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Example 1 with MatVector

use of org.bytedeco.opencv.opencv_core.MatVector in project qupath by qupath.

the class DetectCytokeratinCV method getArea.

 * Get an Area object corresponding to contours in a binary image from OpenCV.
 * @param mat
 * @return
private static Area getArea(final Mat mat) {
    if (mat.empty())
        return null;
    // Identify all contours
    MatVector contours = new MatVector();
    Mat hierarchy = new Mat();
    opencv_imgproc.findContours(mat, contours, hierarchy, opencv_imgproc.RETR_TREE, opencv_imgproc.CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE);
    if (contours.empty()) {
        return null;
    Area area = new Area();
    updateArea(contours, hierarchy, area, 0, 0);
    return area;
Also used : Mat(org.bytedeco.opencv.opencv_core.Mat) Area(java.awt.geom.Area) MatVector(org.bytedeco.opencv.opencv_core.MatVector)

Example 2 with MatVector

use of org.bytedeco.opencv.opencv_core.MatVector in project qupath by qupath.

the class DnnTools method blobFromImages.

 * Create an OpenCV blob from a batch of Mats with optional scaling, resizing and cropping.
 * @param mats input images
 * @param scaleFactor scale factor
 * @param size input width and height
 * @param mean mean values for subtraction
 * @param swapRB swap red and blue of the mean values
 * @param crop center crop after resizing if needed
 * @return a blob with axis order NCHW
public static Mat blobFromImages(Collection<Mat> mats, double scaleFactor, Size size, Scalar mean, boolean swapRB, boolean crop) {
    // if (mat.depth() != opencv_core.CV_32F) {
    // var mat2 = new Mat();
    // mat.convertTo(mat2, opencv_core.CV_32F);
    // mat2 = mat;
    // }
    Mat blob = null;
    Mat first = mats.iterator().next();
    int nChannels = first.channels();
    if (nChannels == 1 || nChannels == 3 || nChannels == 4) {
        if (mats.size() == 1)
            blob = opencv_dnn.blobFromImage(first, scaleFactor, size, mean, swapRB, crop, opencv_core.CV_32F);
            blob = opencv_dnn.blobFromImages(new MatVector(mats.toArray(Mat[]::new)), scaleFactor, size, mean, swapRB, crop, opencv_core.CV_32F);
    } else {
        // TODO: Don't have any net to test this with currently...
        logger.warn("Attempting to reshape an image with " + nChannels + " channels - this may not work! " + "Only 1, 3 and 4 full supported, preprocessing will be ignored.");
        // Blob is a 4D Tensor [NCHW]
        int[] shape = new int[4];
        Arrays.fill(shape, 1);
        int nRows = first.size(0);
        int nCols = first.size(1);
        shape[0] = mats.size();
        shape[1] = nChannels;
        shape[2] = nRows;
        shape[3] = nCols;
        // for (int s = 1; s <= Math.min(nDims, 3); s++) {
        // shape[s] = mat.size(s-1);
        // }
        blob = new Mat(shape, opencv_core.CV_32F);
        var idxBlob = blob.createIndexer();
        long[] indsBlob = new long[4];
        int n = 0;
        for (var mat : mats) {
            indsBlob[0] = n++;
            long[] indsMat = new long[4];
            var idxMat = mat.createIndexer();
            for (int r = 0; r < nRows; r++) {
                indsMat[0] = r;
                indsBlob[2] = r;
                for (int c = 0; c < nCols; c++) {
                    indsMat[1] = c;
                    indsBlob[3] = c;
                    for (int channel = 0; channel < nChannels; channel++) {
                        indsMat[2] = channel;
                        indsBlob[1] = channel;
                        double val = idxMat.getDouble(indsMat);
                        idxBlob.putDouble(indsBlob, val);
    return blob;
Also used : Mat(org.bytedeco.opencv.opencv_core.Mat) MatVector(org.bytedeco.opencv.opencv_core.MatVector)

Example 3 with MatVector

use of org.bytedeco.opencv.opencv_core.MatVector in project qupath by qupath.

the class OpenCVTools method matToBufferedImage.

 * Convert a Mat to a BufferedImage.
 * <p>
 * If no ColorModel is specified, a grayscale model will be used for single-channel 8-bit
 * images and RGB/ARGB for 3/4 channel 8-bit images.
 * <p>
 * For all other cases a ColorModel should be specified for meaningful display.
 * @param mat
 * @param colorModel
 * @return
public static BufferedImage matToBufferedImage(final Mat mat, ColorModel colorModel) {
    int type;
    int bpp = 0;
    switch(mat.depth()) {
        case opencv_core.CV_8U:
            type = DataBuffer.TYPE_BYTE;
            bpp = 8;
        case opencv_core.CV_8S:
            // Byte is unsigned
            type = DataBuffer.TYPE_SHORT;
            bpp = 16;
        case opencv_core.CV_16U:
            type = DataBuffer.TYPE_USHORT;
            bpp = 16;
        case opencv_core.CV_16S:
            type = DataBuffer.TYPE_SHORT;
            bpp = 16;
        case opencv_core.CV_32S:
            type = DataBuffer.TYPE_INT;
            bpp = 32;
        case opencv_core.CV_32F:
            type = DataBuffer.TYPE_FLOAT;
            bpp = 32;
            logger.warn("Unknown Mat depth {}, will default to CV64F ({})", mat.depth(), opencv_core.CV_64F);
        case opencv_core.CV_64F:
            type = DataBuffer.TYPE_DOUBLE;
            bpp = 64;
    // Create a suitable raster
    int width = mat.cols();
    int height = mat.rows();
    int channels = mat.channels();
    // We might generate an image for a special case
    BufferedImage img = null;
    // Handle some special cases
    if (colorModel == null) {
        if (type == DataBuffer.TYPE_BYTE) {
            if (channels == 1) {
                img = new BufferedImage(width, height, BufferedImage.TYPE_BYTE_GRAY);
            // TODO: Set the bytes
            } else if (channels == 3) {
                img = new BufferedImage(width, height, BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_RGB);
            } else if (channels == 4) {
                img = new BufferedImage(width, height, BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_ARGB);
    } else if (colorModel instanceof IndexColorModel) {
        img = new BufferedImage(width, height, BufferedImage.TYPE_BYTE_INDEXED, (IndexColorModel) colorModel);
    // Create the image
    WritableRaster raster;
    if (img != null) {
        raster = img.getRaster();
    } else if (colorModel != null) {
        raster = colorModel.createCompatibleWritableRaster(width, height);
        img = new BufferedImage(colorModel, raster, false, null);
    } else {
        // Create some kind of raster we can use
        var sampleModel = new BandedSampleModel(type, width, height, channels);
        raster = WritableRaster.createWritableRaster(sampleModel, null);
        // We do need a ColorModel or some description
        colorModel = ColorModelFactory.getDummyColorModel(bpp * channels);
        img = new BufferedImage(colorModel, raster, false, null);
    MatVector matvector = new MatVector();
    opencv_core.split(mat, matvector);
    // We don't know which of the 3 supported array types will be needed yet...
    int[] pixelsInt = null;
    float[] pixelsFloat = null;
    double[] pixelsDouble = null;
    for (int b = 0; b < channels; b++) {
        // Extract pixels for the current channel
        Mat matChannel = matvector.get(b);
        Indexer indexer = matChannel.createIndexer();
        if (indexer instanceof UByteIndexer) {
            if (pixelsInt == null)
                pixelsInt = new int[width * height];
            ((UByteIndexer) indexer).get(0L, pixelsInt);
        } else if (indexer instanceof UShortIndexer) {
            if (pixelsInt == null)
                pixelsInt = new int[width * height];
            ((UShortIndexer) indexer).get(0L, pixelsInt);
        } else if (indexer instanceof FloatIndexer) {
            if (pixelsFloat == null)
                pixelsFloat = new float[width * height];
            ((FloatIndexer) indexer).get(0L, pixelsFloat);
        } else if (indexer instanceof DoubleIndexer) {
            if (pixelsDouble == null)
                pixelsDouble = new double[width * height];
            ((DoubleIndexer) indexer).get(0L, pixelsDouble);
        } else {
            if (pixelsDouble == null)
                pixelsDouble = new double[width * height];
            // This is inefficient, but unlikely to occur too often
            pixelsDouble = new double[width * height];
            for (int y = 0; y < height; y++) {
                for (int x = 0; x < width; x++) {
                    pixelsDouble[y * width + x] = indexer.getDouble(y, x, b);
        // Set the samples
        if (pixelsInt != null)
            raster.setSamples(0, 0, width, height, b, pixelsInt);
        else if (pixelsFloat != null)
            raster.setSamples(0, 0, width, height, b, pixelsFloat);
        else if (pixelsDouble != null)
            raster.setSamples(0, 0, width, height, b, pixelsDouble);
    return img;
Also used : Mat(org.bytedeco.opencv.opencv_core.Mat) FloatIndexer(org.bytedeco.javacpp.indexer.FloatIndexer) UByteIndexer(org.bytedeco.javacpp.indexer.UByteIndexer) Point(org.bytedeco.opencv.opencv_core.Point) BufferedImage(java.awt.image.BufferedImage) UShortIndexer(org.bytedeco.javacpp.indexer.UShortIndexer) ByteIndexer(org.bytedeco.javacpp.indexer.ByteIndexer) IntIndexer(org.bytedeco.javacpp.indexer.IntIndexer) ShortIndexer(org.bytedeco.javacpp.indexer.ShortIndexer) DoubleIndexer(org.bytedeco.javacpp.indexer.DoubleIndexer) UByteIndexer(org.bytedeco.javacpp.indexer.UByteIndexer) UShortIndexer(org.bytedeco.javacpp.indexer.UShortIndexer) FloatIndexer(org.bytedeco.javacpp.indexer.FloatIndexer) Indexer(org.bytedeco.javacpp.indexer.Indexer) WritableRaster(java.awt.image.WritableRaster) BandedSampleModel(java.awt.image.BandedSampleModel) DoubleIndexer(org.bytedeco.javacpp.indexer.DoubleIndexer) MatVector(org.bytedeco.opencv.opencv_core.MatVector) IndexColorModel(java.awt.image.IndexColorModel)

Example 4 with MatVector

use of org.bytedeco.opencv.opencv_core.MatVector in project qupath by qupath.

the class OpenCVTools method applyTiled.

 * Apply a function to a {@link Mat} that strictly requires a specific input size.
 * The output is expected to have the same size as the input, but may have a different number of channels.
 * <p>
 * This method can be used to:
 * <ul>
 *   <li>Split larger input into tiles of the required size, apply the function and merge the result</li>
 *   <li>Pad smaller input into tiles of the required size, apply the function and strip padding from the result</li>
 * </ul>
 * If the image dimensions are not an exact multiple of the requested tile sizes, both steps may be required.
 * <p>
 * <b>Important!</b> If the output (width &amp; height) of the function is smaller than the input, it will resized
 * to have the same dimensions and a warning will be logged.
 * @param fun the function to apply to the input
 * @param mat the input Mat
 * @param tileWidth the strict tile width required by the input
 * @param tileHeight the strict tile height required by the input
 * @param borderType an OpenCV border type, in case padding is needed
 * @return the result of applying fun to mat, having applied any necessary tiling along the way
public static Mat applyTiled(Function<Mat, Mat> fun, Mat mat, int tileWidth, int tileHeight, int borderType) {
    int top = 0, bottom = 0, left = 0, right = 0;
    boolean doPad = false;
    Mat matResult = new Mat();
    try (var scope = new PointerScope()) {
        if (mat.cols() > tileWidth) {
            List<Mat> horizontal = new ArrayList<>();
            for (int x = 0; x < mat.cols(); x += tileWidth) {
                Mat matTemp = applyTiled(fun, mat.colRange(x, Math.min(x + tileWidth, mat.cols())).clone(), tileWidth, tileHeight, borderType);
            opencv_core.hconcat(new MatVector(horizontal.toArray(new Mat[0])), matResult);
            return matResult;
        } else if (mat.rows() > tileHeight) {
            List<Mat> vertical = new ArrayList<>();
            for (int y = 0; y < mat.rows(); y += tileHeight) {
                Mat matTemp = applyTiled(fun, mat.rowRange(y, Math.min(y + tileHeight, mat.rows())).clone(), tileWidth, tileHeight, borderType);
            opencv_core.vconcat(new MatVector(vertical.toArray(Mat[]::new)), matResult);
            return matResult;
        } else if (mat.cols() < tileWidth || mat.rows() < tileHeight) {
            // If the image is smaller than we can handle, add padding
            top = (tileHeight - mat.rows()) / 2;
            left = (tileWidth - mat.cols()) / 2;
            bottom = tileHeight - mat.rows() - top;
            right = tileWidth - mat.cols() - left;
            Mat matPadded = new Mat();
            opencv_core.copyMakeBorder(mat, matPadded, top, bottom, left, right, borderType);
            mat = matPadded;
            doPad = true;
        // Do the actual requested function
        // (resizing is also handy to support an early StarDist implementation)
        if (matResult.rows() != mat.rows() || matResult.cols() != mat.cols()) {
            logger.warn("Resizing tiled image from {}x{} to {}x{}", matResult.cols(), matResult.rows(), mat.cols(), mat.rows());
            opencv_imgproc.resize(matResult, matResult, mat.size());
        // Handle padding
        if (doPad) {
            matResult.put(crop(matResult, left, top, tileWidth - right - left, tileHeight - top - bottom));
    // scope.deallocate();
    return matResult;
Also used : Mat(org.bytedeco.opencv.opencv_core.Mat) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) MatVector(org.bytedeco.opencv.opencv_core.MatVector) List(java.util.List) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) PointerScope(org.bytedeco.javacpp.PointerScope) Point(org.bytedeco.opencv.opencv_core.Point)

Example 5 with MatVector

use of org.bytedeco.opencv.opencv_core.MatVector in project qupath by qupath.

the class OpenCVTools method matToImagePlus.

 * Convert an OpenCV {@code MatVector} into an ImageJ {@code ImagePlus}.
 * @param title
 * @param mats
 * @return
public static ImagePlus matToImagePlus(String title, Mat... mats) {
    ImageStack stack = null;
    int nChannels = 1;
    for (Mat mat : mats) {
        if (stack == null) {
            stack = new ImageStack(mat.cols(), mat.rows());
        } else if (mat.channels() != nChannels) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Number of channels must be the same for all Mats!");
        if (mat.channels() == 1) {
            ImageProcessor ip = matToImageProcessor(mat);
        } else {
            nChannels = mat.channels();
            MatVector split = new MatVector();
            opencv_core.split(mat, split);
            for (int c = 0; c < split.size(); c++) stack.addSlice(matToImageProcessor(split.get(c)));
    ImagePlus imp = new ImagePlus(title, stack);
    imp.setDimensions(nChannels, mats.length, 1);
    return nChannels == 1 ? imp : new CompositeImage(imp);
Also used : Mat(org.bytedeco.opencv.opencv_core.Mat) ImageProcessor(ij.process.ImageProcessor) ImageStack(ij.ImageStack) CompositeImage(ij.CompositeImage) MatVector(org.bytedeco.opencv.opencv_core.MatVector) ImagePlus(ij.ImagePlus) Point(org.bytedeco.opencv.opencv_core.Point)


Mat (org.bytedeco.opencv.opencv_core.Mat)12 MatVector (org.bytedeco.opencv.opencv_core.MatVector)12 Point (org.bytedeco.opencv.opencv_core.Point)8 ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)4 PointerScope (org.bytedeco.javacpp.PointerScope)3 DoubleIndexer (org.bytedeco.javacpp.indexer.DoubleIndexer)3 FloatIndexer (org.bytedeco.javacpp.indexer.FloatIndexer)3 IntIndexer (org.bytedeco.javacpp.indexer.IntIndexer)3 BufferedImage (java.awt.image.BufferedImage)2 ByteIndexer (org.bytedeco.javacpp.indexer.ByteIndexer)2 Indexer (org.bytedeco.javacpp.indexer.Indexer)2 ShortIndexer (org.bytedeco.javacpp.indexer.ShortIndexer)2 UByteIndexer (org.bytedeco.javacpp.indexer.UByteIndexer)2 UShortIndexer (org.bytedeco.javacpp.indexer.UShortIndexer)2 CompositeImage (ij.CompositeImage)1 ImagePlus (ij.ImagePlus)1 ImageStack (ij.ImageStack)1 ImageProcessor (ij.process.ImageProcessor)1 Graphics2D (java.awt.Graphics2D)1 Area (java.awt.geom.Area)1