use of org.bedework.calfacade.BwPrincipal in project bw-calendar-engine by Bedework.
the class CardDAVDirImpl method getGroupMembers.
/* Find members for given group
private void getGroupMembers(final DirConfigProperties dirProps, final BwGroup group) throws CalFacadeException {
LdapConfigProperties props = (LdapConfigProperties) dirProps;
InitialLdapContext ctx = null;
try {
ctx = createLdapInitContext(props);
BasicAttributes matchAttrs = new BasicAttributes(true);
matchAttrs.put(props.getGroupIdAttr(), group.getAccount());
String[] memberAttr = { props.getGroupMemberAttr() };
ArrayList<String> mbrs = null;
boolean beenHere = false;
NamingEnumeration response =, matchAttrs, memberAttr);
while (response.hasMore()) {
SearchResult sr = (SearchResult);
Attributes attrs = sr.getAttributes();
if (beenHere) {
throw new CalFacadeException("org.bedework.ldap.groups.multiple.result");
beenHere = true;
Attribute membersAttr = attrs.get(props.getGroupMemberAttr());
mbrs = new ArrayList<String>();
for (int m = 0; m < membersAttr.size(); m++) {
// LDAP We need a way to search recursively for groups.
/* Search for each user in the group */
String memberContext = props.getGroupMemberContextDn();
String memberSearchAttr = props.getGroupMemberSearchAttr();
String[] idAttr = { props.getGroupMemberUserIdAttr(), props.getGroupMemberGroupIdAttr(), "objectclass" };
for (String mbr : mbrs) {
if (memberContext != null) {
matchAttrs = new BasicAttributes(true);
matchAttrs.put(memberSearchAttr, mbr);
response =, matchAttrs, idAttr);
} else {
response =, null, idAttr);
if (response.hasMore()) {
SearchResult sr = (SearchResult);
Attributes attrs = sr.getAttributes();
Attribute ocsAttr = attrs.get("objectclass");
String userOc = props.getUserObjectClass();
String groupOc = props.getGroupObjectClass();
boolean isGroup = false;
for (int oci = 0; oci < ocsAttr.size(); oci++) {
String oc = ocsAttr.get(oci).toString();
if (userOc.equals(oc)) {
if (groupOc.equals(oc)) {
isGroup = true;
BwPrincipal p = null;
Attribute attr;
if (isGroup) {
p = BwPrincipal.makeGroupPrincipal();
attr = attrs.get(props.getGroupMemberGroupIdAttr());
} else {
p = BwPrincipal.makeUserPrincipal();
attr = attrs.get(props.getGroupMemberUserIdAttr());
if (attr.size() != 1) {
throw new CalFacadeException("org.bedework.ldap.groups.multiple.result");
p.setPrincipalRef(makePrincipalUri(p.getAccount(), p.getKind()));
} catch (Throwable t) {
if (debug) {
throw new CalFacadeException(t);
} finally {
// Close the context to release the connection
if (ctx != null) {
for (BwGroup g : group.getGroups()) {
getGroupMembers(props, g);
use of org.bedework.calfacade.BwPrincipal in project bw-calendar-engine by Bedework.
the class OrganizerSchedulingHandler method schedule.
public ScheduleResult schedule(final EventInfo ei, final String recipient, final String fromAttUri, final boolean iSchedule) throws CalFacadeException {
/* A request (that is we are (re)sending a meeting request) or a publish
* <p>We handle the following iTIP methods<ul>
* <li>ADD</li>
* <li>CANCEL</li>
* <li>PUBLISH</li>
* <li>REQUEST</li>
* </ul>
* <p>That is, messages from organizer to attendee(s)
* <pre>
* Do the usual checks and init
* For each recipient
* If internal to system, add to their inbox
* otherwise add to list of external recipients
* If any external recipients - leave in outbox with unprocessed status.
* </pre>
final ScheduleResult sr = new ScheduleResult();
final BwEvent ev = ei.getEvent();
try {
if (!Icalendar.itipRequestMethodType(ev.getScheduleMethod())) {
sr.errorCode = CalFacadeException.schedulingBadMethod;
return sr;
/* For each recipient within this system add the event to their inbox.
* If there are any external users add it to the outbox and it will be
* mailed to the recipients.
final int outAccess;
final boolean freeBusyRequest = ev.getEntityType() == IcalDefs.entityTypeFreeAndBusy;
if (freeBusyRequest) {
// freebusy
outAccess = PrivilegeDefs.privScheduleFreeBusy;
} else {
outAccess = PrivilegeDefs.privScheduleRequest;
if (!initScheduleEvent(ei, false, iSchedule)) {
return sr;
/* Do this here to check we have access. We might need the outbox later
BwCalendar outBox = null;
final BwPrincipal currentUser = getPrincipal();
if (!currentUser.getUnauthenticated()) {
outBox = getSpecialCalendar(getPrincipal(), BwCalendar.calTypeOutbox, true, outAccess);
sendSchedule(sr, ei, recipient, fromAttUri, true);
if ((sr.errorCode != null) || sr.ignored) {
return sr;
// if (freeBusyRequest && !imipFreeBusyOk) {
if (freeBusyRequest) {
// Don't ever email freebusy requests
return sr;
if (!iSchedule && // We have something to mail
(outBox != null) && (!Util.isEmpty(sr.externalRcs))) {
sr.errorCode = addToOutBox(ei, outBox, sr.externalRcs);
return sr;
} catch (final Throwable t) {
if (t instanceof CalFacadeException) {
throw (CalFacadeException) t;
throw new CalFacadeException(t);
use of org.bedework.calfacade.BwPrincipal in project bw-calendar-engine by Bedework.
the class SchedulingBase method findUserAttendee.
* Find the attendee in this event which corresponds to the current user
* @param ev
* @return attendee or null.
* @throws CalFacadeException
protected BwAttendee findUserAttendee(final BwEvent ev) throws CalFacadeException {
Directories dir = getSvc().getDirectories();
String thisPref = getPrincipal().getPrincipalRef();
for (BwAttendee att : ev.getAttendees()) {
BwPrincipal p = dir.caladdrToPrincipal(att.getAttendeeUri());
if (p == null) {
if (thisPref.equals(p.getPrincipalRef())) {
return att;
return null;
use of org.bedework.calfacade.BwPrincipal in project bw-calendar-engine by Bedework.
the class CmdUtilHelper method newMember.
public BwPrincipal newMember(final String account, final boolean user) throws Throwable {
if (user) {
BwPrincipal p = getSvci().getUsersHandler().getUser(account);
if (p == null) {
p = addUser(account);
/* Ensure the authorised user exists - create an entry if not
* @param val BwUser account
BwAuthUser au = getSvci().getUserAuth().getUser(p.getAccount());
if ((au != null) && au.isUnauthorized()) {
pstate.addError("Unauthorised user " + account);
return null;
if (au == null) {
au = BwAuthUser.makeAuthUser(p.getPrincipalRef(), UserAuth.publicEventUser);
return p;
// group
final BwPrincipal p = findGroup(account);
if (p == null) {
pstate.addError("Unknown group " + account);
return p;
use of org.bedework.calfacade.BwPrincipal in project bw-calendar-engine by Bedework.
the class BwSysIntfImpl method getFreeBusy.
/* (non-Javadoc)
* @see org.bedework.caldav.server.sysinterface.SysIntf#getFreeBusy(org.bedework.caldav.server.CalDAVCollection, int, org.bedework.caldav.util.TimeRange)
public CalDAVEvent getFreeBusy(final CalDAVCollection col, final int depth, final TimeRange timeRange) throws WebdavException {
try {
BwCalendar bwCol = unwrap(col);
int calType = bwCol.getCalType();
if (!bwCol.getCollectionInfo().allowFreeBusy) {
throw new WebdavForbidden(WebdavTags.supportedReport);
Collection<BwCalendar> cals = new ArrayList<BwCalendar>();
if (calType == BwCalendar.calTypeCalendarCollection) {
} else if (depth == 0) {
/* Cannot return anything */
} else {
for (BwCalendar ch : getSvci().getCalendarsHandler().getChildren(bwCol)) {
// For depth 1 we only add calendar collections
if ((depth > 1) || (ch.getCalType() == BwCalendar.calTypeCalendarCollection)) {
AccessPrincipal owner = col.getOwner();
String orgUri;
if (owner instanceof BwPrincipal) {
orgUri = getSvci().getDirectories().principalToCaladdr((BwPrincipal) owner);
} else {
BwPrincipal p = BwPrincipal.makeUserPrincipal();
orgUri = getSvci().getDirectories().principalToCaladdr(p);
BwOrganizer org = new BwOrganizer();
BwEvent fb;
if (cals.isEmpty()) {
// Return an empty object
fb = new BwEventObj();
} else {
fb = getSvci().getScheduler().getFreeBusy(cals, (BwPrincipal) currentPrincipal, getBwDt(timeRange.getStart()), getBwDt(timeRange.getEnd()), org, // uid
null, null);
EventInfo ei = new EventInfo(fb);
return new BwCalDAVEvent(this, ei);
} catch (CalFacadeException cfe) {
throw new WebdavException(cfe);
} catch (WebdavException wde) {
throw wde;
} catch (Throwable t) {
throw new WebdavException(t);