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Example 16 with PotionEffectType

use of org.bukkit.potion.PotionEffectType in project Minigames by AddstarMC.

the class Minigames method setupLoadOuts.

private void setupLoadOuts() {
    final MinigameSave globalLoadouts = new MinigameSave("globalLoadouts");
    final Set<String> keys = globalLoadouts.getConfig().getKeys(false);
    for (final String loadout : keys) {
        ConfigurationSection loadOutSection = globalLoadouts.getConfig().getConfigurationSection(loadout);
        if (loadOutSection != null) {
            final Set<String> items = loadOutSection.getKeys(false);
            for (final String slot : items) {
                if (COMPILE.matcher(slot).matches()) {
                    this.minigameManager.getLoadout(loadout).addItem(globalLoadouts.getConfig().getItemStack(loadout + '.' + slot), Integer.parseInt(slot));
        if (globalLoadouts.getConfig().contains(loadout + ".potions")) {
            ConfigurationSection potionLoadOutSection = globalLoadouts.getConfig().getConfigurationSection(loadout + ".potions");
            if (potionLoadOutSection != null) {
                final Set<String> pots = potionLoadOutSection.getKeys(false);
                for (final String eff : pots) {
                    PotionEffectType type = PotionEffectType.getByName(eff);
                    if (type != null) {
                        final PotionEffect effect = new PotionEffect(type, globalLoadouts.getConfig().getInt(loadout + ".potions." + eff + ".dur"), globalLoadouts.getConfig().getInt(loadout + ".potions." + eff + ".amp"));
        if (globalLoadouts.getConfig().contains(loadout + ".usepermissions")) {
            this.minigameManager.getLoadout(loadout).setUsePermissions(globalLoadouts.getConfig().getBoolean(loadout + ".usepermissions"));
Also used : PotionEffect(org.bukkit.potion.PotionEffect) PotionEffectType(org.bukkit.potion.PotionEffectType) MinigameSave( ConfigurationSection(org.bukkit.configuration.ConfigurationSection)

Example 17 with PotionEffectType

use of org.bukkit.potion.PotionEffectType in project Minigames by AddstarMC.

the class MenuItemPotionAdd method checkValidEntry.

public void checkValidEntry(String entry) {
    String[] split = entry.split(", ");
    if (split.length == 3) {
        String effect = split[0].toUpperCase();
        if (PotionEffectType.getByName(effect) != null) {
            PotionEffectType eff = PotionEffectType.getByName(effect);
            if (split[1].matches("[0-9]+") && Integer.parseInt(split[1]) != 0) {
                int level = Integer.parseInt(split[1]) - 1;
                if ((split[2].matches("[0-9]+") && Integer.parseInt(split[2]) != 0) || split[2].equalsIgnoreCase("inf")) {
                    int dur = 0;
                    if (split[2].equalsIgnoreCase("inf"))
                        dur = 100000;
                        dur = Integer.parseInt(split[2]);
                    if (dur > 100000) {
                        dur = 100000;
                    dur *= 20;
                    List<String> des = new ArrayList<>();
                    des.add("Shift + Right Click to Delete");
                    PotionEffect peff = new PotionEffect(eff, dur, level);
                    for (int slot : getContainer().getSlotMap()) {
                        if (getContainer().getClicked(slot) instanceof MenuItemPotion) {
                            MenuItemPotion pot = (MenuItemPotion) getContainer().getClicked(slot);
                            if (pot.getEffect().getType() == peff.getType()) {
                    for (int i = 0; i < 36; i++) {
                        if (!getContainer().hasMenuItem(i)) {
                            getContainer().addItem(new MenuItemPotion(eff.getName().toLowerCase().replace("_", " "), des, Material.POTION, peff, loadout), i);
                } else
                    getContainer().getViewer().sendMessage(split[2] + " is not a valid duration! The time must be in seconds", MinigameMessageType.ERROR);
            } else
                getContainer().getViewer().sendMessage(split[1] + " is not a valid level number!", MinigameMessageType.ERROR);
        } else
            getContainer().getViewer().sendMessage(split[0] + " is not a valid potion name!", MinigameMessageType.ERROR);
    getContainer().getViewer().sendMessage("Invalid syntax entry! Make sure there is an comma and a space (\", \") between each item.", MinigameMessageType.ERROR);
Also used : PotionEffect(org.bukkit.potion.PotionEffect) PotionEffectType(org.bukkit.potion.PotionEffectType) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList)

Example 18 with PotionEffectType

use of org.bukkit.potion.PotionEffectType in project Glowstone by GlowstoneMC.

the class GlowMetaPotion method fromNbt.

 * Reads a {@link PotionEffect} from an NBT compound tag.
 * @param tag a potion effect NBT compound tag
 * @return {@code tag} as a {@link PotionEffect}
public static PotionEffect fromNbt(CompoundTag tag) {
    PotionEffectType type = PotionEffectType.getById(tag.getByte("Id"));
    int duration = tag.getInt("Duration");
    int amplifier = tag.getByte("Amplifier");
    boolean ambient = tag.getBoolean("Ambient", false);
    boolean particles = tag.getBoolean("ShowParticles", true);
    return new PotionEffect(type, duration, amplifier, ambient, particles);
Also used : PotionEffect(org.bukkit.potion.PotionEffect) PotionEffectType(org.bukkit.potion.PotionEffectType)

Example 19 with PotionEffectType

use of org.bukkit.potion.PotionEffectType in project Glowstone by GlowstoneMC.

the class GlowBeaconInventory method setActiveEffects.

public void setActiveEffects(int primaryId, int secondaryId) {
    if (!ALLOWED_MATERIALS.contains(getItem().getType())) {
    PotionEffectType primaryType = PotionEffectType.getById(primaryId);
    if (primaryType != null) {
        ((Beacon) getHolder()).setPrimaryEffect(primaryType);
    PotionEffectType secondaryType = PotionEffectType.getById(secondaryId);
    if (secondaryType != null) {
        ((Beacon) getHolder()).setSecondaryEffect(secondaryType);
Also used : PotionEffectType(org.bukkit.potion.PotionEffectType) Beacon(org.bukkit.block.Beacon)

Example 20 with PotionEffectType

use of org.bukkit.potion.PotionEffectType in project Glowstone by GlowstoneMC.

the class GlowLivingEntity method pulse.

// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// Internals
public void pulse() {
    if (isDead()) {
        if (deathTicks >= 20 && getClass() != GlowPlayer.class) {
    // invulnerability
    if (noDamageTicks > 0) {
    Material mat = getEyeLocation().getBlock().getType();
    // breathing
    if (mat == Material.WATER) {
        // todo: flowing_water?
        if (canTakeDamage(DamageCause.DROWNING)) {
            if (remainingAir <= -20) {
                remainingAir = 0;
                damage(1, DamageCause.DROWNING);
    } else {
        remainingAir = maximumAir;
    if (isTouchingMaterial(Material.CACTUS)) {
        damage(1, DamageCause.CONTACT);
    if (location.getY() < -64) {
        // no canTakeDamage call - pierces through game modes
        damage(4, DamageCause.VOID);
    if (isWithinSolidBlock()) {
        damage(1, DamageCause.SUFFOCATION);
    // fire and lava damage
    if (getLocation().getBlock().getType() == Material.FIRE) {
        damage(1, DamageCause.FIRE);
        // not applying additional fire ticks after dying in fire
        stoodInFire = !isDead();
    } else if (getLocation().getBlock().getType() == Material.LAVA) {
        damage(4, DamageCause.LAVA);
        if (swamInLava) {
            setFireTicks(getFireTicks() + 2);
        } else {
            setFireTicks(getFireTicks() + 300);
            swamInLava = true;
    } else if (isTouchingMaterial(Material.FIRE) || isTouchingMaterial(Material.LAVA)) {
        damage(1, DamageCause.FIRE);
        // increment the ticks stood adjacent to fire or lava
        if (adjacentBurnTicks > 40) {
            stoodInFire = !isDead();
    } else if (stoodInFire) {
        setFireTicks(getFireTicks() + 160);
        stoodInFire = false;
        adjacentBurnTicks = 0;
    } else {
        swamInLava = false;
        if (getLocation().getBlock().getType() == Material.WATER) {
    // potion effects
    List<PotionEffect> effects = new ArrayList<>(potionEffects.values());
    for (PotionEffect effect : effects) {
        // pulse effect
        PotionEffectType type = effect.getType();
        GlowPotionEffect glowType = GlowPotionEffect.getEffect(type);
        if (glowType != null) {
            glowType.pulse(this, effect);
        if (effect.getDuration() > 0) {
            // reduce duration on server-side. Don't need to be updated to client
            potionEffects.put(type, effect.withDuration(effect.getDuration() - 1));
        } else {
            // remove
    if (potionEffectsChanged) {
        potionEffectsChanged = false;
    if (getFireTicks() > 0 && getFireTicks() % 20 == 0) {
        damage(1, DamageCause.FIRE_TICK);
    GlowBlock under = (GlowBlock) getLocation().getBlock().getRelative(BlockFace.DOWN);
    BlockType type = ItemTable.instance().getBlock(under.getType());
    if (type != null) {
        type.onEntityStep(under, this);
    if (!isDead() && getAmbientSound() != null && nextAmbientTime == 0 && !isSilent()) {
        double v = ThreadLocalRandom.current().nextDouble();
        if (v <= 0.2) {
            world.playSound(getLocation(), getAmbientSound(), getSoundVolume(), getSoundPitch());
    if (nextAmbientTime == 0) {
        nextAmbientTime = getAmbientDelay();
Also used : GlowBlock(net.glowstone.block.GlowBlock) GlowPotionEffect(net.glowstone.constants.GlowPotionEffect) PotionEffect(org.bukkit.potion.PotionEffect) BlockType(net.glowstone.block.blocktype.BlockType) PotionEffectType(org.bukkit.potion.PotionEffectType) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) GlowPotionEffect(net.glowstone.constants.GlowPotionEffect) Material(org.bukkit.Material)


PotionEffectType (org.bukkit.potion.PotionEffectType)54 PotionEffect (org.bukkit.potion.PotionEffect)41 ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)12 Player (org.bukkit.entity.Player)8 ElementTag (com.denizenscript.denizencore.objects.core.ElementTag)6 HashMap (java.util.HashMap)6 ItemStack (org.bukkit.inventory.ItemStack)6 Map (java.util.Map)5 ConfigurationSection (org.bukkit.configuration.ConfigurationSection)5 PotionType (org.bukkit.potion.PotionType)5 DurationTag (com.denizenscript.denizencore.objects.core.DurationTag)4 Material (org.bukkit.Material)4 LivingEntity (org.bukkit.entity.LivingEntity)4 PotionMeta (org.bukkit.inventory.meta.PotionMeta)4 EntityTag (com.denizenscript.denizen.objects.EntityTag)3 File ( IOException ( List (java.util.List)3 YamlConfiguration (org.bukkit.configuration.file.YamlConfiguration)3 Entity (org.bukkit.entity.Entity)3