use of in project gatk-protected by broadinstitute.
the class CoverageModelEMWorkspace method getViterbiAsNDArray.
* Fetches the Viterbi copy ratio (or copy number) states as a target-sample matrix
* @return an {@link INDArray}
protected INDArray getViterbiAsNDArray(final List<List<HiddenStateSegmentRecord<STATE, Target>>> segments) {
final INDArray res = Nd4j.create(numSamples, numTargets);
final TargetCollection<Target> targetCollection = new HashedListTargetCollection<>(processedTargetList);
for (int si = 0; si < numSamples; si++) {
final SexGenotypeData sampleSexGenotype = processedSampleSexGenotypeData.get(si);
/* start with all ref */
final double[] calls = IntStream.range(0, numTargets).mapToDouble(ti -> referenceStateFactory.apply(sampleSexGenotype, processedTargetList.get(ti)).getScalar()).toArray();
/* go through segments and mutate ref calls as necessary */
segments.get(si).forEach(seg -> {
final IndexRange range = targetCollection.indexRange(seg.getSegment());
final double copyRatio = seg.getSegment().getCall().getScalar();
for (int ti = range.from; ti <; ti++) {
calls[ti] = copyRatio;
res.get(NDArrayIndex.point(si), NDArrayIndex.all()).assign(Nd4j.create(calls, new int[] { 1, numTargets }));
return res.transpose();