcjId, sparql, strategies);
} catch (RepositoryException | MalformedQueryException | SailException | QueryEvaluationException | PcjException | RyaDAOException e) {
throw new RyaClientException("Problem while initializing the Fluo application with the new PCJ.", e);
} catch (UnsupportedQueryException e) {
throw new RyaClientException("The new PCJ could not be initialized because it either contains an unsupported query node " + "or an invalid ExportStrategy for the given QueryType. Projection queries can be exported to either Rya or Kafka," + "unless they contain an aggregation, in which case they can only be exported to Kafka. Construct queries can be exported" + "to Rya and Kafka, and Periodic queries can only be exported to Rya.");
// Update the Rya Details to indicate the PCJ is being updated incrementally.
final RyaDetailsRepository detailsRepo = new AccumuloRyaInstanceDetailsRepository(getConnector(), instanceName);
try {
new RyaDetailsUpdater(detailsRepo).update(new RyaDetailsMutator() {
public RyaDetails mutate(final RyaDetails originalDetails) throws CouldNotApplyMutationException {
// Update the original PCJ Details to indicate they are incrementally updated.
final PCJDetails originalPCJDetails = originalDetails.getPCJIndexDetails().getPCJDetails().get(pcjId);
final PCJDetails.Builder mutatedPCJDetails = PCJDetails.builder(originalPCJDetails).setUpdateStrategy(PCJUpdateStrategy.INCREMENTAL);
// Replace the old PCJ Details with the updated ones.
final RyaDetails.Builder builder = RyaDetails.builder(originalDetails);
} catch (RyaDetailsRepositoryException | CouldNotApplyMutationException e) {
throw new RyaClientException("Problem while updating the Rya instance's Details to indicate the PCJ is being incrementally updated.", e);
// Return the ID that was assigned to the PCJ.
return pcjId;
} catch (final PCJStorageException e) {
throw new RyaClientException("Problem while initializing the PCJ table.", e);
use of org.apache.rya.accumulo.instance.AccumuloRyaInstanceDetailsRepository in project incubator-rya by apache.
the class AccumuloAddUser method addUser.
public void addUser(final String instanceName, final String username) throws InstanceDoesNotExistException, RyaClientException {
// If the user has already been added, then return immediately.
try {
final RyaDetails details = new AccumuloRyaInstanceDetailsRepository(getConnector(), instanceName).getRyaInstanceDetails();
final List<String> users = details.getUsers();
if (users.contains(username)) {
} catch (final RyaDetailsRepositoryException e) {
throw new RyaClientException("Could not fetch the RyaDetails for Rya instance named '" + instanceName + ".", e);
// Update the instance details
final RyaDetailsUpdater updater = new RyaDetailsUpdater(new AccumuloRyaInstanceDetailsRepository(getConnector(), instanceName));
try {
updater.update(originalDetails -> RyaDetails.builder(originalDetails).addUser(username).build());
} catch (RyaDetailsRepositoryException | CouldNotApplyMutationException e) {
throw new RyaClientException("Could not add the user '" + username + "' to the Rya instance's details.", e);
// Grant all access to all the instance's tables.
try {
// Build the list of tables that are present within the Rya instance.
final List<String> tables = new RyaTableNames().getTableNames(instanceName, getConnector());
// Update the user permissions for those tables.
for (final String table : tables) {
try {
TABLE_PERMISSIONS.grantAllPermissions(username, table, getConnector());
} catch (AccumuloException | AccumuloSecurityException e) {
throw new RyaClientException("Could not grant access to table '" + table + "' for user '" + username + "'.", e);
} catch (PCJStorageException | RyaDetailsRepositoryException e) {
throw new RyaClientException("Could not determine which tables exist for the '" + instanceName + "' instance of Rya.", e);
use of org.apache.rya.accumulo.instance.AccumuloRyaInstanceDetailsRepository in project incubator-rya by apache.
the class AccumuloBatchUpdatePCJ method verifyPCJState.
private void verifyPCJState(final String ryaInstanceName, final String pcjId) throws RyaClientException {
try {
// Fetch the Rya instance's details.
final RyaDetailsRepository detailsRepo = new AccumuloRyaInstanceDetailsRepository(super.getConnector(), ryaInstanceName);
final RyaDetails ryaDetails = detailsRepo.getRyaInstanceDetails();
// Ensure PCJs are enabled.
if (!ryaDetails.getPCJIndexDetails().isEnabled()) {
throw new RyaClientException("PCJs are not enabled for the Rya instance named '" + ryaInstanceName + "'.");
// Ensure the PCJ exists.
if (!ryaDetails.getPCJIndexDetails().getPCJDetails().containsKey(pcjId)) {
throw new PCJDoesNotExistException("The PCJ with id '" + pcjId + "' does not exist within Rya instance '" + ryaInstanceName + "'.");
// Ensure the PCJ is not already being incrementally updated.
final PCJDetails pcjDetails = ryaDetails.getPCJIndexDetails().getPCJDetails().get(pcjId);
final Optional<PCJUpdateStrategy> updateStrategy = pcjDetails.getUpdateStrategy();
if (updateStrategy.isPresent() && updateStrategy.get() == PCJUpdateStrategy.INCREMENTAL) {
throw new RyaClientException("The PCJ with id '" + pcjId + "' is already being updated incrementally.");
} catch (final NotInitializedException e) {
throw new InstanceDoesNotExistException("No RyaDetails are initialized for the Rya instance named '" + ryaInstanceName + "'.", e);
} catch (final RyaDetailsRepositoryException e) {
throw new RyaClientException("Could not fetch the RyaDetails for the Rya instance named '" + ryaInstanceName + "'.", e);
use of org.apache.rya.accumulo.instance.AccumuloRyaInstanceDetailsRepository in project incubator-rya by apache.
the class AccumuloBatchUpdatePCJ method updatePCJMetadata.
private void updatePCJMetadata(final String ryaInstanceName, final String pcjId) throws RyaClientException {
// Update the PCJ's metadata to indicate it was just batch updated.
try {
final RyaDetailsRepository detailsRepo = new AccumuloRyaInstanceDetailsRepository(super.getConnector(), ryaInstanceName);
new RyaDetailsUpdater(detailsRepo).update(new RyaDetailsMutator() {
public RyaDetails mutate(final RyaDetails originalDetails) throws CouldNotApplyMutationException {
// Update the original PCJ Details to indicate they were batch updated.
final PCJDetails originalPCJDetails = originalDetails.getPCJIndexDetails().getPCJDetails().get(pcjId);
final PCJDetails.Builder mutatedPCJDetails = PCJDetails.builder(originalPCJDetails).setUpdateStrategy(PCJUpdateStrategy.BATCH).setLastUpdateTime(new Date());
// Replace the old PCJ Details with the updated ones.
final RyaDetails.Builder builder = RyaDetails.builder(originalDetails);
} catch (final RyaDetailsRepositoryException | CouldNotApplyMutationException e) {
throw new RyaClientException("Could not update the PCJ's metadata.", e);
use of org.apache.rya.accumulo.instance.AccumuloRyaInstanceDetailsRepository in project incubator-rya by apache.
the class AccumuloPcjStorageIT method createPCJ.
public void createPCJ() throws AccumuloException, AccumuloSecurityException, PCJStorageException, NotInitializedException, RyaDetailsRepositoryException {
// Setup the PCJ storage that will be tested against.
final Connector connector = super.getClusterInstance().getConnector();
final String ryaInstanceName = super.getRyaInstanceName();
try (final PrecomputedJoinStorage pcjStorage = new AccumuloPcjStorage(connector, ryaInstanceName)) {
// Create a PCJ.
final String pcjId = pcjStorage.createPcj("SELECT * WHERE { ?a <http://isA> ?b } ");
// Ensure the Rya details have been updated to include the PCJ's ID.
final RyaDetailsRepository detailsRepo = new AccumuloRyaInstanceDetailsRepository(connector, ryaInstanceName);
final ImmutableMap<String, PCJDetails> detailsMap = detailsRepo.getRyaInstanceDetails().getPCJIndexDetails().getPCJDetails();
final PCJDetails expectedDetails = PCJDetails.builder().setId(pcjId).build();
assertEquals(expectedDetails, detailsMap.get(pcjId));