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Example 6 with MapView

use of in project Denizen-For-Bukkit by DenizenScript.

the class dPlayer method adjust.

public void adjust(Mechanism mechanism) {
    Element value = mechanism.getValue();
    // -->
    if (mechanism.matches("level") && mechanism.requireInteger()) {
    // -->
    if (mechanism.matches("item_slot") && mechanism.requireInteger()) {
        if (isOnline()) {
            getPlayerEntity().getInventory().setHeldItemSlot(value.asInt() - 1);
        } else {
            getNBTEditor().setItemInHand(value.asInt() - 1);
    // -->
    if (mechanism.matches("item_on_cursor") && mechanism.requireObject(dItem.class)) {
    // TODO: Player achievement tags.
    if (mechanism.matches("award_achievement") && mechanism.requireEnum(false, Achievement.values())) {
    // -->
    if (mechanism.matches("health_scale") && mechanism.requireDouble()) {
    // -->
    if (mechanism.matches("scale_health") && mechanism.requireBoolean()) {
    // Allow offline editing of health values
    if (mechanism.matches("max_health") && mechanism.requireDouble()) {
    if (mechanism.matches("health") && mechanism.requireDouble()) {
    // -->
    if (mechanism.matches("resource_pack") || mechanism.matches("texture_pack")) {
    // -->
    if (mechanism.matches("saturation") && mechanism.requireFloat()) {
    // -->
    if (mechanism.matches("send_map") && mechanism.requireInteger()) {
        MapView map = Bukkit.getServer().getMap((short) value.asInt());
        if (map != null) {
        } else {
            dB.echoError("No map found for ID " + value.asInt() + "!");
    // -->
    if (mechanism.matches("food_level") && mechanism.requireInteger()) {
    // -->
    if (mechanism.matches("bed_spawn_location") && mechanism.requireObject(dLocation.class)) {
    // -->
    if (mechanism.matches("can_fly") && mechanism.requireBoolean()) {
    // -->
    if (mechanism.matches("fly_speed") && mechanism.requireFloat()) {
    // -->
    if (mechanism.matches("flying") && mechanism.requireBoolean()) {
    // -->
    if (mechanism.matches("gamemode") && mechanism.requireEnum(false, GameMode.values())) {
    // -->
    if (mechanism.matches("kick")) {
    // -->
    if (mechanism.matches("weather") && mechanism.requireEnum(false, WeatherType.values())) {
    // -->
    if (mechanism.matches("reset_weather")) {
    // -->
    if (mechanism.matches("player_list_name")) {
    // -->
    if (mechanism.matches("display_name")) {
    // -->
    if (mechanism.matches("show_workbench") && mechanism.requireObject(dLocation.class)) {
        getPlayerEntity().openWorkbench(mechanism.getValue().asType(dLocation.class), true);
    // -->
    if (mechanism.matches("location") && mechanism.requireObject(dLocation.class)) {
    // -->
    if (mechanism.matches("time") && mechanism.requireInteger()) {
        getPlayerEntity().setPlayerTime(value.asInt(), true);
    // -->
    if (mechanism.matches("freeze_time")) {
        if (mechanism.requireInteger("Invalid integer specified. Assuming current world time.")) {
            getPlayerEntity().setPlayerTime(value.asInt(), false);
        } else {
            getPlayerEntity().setPlayerTime(getPlayerEntity().getWorld().getTime(), false);
    // -->
    if (mechanism.matches("reset_time")) {
    // -->
    if (mechanism.matches("walk_speed") && mechanism.requireFloat()) {
    // -->
    if (mechanism.matches("exhaustion") && mechanism.requireFloat()) {
    // -->
    if (mechanism.matches("show_entity") && mechanism.requireObject(dEntity.class)) {
        NMSHandler.getInstance().getEntityHelper().unhideEntity(getPlayerEntity(), value.asType(dEntity.class).getBukkitEntity());
    // -->
    if (mechanism.matches("hide_entity")) {
        if (!value.asString().isEmpty()) {
            String[] split = value.asString().split("[\\|" + dList.internal_escape + "]", 2);
            if (split.length > 0 && new Element(split[0]).matchesType(dEntity.class)) {
                dEntity entity = value.asType(dEntity.class);
                if (!entity.isSpawned()) {
                    dB.echoError("Can't hide the unspawned entity '" + split[0] + "'!");
                } else if (split.length > 1 && new Element(split[1]).isBoolean()) {
                    NMSHandler.getInstance().getEntityHelper().hideEntity(getPlayerEntity(), entity.getBukkitEntity(), new Element(split[1]).asBoolean());
                } else {
                    NMSHandler.getInstance().getEntityHelper().hideEntity(getPlayerEntity(), entity.getBukkitEntity(), false);
            } else {
                dB.echoError("'" + split[0] + "' is not a valid entity!");
    // -->
    if (mechanism.matches("show_boss_bar")) {
        if (!value.asString().isEmpty()) {
            String[] split = value.asString().split("[\\|" + dList.internal_escape + "]", 2);
            if (split.length == 2 && new Element(split[0]).isDouble()) {
                NMSHandler.getInstance().getPlayerHelper().showSimpleBossBar(getPlayerEntity(), split[1], new Element(split[0]).asDouble() / 200);
            } else {
                NMSHandler.getInstance().getPlayerHelper().showSimpleBossBar(getPlayerEntity(), split[0], 1.0);
        } else {
    // -->
    if (mechanism.matches("fake_experience")) {
        if (!value.asString().isEmpty()) {
            String[] split = value.asString().split("[\\|" + dList.internal_escape + "]", 2);
            if (split.length > 0 && new Element(split[0]).isFloat()) {
                if (split.length > 1 && new Element(split[1]).isInt()) {
                    NMSHandler.getInstance().getPacketHelper().showExperience(getPlayerEntity(), new Element(split[0]).asFloat(), new Element(split[1]).asInt());
                } else {
                    NMSHandler.getInstance().getPacketHelper().showExperience(getPlayerEntity(), new Element(split[0]).asFloat(), getPlayerEntity().getLevel());
            } else {
                dB.echoError("'" + split[0] + "' is not a valid decimal number!");
        } else {
    // -->
    if (mechanism.matches("fake_health")) {
        if (!value.asString().isEmpty()) {
            String[] split = value.asString().split("[\\|" + dList.internal_escape + "]", 3);
            if (split.length > 0 && new Element(split[0]).isFloat()) {
                if (split.length > 1 && new Element(split[1]).isInt()) {
                    if (split.length > 2 && new Element(split[2]).isFloat()) {
                        NMSHandler.getInstance().getPacketHelper().showHealth(getPlayerEntity(), new Element(split[0]).asFloat(), new Element(split[1]).asInt(), new Element(split[2]).asFloat());
                    } else {
                        NMSHandler.getInstance().getPacketHelper().showHealth(getPlayerEntity(), new Element(split[0]).asFloat(), new Element(split[1]).asInt(), getPlayerEntity().getSaturation());
                } else {
                    NMSHandler.getInstance().getPacketHelper().showHealth(getPlayerEntity(), new Element(split[0]).asFloat(), getPlayerEntity().getFoodLevel(), getPlayerEntity().getSaturation());
            } else {
                dB.echoError("'" + split[0] + "' is not a valid decimal number!");
        } else {
    // -->
    if (mechanism.matches("fake_equipment")) {
        if (!value.asString().isEmpty()) {
            String[] split = value.asString().split("[\\|" + dList.internal_escape + "]", 3);
            if (split.length > 0 && new Element(split[0]).matchesType(dEntity.class)) {
                String slot = split[1].toUpperCase();
                if (split.length > 1 && (new Element(slot).matchesEnum(EquipmentSlot.values()) || slot.equals("MAIN_HAND") || slot.equals("BOOTS"))) {
                    if (split.length > 2 && new Element(split[2]).matchesType(dItem.class)) {
                        if (slot.equals("MAIN_HAND")) {
                            slot = "HAND";
                        } else if (slot.equals("BOOTS")) {
                            slot = "FEET";
                        NMSHandler.getInstance().getPacketHelper().showEquipment(getPlayerEntity(), new Element(split[0]).asType(dEntity.class).getLivingEntity(), EquipmentSlot.valueOf(slot), new Element(split[2]).asType(dItem.class).getItemStack());
                    } else if (split.length > 2) {
                        dB.echoError("'" + split[2] + "' is not a valid dItem!");
                } else if (split.length > 1) {
                    dB.echoError("'" + split[1] + "' is not a valid slot; must be HAND, OFF_HAND, BOOTS, LEGS, CHEST, or HEAD!");
                } else {
                    NMSHandler.getInstance().getPacketHelper().resetEquipment(getPlayerEntity(), new Element(split[0]).asType(dEntity.class).getLivingEntity());
            } else {
                dB.echoError("'" + split[0] + "' is not a valid dEntity!");
    // -->
    if (mechanism.matches("item_message")) {
        ItemChangeMessage.sendMessage(getPlayerEntity(), value.asString());
    // -->
    if (mechanism.matches("show_endcredits")) {
    // -->
    if (mechanism.matches("spectate") && mechanism.requireObject(dEntity.class)) {
        NMSHandler.getInstance().getPacketHelper().forceSpectate(getPlayerEntity(), value.asType(dEntity.class).getBukkitEntity());
    // -->
    if (mechanism.matches("open_book")) {
        NMSHandler.getInstance().getPacketHelper().openBook(getPlayerEntity(), EquipmentSlot.HAND);
    // -->
    if (NMSHandler.getVersion().isAtLeast(NMSVersion.v1_9_R2) && mechanism.matches("open_offhand_book")) {
        NMSHandler.getInstance().getPacketHelper().openBook(getPlayerEntity(), EquipmentSlot.OFF_HAND);
    // -->
    if (mechanism.matches("edit_sign") && mechanism.requireObject(dLocation.class)) {
        if (!NMSHandler.getInstance().getPacketHelper().showSignEditor(getPlayerEntity(), value.asType(dLocation.class))) {
            dB.echoError("Can't edit non-sign materials!");
    // -->
    if (mechanism.matches("tab_list_info")) {
        if (!value.asString().isEmpty()) {
            String[] split = value.asString().split("[\\|" + dList.internal_escape + "]", 2);
            if (split.length > 0) {
                String header = split[0];
                String footer = "";
                if (split.length > 1) {
                    footer = split[1];
                NMSHandler.getInstance().getPacketHelper().showTabListHeaderFooter(getPlayerEntity(), header, footer);
            } else {
                dB.echoError("Must specify a header and footer to show!");
        } else {
    // -->
    if (mechanism.matches("sign_update")) {
        if (!value.asString().isEmpty()) {
            String[] split = value.asString().split("[\\|" + dList.internal_escape + "]", 2);
            if (dLocation.matches(split[0]) && split.length > 1) {
                dList lines = dList.valueOf(split[1]);
                getPlayerEntity().sendSignChange(dLocation.valueOf(split[0]), lines.toArray(4));
            } else {
                dB.echoError("Must specify a valid location and at least one sign line!");
        } else {
            dB.echoError("Must specify a valid location and at least one sign line!");
    // -->
    if (mechanism.matches("banner_update")) {
        if (value.asString().length() > 0) {
            String[] split = value.asString().split("[\\|" + dList.internal_escape + "]");
            List<org.bukkit.block.banner.Pattern> patterns = new ArrayList<org.bukkit.block.banner.Pattern>();
            if (split.length > 2) {
                List<String> splitList;
                for (int i = 2; i > split.length; i++) {
                    String string = split[i];
                    try {
                        splitList = CoreUtilities.split(string, '/', 2);
                        patterns.add(new org.bukkit.block.banner.Pattern(DyeColor.valueOf(splitList.get(0).toUpperCase()), PatternType.valueOf(splitList.get(1).toUpperCase())));
                    } catch (Exception e) {
                        dB.echoError("Could not apply pattern to banner: " + string);
            if (dLocation.matches(split[0]) && split.length > 1) {
                dLocation location = dLocation.valueOf(split[0]);
                DyeColor base;
                try {
                    base = DyeColor.valueOf(split[1].toUpperCase());
                } catch (Exception e) {
                    dB.echoError("Could not apply base color to banner: " + split[1]);
                NMSHandler.getInstance().getPacketHelper().showBannerUpdate(getPlayerEntity(), location, base, patterns);
            } else {
                dB.echoError("Must specify a valid location and a base color!");
    // -->
    if (mechanism.matches("action_bar")) {
        NMSHandler.getInstance().getPacketHelper().sendActionBarMessage(getPlayerEntity(), value.asString());
    // -->
    if (mechanism.matches("name")) {
        String name = value.asString();
        if (name.length() > 16) {
            dB.echoError("Must specify a name with no more than 16 characters.");
        } else {
            NMSHandler.getInstance().getProfileEditor().setPlayerName(getPlayerEntity(), value.asString());
    // -->
    if (mechanism.matches("skin")) {
        String name = value.asString();
        if (name.length() > 16) {
            dB.echoError("Must specify a name with no more than 16 characters.");
        } else {
            NMSHandler.getInstance().getProfileEditor().setPlayerSkin(getPlayerEntity(), value.asString());
    // -->
    if (mechanism.matches("skin_blob")) {
        NMSHandler.getInstance().getProfileEditor().setPlayerSkinBlob(getPlayerEntity(), value.asString());
    // -->
    if (mechanism.matches("is_whitelisted") && mechanism.requireBoolean()) {
    // -->
    if (mechanism.matches("is_op") && mechanism.requireBoolean()) {
    // -->
    if (mechanism.matches("is_banned") && mechanism.requireBoolean()) {
    // -->
    if (mechanism.matches("money") && mechanism.requireDouble() && Depends.economy != null) {
        double bal = Depends.economy.getBalance(getOfflinePlayer());
        double goal = value.asDouble();
        if (goal > bal) {
            Depends.economy.depositPlayer(getOfflinePlayer(), goal - bal);
        } else if (bal > goal) {
            Depends.economy.withdrawPlayer(getOfflinePlayer(), bal - goal);
    if ( != null) {
        // -->
        if (mechanism.matches("chat_prefix")) {
  , value.asString());
        // -->
        if (mechanism.matches("chat_suffix")) {
  , value.asString());
    // Iterate through this object's properties' mechanisms
    for (Property property : PropertyParser.getProperties(this)) {
        if (mechanism.fulfilled()) {
    // Pass along to dEntity mechanism handler if not already handled.
    if (!mechanism.fulfilled()) {
        Adjustable entity = new dEntity(getPlayerEntity());
Also used : Pattern(java.util.regex.Pattern) org.bukkit(org.bukkit) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) MapView( Property(

Example 7 with MapView

use of in project Denizen-For-Bukkit by DenizenScript.

the class DenizenMapManager method reloadMaps.

public static void reloadMaps() {
    Map<Short, List<MapRenderer>> oldMapRenderers = new HashMap<Short, List<MapRenderer>>();
    for (Map.Entry<Short, DenizenMapRenderer> entry : mapRenderers.entrySet()) {
        DenizenMapRenderer renderer = entry.getValue();
        oldMapRenderers.put(entry.getKey(), renderer.getOldRenderers());
    mapsConfig = YamlConfiguration.loadConfiguration(mapsFile);
    ConfigurationSection mapsSection = mapsConfig.getConfigurationSection("MAPS");
    if (mapsSection == null) {
    for (String key : mapsSection.getKeys(false)) {
        short mapId = Short.valueOf(key);
        MapView mapView = Bukkit.getServer().getMap(mapId);
        if (mapView == null) {
            dB.echoError("Map #" + key + " does not exist. Has it been removed? Deleting from maps.yml...");
            mapsSection.set(key, null);
        ConfigurationSection objectsData = mapsSection.getConfigurationSection(key + ".objects");
        List<MapRenderer> oldRenderers;
        if (oldMapRenderers.containsKey(mapId)) {
            oldRenderers = oldMapRenderers.get(mapId);
        } else {
            oldRenderers = mapView.getRenderers();
            for (MapRenderer oldRenderer : oldRenderers) {
        DenizenMapRenderer renderer = new DenizenMapRenderer(oldRenderers, mapsSection.getBoolean(key + ".auto update", false));
        List<String> objects = new ArrayList<String>(objectsData.getKeys(false));
        Collections.sort(objects, new NaturalOrderComparator());
        for (String objectKey : objects) {
            String type = objectsData.getString(objectKey + ".type").toUpperCase();
            String xTag = objectsData.getString(objectKey + ".x");
            String yTag = objectsData.getString(objectKey + ".y");
            String visibilityTag = objectsData.getString(objectKey + ".visibility");
            boolean debug = objectsData.getBoolean(objectKey + ".debug");
            MapObject object = null;
            if (type.equals("CURSOR")) {
                object = new MapCursor(xTag, yTag, visibilityTag, debug, objectsData.getString(objectKey + ".direction"), objectsData.getString(objectKey + ".cursor"));
            } else if (type.equals("IMAGE")) {
                String file = objectsData.getString(objectKey + ".image");
                int width = objectsData.getInt(objectKey + ".width", 0);
                int height = objectsData.getInt(objectKey + ".height", 0);
                if (CoreUtilities.toLowerCase(file).endsWith(".gif")) {
                    object = new MapAnimatedImage(xTag, yTag, visibilityTag, debug, file, width, height);
                } else {
                    object = new MapImage(xTag, yTag, visibilityTag, debug, file, width, height);
            } else if (type.equals("TEXT")) {
                object = new MapText(xTag, yTag, visibilityTag, debug, objectsData.getString(objectKey + ".text"));
            if (object != null) {
        mapRenderers.put(mapId, renderer);
    for (Map.Entry<Short, List<MapRenderer>> entry : oldMapRenderers.entrySet()) {
        short id = entry.getKey();
        if (!mapRenderers.containsKey(id)) {
            MapView mapView = Bukkit.getServer().getMap(id);
            if (mapView != null) {
                for (MapRenderer renderer : entry.getValue()) {
        // If it's null, the server no longer has the map - don't do anything about it
    ConfigurationSection downloadedImages = mapsConfig.getConfigurationSection("DOWNLOADED");
    if (downloadedImages == null) {
    for (String image : downloadedImages.getKeys(false)) {
        downloadedByUrl.put(CoreUtilities.toLowerCase(downloadedImages.getString(image)), image.replace("DOT", "."));
Also used : NaturalOrderComparator(net.aufdemrand.denizencore.utilities.NaturalOrderComparator) MapRenderer( MapView( ConfigurationSection(org.bukkit.configuration.ConfigurationSection)

Example 8 with MapView

use of in project MagicPlugin by elBukkit.

the class MapSpell method onCast.

public SpellResult onCast(ConfigurationSection parameters) {
    World world = getWorld();
    MapView newMap = Bukkit.createMap(world);
    Location location = getLocation();
    MapView.Scale scale = newMap.getScale();
    String scaleType = parameters.getString("scale");
    if (scaleType != null) {
        try {
            scale = MapView.Scale.valueOf(scaleType.toUpperCase());
        } catch (Exception ignored) {
    ItemStack newMapItem = new ItemStack(Material.MAP, 1, newMap.getId());
    world.dropItemNaturally(getLocation(), newMapItem);
    return SpellResult.CAST;
Also used : MapView( World(org.bukkit.World) ItemStack(org.bukkit.inventory.ItemStack) Location(org.bukkit.Location)

Example 9 with MapView

use of in project MagicPlugin by elBukkit.

the class MaterialBrush method update.

public boolean update(final Mage fromMage, final Location target) {
    if (mode == BrushMode.CLONE || mode == BrushMode.REPLICATE) {
        if (cloneSource == null) {
            isValid = false;
            return true;
        if (cloneTarget == null)
            cloneTarget = target;
        materialTarget = toTargetLocation(target);
        if (materialTarget.getY() < 0 || materialTarget.getWorld() == null || materialTarget.getY() > materialTarget.getWorld().getMaxHeight()) {
            isValid = false;
        } else {
            Block block = materialTarget.getBlock();
            if (!block.getChunk().isLoaded())
                return false;
            updateFromBlock(block, fromMage.getRestrictedMaterialSet());
            isValid = fillWithAir || material != Material.AIR;
    if (mode == BrushMode.SCHEMATIC) {
        if (!checkSchematic()) {
            return true;
        if (cloneTarget == null) {
            isValid = false;
            return true;
        Vector diff = target.toVector().subtract(cloneTarget.toVector());
        com.elmakers.mine.bukkit.api.block.MaterialAndData newMaterial = schematic.getBlock(diff);
        if (newMaterial == null) {
            isValid = false;
        } else {
            isValid = fillWithAir || newMaterial.getMaterial() != Material.AIR;
    if (mode == BrushMode.MAP && mapId >= 0) {
        if (mapCanvas == null) {
            try {
                MapView mapView = Bukkit.getMap((short) mapId);
                if (mapView != null) {
                    Player player = fromMage != null ? fromMage.getPlayer() : null;
                    List<MapRenderer> renderers = mapView.getRenderers();
                    if (renderers.size() > 0) {
                        mapCanvas = new BufferedMapCanvas();
                        MapRenderer renderer = renderers.get(0);
                        // This is mainly here as a hack for my own urlmaps that do their own caching
                        // Bukkit *seems* to want to do caching at the MapView level, but looking at the code-
                        // they cache but never use the cache?
                        // Anyway render gets called constantly so I'm not re-rendering on each render... but then
                        // how to force a render to a canvas? So we re-initialize.
                        renderer.render(mapView, mapCanvas, player);
            } catch (Exception ex) {
                controller.getLogger().log(Level.WARNING, "Error reading map id " + mapId, ex);
        isValid = false;
        if (mapCanvas != null && cloneTarget != null) {
            Vector diff = target.toVector().subtract(cloneTarget.toVector());
            // TODO : Different orientations, centering, scaling, etc
            // We default to 1/8 scaling for now to make the portraits work well.
            DyeColor mapColor = DyeColor.WHITE;
            if (orientVector.getBlockY() > orientVector.getBlockZ() || orientVector.getBlockY() > orientVector.getBlockX()) {
                if (orientVector.getBlockX() > orientVector.getBlockZ()) {
                    mapColor = mapCanvas.getDyeColor(Math.abs((int) (diff.getBlockX() * scale + BufferedMapCanvas.CANVAS_WIDTH / 2) % BufferedMapCanvas.CANVAS_WIDTH), Math.abs((int) (-diff.getBlockY() * scale + BufferedMapCanvas.CANVAS_HEIGHT / 2) % BufferedMapCanvas.CANVAS_HEIGHT));
                } else {
                    mapColor = mapCanvas.getDyeColor(Math.abs((int) (diff.getBlockZ() * scale + BufferedMapCanvas.CANVAS_WIDTH / 2) % BufferedMapCanvas.CANVAS_WIDTH), Math.abs((int) (-diff.getBlockY() * scale + BufferedMapCanvas.CANVAS_HEIGHT / 2) % BufferedMapCanvas.CANVAS_HEIGHT));
            } else {
                mapColor = mapCanvas.getDyeColor(Math.abs((int) (diff.getBlockX() * scale + BufferedMapCanvas.CANVAS_WIDTH / 2) % BufferedMapCanvas.CANVAS_WIDTH), Math.abs((int) (diff.getBlockZ() * scale + BufferedMapCanvas.CANVAS_HEIGHT / 2) % BufferedMapCanvas.CANVAS_HEIGHT));
            if (mapColor != null) {
                this.material = mapMaterialBase;
       = (short) mapColor.getWoolData();
                isValid = true;
    return true;
Also used : Player(org.bukkit.entity.Player) DyeColor(org.bukkit.DyeColor) BufferedMapCanvas(com.elmakers.mine.bukkit.maps.BufferedMapCanvas) MapRenderer( Block(org.bukkit.block.Block) MapView( Vector(org.bukkit.util.Vector)

Example 10 with MapView

use of in project MagicPlugin by elBukkit.

the class MapController method get.

private URLMap get(String worldName, String url, String name, int x, int y, Integer xOverlay, Integer yOverlay, int width, int height, Integer priority, String playerName) {
    URLMap existing = null;
    if (url == null) {
        existing = playerMap.get(playerName);
    } else {
        String key = URLMap.getKey(worldName, url, playerName, x, y, width, height);
        existing = keyMap.get(key);
    if (existing != null) {
        existing.priority = priority; = name;
        existing.xOverlay = xOverlay;
        existing.yOverlay = yOverlay;
        return existing;
    World world = Bukkit.getWorld(worldName);
    MapView mapView = Bukkit.createMap(world);
    if (mapView == null) {
        if (url == null) {
            warning("Unable to create new map for player " + playerName);
        } else {
            warning("Unable to create new map for url " + url);
        return null;
    URLMap newMap = get(worldName, mapView.getId(), url, name, x, y, xOverlay, yOverlay, width, height, priority, playerName);
    return newMap;
Also used : MapView( World(org.bukkit.World) Nullable(javax.annotation.Nullable)


MapView ( MapRenderer ( Nullable (javax.annotation.Nullable)3 DyeColor (org.bukkit.DyeColor)3 ItemStack (org.bukkit.inventory.ItemStack)3 org.bukkit (org.bukkit)2 Art (org.bukkit.Art)2 World (org.bukkit.World)2 ConfigurationSection (org.bukkit.configuration.ConfigurationSection)2 EntityType (org.bukkit.entity.EntityType)2 Horse (org.bukkit.entity.Horse)2 ItemFrame (org.bukkit.entity.ItemFrame)2 Ocelot (org.bukkit.entity.Ocelot)2 Painting (org.bukkit.entity.Painting)2 Sheep (org.bukkit.entity.Sheep)2 Villager (org.bukkit.entity.Villager)2 Wolf (org.bukkit.entity.Wolf)2 ImprovedOfflinePlayer (com.denizenscript.denizen.nms.abstracts.ImprovedOfflinePlayer)1 LocationTag (com.denizenscript.denizen.objects.LocationTag)1 WorldTag (com.denizenscript.denizen.objects.WorldTag)1