use of org.bukkit.entity.Projectile in project RedProtect by FabioZumbi12.
the class RPPlayerListener method onEntityDamageByEntityEvent.
@EventHandler(priority = EventPriority.LOWEST)
public void onEntityDamageByEntityEvent(EntityDamageByEntityEvent e) {
Player p = null;
RedProtect.get().logger.debug("RPLayerListener: Is EntityDamageByEntityEvent event");
if (e.getDamager() instanceof Player) {
p = (Player) e.getDamager();
} else if (e.getDamager() instanceof Projectile) {
Projectile proj = (Projectile) e.getDamager();
if (proj.getShooter() instanceof Player) {
p = (Player) proj.getShooter();
if (p != null) {
RedProtect.get().logger.debug("Player: " + p.getName());
} else {
RedProtect.get().logger.debug("Player: is null");
RedProtect.get().logger.debug("Damager: " + e.getDamager().getType().name());
// check killaura or freekill
if (RPConfig.getBool("server-protection.check-killaura-freekill.enable")) {
Location l = e.getEntity().getLocation();
Region r = RedProtect.get().rm.getTopRegion(l);
if (r == null) {
if (RedProtect.get().tpWait.contains(p.getName())) {
RPLang.sendMessage(p, "cmdmanager.region.tpcancelled");
if (e.getEntity() instanceof Player && !p.equals(e.getEntity()) && r.flagExists("pvp") && !r.canPVP((Player) e.getEntity(), p)) {
RPLang.sendMessage(p, "entitylistener.region.cantpvp");
if ((e.getEntity() instanceof Hanging || e.getEntity() instanceof EnderCrystal) && !r.canBuild(p) && !r.canBreak(e.getEntityType())) {
RPLang.sendMessage(p, "playerlistener.region.cantremove");
if ((e.getEntity() instanceof Boat || e.getEntity() instanceof Minecart) && !r.canMinecart(p)) {
RPLang.sendMessage(p, "blocklistener.region.cantbreak");
use of org.bukkit.entity.Projectile in project CommandHelper by EngineHub.
the class BukkitMCBlockProjectileSource method launchProjectile.
public MCProjectile launchProjectile(MCProjectileType projectile) {
EntityType et = EntityType.valueOf(;
Class<? extends Entity> c = et.getEntityClass();
Projectile proj = bps.launchProjectile(c.asSubclass(Projectile.class));
MCEntity e = BukkitConvertor.BukkitGetCorrectEntity(proj);
if (e instanceof MCProjectile) {
return (MCProjectile) e;
} else {
return null;
use of org.bukkit.entity.Projectile in project CommandHelper by EngineHub.
the class BukkitConvertor method BukkitGetCorrectEntity.
// /**
// * We don't want to allow scripts to clear other plugin's tasks
// * on accident, so only ids registered through our interface
// * can also be cancelled.
// */
// private static final Set<Integer> validIDs = new TreeSet<Integer>();
// @Override
// public synchronized int SetFutureRunnable(DaemonManager dm, long ms, Runnable r) {
// int id = Bukkit.getServer().getScheduler().scheduleSyncDelayedTask(CommandHelperPlugin.self, r, Static.msToTicks(ms));
// validIDs.add(id);
// return id;
// }
// @Override
// public synchronized int SetFutureRepeater(DaemonManager dm, long ms, long initialDelay, Runnable r){
// int id = Bukkit.getServer().getScheduler().scheduleSyncRepeatingTask(CommandHelperPlugin.self, r, Static.msToTicks(initialDelay), Static.msToTicks(ms));
// validIDs.add(id);
// return id;
// }
// @Override
// public synchronized void ClearAllRunnables() {
// //Doing cancelTasks apparently does not work, so let's just manually cancel each task, which does appear to work.
// //Anyways, it's better that way anyhow, because we actually remove IDs from validIDs that way.
// //((BukkitMCServer)Static.getServer()).__Server().getScheduler().cancelTasks(CommandHelperPlugin.self);
// Set<Integer> ids = new TreeSet<Integer>(validIDs);
// for(int id : ids){
// try{
// //If this doesn't work, it shouldn't kill everything.
// ClearFutureRunnable(id);
// } catch(Exception e){
// Logger.getLogger(BukkitConvertor.class.getName()).log(null, Level.SEVERE, e);
// }
// }
// }
// @Override
// public void ClearFutureRunnable(int id) {
// if(validIDs.contains(id)){
// Bukkit.getServer().getScheduler().cancelTask(id);
// validIDs.remove(id);
// }
// }
public static MCEntity BukkitGetCorrectEntity(Entity be) {
if (be == null) {
return null;
BukkitMCEntityType type = BukkitMCEntityType.valueOfConcrete(be.getType());
if (type.getWrapperClass() != null) {
return ReflectionUtils.newInstance(type.getWrapperClass(), new Class[] { Entity.class }, new Object[] { be });
if (be instanceof Hanging) {
return new BukkitMCHanging(be);
if (be instanceof Minecart) {
// Must come before Vehicle
return new BukkitMCMinecart(be);
if (be instanceof Projectile) {
return new BukkitMCProjectile(be);
if (be instanceof Tameable) {
// Must come before Ageable
return new BukkitMCTameable(be);
if (be instanceof Ageable) {
// Must come before LivingEntity
return new BukkitMCAgeable(be);
if (be instanceof HumanEntity) {
// Must come before LivingEntity
return new BukkitMCHumanEntity(be);
if (be instanceof ComplexEntityPart) {
return new BukkitMCComplexEntityPart(be);
if (be instanceof ComplexLivingEntity) {
// Must come before LivingEntity
return new BukkitMCComplexLivingEntity(be);
if (be instanceof LivingEntity) {
return new BukkitMCLivingEntity(be);
if (be instanceof Vehicle) {
return new BukkitMCVehicle(be);
// Handle generically if we can't find a more specific type
return new BukkitMCEntity(be);
use of org.bukkit.entity.Projectile in project MagicPlugin by elBukkit.
the class CompatibilityUtils method spawnProjectile.
public static Projectile spawnProjectile(Class<?> projectileType, Location location, Vector direction, ProjectileSource source, float speed, float spread, float spreadLocations, Random random) {
Constructor<? extends Object> constructor = null;
Method shootMethod = null;
Method setPositionRotationMethod = null;
Field projectileSourceField = null;
Field dirXField = null;
Field dirYField = null;
Field dirZField = null;
Object nmsWorld = getHandle(location.getWorld());
Projectile projectile = null;
try {
constructor = projectileType.getConstructor(class_World);
if (class_EntityFireball.isAssignableFrom(projectileType)) {
dirXField = projectileType.getField("dirX");
dirYField = projectileType.getField("dirY");
dirZField = projectileType.getField("dirZ");
if (class_EntityProjectile.isAssignableFrom(projectileType) || class_EntityArrow.isAssignableFrom(projectileType)) {
shootMethod = projectileType.getMethod("shoot", Double.TYPE, Double.TYPE, Double.TYPE, Float.TYPE, Float.TYPE);
setPositionRotationMethod = projectileType.getMethod("setPositionRotation", Double.TYPE, Double.TYPE, Double.TYPE, Float.TYPE, Float.TYPE);
projectileSourceField = projectileType.getField("projectileSource");
Object nmsProjectile = null;
try {
nmsProjectile = constructor.newInstance(nmsWorld);
} catch (Exception ex) {
nmsProjectile = null;
Bukkit.getLogger().log(Level.WARNING, "Error spawning projectile of class " + projectileType.getName(), ex);
if (nmsProjectile == null) {
throw new Exception("Failed to spawn projectile of class " + projectileType.getName());
// Velocity must be set manually- EntityFireball.setDirection applies a crazy-wide gaussian distribution!
if (dirXField != null && dirYField != null && dirZField != null) {
// Taken from EntityArrow
double spreadWeight = Math.min(0.4f, spread * 0.007499999832361937D);
double dx = speed * (direction.getX() + (random.nextGaussian() * spreadWeight));
double dy = speed * (direction.getY() + (random.nextGaussian() * spreadWeight));
double dz = speed * (direction.getZ() + (random.nextGaussian() * spreadWeight));
dirXField.set(nmsProjectile, dx * 0.1D);
dirYField.set(nmsProjectile, dy * 0.1D);
dirZField.set(nmsProjectile, dz * 0.1D);
Vector modifiedLocation = location.toVector().clone();
if (class_EntityFireball.isAssignableFrom(projectileType) && spreadLocations > 0) {
modifiedLocation.setX(modifiedLocation.getX() + direction.getX() + (random.nextGaussian() * spread / 5));
modifiedLocation.setY(modifiedLocation.getY() + direction.getY() + (random.nextGaussian() * spread / 5));
modifiedLocation.setZ(modifiedLocation.getZ() + direction.getZ() + (random.nextGaussian() * spread / 5));
setPositionRotationMethod.invoke(nmsProjectile, modifiedLocation.getX(), modifiedLocation.getY(), modifiedLocation.getZ(), location.getYaw(), location.getPitch());
if (shootMethod != null) {
shootMethod.invoke(nmsProjectile, direction.getX(), direction.getY(), direction.getZ(), speed, spread);
Entity entity = NMSUtils.getBukkitEntity(nmsProjectile);
if (entity == null || !(entity instanceof Projectile)) {
throw new Exception("Got invalid bukkit entity from projectile of class " + projectileType.getName());
projectile = (Projectile) entity;
if (source != null) {
projectileSourceField.set(nmsProjectile, source);
class_World_addEntityMethod.invoke(nmsWorld, nmsProjectile, CreatureSpawnEvent.SpawnReason.DEFAULT);
} catch (Throwable ex) {
return null;
return projectile;
use of org.bukkit.entity.Projectile in project MagicPlugin by elBukkit.
the class MagicController method getEntityUndo.
public UndoList getEntityUndo(Entity entity) {
UndoList blockList = null;
if (entity == null)
return null;
Mage mage = getRegisteredMage(entity);
if (mage == null && entity instanceof Projectile) {
Projectile projectile = (Projectile) entity;
ProjectileSource source = projectile.getShooter();
if (source instanceof LivingEntity) {
entity = (LivingEntity) source;
mage = getRegisteredMage(entity);
if (mage != null) {
UndoList undoList = mage.getLastUndoList();
if (undoList != null) {
long now = System.currentTimeMillis();
if (undoList.getModifiedTime() > now - undoTimeWindow) {
blockList = undoList;
} else {
blockList = com.elmakers.mine.bukkit.block.UndoList.getUndoList(entity);
return blockList;