use of org.bedework.calfacade.BwPrincipalInfo in project bw-calendar-engine by Bedework.
the class CalSvc method getCal.
/* Currently this gets a local calintf only. Later we need to use a par to
* get calintf from a table.
Calintf getCal() throws CalFacadeException {
if (cali != null) {
return cali;
final long start = System.currentTimeMillis();
try {
final long beforeGetIntf = System.currentTimeMillis() - start;
cali = CalintfFactory.getIntf(CalintfFactory.hibernateClass);
final long afterGetIntf = System.currentTimeMillis() - start;, pars.getForRestore(), // Just for the user interactions
postNotification(SysEvent.makeTimedEvent("Login: about to obtain calintf", beforeGetIntf));
postNotification(SysEvent.makeTimedEvent("Login: calintf obtained", afterGetIntf));
postNotification(SysEvent.makeTimedEvent("Login: intf opened", System.currentTimeMillis() - start));
postNotification(SysEvent.makeTimedEvent("Login: transaction started", System.currentTimeMillis() - start));
String runAsUser = pars.getUser();
if (pars.getCalSuite() != null) {
final BwCalSuite cs = cali.getCalSuite(pars.getCalSuite());
if (cs == null) {
error("Unable to fetch calendar suite " + pars.getCalSuite());
error("Is the database correctly initialised?");
throw new CalFacadeException(CalFacadeException.unknownCalsuite, pars.getCalSuite());
getCalSuitesHandler().set(new BwCalSuiteWrapper(cs));
/* For administrative use we use the account of the admin group the user
* is a direct member of
* For public clients we use the calendar suite owning group.
if (!pars.getPublicAdmin()) {
runAsUser = cs.getGroup().getOwnerHref();
postNotification(SysEvent.makeTimedEvent("Login: before get dirs", System.currentTimeMillis() - start));
final Directories dir = getDirectories();
/* Get ourselves a user object */
String authenticatedUser = pars.getAuthUser();
if (authenticatedUser != null) {
final String sv = authenticatedUser;
if (dir.isPrincipal(authenticatedUser)) {
authenticatedUser = dir.accountFromPrincipal(authenticatedUser);
if (authenticatedUser == null) {
error("Failed with Authenticated user " + sv);
return null;
if (authenticatedUser.endsWith("/")) {
getLogger().warn("Authenticated user " + authenticatedUser + " ends with \"/\"");
postNotification(SysEvent.makeTimedEvent("Login: before user fetch", System.currentTimeMillis() - start));
// synchronized (synchlock) {
final Users users = (Users) getUsersHandler();
if (runAsUser == null) {
runAsUser = authenticatedUser;
BwPrincipal currentPrincipal;
final BwPrincipal authPrincipal;
PrivilegeSet maxAllowedPrivs = null;
boolean subscriptionsOnly = getSystemProperties().getUserSubscriptionsOnly();
boolean userMapHit = false;
boolean addingUser = false;
boolean addingRunAsUser = false;
if (pars.getForRestore()) {
authenticated = true;
currentPrincipal = dir.caladdrToPrincipal(pars.getAuthUser());
authPrincipal = currentPrincipal;
subscriptionsOnly = false;
} else if (authenticatedUser == null) {
authenticated = false;
// Unauthenticated use
currentPrincipal = unauthUsers.get(runAsUser);
if (currentPrincipal == null) {
currentPrincipal = users.getUser(runAsUser);
} else {
userMapHit = true;
if (currentPrincipal == null) {
// XXX Should we set this one up?
currentPrincipal = BwPrincipal.makeUserPrincipal();
if (!userMapHit) {
unauthUsers.put(runAsUser, currentPrincipal);
authPrincipal = currentPrincipal;
maxAllowedPrivs = PrivilegeSet.readOnlyPrivileges;
} else {
authenticated = true;
currentPrincipal = unauthUsers.get(authenticatedUser);
if (currentPrincipal == null) {
currentPrincipal = users.getUser(authenticatedUser);
} else {
userMapHit = true;
if (currentPrincipal == null) {
/* Add the user to the database. Presumably this is first logon
getLogger().debug("Add new user " + authenticatedUser);
currentPrincipal = addUser(authenticatedUser);
if (currentPrincipal == null) {
error("Failed to find user after adding: " + authenticatedUser);
currentPrincipal = getFakeUser(authenticatedUser);
addingUser = true;
authPrincipal = currentPrincipal;
if (authenticatedUser.equals(runAsUser)) {
getLogger().debug("Authenticated user " + authenticatedUser + " logged on");
} else {
currentPrincipal = unauthUsers.get(runAsUser);
if (currentPrincipal == null) {
currentPrincipal = users.getUser(runAsUser);
} else {
userMapHit = true;
if (currentPrincipal == null) {
// throw new CalFacadeException("User " + runAsUser + " does not exist.");
/* Add the user to the database. Presumably this is first logon
getLogger().debug("Add new run-as-user " + runAsUser);
// currentPrincipal = addUser(runAsUser);
currentPrincipal = getFakeUser(runAsUser);
addingRunAsUser = true;
getLogger().debug("Authenticated user " + authenticatedUser + " logged on - running as " + runAsUser);
if (!userMapHit && (currentPrincipal != null)) {
authUsers.put(currentPrincipal.getAccount(), currentPrincipal);
postNotification(SysEvent.makeTimedEvent("Login: after get Groups", System.currentTimeMillis() - start));
if (pars.getService()) {
subscriptionsOnly = false;
} else {
final BwPrincipalInfo bwpi = dir.getDirInfo(currentPrincipal);
if (pars.getPublicAdmin() || (bwpi != null && bwpi.getHasFullAccess())) {
subscriptionsOnly = false;
postNotification(SysEvent.makeTimedEvent("Login: got Dirinfo", System.currentTimeMillis() - start));
principalInfo = new SvciPrincipalInfo(this, currentPrincipal, authPrincipal, maxAllowedPrivs, subscriptionsOnly);
cali.init(pars.getLogId(), configs, principalInfo, null, pars.getPublicAdmin(), pars.getPublicSubmission(), pars.getSessionsless(), pars.getDontKill());
if (addingUser) {
// Do the real work of setting up user
if (addingRunAsUser) {
// Do the real work of setting up user
if (!currentPrincipal.getUnauthenticated()) {
if (pars.getService()) {
postNotification(SysEvent.makePrincipalEvent(SysEvent.SysCode.SERVICE_USER_LOGIN, currentPrincipal, System.currentTimeMillis() - start));
} else if (!creating) {
postNotification(SysEvent.makePrincipalEvent(SysEvent.SysCode.USER_LOGIN, currentPrincipal, System.currentTimeMillis() - start));
} else {
// If we have a runAsUser it's a public client. Pretend we authenticated
// WHY? currentPrincipal.setUnauthenticated(runAsUser == null);
if (pars.getPublicAdmin() || pars.isGuest()) {
if (debug) {
trace("PublicAdmin: " + pars.getPublicAdmin() + " user: " + runAsUser);
/* We may be running as a different user. The preferences we want to see
* are those of the user we are running as - i.e. the '' user
* not those of the authenticated user.
* /
BwCalSuiteWrapper suite = getCalSuitesHandler().get();
BwPrincipal user;
if (suite != null) {
// Use this user
user = users.getPrincipal(suite.getGroup().getOwnerHref());
} else if (runAsUser == null) {
// Unauthenticated CalDAV for example?
user = currentPrincipal;
} else {
// No calendar suite set up
// XXX This is messy
if (runAsUser.startsWith("/")) {
user = users.getPrincipal(runAsUser);
} else {
user = users.getUser(runAsUser);
if (!user.equals(principalInfo.getPrincipal())) {
return cali;
// }
} catch (final CalFacadeException cfe) {
throw cfe;
} catch (final Throwable t) {
throw new CalFacadeException(t);
} finally {
if (cali != null) {
// cali.flushAll();
use of org.bedework.calfacade.BwPrincipalInfo in project bw-calendar-engine by Bedework.
the class Events method setScheduleState.
/* Flag this as an attendee scheduling object or an organizer scheduling object
private void setScheduleState(final BwEvent ev, final boolean adding, final boolean schedulingInbox) throws CalFacadeException {
if ((ev.getEntityType() != IcalDefs.entityTypeEvent) && (ev.getEntityType() != IcalDefs.entityTypeTodo) && (ev.getEntityType() != IcalDefs.entityTypeVpoll)) {
// Not a possible scheduling entity
final BwOrganizer org = ev.getOrganizer();
final Set<BwAttendee> atts = ev.getAttendees();
if (Util.isEmpty(atts) || (org == null)) {
final String curPrincipal = getSvc().getPrincipal().getPrincipalRef();
final Directories dirs = getSvc().getDirectories();
AccessPrincipal evPrincipal = dirs.caladdrToPrincipal(org.getOrganizerUri());
if ((evPrincipal != null) && (evPrincipal.getPrincipalRef().equals(curPrincipal))) {
/* If we are expanding groups do so here */
final ChangeTable chg = ev.getChangeset(getPrincipalHref());
final Set<BwAttendee> groups = new TreeSet<>();
if (!schedulingInbox) {
final ChangeTableEntry cte = chg.getEntry(PropertyInfoIndex.ATTENDEE);
checkAttendees: for (final BwAttendee att : atts) {
if (CuType.GROUP.getValue().equals(att.getCuType())) {
final AccessPrincipal attPrincipal = getSvc().getDirectories().caladdrToPrincipal(att.getAttendeeUri());
if ((attPrincipal != null) && (attPrincipal.getPrincipalRef().equals(curPrincipal))) {
// It's us
if (att.getPartstat().equals(IcalDefs.partstatValNeedsAction)) {
if (adding) {
// Can't add an event with attendees set to accepted
// Not adding event. Did we add attendee?
if ((cte != null) && !Util.isEmpty(cte.getAddedValues())) {
for (final Object o : cte.getAddedValues()) {
final BwAttendee chgAtt = (BwAttendee) o;
if (chgAtt.getCn().equals(att.getCn())) {
continue checkAttendees;
try {
/* If this is a vpoll we need the vvoters as we are going to
have to remove the group vvoter entry and clone it for the
attendees we add.
I think this will work for any poll mode - if not we may
have to rethink this approach.
Map<String, VVoter> voters = null;
final boolean vpoll;
if (ev.getEntityType() == IcalDefs.entityTypeVpoll) {
voters = IcalUtil.parseVpollVvoters(ev);
// We'll add them all back
vpoll = true;
} else {
vpoll = false;
for (final BwAttendee att : groups) {
/* If the group is in one of our domains we can try to expand it.
* We should leave it if it's an external id.
final Holder<Boolean> trunc = new Holder<>();
final List<BwPrincipalInfo> groupPis = dirs.find(att.getAttendeeUri(), att.getCuType(), // expand
true, trunc);
if ((groupPis == null) || (groupPis.size() != 1)) {
final BwPrincipalInfo pi = groupPis.get(0);
if (pi.getMembers() == null) {
VVoter groupVvoter = null;
Voter groupVoter = null;
PropertyList pl = null;
if (vpoll) {
groupVvoter = voters.get(att.getAttendeeUri());
if (groupVvoter == null) {
if (debug) {
warn("No vvoter found for " + att.getAttendeeUri());
groupVoter = groupVvoter.getVoter();
pl = groupVvoter.getProperties();
// Remove the group
chg.changed(PropertyInfoIndex.ATTENDEE, att, null);
for (final BwPrincipalInfo mbrPi : pi.getMembers()) {
if (mbrPi.getCaladruri() == null) {
final BwAttendee mbrAtt = new BwAttendee();
chg.addValue(PropertyInfoIndex.ATTENDEE, mbrAtt);
if (vpoll) {
groupVoter = IcalUtil.setVoter(mbrAtt);
if (vpoll) {
// Add back any remaining vvoters
for (VVoter vv : voters.values()) {
} catch (final CalFacadeException cfe) {
throw cfe;
} catch (final Throwable t) {
throw new CalFacadeException(t);
if (ev instanceof BwEventProxy) {
// Only add x-property to master
if (CalFacadeDefs.jasigSchedulingAssistant.equals(getPars().getClientId())) {
ev.addXproperty(new BwXproperty(BwXproperty.bedeworkSchedAssist, null, "true"));
for (final BwAttendee att : atts) {
/* See if at least one attendee is us */
evPrincipal = getSvc().getDirectories().caladdrToPrincipal(att.getAttendeeUri());
if ((evPrincipal != null) && (evPrincipal.getPrincipalRef().equals(curPrincipal))) {
use of org.bedework.calfacade.BwPrincipalInfo in project bw-calendar-engine by Bedework.
the class Preferences method fetch.
* Fetch the preferences for the given principal from the db
* @param principal
* @return the preferences for the current user
* @throws CalFacadeException
private BwPreferences fetch(final BwPrincipal principal) throws CalFacadeException {
BwPreferences prefs = getSvc().getPreferences(principal.getPrincipalRef());
BwPrincipalInfo pinfo = principal.getPrincipalInfo();
if (pinfo == null) {
return prefs;
if (getSvc().getDirectories().mergePreferences(prefs, pinfo)) {
return prefs;
use of org.bedework.calfacade.BwPrincipalInfo in project bw-calendar-engine by Bedework.
the class BwSysIntfImpl method getPrincipals.
public Collection<CalPrincipalInfo> getPrincipals(String resourceUri, final PrincipalPropertySearch pps) throws WebdavException {
List<CalPrincipalInfo> principals = null;
if (pps.applyToPrincipalCollectionSet) {
/* I believe it's valid (if unhelpful) to return nothing
return new ArrayList<>();
if (!resourceUri.endsWith("/")) {
resourceUri += "/";
try {
String proot = BwPrincipal.principalRoot;
if (!proot.endsWith("/")) {
proot += "/";
if (!resourceUri.equals(proot)) {
return new ArrayList<>();
} catch (final Throwable t) {
throw new WebdavException(t);
/* If we don't support any of the properties in the searches we don't match.
* Currently we only support calendarUserAddressSet or calendarHomeSet.
* For calendarUserAddressSet the value to match must be a valid CUA
* For calendarHomeSet it must be a valid home uri
final List<WebdavProperty> props = new ArrayList<>();
String cutype = null;
for (final WebdavProperty prop : pps.props) {
if (debug) {
debug("Try to match " + prop);
final String pval = prop.getPval();
if (CaldavTags.calendarUserAddressSet.equals(prop.getTag())) {
principals = and(principals, getCalPrincipalInfo(caladdrToPrincipal(pval)));
} else if (CaldavTags.calendarHomeSet.equals(prop.getTag())) {
final String path = getUrlHandler().unprefix(pval);
final CalDAVCollection col = getCollection(path);
if (col != null) {
principals = and(principals, getCalPrincipalInfo(col.getOwner()));
} else if (CaldavTags.calendarUserType.equals(prop.getTag())) {
cutype = pval;
} else if (WebdavTags.displayname.equals(prop.getTag())) {
// Store for directory search
try {
if (props.size() != 0) {
// Directory search
final Holder<Boolean> truncated = new Holder<>();
if (principals == null) {
principals = new ArrayList<>();
final List<BwPrincipalInfo> pis = getSvci().getDirectories().find(props,, cutype, truncated);
if (pis != null) {
for (final BwPrincipalInfo pi : pis) {
} catch (final Throwable t) {
throw new WebdavException(t);
if (principals == null) {
return new ArrayList<>();
return principals;
use of org.bedework.calfacade.BwPrincipalInfo in project bw-calendar-engine by Bedework.
the class AbstractDirImpl method find.
public List<BwPrincipalInfo> find(final String cua, final String cutype, final boolean expand, final Holder<Boolean> truncated) throws CalFacadeException {
final CardDavInfo cdi = getCardDavInfo(false);
if ((cdi == null) || (cdi.getHost() == null)) {
return null;
BasicHttpClient cdc = null;
try {
cdc = new BasicHttpClient(cdi.getHost(), cdi.getPort(), null, 15 * 1000);
final List<BwPrincipalInfo> pis = find(cdc, cdi, cua, cutype);
if (!expand) {
return pis;
for (final BwPrincipalInfo pi : pis) {
if (!Kind.GROUP.getValue().equalsIgnoreCase(pi.getKind())) {
final List<BwPrincipalInfo> memberPis = new ArrayList<>();
VCard card = pi.getCard();
List<Property> members = card.getProperties(Id.MEMBER);
if (members == null) {
for (final Property p : members) {
BwPrincipalInfo memberPi = fetch(cdc, cdi, p.getValue());
if (memberPi != null) {
return pis;
} catch (final Throwable t) {
if (getLogger().isDebugEnabled()) {
throw new CalFacadeException(t);
} finally {
if (cdc != null) {
try {
} catch (final Throwable ignored) {