use of org.brackit.xquery.sequence.BaseIter in project sirix by sirixdb.
the class ScanCASIndex method execute.
public Sequence execute(StaticContext sctx, QueryContext ctx, Sequence[] args) throws QueryException {
final DBNode doc = (DBNode) args[0];
final XdmNodeReadTrx rtx = doc.getTrx();
final IndexController controller = rtx.getResourceManager().getRtxIndexController(rtx.getRevisionNumber());
if (controller == null) {
throw new QueryException(new QNm("Document not found: " + ((Str) args[1]).stringValue()));
final int idx = FunUtil.getInt(args, 1, "$idx-no", -1, null, true);
final IndexDef indexDef = controller.getIndexes().getIndexDef(idx, IndexType.CAS);
if (indexDef == null) {
throw new QueryException(SDBFun.ERR_INDEX_NOT_FOUND, "Index no %s for collection %s and document %s not found.", idx, doc.getCollection().getName(), doc.getTrx().getResourceManager().getResourceConfig().getResource().getFileName().toString());
if (indexDef.getType() != IndexType.CAS) {
throw new QueryException(SDBFun.ERR_INVALID_INDEX_TYPE, "Index no %s for collection %s and document %s is not a CAS index.", idx, doc.getCollection().getName(), doc.getTrx().getResourceManager().getResourceConfig().getResource().getFileName().toString());
final Type keyType = indexDef.getContentType();
final Atomic key = Cast.cast(sctx, (Atomic) args[2], keyType, true);
FunUtil.getBoolean(args, 3, "$include-low-key", true, true);
final int[] searchModes = new int[] { -2, -1, 0, 1, 2 };
final int searchMode = FunUtil.getInt(args, 4, "$search-mode", 0, searchModes, true);
final SearchMode mode;
switch(searchMode) {
case -2:
mode = SearchMode.LESS;
case -1:
mode = SearchMode.LESS_OR_EQUAL;
case 0:
mode = SearchMode.EQUAL;
case 1:
mode = SearchMode.GREATER;
case 2:
mode = SearchMode.GREATER_OR_EQUAL;
// May never happen.
mode = SearchMode.EQUAL;
final String paths = FunUtil.getString(args, 5, "$paths", null, null, false);
final CASFilter filter = (paths != null) ? controller.createCASFilter(paths.split(";"), key, mode, new PCRCollectorImpl(rtx)) : controller.createCASFilter(new String[] {}, key, mode, new PCRCollectorImpl(rtx));
final IndexController ic = controller;
final DBNode node = doc;
return new LazySequence() {
public Iter iterate() {
return new BaseIter() {
Stream<?> s;
public Item next() throws QueryException {
if (s == null) {
s = new SirixNodeKeyStream(ic.openCASIndex(node.getTrx().getPageTrx(), indexDef, filter), node.getCollection(), node.getTrx());
return (Item);
public void close() {
if (s != null) {
use of org.brackit.xquery.sequence.BaseIter in project sirix by sirixdb.
the class ScanCASIndexRange method execute.
public Sequence execute(StaticContext sctx, QueryContext ctx, Sequence[] args) throws QueryException {
final DBNode doc = (DBNode) args[0];
final XdmNodeReadTrx rtx = doc.getTrx();
final IndexController controller = rtx.getResourceManager().getRtxIndexController(rtx.getRevisionNumber());
if (controller == null) {
throw new QueryException(new QNm("Document not found: " + ((Str) args[1]).stringValue()));
final int idx = FunUtil.getInt(args, 1, "$idx-no", -1, null, true);
final IndexDef indexDef = controller.getIndexes().getIndexDef(idx, IndexType.CAS);
if (indexDef == null) {
throw new QueryException(SDBFun.ERR_INDEX_NOT_FOUND, "Index no %s for collection %s and document %s not found.", idx, doc.getCollection().getName(), doc.getTrx().getResourceManager().getResourceConfig().getResource().getFileName().toString());
if (indexDef.getType() != IndexType.CAS) {
throw new QueryException(SDBFun.ERR_INVALID_INDEX_TYPE, "Index no %s for collection %s and document %s is not a CAS index.", idx, doc.getCollection().getName(), doc.getTrx().getResourceManager().getResourceConfig().getResource().getFileName().toString());
final Type keyType = indexDef.getContentType();
final Atomic min = Cast.cast(sctx, (Atomic) args[2], keyType, true);
final Atomic max = Cast.cast(sctx, (Atomic) args[3], keyType, true);
final boolean incMin = FunUtil.getBoolean(args, 4, "$include-low-key", true, true);
final boolean incMax = FunUtil.getBoolean(args, 5, "$include-high-key", true, true);
final String paths = FunUtil.getString(args, 6, "$paths", null, null, false);
final String[] pathArray = paths == null ? new String[] {} : paths.split(";");
final CASFilterRange filter = controller.createCASFilterRange(pathArray, min, max, incMin, incMax, new PCRCollectorImpl(rtx));
final IndexController ic = controller;
final DBNode node = doc;
return new LazySequence() {
public Iter iterate() {
return new BaseIter() {
Stream<?> s;
public Item next() throws QueryException {
if (s == null) {
s = new SirixNodeKeyStream(ic.openCASIndex(node.getTrx().getPageTrx(), indexDef, filter), node.getCollection(), node.getTrx());
return (Item);
public void close() {
if (s != null) {
use of org.brackit.xquery.sequence.BaseIter in project sirix by sirixdb.
the class ScanPathIndex method execute.
public Sequence execute(StaticContext sctx, QueryContext ctx, Sequence[] args) throws QueryException {
final DBNode doc = ((DBNode) args[0]);
final XdmNodeReadTrx rtx = doc.getTrx();
final IndexController controller = rtx.getResourceManager().getRtxIndexController(rtx.getRevisionNumber());
if (controller == null) {
throw new QueryException(new QNm("Document not found: " + ((Str) args[1]).stringValue()));
final int idx = FunUtil.getInt(args, 1, "$idx-no", -1, null, true);
final IndexDef indexDef = controller.getIndexes().getIndexDef(idx, IndexType.PATH);
if (indexDef == null) {
throw new QueryException(SDBFun.ERR_INDEX_NOT_FOUND, "Index no %s for collection %s and document %s not found.", idx, doc.getCollection().getName(), doc.getTrx().getResourceManager().getResourceConfig().getResource().getFileName().toString());
if (indexDef.getType() != IndexType.PATH) {
throw new QueryException(SDBFun.ERR_INVALID_INDEX_TYPE, "Index no %s for collection %s and document %s is not a path index.", idx, doc.getCollection().getName(), doc.getTrx().getResourceManager().getResourceConfig().getResource().getFileName().toString());
final String paths = FunUtil.getString(args, 2, "$paths", null, null, false);
final PathFilter filter = (paths != null) ? controller.createPathFilter(paths.split(";"), doc.getTrx()) : null;
final IndexController ic = controller;
final DBNode node = doc;
return new LazySequence() {
public Iter iterate() {
return new BaseIter() {
Stream<?> s;
public Item next() throws QueryException {
if (s == null) {
s = new SirixNodeKeyStream(ic.openPathIndex(node.getTrx().getPageTrx(), indexDef, filter), node.getCollection(), node.getTrx());
return (Item);
public void close() {
if (s != null) {
use of org.brackit.xquery.sequence.BaseIter in project sirix by sirixdb.
the class ScanNameIndex method execute.
public Sequence execute(StaticContext sctx, QueryContext ctx, Sequence[] args) throws QueryException {
final DBNode doc = ((DBNode) args[0]);
final XdmNodeReadTrx rtx = doc.getTrx();
final IndexController controller = rtx.getResourceManager().getRtxIndexController(rtx.getRevisionNumber());
if (controller == null) {
throw new QueryException(new QNm("Document not found: " + ((Str) args[1]).stringValue()));
final int idx = FunUtil.getInt(args, 1, "$idx-no", -1, null, true);
final IndexDef indexDef = controller.getIndexes().getIndexDef(idx, IndexType.NAME);
if (indexDef == null) {
throw new QueryException(SDBFun.ERR_INDEX_NOT_FOUND, "Index no %s for collection %s and document %s not found.", idx, doc.getCollection().getName(), doc.getTrx().getResourceManager().getResourceConfig().getResource().getFileName().toString());
if (indexDef.getType() != IndexType.NAME) {
throw new QueryException(SDBFun.ERR_INVALID_INDEX_TYPE, "Index no %s for collection %s and document %s is not a path index.", idx, doc.getCollection().getName(), doc.getTrx().getResourceManager().getResourceConfig().getResource().getFileName().toString());
final String names = FunUtil.getString(args, 2, "$names", null, null, false);
final NameFilter filter = (names != null) ? controller.createNameFilter(names.split(";")) : null;
final IndexController ic = controller;
final DBNode node = doc;
return new LazySequence() {
public Iter iterate() {
return new BaseIter() {
Stream<?> s;
public Item next() throws QueryException {
if (s == null) {
s = new SirixNodeKeyStream(ic.openNameIndex(node.getTrx().getPageTrx(), indexDef, filter), node.getCollection(), node.getTrx());
return (Item);
public void close() {
if (s != null) {