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Example 1 with ExpandingArrayList

use of org.broadinstitute.hellbender.utils.collections.ExpandingArrayList in project gatk by broadinstitute.

the class VariantRecalibrator method createVisualizationScript.

//TODO: does this R code have to be embedded here?
private void createVisualizationScript(final List<VariantDatum> randomData, final GaussianMixtureModel goodModel, final GaussianMixtureModel badModel, final double lodCutoff, final String[] annotationKeys) {
    PrintStream stream;
    try {
        stream = new PrintStream(RSCRIPT_FILE);
    } catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
        throw new UserException.CouldNotCreateOutputFile(RSCRIPT_FILE, e);
    // We make extensive use of the ggplot2 R library:
    // For compactPDF in R 2.13+
    // For graphical functions R 2.14.2+
    stream.println("outputPDF <- \"" + RSCRIPT_FILE + ".pdf\"");
    // Unfortunately this is a huge pdf file, BUGBUG: need to work on reducing the file size
    for (int iii = 0; iii < annotationKeys.length; iii++) {
        for (int jjj = iii + 1; jjj < annotationKeys.length; jjj++) {
  "Building " + annotationKeys[iii] + " x " + annotationKeys[jjj] + " plot...");
            final List<VariantDatum> fakeData = new ExpandingArrayList<>();
            double minAnn1 = 100.0, maxAnn1 = -100.0, minAnn2 = 100.0, maxAnn2 = -100.0;
            for (final VariantDatum datum : randomData) {
                minAnn1 = Math.min(minAnn1, datum.annotations[iii]);
                maxAnn1 = Math.max(maxAnn1, datum.annotations[iii]);
                minAnn2 = Math.min(minAnn2, datum.annotations[jjj]);
                maxAnn2 = Math.max(maxAnn2, datum.annotations[jjj]);
            // Create a fake set of data which spans the full extent of these two annotation dimensions in order
            // to calculate the model PDF projected to 2D
            final double NUM_STEPS = 60.0;
            for (double ann1 = minAnn1; ann1 <= maxAnn1; ann1 += (maxAnn1 - minAnn1) / NUM_STEPS) {
                for (double ann2 = minAnn2; ann2 <= maxAnn2; ann2 += (maxAnn2 - minAnn2) / NUM_STEPS) {
                    final VariantDatum datum = new VariantDatum();
                    datum.prior = 0.0;
                    datum.annotations = new double[randomData.get(0).annotations.length];
                    datum.isNull = new boolean[randomData.get(0).annotations.length];
                    for (int ann = 0; ann < datum.annotations.length; ann++) {
                        datum.annotations[ann] = 0.0;
                        datum.isNull[ann] = true;
                    datum.annotations[iii] = ann1;
                    datum.annotations[jjj] = ann2;
                    datum.isNull[iii] = false;
                    datum.isNull[jjj] = false;
            engine.evaluateData(fakeData, goodModel, false);
            engine.evaluateData(fakeData, badModel, true);
            stream.print("surface <- c(");
            for (final VariantDatum datum : fakeData) {
                stream.print(String.format("%.4f, %.4f, %.4f, ", dataManager.denormalizeDatum(datum.annotations[iii], iii), dataManager.denormalizeDatum(datum.annotations[jjj], jjj), Math.min(4.0, Math.max(-4.0, datum.lod))));
            stream.println("s <- matrix(surface,ncol=3,byrow=T)");
            stream.print("data <- c(");
            for (final VariantDatum datum : randomData) {
                stream.print(String.format("%.4f, %.4f, %.4f, %d, %d,", dataManager.denormalizeDatum(datum.annotations[iii], iii), dataManager.denormalizeDatum(datum.annotations[jjj], jjj), (datum.lod < lodCutoff ? -1.0 : 1.0), (datum.atAntiTrainingSite ? -1 : (datum.atTrainingSite ? 1 : 0)), (datum.isKnown ? 1 : -1)));
            stream.println("d <- matrix(data,ncol=5,byrow=T)");
            final String surfaceFrame = "sf." + annotationKeys[iii] + "." + annotationKeys[jjj];
            final String dataFrame = "df." + annotationKeys[iii] + "." + annotationKeys[jjj];
            stream.println(surfaceFrame + " <- data.frame(x=s[,1], y=s[,2], lod=s[,3])");
            stream.println(dataFrame + " <- data.frame(x=d[,1], y=d[,2], retained=d[,3], training=d[,4], novelty=d[,5])");
            stream.println("dummyData <- " + dataFrame + "[1,]");
            stream.println("dummyData$x <- NaN");
            stream.println("dummyData$y <- NaN");
            stream.println("p <- ggplot(data=" + surfaceFrame + ", aes(x=x, y=y)) +theme(panel.background = element_rect(fill = \"white\"), panel.grid.minor = element_line(colour = \"white\"), panel.grid.major = element_line(colour = \"white\"))");
            stream.println("p1 = p +ggtitle(\"model PDF\") + labs(x=\"" + annotationKeys[iii] + "\", y=\"" + annotationKeys[jjj] + "\") + geom_tile(aes(fill = lod)) + scale_fill_gradient(high=\"green\", low=\"red\", space=\"rgb\")");
            stream.println("p <- qplot(x,y,data=" + dataFrame + ", color=retained, alpha=I(1/7),legend=FALSE) +theme(panel.background = element_rect(fill = \"white\"), panel.grid.minor = element_line(colour = \"white\"), panel.grid.major = element_line(colour = \"white\"))");
            stream.println("q <- geom_point(aes(x=x,y=y,color=retained),data=dummyData, alpha=1.0, na.rm=TRUE)");
            stream.println("p2 = p + q + labs(x=\"" + annotationKeys[iii] + "\", y=\"" + annotationKeys[jjj] + "\") + scale_colour_gradient(name=\"outcome\", high=\"black\", low=\"red\",breaks=c(-1,1),guide=\"legend\",labels=c(\"filtered\",\"retained\"))");
            stream.println("p <- qplot(x,y,data=" + dataFrame + "[" + dataFrame + "$training != 0,], color=training, alpha=I(1/7)) +theme(panel.background = element_rect(fill = \"white\"), panel.grid.minor = element_line(colour = \"white\"), panel.grid.major = element_line(colour = \"white\"))");
            stream.println("q <- geom_point(aes(x=x,y=y,color=training),data=dummyData, alpha=1.0, na.rm=TRUE)");
            stream.println("p3 = p + q + labs(x=\"" + annotationKeys[iii] + "\", y=\"" + annotationKeys[jjj] + "\") + scale_colour_gradient(high=\"green\", low=\"purple\",breaks=c(-1,1),guide=\"legend\", labels=c(\"neg\", \"pos\"))");
            stream.println("p <- qplot(x,y,data=" + dataFrame + ", color=novelty, alpha=I(1/7)) +theme(panel.background = element_rect(fill = \"white\"), panel.grid.minor = element_line(colour = \"white\"), panel.grid.major = element_line(colour = \"white\"))");
            stream.println("q <- geom_point(aes(x=x,y=y,color=novelty),data=dummyData, alpha=1.0, na.rm=TRUE)");
            stream.println("p4 = p + q + labs(x=\"" + annotationKeys[iii] + "\", y=\"" + annotationKeys[jjj] + "\") + scale_colour_gradient(name=\"novelty\", high=\"blue\", low=\"red\",breaks=c(-1,1),guide=\"legend\", labels=c(\"novel\",\"known\"))");
            stream.println("arrange(p1, p2, p3, p4, ncol=2)");
    stream.println("if (exists(\"compactPDF\")) {");
    // Execute Rscript command to generate the clustering plots
    RScriptExecutor executor = new RScriptExecutor();
    executor.addScript(new File(RSCRIPT_FILE));"Executing: " + executor.getApproximateCommandLine());
Also used : ExpandingArrayList(org.broadinstitute.hellbender.utils.collections.ExpandingArrayList) PrintStream( FileNotFoundException( RScriptExecutor(org.broadinstitute.hellbender.utils.R.RScriptExecutor) UserException(org.broadinstitute.hellbender.exceptions.UserException) File(


File ( FileNotFoundException ( PrintStream ( UserException (org.broadinstitute.hellbender.exceptions.UserException)1 RScriptExecutor (org.broadinstitute.hellbender.utils.R.RScriptExecutor)1 ExpandingArrayList (org.broadinstitute.hellbender.utils.collections.ExpandingArrayList)1