use of in project incubator-systemml by apache.
the class FrameSerializationTest method runFrameSerializeTest.
* @param sparseM1
* @param sparseM2
* @param instType
private void runFrameSerializeTest(ValueType[] schema, SerType stype) {
try {
//data generation
double[][] A = getRandomMatrix(rows, schema.length, -10, 10, 0.9, 8234);
//init data frame
FrameBlock frame = new FrameBlock(schema);
//init data frame
Object[] row = new Object[schema.length];
for (int i = 0; i < rows; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < schema.length; j++) A[i][j] = UtilFunctions.objectToDouble(schema[j], row[j] = UtilFunctions.doubleToObject(schema[j], A[i][j]));
//core serialization and deserialization
if (stype == SerType.WRITABLE_SER) {
ByteArrayOutputStream bos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
DataOutputStream dos = new DataOutputStream(bos);
ByteArrayInputStream bis = new ByteArrayInputStream(bos.toByteArray());
DataInputStream dis = new DataInputStream(bis);
frame = new FrameBlock();
} else if (stype == SerType.JAVA_SER) {
ByteArrayOutputStream bos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
ObjectOutputStream oos = new ObjectOutputStream(bos);
ByteArrayInputStream bis = new ByteArrayInputStream(bos.toByteArray());
ObjectInputStream ois = new ObjectInputStream(bis);
frame = (FrameBlock) ois.readObject();
//check basic meta data
if (frame.getNumRows() != rows)"Wrong number of rows: " + frame.getNumRows() + ", expected: " + rows);
//check correct values
for (int i = 0; i < rows; i++) for (int j = 0; j < schema.length; j++) {
double tmp = UtilFunctions.objectToDouble(schema[j], frame.get(i, j));
if (tmp != A[i][j])"Wrong get value for cell (" + i + "," + j + "): " + tmp + ", expected: " + A[i][j]);
} catch (Exception ex) {
throw new RuntimeException(ex);
use of in project incubator-systemml by apache.
the class FrameConverterTest method runMatrixConverterAndVerify.
* @param schema
* @param A
* @param type
* @param iinfo
* @param oinfo
* @param instType
private void runMatrixConverterAndVerify(ValueType[] schema, double[][] A, ConvType type, InputInfo iinfo, OutputInfo oinfo) throws IOException {
try {
MatrixCharacteristics mcMatrix = new MatrixCharacteristics(rows, schema.length, 1000, 1000, 0);
MatrixCharacteristics mcFrame = new MatrixCharacteristics(rows, schema.length, -1, -1, -1);
MatrixBlock matrixBlock1 = null;
FrameBlock frame1 = null;
if (type == ConvType.MAT2BIN) {
//initialize the matrix (dense) data.
matrixBlock1 = new MatrixBlock(rows, schema.length, false);
matrixBlock1.init(A, rows, schema.length);
//write matrix data to hdfs
MatrixWriter matWriter = MatrixWriterFactory.createMatrixWriter(oinfo);
matWriter.writeMatrixToHDFS(matrixBlock1, input("A"), rows, schema.length, mcMatrix.getRowsPerBlock(), mcMatrix.getColsPerBlock(), mcMatrix.getNonZeros());
} else {
//initialize the frame data.
frame1 = new FrameBlock(schema);
initFrameData(frame1, A, schema);
//write frame data to hdfs
FrameWriter writer = FrameWriterFactory.createFrameWriter(oinfo);
writer.writeFrameToHDFS(frame1, input("A"), rows, schema.length);
//run converter under test
runConverter(type, mcFrame, mcMatrix, Arrays.asList(schema), input("A"), output("B"));
if (type == ConvType.MAT2BIN) {
//read frame data from hdfs
FrameReader reader = FrameReaderFactory.createFrameReader(iinfo);
FrameBlock frame2 = reader.readFrameFromHDFS(output("B"), rows, schema.length);
//verify input and output frame/matrix
verifyFrameMatrixData(frame2, matrixBlock1);
} else {
//read matrix data from hdfs
MatrixReader matReader = MatrixReaderFactory.createMatrixReader(iinfo);
MatrixBlock matrixBlock2 = matReader.readMatrixFromHDFS(output("B"), rows, schema.length, mcMatrix.getRowsPerBlock(), mcMatrix.getColsPerBlock(), mcMatrix.getNonZeros());
//verify input and output frame/matrix
verifyFrameMatrixData(frame1, matrixBlock2);
} catch (Exception ex) {
throw new RuntimeException(ex);
} finally {
use of in project incubator-systemml by apache.
the class FrameConverterTest method runConverterAndVerify.
* @param schema
* @param A
* @param type
* @param iinfo
* @param oinfo
* @param instType
private void runConverterAndVerify(ValueType[] schema, double[][] A, ConvType type, InputInfo iinfo, OutputInfo oinfo) throws IOException {
try {
//initialize the frame data.
FrameBlock frame1 = new FrameBlock(schema);
initFrameData(frame1, A, schema);
//write frame data to hdfs
FrameWriter writer = FrameWriterFactory.createFrameWriter(oinfo);
writer.writeFrameToHDFS(frame1, input("A"), rows, schema.length);
//run converter under test
MatrixCharacteristics mc = new MatrixCharacteristics(rows, schema.length, -1, -1, -1);
runConverter(type, mc, null, Arrays.asList(schema), input("A"), output("B"));
//read frame data from hdfs
FrameReader reader = FrameReaderFactory.createFrameReader(iinfo);
FrameBlock frame2 = reader.readFrameFromHDFS(output("B"), rows, schema.length);
//verify input and output frame
verifyFrameData(frame1, frame2);
} catch (Exception ex) {
throw new RuntimeException(ex);
} finally {
use of in project incubator-systemml by apache.
the class FrameCopyTest method runFrameCopyTest.
* @param sparseM1
* @param sparseM2
* @param instType
private void runFrameCopyTest(ValueType[] schema1, ValueType[] schema2, AppendType atype) {
try {
//data generation
double[][] A = getRandomMatrix(rows, schema1.length, -10, 10, 0.9, 2373);
double[][] B = getRandomMatrix(rows, schema2.length, -10, 10, 0.9, 129);
//Initialize the frame data.
//init data frame 1
FrameBlock frame1 = new FrameBlock(schema1);
initFrameData(frame1, A, schema1);
//init data frame 2
FrameBlock frame2 = new FrameBlock(schema2);
initFrameData(frame2, B, schema2);
//copy from one frame to another.
FrameBlock frame1Backup = new FrameBlock(frame1.getSchema(), frame1.getColumnNames());
FrameBlock frame2Backup = new FrameBlock(frame2.getSchema(), frame2.getColumnNames());
// Verify copied data.
verifyFrameData(frame1, frame1Backup);
verifyFrameData(frame2, frame2Backup);
// update some data in original/backup frames
int updateRow = rows / 2;
updateFrameWithDummyData(frame1, updateRow);
updateFrameWithDummyData(frame2, updateRow);
// Verify that data modified only on target frames
verifyFrameData(frame1, frame1Backup, updateRow, false);
verifyFrameData(frame2, frame2Backup, updateRow, false);
} catch (Exception ex) {
throw new RuntimeException(ex);
use of in project incubator-systemml by apache.
the class FrameEvictionTest method runFrameEvictionTest.
* @param schema
* @param sparse
* @param defaultMeta
* @param force
private void runFrameEvictionTest(ValueType[] schema, boolean sparse, boolean defaultMeta, boolean force) {
try {
//data generation
double sparsity = sparse ? sparsity2 : sparsity1;
double[][] A = getRandomMatrix(rows, schema.length, -10, 10, sparsity, 765);
MatrixBlock mA = DataConverter.convertToMatrixBlock(A);
FrameBlock fA = DataConverter.convertToFrameBlock(mA, schema);
//create non-default column names
if (!defaultMeta) {
String[] colnames = new String[schema.length];
for (int i = 0; i < schema.length; i++) colnames[i] = "Custom_name_" + i;
//setup caching
//create frame object
MatrixCharacteristics mc = new MatrixCharacteristics(rows, schema.length, -1, -1, -1);
MatrixFormatMetaData meta = new MatrixFormatMetaData(mc, OutputInfo.BinaryBlockOutputInfo, InputInfo.BinaryBlockInputInfo);
FrameObject fo = new FrameObject("fA", meta, schema);
//evict frame and clear in-memory reference
if (force)
Method clearfo = CacheableData.class.getDeclaredMethod("clearCache", new Class[] {});
//make method public
clearfo.invoke(fo, new Object[] {});
//read frame through buffer pool (if forced, this is a read from disk
//otherwise deserialization or simple reference depending on schema)
FrameBlock fA2 = fo.acquireRead();
//compare frames
String[][] sA = DataConverter.convertToStringFrame(fA);
String[][] sA2 = DataConverter.convertToStringFrame(fA2);
TestUtils.compareFrames(sA, sA2, rows, schema.length);
} catch (Exception ex) {
throw new RuntimeException(ex);