use of org.apache.spark.sql.connector.catalog.TableCatalog in project iceberg by apache.
the class SparkSessionCatalog method stageCreateOrReplace.
public StagedTable stageCreateOrReplace(Identifier ident, StructType schema, Transform[] partitions, Map<String, String> properties) throws NoSuchNamespaceException {
String provider = properties.get("provider");
TableCatalog catalog;
if (useIceberg(provider)) {
if (asStagingCatalog != null) {
return asStagingCatalog.stageCreateOrReplace(ident, schema, partitions, properties);
catalog = icebergCatalog;
} else {
catalog = getSessionCatalog();
// drop the table if it exists
try {
// create the table with the session catalog, then wrap it in a staged table that will delete to roll back
Table sessionCatalogTable = catalog.createTable(ident, schema, partitions, properties);
return new RollbackStagedTable(catalog, ident, sessionCatalogTable);
} catch (TableAlreadyExistsException e) {
// the table was deleted, but now already exists again. retry the replace.
return stageCreateOrReplace(ident, schema, partitions, properties);
use of org.apache.spark.sql.connector.catalog.TableCatalog in project iceberg by apache.
the class SparkSessionCatalog method stageCreate.
public StagedTable stageCreate(Identifier ident, StructType schema, Transform[] partitions, Map<String, String> properties) throws TableAlreadyExistsException, NoSuchNamespaceException {
String provider = properties.get("provider");
TableCatalog catalog;
if (useIceberg(provider)) {
if (asStagingCatalog != null) {
return asStagingCatalog.stageCreate(ident, schema, partitions, properties);
catalog = icebergCatalog;
} else {
catalog = getSessionCatalog();
// create the table with the session catalog, then wrap it in a staged table that will delete to roll back
Table table = catalog.createTable(ident, schema, partitions, properties);
return new RollbackStagedTable(catalog, ident, table);
use of org.apache.spark.sql.connector.catalog.TableCatalog in project iceberg by apache.
the class IcebergSource method getTable.
public Table getTable(StructType schema, Transform[] partitioning, Map<String, String> options) {
Spark3Util.CatalogAndIdentifier catalogIdentifier = catalogAndIdentifier(new CaseInsensitiveStringMap(options));
CatalogPlugin catalog = catalogIdentifier.catalog();
Identifier ident = catalogIdentifier.identifier();
try {
if (catalog instanceof TableCatalog) {
return ((TableCatalog) catalog).loadTable(ident);
} catch (NoSuchTableException e) {
// throwing an iceberg NoSuchTableException because the Spark one is typed and cant be thrown from this interface
throw new org.apache.iceberg.exceptions.NoSuchTableException(e, "Cannot find table for %s.", ident);
// throwing an iceberg NoSuchTableException because the Spark one is typed and cant be thrown from this interface
throw new org.apache.iceberg.exceptions.NoSuchTableException("Cannot find table for %s.", ident);
use of org.apache.spark.sql.connector.catalog.TableCatalog in project iceberg by apache.
the class TestSparkTable method testTableEquality.
public void testTableEquality() throws NoSuchTableException {
CatalogManager catalogManager = spark.sessionState().catalogManager();
TableCatalog catalog = (TableCatalog) catalogManager.catalog(catalogName);
Identifier identifier = Identifier.of(tableIdent.namespace().levels(),;
SparkTable table1 = (SparkTable) catalog.loadTable(identifier);
SparkTable table2 = (SparkTable) catalog.loadTable(identifier);
// different instances pointing to the same table must be equivalent
Assert.assertNotSame("References must be different", table1, table2);
Assert.assertEquals("Tables must be equivalent", table1, table2);
use of org.apache.spark.sql.connector.catalog.TableCatalog in project OpenLineage by OpenLineage.
the class IcebergHandler method getDatasetIdentifier.
public DatasetIdentifier getDatasetIdentifier(SparkSession session, TableCatalog tableCatalog, Identifier identifier, Map<String, String> properties) {
SparkCatalog sparkCatalog = (SparkCatalog) tableCatalog;
String catalogName =;
String prefix = String.format("spark.sql.catalog.%s", catalogName);
Map<String, String> conf = ScalaConversionUtils.<String, String>fromMap(session.conf().getAll());;
Map<String, String> catalogConf = conf.entrySet().stream().filter(x -> x.getKey().startsWith(prefix)).filter(x -> x.getKey().length() > prefix.length()).collect(Collectors.toMap(// handle dot after prefix
x -> x.getKey().substring(prefix.length() + 1), Map.Entry::getValue));;
if (catalogConf.isEmpty() || !catalogConf.containsKey("type")) {
throw new UnsupportedCatalogException(catalogName);
switch(catalogConf.get("type")) {
case "hadoop":
return getHadoopIdentifier(catalogConf, identifier.toString());
case "hive":
return getHiveIdentifier(session, catalogConf.get(CatalogProperties.URI), identifier.toString());
throw new UnsupportedCatalogException(catalogConf.get("type"));