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Example 56 with Address

use of org.bitcoinj.core.Address in project catena-java by alinush.

the class CatenaClient method beforeBlockChainDownload.

 * Sets up the wallet for the Catena client and reads back previous statements if the wallet was restarted.
private void beforeBlockChainDownload() {
    wallet = getCatenaWallet();
    ext = wallet.getCatenaExtension();
    CatenaWalletListener listener = new CatenaWalletListener(wallet);
    List<Address> watchedAddrs = wallet().getWatchedAddresses();
    // should've been given a txid in the constructor.
    if (watchedAddrs.isEmpty()) {
        checkState(rootOfTrustTxid != null);"Starting new wallet with: " + "\n\ttxid=" + rootOfTrustTxid + ", \n\tchainAddr=" + expectedChainAddr);
        // Here we Bloom filter for the root-of-trust TXID but because bitcoinj is limited and cannot redownload
        // the chain after it matched this TXN, we have to also specify the chain address here to make sure we don't
        // miss relevant blocks and TXs.
        peerGroup().addPeerFilterProvider(new TxidBloomFilterProvider(rootOfTrustTxid));
    // NOTE: Cannot set name of chain here because don't have the root-of-trust TX with the name yet
    // Otherwise, we have the chain's address in our watched addresses list which means we can read back the
    // root-of-trust txid saved in our CatenaWalletExtension.
    } else {
        checkState(watchedAddrs.size() == 1);
        Address chainAddr = watchedAddrs.get(0);
        String chainName = null;
        if (ext.hasName())
            chainName = ext.getName();
        rootOfTrustTxid = ext.getRootOfTrustTxid();"Restarting old wallet with: " + "\n\taddr=" + chainAddr + ", \n\ttxid=" + rootOfTrustTxid + ", \n\t" + (chainName != null ? "name=" + chainName : "no chain name yet") + ", \n\tnumtxns=" + wallet.getTransactions(false).size());
        // Call onWalletChanged() here to process Catena TXs and initialize the chain
    // We just want to hear about certain events when debugging!
    wallet().addScriptChangeEventListener(Threading.SAME_THREAD, listener);
    wallet().addCoinsReceivedEventListener(Threading.SAME_THREAD, listener);
    wallet().addCoinsSentEventListener(Threading.SAME_THREAD, listener);
    // We run these listeners in the same thread as the Wallet listeners because we are concerned with race
    // conditions: as we handle an old fork, a new one can occur and we would be processing the old one with TX
    // confidence data from the new fork, possibly putting landing us in an incorrect state.
    wallet().addChangeEventListener(Threading.SAME_THREAD, listener);
    wallet().addReorganizeEventListener(Threading.SAME_THREAD, listener);
// TODO: can get extra info about reorgs by using chain().addReorganizeListener()
// Wallet is succesfully reloaded with TX from previous invocation of
// CatenaClient (i.e., wallet survives restarts).
Also used : Address(org.bitcoinj.core.Address)

Example 57 with Address

use of org.bitcoinj.core.Address in project catena-java by alinush.

the class ClientWallet method isTransactionRelevant.

 * The client will never process the root-of-trust TX because it does not
 * have its PK added to the wallet, so the TX will seem irrelevant to the
 * wallet. To prevent that, we override this method.
 * This method also adds the PK in the root-of-trust TX to the list of
 * watched addresses.
public boolean isTransactionRelevant(Transaction tx) throws ScriptException {
    try {
        CatenaWalletExtension ext = getCatenaExtension();
        boolean isRelevant = super.isTransactionRelevant(tx);
        boolean isRootOfTrustTx = false;
        if (ext.hasRootOfTrustTxid()) {
            isRootOfTrustTx = ext.getRootOfTrustTxid().equals(tx.getHash());
            if (isRootOfTrustTx) {
                // NOTE: We save this in the wallet extension later, for now we just display them.
                Address chainAddr = tx.getOutput(0).getAddressFromP2PKHScript(params);
                log.debug("Identified chain address from root-of-trust TX " + tx.getHashAsString() + ": " + chainAddr);
                if (ext.hasName() == false) {
                    log.debug("Also, identified chain name from root-of-trust TX " + tx.getHashAsString() + ": " + new String(CatenaUtils.getCatenaTxData(tx)));
                checkState(chainAddr != null, "No P2PKH address in the root-of-trust TX's first output");
            // NOTE: By the time we add the Catena chain's PK to the wallet it could be too late because bitcoinj
            // might've downloaded future blocks (i.e., blocks past the root-of-trust block) and ignored Catena
            // TXs in those blocks since it didn't have this PK in its Bloom filter yet. For now, this code
            // doesn't have any effect until bitcoinj will handle blockchain redownloads. That's why we also pass
            // the chain address to the CatenaClient constructor.
            // addWatchedAddresses(ImmutableList.<Address>of(chainAddr), 1);
        } else {
        // log.trace("Too early to match root-of-trust TXN because TXID is not yet set in wallet extension.");
        return isRelevant || isRootOfTrustTx;
    } finally {
Also used : Address(org.bitcoinj.core.Address) CatenaWalletExtension(org.catena.common.CatenaWalletExtension)

Example 58 with Address

use of org.bitcoinj.core.Address in project bisq-core by bisq-network.

the class SellerAsMakerCreatesAndSignsDepositTx method run.

protected void run() {
    try {
        checkNotNull(trade.getTradeAmount(), "trade.getTradeAmount() must not be null");
        BtcWalletService walletService = processModel.getBtcWalletService();
        String id = processModel.getOffer().getId();
        TradingPeer tradingPeer = processModel.getTradingPeer();
        final Offer offer = trade.getOffer();
        // params
        final boolean makerIsBuyer = false;
        final byte[] contractHash = Hash.getSha256Hash(trade.getContractAsJson());
        log.debug("\n\n------------------------------------------------------------\n" + "Contract as json\n" + trade.getContractAsJson() + "\n------------------------------------------------------------\n");
        final Coin makerInputAmount = offer.getSellerSecurityDeposit().add(trade.getTradeAmount());
        Optional<AddressEntry> addressEntryOptional = walletService.getAddressEntry(id, AddressEntry.Context.MULTI_SIG);
        checkArgument(addressEntryOptional.isPresent(), "addressEntryOptional must be present");
        AddressEntry makerMultiSigAddressEntry = addressEntryOptional.get();
        final Coin msOutputAmount = makerInputAmount.add(trade.getTxFee()).add(offer.getBuyerSecurityDeposit());
        final List<RawTransactionInput> takerRawTransactionInputs = tradingPeer.getRawTransactionInputs();
        final long takerChangeOutputValue = tradingPeer.getChangeOutputValue();
        final String takerChangeAddressString = tradingPeer.getChangeOutputAddress();
        final Address makerAddress = walletService.getOrCreateAddressEntry(id, AddressEntry.Context.RESERVED_FOR_TRADE).getAddress();
        final Address makerChangeAddress = walletService.getOrCreateAddressEntry(AddressEntry.Context.AVAILABLE).getAddress();
        final byte[] buyerPubKey = tradingPeer.getMultiSigPubKey();
        final byte[] sellerPubKey = processModel.getMyMultiSigPubKey();
        checkArgument(Arrays.equals(sellerPubKey, makerMultiSigAddressEntry.getPubKey()), "sellerPubKey from AddressEntry must match the one from the trade data. trade id =" + id);
        final byte[] arbitratorBtcPubKey = trade.getArbitratorBtcPubKey();
        PreparedDepositTxAndMakerInputs result = processModel.getTradeWalletService().makerCreatesAndSignsDepositTx(makerIsBuyer, contractHash, makerInputAmount, msOutputAmount, takerRawTransactionInputs, takerChangeOutputValue, takerChangeAddressString, makerAddress, makerChangeAddress, buyerPubKey, sellerPubKey, arbitratorBtcPubKey);
    } catch (Throwable t) {
Also used : Address(org.bitcoinj.core.Address) AddressEntry(bisq.core.btc.AddressEntry) RawTransactionInput( Coin(org.bitcoinj.core.Coin) TradingPeer( BtcWalletService(bisq.core.btc.wallet.BtcWalletService) Offer(bisq.core.offer.Offer) PreparedDepositTxAndMakerInputs(

Example 59 with Address

use of org.bitcoinj.core.Address in project bisq-core by bisq-network.

the class CreateTakerFeeTx method run.

protected void run() {
    try {
        User user = processModel.getUser();
        NodeAddress selectedArbitratorNodeAddress =, processModel.getOffer());
        log.debug("selectedArbitratorAddress " + selectedArbitratorNodeAddress);
        Arbitrator selectedArbitrator = user.getAcceptedArbitratorByAddress(selectedArbitratorNodeAddress);
        checkNotNull(selectedArbitrator, "selectedArbitrator must not be null at CreateTakeOfferFeeTx");
        BtcWalletService walletService = processModel.getBtcWalletService();
        String id = processModel.getOffer().getId();
        AddressEntry addressEntry = walletService.getOrCreateAddressEntry(id, AddressEntry.Context.OFFER_FUNDING);
        AddressEntry reservedForTradeAddressEntry = walletService.getOrCreateAddressEntry(id, AddressEntry.Context.RESERVED_FOR_TRADE);
        AddressEntry changeAddressEntry = walletService.getOrCreateAddressEntry(AddressEntry.Context.AVAILABLE);
        Address fundingAddress = addressEntry.getAddress();
        Address reservedForTradeAddress = reservedForTradeAddressEntry.getAddress();
        Address changeAddress = changeAddressEntry.getAddress();
        final TradeWalletService tradeWalletService = processModel.getTradeWalletService();
        if (trade.isCurrencyForTakerFeeBtc()) {
            tradeFeeTx = tradeWalletService.createBtcTradingFeeTx(fundingAddress, reservedForTradeAddress, changeAddress, processModel.getFundsNeededForTradeAsLong(), processModel.isUseSavingsWallet(), trade.getTakerFee(), trade.getTxFee(), selectedArbitrator.getBtcAddress(), new FutureCallback<Transaction>() {

                public void onSuccess(Transaction transaction) {
                    // we delay one render frame to be sure we don't get called before the method call has
                    // returned (tradeFeeTx would be null in that case)
                    UserThread.execute(() -> {
                        if (!completed) {
                            walletService.swapTradeEntryToAvailableEntry(id, AddressEntry.Context.OFFER_FUNDING);
                        } else {
                            log.warn("We got the onSuccess callback called after the timeout has been triggered a complete().");

                public void onFailure(@NotNull Throwable t) {
                    if (!completed) {
                    } else {
                        log.warn("We got the onFailure callback called after the timeout has been triggered a complete().");
        } else {
            final BsqWalletService bsqWalletService = processModel.getBsqWalletService();
            Transaction preparedBurnFeeTx = processModel.getBsqWalletService().getPreparedBurnFeeTx(trade.getTakerFee());
            Transaction txWithBsqFee = tradeWalletService.completeBsqTradingFeeTx(preparedBurnFeeTx, fundingAddress, reservedForTradeAddress, changeAddress, processModel.getFundsNeededForTradeAsLong(), processModel.isUseSavingsWallet(), trade.getTxFee());
            Transaction signedTx = processModel.getBsqWalletService().signTx(txWithBsqFee);
            // We need to create another instance, otherwise the tx would trigger an invalid state exception
            // if it gets committed 2 times
            bsqWalletService.broadcastTx(signedTx, new FutureCallback<Transaction>() {

                public void onSuccess(@Nullable Transaction transaction) {
                    if (!completed) {
                        if (transaction != null) {
                            log.debug("Successfully sent tx with id " + transaction.getHashAsString());
                            walletService.swapTradeEntryToAvailableEntry(id, AddressEntry.Context.OFFER_FUNDING);
                    } else {
                        log.warn("We got the onSuccess callback called after the timeout has been triggered a complete().");

                public void onFailure(@NotNull Throwable t) {
                    if (!completed) {
                        trade.setErrorMessage("An error occurred.\n" + "Error message:\n" + t.getMessage());
                    } else {
                        log.warn("We got the onFailure callback called after the timeout has been triggered a complete().");
    } catch (Throwable t) {
Also used : User(bisq.core.user.User) NodeAddress( Address(org.bitcoinj.core.Address) AddressEntry(bisq.core.btc.AddressEntry) TradeWalletService(bisq.core.btc.wallet.TradeWalletService) Arbitrator(bisq.core.arbitration.Arbitrator) Preconditions.checkNotNull( NotNull(org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull) Transaction(org.bitcoinj.core.Transaction) BtcWalletService(bisq.core.btc.wallet.BtcWalletService) BsqWalletService(bisq.core.btc.wallet.BsqWalletService) NodeAddress( FutureCallback(

Example 60 with Address

use of org.bitcoinj.core.Address in project bisq-core by bisq-network.

the class BuyerSetupPayoutTxListener method run.

protected void run() {
    try {
        if (!trade.isPayoutPublished()) {
            BtcWalletService walletService = processModel.getBtcWalletService();
            final String id = processModel.getOffer().getId();
            Address address = walletService.getOrCreateAddressEntry(id, AddressEntry.Context.TRADE_PAYOUT).getAddress();
            final TransactionConfidence confidence = walletService.getConfidenceForAddress(address);
            if (isInNetwork(confidence)) {
            } else {
                confidenceListener = new AddressConfidenceListener(address) {

                    public void onTransactionConfidenceChanged(TransactionConfidence confidence) {
                        if (isInNetwork(confidence))
                tradeStateSubscription = EasyBind.subscribe(trade.stateProperty(), newValue -> {
                    if (trade.isPayoutPublished()) {
                        // hack to remove tradeStateSubscription at callback
        // we complete immediately, our object stays alive because the balanceListener is stored in the WalletService
    } catch (Throwable t) {
Also used : BtcWalletService(bisq.core.btc.wallet.BtcWalletService) Transaction(org.bitcoinj.core.Transaction) TransactionConfidence(org.bitcoinj.core.TransactionConfidence) Trade( Subscription(org.fxmisc.easybind.Subscription) Slf4j(lombok.extern.slf4j.Slf4j) TaskRunner(bisq.common.taskrunner.TaskRunner) AddressEntry(bisq.core.btc.AddressEntry) EasyBind(org.fxmisc.easybind.EasyBind) UserThread(bisq.common.UserThread) Address(org.bitcoinj.core.Address) AddressConfidenceListener(bisq.core.btc.listeners.AddressConfidenceListener) TradeTask( AddressConfidenceListener(bisq.core.btc.listeners.AddressConfidenceListener) Address(org.bitcoinj.core.Address) BtcWalletService(bisq.core.btc.wallet.BtcWalletService) TransactionConfidence(org.bitcoinj.core.TransactionConfidence)


Address (org.bitcoinj.core.Address)78 Transaction (org.bitcoinj.core.Transaction)32 Coin (org.bitcoinj.core.Coin)28 TransactionOutput (org.bitcoinj.core.TransactionOutput)15 TransactionInput (org.bitcoinj.core.TransactionInput)13 ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)12 AddressEntry (bisq.core.btc.AddressEntry)11 Wallet (org.bitcoinj.wallet.Wallet)11 BtcWalletService (bisq.core.btc.wallet.BtcWalletService)10 AddressFormatException (org.bitcoinj.core.AddressFormatException)10 TransactionConfidence (org.bitcoinj.core.TransactionConfidence)10 IOException ( SendRequest (org.bitcoinj.wallet.SendRequest)9 WalletService (io.bitsquare.btc.WalletService)8 List (java.util.List)8 Collectors ( Nullable (javax.annotation.Nullable)8 TransactionOutPoint (org.bitcoinj.core.TransactionOutPoint)8 Script (org.bitcoinj.script.Script)8 Intent (android.content.Intent)7