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Example 96 with RUNTIME_PLATFORM

use of org.apache.sysml.api.DMLScript.RUNTIME_PLATFORM in project incubator-systemml by apache.

the class Conv2DBackwardDataTest method runConv2DTest.

	 * @param et
	 * @param sparse
public void runConv2DTest(ExecType et, int imgSize, int numImg, int numChannels, int numFilters, int filterSize, int stride, int pad, boolean sparse1, boolean sparse2) {
    RUNTIME_PLATFORM oldRTP = rtplatform;
    boolean sparkConfigOld = DMLScript.USE_LOCAL_SPARK_CONFIG;
    try {
        TestConfiguration config = getTestConfiguration(TEST_NAME);
        if (et == ExecType.SPARK) {
            rtplatform = RUNTIME_PLATFORM.SPARK;
        } else {
            rtplatform = (et == ExecType.MR) ? RUNTIME_PLATFORM.HADOOP : RUNTIME_PLATFORM.SINGLE_NODE;
        if (rtplatform == RUNTIME_PLATFORM.SPARK)
            DMLScript.USE_LOCAL_SPARK_CONFIG = true;
        /* This is for running the junit test the new way, i.e., construct the arguments directly */
        String RI_HOME = SCRIPT_DIR + TEST_DIR;
        fullDMLScriptName = RI_HOME + TEST_NAME + ".dml";
        String sparseVal1 = ("" + sparse1).toUpperCase();
        String sparseVal2 = ("" + sparse2).toUpperCase();
        long P = ConvolutionUtils.getP(imgSize, filterSize, stride, pad);
        programArgs = new String[] { "-explain", "-args", "" + imgSize, "" + numImg, "" + numChannels, "" + numFilters, "" + filterSize, "" + stride, "" + pad, "" + P, "" + P, output("B"), sparseVal1, sparseVal2 };
        boolean exceptionExpected = false;
        int expectedNumberOfJobs = -1;
        runTest(true, exceptionExpected, null, expectedNumberOfJobs);
        fullRScriptName = RI_HOME + TEST_NAME + ".R";
        rCmd = "Rscript" + " " + fullRScriptName + " " + imgSize + " " + numImg + " " + numChannels + " " + numFilters + " " + filterSize + " " + stride + " " + pad + " " + P + " " + P + " " + expectedDir() + " " + sparseVal1 + " " + sparseVal2;
        // Run comparison R script
        HashMap<CellIndex, Double> bHM = readRMatrixFromFS("B");
        HashMap<CellIndex, Double> dmlfile = readDMLMatrixFromHDFS("B");
        TestUtils.compareMatrices(dmlfile, bHM, epsilon, "B-DML", "NumPy");
    } finally {
        rtplatform = oldRTP;
        DMLScript.USE_LOCAL_SPARK_CONFIG = sparkConfigOld;
Also used : RUNTIME_PLATFORM(org.apache.sysml.api.DMLScript.RUNTIME_PLATFORM) CellIndex( TestConfiguration(org.apache.sysml.test.integration.TestConfiguration)

Example 97 with RUNTIME_PLATFORM

use of org.apache.sysml.api.DMLScript.RUNTIME_PLATFORM in project incubator-systemml by apache.

the class PoolTest method runPoolTest.

	 * @param et
	 * @param sparse
public void runPoolTest(ExecType et, int imgSize, int numImg, int numChannels, int stride, int pad, int poolSize1, int poolSize2, String poolMode, boolean sparse) {
    RUNTIME_PLATFORM oldRTP = rtplatform;
    boolean sparkConfigOld = DMLScript.USE_LOCAL_SPARK_CONFIG;
    try {
        String sparseVal = ("" + sparse).toUpperCase();
        TestConfiguration config = getTestConfiguration(TEST_NAME);
        if (et == ExecType.SPARK) {
            rtplatform = RUNTIME_PLATFORM.SPARK;
        } else {
            rtplatform = (et == ExecType.MR) ? RUNTIME_PLATFORM.HADOOP : RUNTIME_PLATFORM.SINGLE_NODE;
        if (rtplatform == RUNTIME_PLATFORM.SPARK)
            DMLScript.USE_LOCAL_SPARK_CONFIG = true;
        /* This is for running the junit test the new way, i.e., construct the arguments directly */
        String RI_HOME = SCRIPT_DIR + TEST_DIR;
        fullDMLScriptName = RI_HOME + TEST_NAME + ".dml";
        programArgs = new String[] { "-explain", "-args", "" + imgSize, "" + numImg, "" + numChannels, "" + poolSize1, "" + poolSize2, "" + stride, "" + pad, poolMode, output("B"), sparseVal };
        boolean exceptionExpected = false;
        int expectedNumberOfJobs = -1;
        runTest(true, exceptionExpected, null, expectedNumberOfJobs);
        fullRScriptName = RI_HOME + TEST_NAME + ".R";
        rCmd = "Rscript" + " " + fullRScriptName + " " + imgSize + " " + numImg + " " + numChannels + " " + poolSize1 + " " + poolSize2 + " " + stride + " " + pad + " " + expectedDir() + " " + sparseVal;
        // Run comparison R script
        HashMap<CellIndex, Double> bHM = readRMatrixFromFS("B");
        HashMap<CellIndex, Double> dmlfile = readDMLMatrixFromHDFS("B");
        TestUtils.compareMatrices(dmlfile, bHM, epsilon, "B-DML", "NumPy");
    } finally {
        rtplatform = oldRTP;
        DMLScript.USE_LOCAL_SPARK_CONFIG = sparkConfigOld;
Also used : RUNTIME_PLATFORM(org.apache.sysml.api.DMLScript.RUNTIME_PLATFORM) CellIndex( TestConfiguration(org.apache.sysml.test.integration.TestConfiguration)

Example 98 with RUNTIME_PLATFORM

use of org.apache.sysml.api.DMLScript.RUNTIME_PLATFORM in project incubator-systemml by apache.

the class ParForSampleTest method runParForSampleTest.

	 * @param outer
	 * @param instType
	 * @param smallMem
	 * @param sparse
@SuppressWarnings({ "unchecked" })
private void runParForSampleTest(boolean sparse, ExecType et) {
    RUNTIME_PLATFORM platformOld = rtplatform;
    switch(et) {
        case MR:
            rtplatform = RUNTIME_PLATFORM.HADOOP;
        case SPARK:
            rtplatform = RUNTIME_PLATFORM.SPARK;
            rtplatform = RUNTIME_PLATFORM.HYBRID;
    boolean sparkConfigOld = DMLScript.USE_LOCAL_SPARK_CONFIG;
    if (rtplatform == RUNTIME_PLATFORM.SPARK)
        DMLScript.USE_LOCAL_SPARK_CONFIG = true;
    try {
        //invocation arguments
        TestConfiguration config = getTestConfiguration(TEST_NAME);
        config.addVariable("rows", rows);
        config.addVariable("cols", cols);
        fullDMLScriptName = SCRIPT_DIR + TEST_DIR + TEST_NAME + ".dml";
        programArgs = new String[] { "-explain", "-args", input("A"), "0.8 0.2", output("B") };
        //generate input data + sequence in first column
        double[][] A = getRandomMatrix(rows, cols, -1, 1, sparse ? sparsity2 : sparsity1, 7);
        for (int i = 0; i < A.length; i++) A[i][0] = (i + 1);
        writeInputMatrixWithMTD("A", A, false);
        //run test case
        runTest(true, false, null, -1);
        //read result data and meta data
        HashMap<CellIndex, Double> B1 = readDMLMatrixFromHDFS("B1");
        HashMap<CellIndex, Double> B2 = readDMLMatrixFromHDFS("B2");
        MatrixCharacteristics B1mc = readDMLMetaDataFile("B1");
        MatrixCharacteristics B2mc = readDMLMetaDataFile("B2");
        //compare meta data
        //join full coverage rows
        Assert.assertEquals(new Long(rows), new Long(B1mc.getRows() + B2mc.getRows()));
        //full coverage cols
        Assert.assertEquals(new Long(cols), new Long(B1mc.getCols()));
        //full coverage cols
        Assert.assertEquals(new Long(cols), new Long(B2mc.getCols()));
        //no sample contains all rows
        Assert.assertNotEquals(new Long(rows), new Long(B1mc.getRows()));
        //no sample contains all rows
        Assert.assertNotEquals(new Long(rows), new Long(B2mc.getRows()));
        //compare data
        HashSet<Integer> probe = new HashSet<Integer>(rows);
        for (int i = 0; i < rows; i++) probe.add(i + 1);
        for (HashMap<CellIndex, Double> B : new HashMap[] { B1, B2 }) for (Entry<CellIndex, Double> e : B.entrySet()) if (e.getKey().column == 1) {
            boolean flag = probe.remove(e.getValue().intValue());
            Assert.assertTrue("Wrong return value for " + e.getKey() + ": " + e.getValue(), flag);
    } finally {
        rtplatform = platformOld;
        DMLScript.USE_LOCAL_SPARK_CONFIG = sparkConfigOld;
Also used : HashMap(java.util.HashMap) TestConfiguration(org.apache.sysml.test.integration.TestConfiguration) MatrixCharacteristics(org.apache.sysml.runtime.matrix.MatrixCharacteristics) RUNTIME_PLATFORM(org.apache.sysml.api.DMLScript.RUNTIME_PLATFORM) Entry(java.util.Map.Entry) CellIndex( HashSet(java.util.HashSet)

Example 99 with RUNTIME_PLATFORM

use of org.apache.sysml.api.DMLScript.RUNTIME_PLATFORM in project incubator-systemml by apache.

the class ParForCorrelationTest method runParForCorrelationTest.

	 * @param outer execution mode of outer parfor loop
	 * @param inner execution mode of inner parfor loop
	 * @param instType execution mode of instructions
private void runParForCorrelationTest(boolean parallel, PExecMode outer, PExecMode inner, ExecType instType, boolean profile, boolean debug, boolean statistics) {
    //inst exec type, influenced via rows
    RUNTIME_PLATFORM oldPlatform = rtplatform;
    rtplatform = (instType == ExecType.MR) ? RUNTIME_PLATFORM.HADOOP : RUNTIME_PLATFORM.HYBRID;
    int cols = (instType == ExecType.MR) ? cols2 : cols1;
    int scriptNum = -1;
    if (parallel) {
        if (inner == PExecMode.REMOTE_MR)
            scriptNum = 2;
        else if (outer == PExecMode.REMOTE_MR)
            scriptNum = 3;
        else if (outer == PExecMode.LOCAL)
            scriptNum = 1;
        else if (//optimized with profile
            //optimized with profile
            scriptNum = 5;
        else if (//optimized with profile
            //optimized with profile
            scriptNum = 6;
            scriptNum = 4;
    } else {
        scriptNum = 0;
    TestConfiguration config = getTestConfiguration(TEST_NAME);
    config.addVariable("rows", rows);
    config.addVariable("cols", cols);
    boolean oldStatistics = DMLScript.STATISTICS;
    /* This is for running the junit test the new way, i.e., construct the arguments directly */
    fullDMLScriptName = HOME + TEST_NAME + scriptNum + ".dml";
    if (statistics) {
        programArgs = new String[] { "-stats", "-args", input("V"), Integer.toString(rows), Integer.toString(cols), output("PearsonR") };
    } else {
        programArgs = new String[] { "-args", input("V"), Integer.toString(rows), Integer.toString(cols), output("PearsonR") };
    fullRScriptName = HOME + TEST_NAME + ".R";
    rCmd = "Rscript" + " " + fullRScriptName + " " + inputDir() + " " + expectedDir();
    long seed = System.nanoTime();
    double[][] V = getRandomMatrix(rows, cols, minVal, maxVal, 1.0, seed);
    writeInputMatrix("V", V, true);
    try {
        boolean exceptionExpected = false;
        runTest(true, exceptionExpected, null, -1);
    } finally {
        DMLScript.STATISTICS = oldStatistics;
        rtplatform = oldPlatform;
    //compare matrices
    HashMap<CellIndex, Double> dmlfile = readDMLMatrixFromHDFS("PearsonR");
    HashMap<CellIndex, Double> rfile = readRMatrixFromFS("Rout");
    TestUtils.compareMatrices(dmlfile, rfile, eps, "PearsonR-DML", "PearsonR-R");
Also used : RUNTIME_PLATFORM(org.apache.sysml.api.DMLScript.RUNTIME_PLATFORM) CellIndex( TestConfiguration(org.apache.sysml.test.integration.TestConfiguration)

Example 100 with RUNTIME_PLATFORM

use of org.apache.sysml.api.DMLScript.RUNTIME_PLATFORM in project incubator-systemml by apache.

the class ColVariancesTest method testColVariances.

     * Test the column variances function, "colVars(X)", on
     * dense/sparse matrices/vectors on the CP/Spark/MR platforms.
     * @param testName The name of this test case.
     * @param sparsity Selection between empty, sparse, and dense data.
     * @param dataType Selection between a matrix, a row vector, and a
     *                 column vector.
     * @param rewrites Whether or not to employ algebraic rewrites.
     * @param platform Selection between CP/Spark/MR platforms.
private void testColVariances(String testName, Sparsity sparsity, DataType dataType, boolean rewrites, ExecType platform) {
    // Configure settings for this test case
    boolean rewritesOld = OptimizerUtils.ALLOW_ALGEBRAIC_SIMPLIFICATION;
    OptimizerUtils.ALLOW_ALGEBRAIC_SIMPLIFICATION = rewrites;
    RUNTIME_PLATFORM platformOld = rtplatform;
    switch(platform) {
        case MR:
            rtplatform = RUNTIME_PLATFORM.HADOOP;
        case SPARK:
            rtplatform = RUNTIME_PLATFORM.SPARK;
            rtplatform = RUNTIME_PLATFORM.SINGLE_NODE;
    boolean sparkConfigOld = DMLScript.USE_LOCAL_SPARK_CONFIG;
    if (rtplatform == RUNTIME_PLATFORM.SPARK)
        DMLScript.USE_LOCAL_SPARK_CONFIG = true;
    try {
        // Create and load test configuration
        String HOME = SCRIPT_DIR + TEST_DIR;
        fullDMLScriptName = HOME + testName + ".dml";
        programArgs = new String[] { "-explain", "-stats", "-args", input(INPUT_NAME), output(OUTPUT_NAME) };
        fullRScriptName = HOME + testName + ".R";
        rCmd = "Rscript" + " " + fullRScriptName + " " + inputDir() + " " + expectedDir();
        // Generate data
        // - sparsity
        double sparsityVal;
        switch(sparsity) {
            case EMPTY:
                sparsityVal = 0;
            case SPARSE:
                sparsityVal = sparsitySparse;
            case DENSE:
                sparsityVal = sparsityDense;
        // - size
        int r;
        int c;
        switch(dataType) {
            case ROWVECTOR:
                r = 1;
                c = cols;
            case COLUMNVECTOR:
                r = rows;
                c = 1;
            case MATRIX:
                r = rows;
                c = cols;
        // - generation
        double[][] X = getRandomMatrix(r, c, -1, 1, sparsityVal, 7);
        writeInputMatrixWithMTD(INPUT_NAME, X, true);
        // Run DML and R scripts
        runTest(true, false, null, -1);
        // Compare output matrices
        HashMap<CellIndex, Double> dmlfile = readDMLMatrixFromHDFS(OUTPUT_NAME);
        HashMap<CellIndex, Double> rfile = readRMatrixFromFS(OUTPUT_NAME);
        TestUtils.compareMatrices(dmlfile, rfile, eps, "Stat-DML", "Stat-R");
        //    rewritten to var(X).
        if (rewrites && (platform == ExecType.SPARK || platform == ExecType.CP)) {
            String prefix = (platform == ExecType.SPARK) ? Instruction.SP_INST_PREFIX : "";
            if (dataType == DataType.ROWVECTOR) {
                String opcode = prefix + colVarOp;
                boolean rewriteApplied = !Statistics.getCPHeavyHitterOpCodes().contains(opcode);
                Assert.assertTrue("Rewrite not applied to row vector case.", rewriteApplied);
            } else if (dataType == DataType.COLUMNVECTOR) {
                String opcode = prefix + varOp;
                boolean rewriteApplied = Statistics.getCPHeavyHitterOpCodes().contains(opcode);
                Assert.assertTrue("Rewrite not applied to column vector case.", rewriteApplied);
    } finally {
        // Reset settings
        OptimizerUtils.ALLOW_ALGEBRAIC_SIMPLIFICATION = rewritesOld;
        rtplatform = platformOld;
        DMLScript.USE_LOCAL_SPARK_CONFIG = sparkConfigOld;
Also used : RUNTIME_PLATFORM(org.apache.sysml.api.DMLScript.RUNTIME_PLATFORM) CellIndex(


RUNTIME_PLATFORM (org.apache.sysml.api.DMLScript.RUNTIME_PLATFORM)204 CellIndex ( TestConfiguration (org.apache.sysml.test.integration.TestConfiguration)138 MatrixCharacteristics (org.apache.sysml.runtime.matrix.MatrixCharacteristics)36 Test (org.junit.Test)17 IOException ( FrameBlock ( DMLRuntimeException (org.apache.sysml.runtime.DMLRuntimeException)13 MatrixBlock ( Random (java.util.Random)8 CSVFileFormatProperties ( FrameReader ( ValueType (org.apache.sysml.parser.Expression.ValueType)5 HashMap (java.util.HashMap)4 Row (org.apache.spark.sql.Row)4 DMLScript (org.apache.sysml.api.DMLScript)4 Script (org.apache.sysml.api.mlcontext.Script)4 Matrix (org.apache.sysml.api.mlcontext.Matrix)3 InputInfo ( ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)2