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Example 1 with AccessPrincipal

use of org.bedework.access.AccessPrincipal in project bw-calendar-engine by Bedework.

the class Events method setScheduleState.

/* Flag this as an attendee scheduling object or an organizer scheduling object
private void setScheduleState(final BwEvent ev, final boolean adding, final boolean schedulingInbox) throws CalFacadeException {
    if ((ev.getEntityType() != IcalDefs.entityTypeEvent) && (ev.getEntityType() != IcalDefs.entityTypeTodo) && (ev.getEntityType() != IcalDefs.entityTypeVpoll)) {
        // Not a possible scheduling entity
    final BwOrganizer org = ev.getOrganizer();
    final Set<BwAttendee> atts = ev.getAttendees();
    if (Util.isEmpty(atts) || (org == null)) {
    final String curPrincipal = getSvc().getPrincipal().getPrincipalRef();
    final Directories dirs = getSvc().getDirectories();
    AccessPrincipal evPrincipal = dirs.caladdrToPrincipal(org.getOrganizerUri());
    if ((evPrincipal != null) && (evPrincipal.getPrincipalRef().equals(curPrincipal))) {
        /* If we are expanding groups do so here */
        final ChangeTable chg = ev.getChangeset(getPrincipalHref());
        final Set<BwAttendee> groups = new TreeSet<>();
        if (!schedulingInbox) {
            final ChangeTableEntry cte = chg.getEntry(PropertyInfoIndex.ATTENDEE);
            checkAttendees: for (final BwAttendee att : atts) {
                if (CuType.GROUP.getValue().equals(att.getCuType())) {
                final AccessPrincipal attPrincipal = getSvc().getDirectories().caladdrToPrincipal(att.getAttendeeUri());
                if ((attPrincipal != null) && (attPrincipal.getPrincipalRef().equals(curPrincipal))) {
                    // It's us
                if (att.getPartstat().equals(IcalDefs.partstatValNeedsAction)) {
                if (adding) {
                    // Can't add an event with attendees set to accepted
                // Not adding event. Did we add attendee?
                if ((cte != null) && !Util.isEmpty(cte.getAddedValues())) {
                    for (final Object o : cte.getAddedValues()) {
                        final BwAttendee chgAtt = (BwAttendee) o;
                        if (chgAtt.getCn().equals(att.getCn())) {
                            continue checkAttendees;
        try {
            /* If this is a vpoll we need the vvoters as we are going to
           have to remove the group vvoter entry and clone it for the
           attendees we add.

           I think this will work for any poll mode - if not we may
           have to rethink this approach.
            Map<String, VVoter> voters = null;
            final boolean vpoll;
            if (ev.getEntityType() == IcalDefs.entityTypeVpoll) {
                voters = IcalUtil.parseVpollVvoters(ev);
                // We'll add them all back
                vpoll = true;
            } else {
                vpoll = false;
            for (final BwAttendee att : groups) {
                /* If the group is in one of our domains we can try to expand it.
           * We should leave it if it's an external id.
                final Holder<Boolean> trunc = new Holder<>();
                final List<BwPrincipalInfo> groupPis = dirs.find(att.getAttendeeUri(), att.getCuType(), // expand
                true, trunc);
                if ((groupPis == null) || (groupPis.size() != 1)) {
                final BwPrincipalInfo pi = groupPis.get(0);
                if (pi.getMembers() == null) {
                VVoter groupVvoter = null;
                Voter groupVoter = null;
                PropertyList pl = null;
                if (vpoll) {
                    groupVvoter = voters.get(att.getAttendeeUri());
                    if (groupVvoter == null) {
                        if (debug) {
                            warn("No vvoter found for " + att.getAttendeeUri());
                    groupVoter = groupVvoter.getVoter();
                    pl = groupVvoter.getProperties();
                // Remove the group
                chg.changed(PropertyInfoIndex.ATTENDEE, att, null);
                for (final BwPrincipalInfo mbrPi : pi.getMembers()) {
                    if (mbrPi.getCaladruri() == null) {
                    final BwAttendee mbrAtt = new BwAttendee();
                    chg.addValue(PropertyInfoIndex.ATTENDEE, mbrAtt);
                    if (vpoll) {
                        groupVoter = IcalUtil.setVoter(mbrAtt);
            if (vpoll) {
                // Add back any remaining vvoters
                for (VVoter vv : voters.values()) {
        } catch (final CalFacadeException cfe) {
            throw cfe;
        } catch (final Throwable t) {
            throw new CalFacadeException(t);
        if (ev instanceof BwEventProxy) {
            // Only add x-property to master
        if (CalFacadeDefs.jasigSchedulingAssistant.equals(getPars().getClientId())) {
            ev.addXproperty(new BwXproperty(BwXproperty.bedeworkSchedAssist, null, "true"));
    for (final BwAttendee att : atts) {
        /* See if at least one attendee is us */
        evPrincipal = getSvc().getDirectories().caladdrToPrincipal(att.getAttendeeUri());
        if ((evPrincipal != null) && (evPrincipal.getPrincipalRef().equals(curPrincipal))) {
Also used : VVoter(net.fortuna.ical4j.model.component.VVoter) Holder( BwEventProxy(org.bedework.calfacade.BwEventProxy) AccessPrincipal(org.bedework.access.AccessPrincipal) CalFacadeException(org.bedework.calfacade.exc.CalFacadeException) Directories(org.bedework.calfacade.ifs.Directories) PropertyList(net.fortuna.ical4j.model.PropertyList) BwXproperty(org.bedework.calfacade.BwXproperty) ChangeTable(org.bedework.calfacade.util.ChangeTable) TreeSet(java.util.TreeSet) Voter( VVoter(net.fortuna.ical4j.model.component.VVoter) ChangeTableEntry(org.bedework.calfacade.util.ChangeTableEntry) BwAttendee(org.bedework.calfacade.BwAttendee) BwPrincipalInfo(org.bedework.calfacade.BwPrincipalInfo) BwOrganizer(org.bedework.calfacade.BwOrganizer)

Example 2 with AccessPrincipal

use of org.bedework.access.AccessPrincipal in project bw-calendar-engine by Bedework.

the class AccessUtil method checkAccess.

public CurrentAccess checkAccess(final BwShareableDbentity<?> ent, final int desiredAccess, final boolean alwaysReturnResult) throws CalFacadeException {
    if (ent == null) {
        return null;
    if (ent instanceof CalendarWrapper) {
        final CalendarWrapper col = (CalendarWrapper) ent;
        final CurrentAccess ca = col.getCurrentAccess(desiredAccess);
        if (ca != null) {
            if (debug) {
                debug("Access " + desiredAccess + " already checked for " + cb.getPrincipal().getPrincipalRef() + " and allowed=" + ca.getAccessAllowed());
            if (!ca.getAccessAllowed() && !alwaysReturnResult) {
                throw new CalFacadeAccessException();
            return ca;
    if (debug) {
        final String cname = ent.getClass().getName();
        final String ident;
        if (ent instanceof BwCalendar) {
            ident = ((BwCalendar) ent).getPath();
        } else {
            ident = String.valueOf(ent.getId());
        debug("Check access by " + cb.getPrincipal().getPrincipalRef() + " for object " + cname.substring(cname.lastIndexOf(".") + 1) + " ident=" + ident + " desiredAccess = " + desiredAccess);
    try {
        final long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
        CurrentAccess ca = null;
        final AccessPrincipal owner = cb.getPrincipal(ent.getOwnerHref());
        if (debug) {
            debug("After getPrincipal - took: " + (System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime));
        if (owner == null) {
            error("Principal(owner) " + ent.getOwnerHref() + " does not exist");
            if (!alwaysReturnResult) {
                throw new CalFacadeAccessException();
            return new CurrentAccess(false);
        PrivilegeSet maxPrivs = null;
        char[] aclChars = null;
        if (ent instanceof BwCalendar) {
            final BwCalendar cal = (BwCalendar) ent;
            final String path = cal.getPath();
            /* I think this was wrong. For superuser we want to see the real
         * access but they are going to be allowed access whatever.
        if (userRootPath.equals(path)) {
          ca = new CurrentAccess();

          if (getSuperUser()) {
            ca.privileges = PrivilegeSet.makeDefaultOwnerPrivileges();
          } else {
            ca.privileges = PrivilegeSet.makeDefaultNonOwnerPrivileges();
        } else if (path.equals(userHomePathPrefix + account)){
          // Accessing user home directory
          if (getSuperUser()) {
            ca = new CurrentAccess();

            ca.privileges = PrivilegeSet.makeDefaultOwnerPrivileges();
          } else {
            // Set the maximumn access
            maxPrivs = PrivilegeSet.userHomeMaxPrivileges;
            if (!cb.getSuperUser()) {
                if (cb.getUserHomePath().equals(path)) {
                    ca = new CurrentAccess();
                    ca = Acl.defaultNonOwnerAccess;
                } else if (path.equals(Util.buildPath(colPathEndsWithSlash, cb.getUserHomePath(), "/", owner.getAccount()))) {
                    // Accessing user home directory
                    // Set the maximumn access
                    maxPrivs = PrivilegeSet.userHomeMaxPrivileges;
        if (maxPrivs == null) {
            maxPrivs = cb.getMaximumAllowedPrivs();
        } else if (cb.getMaximumAllowedPrivs() != null) {
            maxPrivs = PrivilegeSet.filterPrivileges(maxPrivs, cb.getMaximumAllowedPrivs());
        if (ca == null) {
            /* Not special. getAclChars provides merged access for the current
         * entity.
            aclChars = getAclChars(ent);
            if (aclChars == null) {
                error("Unable to fetch aclchars for " + ent);
                if (!alwaysReturnResult) {
                    throw new CalFacadeAccessException();
                return new CurrentAccess(false);
            if (debug) {
                debug("aclChars = " + new String(aclChars));
            if (desiredAccess == privAny) {
                ca = access.checkAny(cb, cb.getPrincipal(), owner, aclChars, maxPrivs);
            } else if (desiredAccess == privRead) {
                ca = access.checkRead(cb, cb.getPrincipal(), owner, aclChars, maxPrivs);
            } else if (desiredAccess == privWrite) {
                ca = access.checkReadWrite(cb, cb.getPrincipal(), owner, aclChars, maxPrivs);
            } else {
                ca = access.evaluateAccess(cb, cb.getPrincipal(), owner, desiredAccess, aclChars, maxPrivs);
        if ((cb.getPrincipal() != null) && cb.getSuperUser()) {
            /* Override rather than just create a readable access as code further
         * up expects a valid filled in object.
            if (debug && !ca.getAccessAllowed()) {
                debug("Override for superuser");
            ca = Acl.forceAccessAllowed(ca);
        if (ent instanceof CalendarWrapper) {
            final CalendarWrapper col = (CalendarWrapper) ent;
            col.setCurrentAccess(ca, desiredAccess);
        if (debug) {
            debug("access allowed: " + ca.getAccessAllowed());
        if (!ca.getAccessAllowed() && !alwaysReturnResult) {
            throw new CalFacadeAccessException();
        return ca;
    } catch (final CalFacadeException cfe) {
        throw cfe;
    } catch (final Throwable t) {
        throw new CalFacadeException(t);
Also used : PrivilegeSet(org.bedework.access.PrivilegeSet) CurrentAccess(org.bedework.access.Acl.CurrentAccess) CalendarWrapper(org.bedework.calfacade.wrappers.CalendarWrapper) BwCalendar(org.bedework.calfacade.BwCalendar) CalFacadeAccessException(org.bedework.calfacade.exc.CalFacadeAccessException) AccessPrincipal(org.bedework.access.AccessPrincipal) CalFacadeException(org.bedework.calfacade.exc.CalFacadeException)

Example 3 with AccessPrincipal

use of org.bedework.access.AccessPrincipal in project bw-calendar-engine by Bedework.

the class AbstractDirImpl method uriToCaladdr.

/* (non-Javadoc)
   * @see org.bedework.calfacade.ifs.Directories#uriToCaladdr(java.lang.String)
public String uriToCaladdr(final String val) throws CalFacadeException {
    if (isPrincipal(val)) {
        // Leave as is
        return userToCaladdr(val);
    boolean isAccount = true;
    /* check for something that looks like,
       scheduleto:, etc.  If exists, is not an internal Bedework account. */
    final int colonPos = val.indexOf(":");
    final int atPos = val.indexOf("@");
    String uri = val;
    if (colonPos > 0) {
        if (atPos < colonPos) {
            return null;
        isAccount = false;
    } else if (atPos > 0) {
        uri = "mailto:" + val;
    final AccessPrincipal possibleAccount = caladdrToPrincipal(uri);
    if (// Possible bedework user
    (possibleAccount != null) && !validPrincipal(possibleAccount.getPrincipalRef())) {
        // but not valid
        return null;
    if (isAccount) {
        uri = userToCaladdr(uri);
    return uri;
Also used : AccessPrincipal(org.bedework.access.AccessPrincipal)

Example 4 with AccessPrincipal

use of org.bedework.access.AccessPrincipal in project bw-calendar-engine by Bedework.

the class BwSysIntfImpl method getFreeBusy.

/* (non-Javadoc)
   * @see org.bedework.caldav.server.sysinterface.SysIntf#getFreeBusy(org.bedework.caldav.server.CalDAVCollection, int, org.bedework.caldav.util.TimeRange)
public CalDAVEvent getFreeBusy(final CalDAVCollection col, final int depth, final TimeRange timeRange) throws WebdavException {
    try {
        BwCalendar bwCol = unwrap(col);
        int calType = bwCol.getCalType();
        if (!bwCol.getCollectionInfo().allowFreeBusy) {
            throw new WebdavForbidden(WebdavTags.supportedReport);
        Collection<BwCalendar> cals = new ArrayList<BwCalendar>();
        if (calType == BwCalendar.calTypeCalendarCollection) {
        } else if (depth == 0) {
        /* Cannot return anything */
        } else {
            for (BwCalendar ch : getSvci().getCalendarsHandler().getChildren(bwCol)) {
                // For depth 1 we only add calendar collections
                if ((depth > 1) || (ch.getCalType() == BwCalendar.calTypeCalendarCollection)) {
        AccessPrincipal owner = col.getOwner();
        String orgUri;
        if (owner instanceof BwPrincipal) {
            orgUri = getSvci().getDirectories().principalToCaladdr((BwPrincipal) owner);
        } else {
            BwPrincipal p = BwPrincipal.makeUserPrincipal();
            orgUri = getSvci().getDirectories().principalToCaladdr(p);
        BwOrganizer org = new BwOrganizer();
        BwEvent fb;
        if (cals.isEmpty()) {
            // Return an empty object
            fb = new BwEventObj();
        } else {
            fb = getSvci().getScheduler().getFreeBusy(cals, (BwPrincipal) currentPrincipal, getBwDt(timeRange.getStart()), getBwDt(timeRange.getEnd()), org, // uid
            null, null);
        EventInfo ei = new EventInfo(fb);
        return new BwCalDAVEvent(this, ei);
    } catch (CalFacadeException cfe) {
        throw new WebdavException(cfe);
    } catch (WebdavException wde) {
        throw wde;
    } catch (Throwable t) {
        throw new WebdavException(t);
Also used : EventInfo(org.bedework.calfacade.svc.EventInfo) WebdavForbidden(org.bedework.webdav.servlet.shared.WebdavForbidden) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) WebdavException(org.bedework.webdav.servlet.shared.WebdavException) BwEvent(org.bedework.calfacade.BwEvent) BwCalendar(org.bedework.calfacade.BwCalendar) AccessPrincipal(org.bedework.access.AccessPrincipal) CalFacadeException(org.bedework.calfacade.exc.CalFacadeException) BwPrincipal(org.bedework.calfacade.BwPrincipal) BwEventObj(org.bedework.calfacade.BwEventObj) BwOrganizer(org.bedework.calfacade.BwOrganizer)


AccessPrincipal (org.bedework.access.AccessPrincipal)4 CalFacadeException (org.bedework.calfacade.exc.CalFacadeException)3 BwCalendar (org.bedework.calfacade.BwCalendar)2 BwOrganizer (org.bedework.calfacade.BwOrganizer)2 ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)1 TreeSet (java.util.TreeSet)1 Holder ( PropertyList (net.fortuna.ical4j.model.PropertyList)1 VVoter (net.fortuna.ical4j.model.component.VVoter)1 Voter ( CurrentAccess (org.bedework.access.Acl.CurrentAccess)1 PrivilegeSet (org.bedework.access.PrivilegeSet)1 BwAttendee (org.bedework.calfacade.BwAttendee)1 BwEvent (org.bedework.calfacade.BwEvent)1 BwEventObj (org.bedework.calfacade.BwEventObj)1 BwEventProxy (org.bedework.calfacade.BwEventProxy)1 BwPrincipal (org.bedework.calfacade.BwPrincipal)1 BwPrincipalInfo (org.bedework.calfacade.BwPrincipalInfo)1 BwXproperty (org.bedework.calfacade.BwXproperty)1 CalFacadeAccessException (org.bedework.calfacade.exc.CalFacadeAccessException)1