use of in project incubator-rya by apache.
the class AccumuloDeletePCJIT method dropAndDestroyPCJ.
public void dropAndDestroyPCJ() throws InstanceDoesNotExistException, RyaClientException, PCJStorageException, RepositoryException, AccumuloException, AccumuloSecurityException, RyaDAOException {
// Initialize the commands that will be used by this test.
final CreatePCJ createPCJ = new AccumuloCreatePCJ(createConnectionDetails(), accumuloConn);
// Create a PCJ.
final String sparql1 = "SELECT ?x " + "WHERE { " + "?x <http://worksAt> <http://TacoJoint>." + "}";
final String pcjId1 = createPCJ.createPCJ(getRyaInstanceName(), sparql1);
// Create a PCJ.
final String sparql2 = "SELECT ?x " + "WHERE { " + "?x <http://talksTo> <http://Eve>. " + "}";
final String pcjId2 = createPCJ.createPCJ(getRyaInstanceName(), sparql2);
// Verify a Query ID was added for the query within the Fluo app.
List<String> fluoQueryIds = new ListQueryIds().listQueryIds(fluoClient);
assertEquals(2, fluoQueryIds.size());
// Insert some statements into Rya.
final ValueFactory vf = ryaRepo.getValueFactory();
ryaConn.add(vf.createURI("http://Alice"), vf.createURI("http://talksTo"), vf.createURI("http://Eve"));
ryaConn.add(vf.createURI("http://Bob"), vf.createURI("http://talksTo"), vf.createURI("http://Eve"));
ryaConn.add(vf.createURI("http://Charlie"), vf.createURI("http://talksTo"), vf.createURI("http://Eve"));
ryaConn.add(vf.createURI("http://Eve"), vf.createURI("http://helps"), vf.createURI("http://Kevin"));
ryaConn.add(vf.createURI("http://Bob"), vf.createURI("http://worksAt"), vf.createURI("http://TacoJoint"));
ryaConn.add(vf.createURI("http://Charlie"), vf.createURI("http://worksAt"), vf.createURI("http://TacoJoint"));
ryaConn.add(vf.createURI("http://Eve"), vf.createURI("http://worksAt"), vf.createURI("http://TacoJoint"));
ryaConn.add(vf.createURI("http://David"), vf.createURI("http://worksAt"), vf.createURI("http://TacoJoint"));
// Verify the correct results were exported.
try (final PrecomputedJoinStorage pcjStorage = new AccumuloPcjStorage(accumuloConn, getRyaInstanceName())) {
assertEquals("the PCJ's metadata was added the storage.", 2, pcjStorage.listPcjs().size());
// Delete all PCJ's.
AccumuloRyaDAO dao = RyaSailFactory.getAccumuloDAOWithUpdatedConfig(conf);
// Ensure the PCJ's metadata has been removed from the storage.
assertTrue("the PCJ's metadata has been removed from the storage.", pcjStorage.listPcjs().isEmpty());
// Ensure the PCJ has been removed from the Fluo application.
// Verify Query IDs were deleted for the query within the Fluo app.
// TODO this fails, shows expected 0, but was 2.
// fluoQueryIds = new ListQueryIds().listQueryIds(fluoClient);
// assertEquals("Verify Query IDs were deleted for the query within the Fluo app.", 0, fluoQueryIds.size());
use of in project incubator-rya by apache.
the class AccumuloIndexSetProvider method getIndices.
protected List<ExternalTupleSet> getIndices() throws PcjIndexSetException {
try {
final String tablePrefix = requireNonNull(conf.get(RdfCloudTripleStoreConfiguration.CONF_TBL_PREFIX));
final Connector conn = requireNonNull(ConfigUtils.getConnector(conf));
List<String> tables = null;
if (conf instanceof RdfCloudTripleStoreConfiguration) {
tables = ((RdfCloudTripleStoreConfiguration) conf).getPcjTables();
// this maps associates pcj table name with pcj sparql query
final Map<String, String> indexTables = Maps.newLinkedHashMap();
try (final PrecomputedJoinStorage storage = new AccumuloPcjStorage(conn, tablePrefix)) {
final PcjTableNameFactory pcjFactory = new PcjTableNameFactory();
final boolean tablesProvided = tables != null && !tables.isEmpty();
if (tablesProvided) {
// if tables provided, associate table name with sparql
for (final String table : tables) {
indexTables.put(table, storage.getPcjMetadata(pcjFactory.getPcjId(table)).getSparql());
} else if (hasRyaDetails(tablePrefix, conn)) {
// If this is a newer install of Rya, and it has PCJ Details, then
// use those.
final List<String> ids = storage.listPcjs();
for (final String id : ids) {
indexTables.put(pcjFactory.makeTableName(tablePrefix, id), storage.getPcjMetadata(id).getSparql());
} else {
// Otherwise figure it out by scanning tables.
final PcjTables pcjTables = new PcjTables();
for (final String table : conn.tableOperations().list()) {
if (table.startsWith(tablePrefix + "INDEX")) {
indexTables.put(table, pcjTables.getPcjMetadata(conn, table).getSparql());
// use table name sparql map (indexTables) to create {@link
// AccumuloIndexSet}
final List<ExternalTupleSet> index = Lists.newArrayList();
if (indexTables.isEmpty()) {"No Index found");
} else {
for (final String table : indexTables.keySet()) {
final String indexSparqlString = indexTables.get(table);
index.add(new AccumuloIndexSet(indexSparqlString, conf, table));
return index;
} catch (final PCJStorageException | AccumuloException | AccumuloSecurityException | MalformedQueryException | SailException | QueryEvaluationException | TableNotFoundException e) {
throw new PcjIndexSetException("Failed to retrieve the indicies.", e);
use of in project incubator-rya by apache.
the class GeoFunctionsIT method runTest.
public void runTest(final String sparql, final Collection<Statement> statements, final Collection<BindingSet> expectedResults) throws Exception {
// Register the PCJ with Rya.
final Instance accInstance = super.getAccumuloConnector().getInstance();
final Connector accumuloConn = super.getAccumuloConnector();
final RyaClient ryaClient = AccumuloConnectionDetails(getUsername(), getPassword().toCharArray(), accInstance.getInstanceName(), accInstance.getZooKeepers()), accumuloConn);
ryaClient.getCreatePCJ().createPCJ(getRyaInstanceName(), sparql);
// Write the data to Rya.
final SailRepositoryConnection ryaConn = super.getRyaSailRepository().getConnection();
// Wait for the Fluo application to finish computing the end result.
// Fetch the value that is stored within the PCJ table.
try (final PrecomputedJoinStorage pcjStorage = new AccumuloPcjStorage(accumuloConn, getRyaInstanceName())) {
final String pcjId = pcjStorage.listPcjs().get(0);
final Set<BindingSet> results = Sets.newHashSet(pcjStorage.listResults(pcjId));
// Ensure the result of the query matches the expected result.
assertEquals(expectedResults, results);
use of in project incubator-rya by apache.
the class AccumuloBatchUpdatePCJ method updatePCJResults.
private void updatePCJResults(final String ryaInstanceName, final String pcjId) throws InstanceDoesNotExistException, PCJDoesNotExistException, RyaClientException {
// Things that have to be closed before we exit.
Sail sail = null;
SailConnection sailConn = null;
CloseableIteration<? extends BindingSet, QueryEvaluationException> results = null;
try (final PrecomputedJoinStorage pcjStorage = new AccumuloPcjStorage(super.getConnector(), ryaInstanceName)) {
// Create an instance of Sail backed by the Rya instance.
sail = connectToRya(ryaInstanceName);
// Purge the old results from the PCJ.
try {
} catch (final PCJStorageException e) {
throw new RyaClientException("Could not batch update PCJ with ID '" + pcjId + "' because the old " + "results could not be purged from it.", e);
// Parse the PCJ's SPARQL query.
final PcjMetadata metadata = pcjStorage.getPcjMetadata(pcjId);
final String sparql = metadata.getSparql();
final SPARQLParser parser = new SPARQLParser();
final ParsedQuery parsedQuery = parser.parseQuery(sparql, null);
// Execute the query.
sailConn = sail.getConnection();
results = sailConn.evaluate(parsedQuery.getTupleExpr(), null, null, false);
// Load the results into the PCJ table.
final List<VisibilityBindingSet> batch = new ArrayList<>(1000);
while (results.hasNext()) {
final VisibilityBindingSet result = new VisibilityBindingSet(, "");
if (batch.size() == 1000) {
pcjStorage.addResults(pcjId, batch);
if (!batch.isEmpty()) {
pcjStorage.addResults(pcjId, batch);
} catch (final MalformedQueryException | PCJStorageException | SailException | QueryEvaluationException e) {
throw new RyaClientException("Fail to batch load new results into the PCJ with ID '" + pcjId + "'.", e);
} finally {
if (results != null) {
try {
} catch (final QueryEvaluationException e) {
log.warn(e.getMessage(), e);
if (sailConn != null) {
try {
} catch (final SailException e) {
log.warn(e.getMessage(), e);
if (sail != null) {
try {
} catch (final SailException e) {
log.warn(e.getMessage(), e);
use of in project incubator-rya by apache.
the class AccumuloPcjStorageIT method createPCJ.
public void createPCJ() throws AccumuloException, AccumuloSecurityException, PCJStorageException, NotInitializedException, RyaDetailsRepositoryException {
// Setup the PCJ storage that will be tested against.
final Connector connector = super.getClusterInstance().getConnector();
final String ryaInstanceName = super.getRyaInstanceName();
try (final PrecomputedJoinStorage pcjStorage = new AccumuloPcjStorage(connector, ryaInstanceName)) {
// Create a PCJ.
final String pcjId = pcjStorage.createPcj("SELECT * WHERE { ?a <http://isA> ?b } ");
// Ensure the Rya details have been updated to include the PCJ's ID.
final RyaDetailsRepository detailsRepo = new AccumuloRyaInstanceDetailsRepository(connector, ryaInstanceName);
final ImmutableMap<String, PCJDetails> detailsMap = detailsRepo.getRyaInstanceDetails().getPCJIndexDetails().getPCJDetails();
final PCJDetails expectedDetails = PCJDetails.builder().setId(pcjId).build();
assertEquals(expectedDetails, detailsMap.get(pcjId));