use of org.apache.rya.api.instance.RyaDetails.PCJIndexDetails.FluoDetails in project incubator-rya by apache.
the class AccumuloInstall method makeRyaConfig.
* Builds a {@link AccumuloRdfConfiguration} object that will be used by the
* Rya DAO to initialize all of the tables it will need.
* @param connectionDetails - Indicates how to connect to Accumulo. (not null)
* @param details - Indicates what needs to be installed. (not null)
* @return A Rya Configuration object that can be used to perform the install.
private static AccumuloRdfConfiguration makeRyaConfig(final AccumuloConnectionDetails connectionDetails, final RyaDetails details) {
final AccumuloRdfConfiguration conf = new AccumuloRdfConfiguration();
// The Rya Instance Name is used as a prefix for the index tables in Accumulo.
// Enable the indexers that the instance is configured to use.
* RYA-215
* conf.set(ConfigUtils.USE_GEO, "" + details.getGeoIndexDetails().isEnabled() );
* RYA-322
* conf.setPrefixRowsWithHash(details.getPrefixRowsWithHashDetails().isEnabled());
conf.set(ConfigUtils.USE_FREETEXT, "" + details.getFreeTextIndexDetails().isEnabled());
conf.set(ConfigUtils.USE_TEMPORAL, "" + details.getTemporalIndexDetails().isEnabled());
conf.set(ConfigUtils.USE_ENTITY, "" + details.getEntityCentricIndexDetails().isEnabled());
conf.set(ConfigUtils.USE_PCJ, "" + details.getPCJIndexDetails().isEnabled());
conf.set(ConfigUtils.PCJ_STORAGE_TYPE, PrecomputedJoinStorageType.ACCUMULO.toString());
final Optional<FluoDetails> fluoHolder = details.getPCJIndexDetails().getFluoDetails();
final PrecomputedJoinUpdaterType updaterType = fluoHolder.isPresent() ? PrecomputedJoinUpdaterType.FLUO : PrecomputedJoinUpdaterType.NO_UPDATE;
conf.set(ConfigUtils.PCJ_UPDATER_TYPE, updaterType.toString());
// XXX The Accumulo implementation of the secondary indices make need all
// of the accumulo connector's parameters to initialize themselves, so
// we need to include them here. It would be nice if the secondary
// indexers used the connector that is provided to them instead of
// building a new one.
conf.set(ConfigUtils.CLOUDBASE_USER, connectionDetails.getUsername());
conf.set(ConfigUtils.CLOUDBASE_PASSWORD, new String(connectionDetails.getUserPass()));
conf.set(ConfigUtils.CLOUDBASE_INSTANCE, connectionDetails.getInstanceName());
conf.set(ConfigUtils.CLOUDBASE_ZOOKEEPERS, connectionDetails.getZookeepers());
// This initializes the living indexers that will be used by the application and
// caches them within the configuration object so that they may be used later.
return conf;
use of org.apache.rya.api.instance.RyaDetails.PCJIndexDetails.FluoDetails in project incubator-rya by apache.
the class AccumuloCreatePCJ method createPCJ.
public String createPCJ(final String instanceName, final String sparql, Set<ExportStrategy> strategies) throws InstanceDoesNotExistException, RyaClientException {
final Optional<RyaDetails> ryaDetailsHolder = getInstanceDetails.getDetails(instanceName);
final boolean ryaInstanceExists = ryaDetailsHolder.isPresent();
if (!ryaInstanceExists) {
throw new InstanceDoesNotExistException(String.format("The '%s' instance of Rya does not exist.", instanceName));
final PCJIndexDetails pcjIndexDetails = ryaDetailsHolder.get().getPCJIndexDetails();
final boolean pcjIndexingEnabeld = pcjIndexDetails.isEnabled();
if (!pcjIndexingEnabeld) {
throw new RyaClientException(String.format("The '%s' instance of Rya does not have PCJ Indexing enabled.", instanceName));
// Create the PCJ table that will receive the index results.
final String pcjId;
try (final PrecomputedJoinStorage pcjStorage = new AccumuloPcjStorage(getConnector(), instanceName)) {
pcjId = pcjStorage.createPcj(sparql);
// If a Fluo application is being used, task it with updating the PCJ.
final Optional<FluoDetails> fluoDetailsHolder = pcjIndexDetails.getFluoDetails();
if (fluoDetailsHolder.isPresent()) {
final String fluoAppName = fluoDetailsHolder.get().getUpdateAppName();
try {
updateFluoApp(instanceName, fluoAppName, pcjId, sparql, strategies);
} catch (RepositoryException | MalformedQueryException | SailException | QueryEvaluationException | PcjException | RyaDAOException e) {
throw new RyaClientException("Problem while initializing the Fluo application with the new PCJ.", e);
} catch (UnsupportedQueryException e) {
throw new RyaClientException("The new PCJ could not be initialized because it either contains an unsupported query node " + "or an invalid ExportStrategy for the given QueryType. Projection queries can be exported to either Rya or Kafka," + "unless they contain an aggregation, in which case they can only be exported to Kafka. Construct queries can be exported" + "to Rya and Kafka, and Periodic queries can only be exported to Rya.");
// Update the Rya Details to indicate the PCJ is being updated incrementally.
final RyaDetailsRepository detailsRepo = new AccumuloRyaInstanceDetailsRepository(getConnector(), instanceName);
try {
new RyaDetailsUpdater(detailsRepo).update(new RyaDetailsMutator() {
public RyaDetails mutate(final RyaDetails originalDetails) throws CouldNotApplyMutationException {
// Update the original PCJ Details to indicate they are incrementally updated.
final PCJDetails originalPCJDetails = originalDetails.getPCJIndexDetails().getPCJDetails().get(pcjId);
final PCJDetails.Builder mutatedPCJDetails = PCJDetails.builder(originalPCJDetails).setUpdateStrategy(PCJUpdateStrategy.INCREMENTAL);
// Replace the old PCJ Details with the updated ones.
final RyaDetails.Builder builder = RyaDetails.builder(originalDetails);
} catch (RyaDetailsRepositoryException | CouldNotApplyMutationException e) {
throw new RyaClientException("Problem while updating the Rya instance's Details to indicate the PCJ is being incrementally updated.", e);
// Return the ID that was assigned to the PCJ.
return pcjId;
} catch (final PCJStorageException e) {
throw new RyaClientException("Problem while initializing the PCJ table.", e);
use of org.apache.rya.api.instance.RyaDetails.PCJIndexDetails.FluoDetails in project incubator-rya by apache.
the class AccumuloDeletePCJ method deletePCJ.
public void deletePCJ(final String instanceName, final String pcjId) throws InstanceDoesNotExistException, RyaClientException {
final Optional<RyaDetails> originalDetails = getInstanceDetails.getDetails(instanceName);
final boolean ryaInstanceExists = originalDetails.isPresent();
if (!ryaInstanceExists) {
throw new InstanceDoesNotExistException(String.format("The '%s' instance of Rya does not exist.", instanceName));
final boolean pcjIndexingEnabeld = originalDetails.get().getPCJIndexDetails().isEnabled();
if (!pcjIndexingEnabeld) {
throw new RyaClientException(String.format("The '%s' instance of Rya does not have PCJ Indexing enabled.", instanceName));
final boolean pcjExists = originalDetails.get().getPCJIndexDetails().getPCJDetails().containsKey(pcjId);
if (!pcjExists) {
throw new RyaClientException(String.format("The '%s' instance of Rya does not have PCJ with ID '%s'.", instanceName, pcjId));
// If the PCJ was being maintained by a Fluo application, then stop that process.
final PCJIndexDetails pcjIndexDetails = originalDetails.get().getPCJIndexDetails();
final PCJDetails droppedPcjDetails = pcjIndexDetails.getPCJDetails().get(pcjId);
if (droppedPcjDetails.getUpdateStrategy().isPresent()) {
if (droppedPcjDetails.getUpdateStrategy().get() == PCJUpdateStrategy.INCREMENTAL) {
final Optional<FluoDetails> fluoDetailsHolder = pcjIndexDetails.getFluoDetails();
if (fluoDetailsHolder.isPresent()) {
final String fluoAppName = pcjIndexDetails.getFluoDetails().get().getUpdateAppName();
stopUpdatingPCJ(fluoAppName, pcjId);
} else {
log.error(String.format("Could not stop the Fluo application from updating the PCJ because the Fluo Details are " + "missing for the Rya instance named '%s'.", instanceName));
// Drop the table that holds the PCJ results from Accumulo.
try (final PrecomputedJoinStorage pcjs = new AccumuloPcjStorage(getConnector(), instanceName)) {
} catch (final PCJStorageException e) {
throw new RyaClientException("Could not drop the PCJ's table from Accumulo.", e);
use of org.apache.rya.api.instance.RyaDetails.PCJIndexDetails.FluoDetails in project incubator-rya by apache.
the class MongoRyaDetailsRepositoryIT method initialize_alreadyInitialized.
@Test(expected = AlreadyInitializedException.class)
public void initialize_alreadyInitialized() throws AlreadyInitializedException, RyaDetailsRepositoryException {
final String instanceName = "testInstance";
// Create the metadata object the repository will be initialized with.
final RyaDetails details = RyaDetails.builder().setRyaInstanceName(instanceName).setRyaVersion("").setEntityCentricIndexDetails(new EntityCentricIndexDetails(true)).setTemporalIndexDetails(new TemporalIndexDetails(true)).setFreeTextDetails(new FreeTextIndexDetails(true)).setPCJIndexDetails(PCJIndexDetails.builder().setEnabled(true).setFluoDetails(new FluoDetails("test_instance_rya_pcj_updater")).addPCJDetails(PCJDetails.builder().setId("pcj 1").setUpdateStrategy(PCJUpdateStrategy.BATCH).setLastUpdateTime(new Date())).addPCJDetails(PCJDetails.builder().setId("pcj 2"))).setProspectorDetails(new ProspectorDetails(Optional.of(new Date()))).setJoinSelectivityDetails(new JoinSelectivityDetails(Optional.of(new Date()))).build();
// Setup the repository that will be tested using a mock instance of MongoDB.
final RyaDetailsRepository repo = new MongoRyaInstanceDetailsRepository(client, instanceName);
// Initialize the repository
// Initialize it again.
use of org.apache.rya.api.instance.RyaDetails.PCJIndexDetails.FluoDetails in project incubator-rya by apache.
the class MongoRyaDetailsRepositoryIT method update_outOfDate.
@Test(expected = ConcurrentUpdateException.class)
public void update_outOfDate() throws AlreadyInitializedException, RyaDetailsRepositoryException {
final String instanceName = "testInstance";
// Create the metadata object the repository will be initialized with.
final RyaDetails details = RyaDetails.builder().setRyaInstanceName(instanceName).setRyaVersion("").setEntityCentricIndexDetails(new EntityCentricIndexDetails(true)).setTemporalIndexDetails(new TemporalIndexDetails(true)).setFreeTextDetails(new FreeTextIndexDetails(true)).setPCJIndexDetails(PCJIndexDetails.builder().setEnabled(true).setFluoDetails(new FluoDetails("test_instance_rya_pcj_updater")).addPCJDetails(PCJDetails.builder().setId("pcj 1").setUpdateStrategy(PCJUpdateStrategy.BATCH).setLastUpdateTime(new Date())).addPCJDetails(PCJDetails.builder().setId("pcj 2"))).setProspectorDetails(new ProspectorDetails(Optional.of(new Date()))).setJoinSelectivityDetails(new JoinSelectivityDetails(Optional.of(new Date()))).build();
// Setup the repository that will be tested using a mock instance of MongoDB.
final RyaDetailsRepository repo = new MongoRyaInstanceDetailsRepository(client, "testInstance");
// Initialize the repository
// Create a new state for the details.
final RyaDetails wrongOriginal = new RyaDetails.Builder(details).setTemporalIndexDetails(new TemporalIndexDetails(false)).build();
final RyaDetails updated = new RyaDetails.Builder(details).setEntityCentricIndexDetails(new EntityCentricIndexDetails(false)).build();
// Try to execute the update where the old state is not the currently stored state.
repo.update(wrongOriginal, updated);