use of org.ccsds.schema.sois.seds.DataTypeSetType in project CCDD by nasa.
the class CcddEDSHandler method setDataType.
* Create the parameter data type and set the specified attributes
* @param namespace
* space system
* @param parameterName
* parameter name; null to not specify
* @param dataType
* data type; null to not specify
* @param arraySize
* parameter array size; null or blank if the parameter isn't an array
* @param bitLength
* parameter bit length; null or empty if not a bit-wise parameter
* @param enumeration
* enumeration in the format <enum label>|<enum value>[|...][,...]; null to not
* specify
* @param units
* parameter units; null to not specify
* @param description
* parameter description; null to not specify
* @param description
* parameter description; null or blank to not specify
* @param stringSize
* size, in characters, of a string parameter; ignored if not a string or character
* @param uniqueID
* text used to uniquely identify data types with the same name; blank if the data
* type has no name conflict
private void setDataType(NamespaceType namespace, String parameterName, String dataType, String arraySize, String bitLength, String enumeration, String units, String description, int stringSize, String uniqueID) {
RootDataType parameterDescription = null;
// Get the data type set for this name space
DataTypeSetType dataTypeSet = namespace.getDataTypeSet();
// enumerated parameter
if (dataTypeSet == null) {
// Create the data type set
dataTypeSet = factory.createDataTypeSetType();
// Check if the parameter is an array
if (arraySize != null && !arraySize.isEmpty()) {
// Create an array type and set its attributes
ArrayDataType arrayType = factory.createArrayDataType();
String name = getReferenceByDataType(parameterName, dataType, false);
arrayType.setName(name + ARRAY);
arrayType.setDataTypeRef(name + TYPE);
ArrayDimensionsType dimList = factory.createArrayDimensionsType();
// Step through each array dimension
for (int dim : ArrayVariable.getArrayIndexFromSize(arraySize)) {
// Create a dimension entry for the array type
DimensionSizeType dimSize = factory.createDimensionSizeType();
// Add the data type information to this name space
// Check if the parameter has a primitive data type
if (dataTypeHandler.isPrimitive(dataType)) {
// Get the EDS data type corresponding to the primitive data type
EDSDataType edsDataType = getEDSDataType(dataType);
// Check if the a corresponding EDS data type exists
if (edsDataType != null) {
// Check if enumeration parameters are provided
if (enumeration != null && !enumeration.isEmpty()) {
// Create an enumeration type and enumeration list
EnumeratedDataType enumType = factory.createEnumeratedDataType();
EnumerationListType enumList = createEnumerationList(namespace, enumeration);
// Set the integer encoding (the only encoding available for an enumeration)
// and the size in bits
IntegerDataEncodingType intEncodingType = factory.createIntegerDataEncodingType();
// Check if the parameter has a bit length
if (bitLength != null && !bitLength.isEmpty()) {
// Set the size in bits to the value supplied
} else // Not a bit-wise parameter
// Set the size in bits to the full size of the data type
// Check if the data type is an unsigned integer
if (dataTypeHandler.isUnsignedInt(dataType)) {
// Set the encoding type to indicate an unsigned integer
intEncodingType.setByteOrder(endianess == EndianType.BIG_ENDIAN ? ByteOrderType.BIG_ENDIAN : ByteOrderType.LITTLE_ENDIAN);
parameterDescription = enumType;
} else // Not an enumeration
switch(edsDataType) {
// Create an integer type
IntegerDataType integerType = factory.createIntegerDataType();
IntegerDataEncodingType intEncodingType = factory.createIntegerDataEncodingType();
IntegerDataTypeRangeType integerRange = factory.createIntegerDataTypeRangeType();
// Check if the parameter has a bit length
if (bitLength != null && !bitLength.isEmpty()) {
// Set the size in bits to the value supplied
} else // Not a bit-wise parameter
// Set the size in bits to the full size of the data type
// Check if the data type is an unsigned integer
if (dataTypeHandler.isUnsignedInt(dataType)) {
// Set the encoding type to indicate an unsigned integer
intEncodingType.setByteOrder(endianess == EndianType.BIG_ENDIAN ? ByteOrderType.BIG_ENDIAN : ByteOrderType.LITTLE_ENDIAN);
setUnits(units, integerType);
parameterDescription = integerType;
case FLOAT:
// Create a float type
FloatDataType floatType = factory.createFloatDataType();
FloatDataEncodingType floatEncodingType = factory.createFloatDataEncodingType();
FloatDataTypeRangeType floatRange = factory.createFloatDataTypeRangeType();
// Set the encoding type based on the size in bytes
switch(dataTypeHandler.getSizeInBytes(dataType)) {
case 4:
case 8:
case 16:
floatEncodingType.setByteOrder(endianess == EndianType.BIG_ENDIAN ? ByteOrderType.BIG_ENDIAN : ByteOrderType.LITTLE_ENDIAN);
setUnits(units, floatType);
parameterDescription = floatType;
case STRING:
// Create a string type
StringDataType stringType = factory.createStringDataType();
StringDataEncodingType stringEncodingType = factory.createStringDataEncodingType();
stringEncodingType.setByteOrder(endianess == EndianType.BIG_ENDIAN ? ByteOrderType.BIG_ENDIAN : ByteOrderType.LITTLE_ENDIAN);
parameterDescription = stringType;
} else // Structure data type
// Create a container type for the structure
ContainerDataType containerType = factory.createContainerDataType();
containerType.setBaseType(getReferenceByDataType(parameterName, dataType, true) + getObjectIdentifier(arraySize));
parameterName = dataType;
parameterDescription = containerType;
// Set the type name
parameterDescription.setName(parameterName + TYPE + uniqueID);
// Check is a description exists
if (description != null && !description.isEmpty()) {
// Set the description attribute
// Add the data type information to this name space
use of org.ccsds.schema.sois.seds.DataTypeSetType in project CCDD by nasa.
the class CcddEDSHandler method buildNamespaces.
* Build the name spaces for the list of tables specified
* @param tableNames
* array of table names
* @param includeVariablePaths
* true to include the variable path for each variable in a structure table, both in
* application format and using the user-defined separator characters
* @param variableHandler
* variable handler class reference; null if includeVariablePaths is false
* @param separators
* string array containing the variable path separator character(s), show/hide data
* types flag ('true' or 'false'), and data type/variable name separator
* character(s); null if includeVariablePaths is false
private void buildNamespaces(String[] tableNames, boolean includeVariablePaths, CcddVariableSizeAndConversionHandler variableHandler, String[] separators) {
// Build the data field information for all fields
// Get the names of the tables representing the CCSDS telemetry and command headers
tlmHeaderTable = fieldHandler.getFieldValue(CcddFieldHandler.getFieldProjectName(), InputDataType.XML_TLM_HDR);
cmdHeaderTable = fieldHandler.getFieldValue(CcddFieldHandler.getFieldProjectName(), InputDataType.XML_CMD_HDR);
// Get the command header argument names for the application ID and the command function
// code. These are stored as project-level data fields
String ccsdsAppID = fieldHandler.getFieldValue(CcddFieldHandler.getFieldProjectName(), InputDataType.XML_APP_ID);
String ccsdsFuncCode = fieldHandler.getFieldValue(CcddFieldHandler.getFieldProjectName(), InputDataType.XML_FUNC_CODE);
// Step through each table name
for (String tableName : tableNames) {
// Check if this is a child (instance) table
if (!TableInformation.isPrototype(tableName)) {
// Get the prototype of the instance table. Only prototypes of the tables are
// used to create the space systems
tableName = TableInformation.getPrototypeName(tableName);
// Get the name of the system to which this table belongs from the table's
// system path data field (if present)
String systemPath = cleanSystemPath(fieldHandler.getFieldValue(tableName, InputDataType.SYSTEM_PATH));
// created
if (searchNamespacesForName(systemPath, tableName) != null) {
// Skip this table since it's space system has already been created
// Get the information from the database for the specified table
TableInformation tableInfo = dbTable.loadTableData(tableName, true, false, true, parent);
// Check if the table's data successfully loaded
if (!tableInfo.isErrorFlag()) {
// Get the table type and from the type get the type definition. The type
// definition can be a global parameter since if the table represents a structure,
// then all of its children are also structures, and if the table represents
// commands or other table type then it is processed within this nest level
typeDefn = tableTypeHandler.getTypeDefinition(tableInfo.getType());
// Check if the table type represents a structure or command
if (typeDefn != null && (typeDefn.isStructure() || typeDefn.isCommand())) {
// Replace all macro names with their corresponding values
// Get the application ID data field value, if present
String applicationID = fieldHandler.getFieldValue(tableName, InputDataType.MESSAGE_ID);
// Get the name of the system to which this table belongs from the table's
// system path data field (if present)
String systemPath = cleanSystemPath(fieldHandler.getFieldValue(tableName, InputDataType.SYSTEM_PATH));
// Add the name space
NamespaceType namespace = addNamespace(systemPath, tableName, tableInfo.getDescription());
// Check if this is a structure table
if (typeDefn.isStructure()) {
// Get the default column indices
int varColumn = typeDefn.getColumnIndexByInputType(InputDataType.VARIABLE);
int typeColumn = typeDefn.getColumnIndexByInputType(InputDataType.PRIM_AND_STRUCT);
int sizeColumn = typeDefn.getColumnIndexByInputType(InputDataType.ARRAY_INDEX);
int bitColumn = typeDefn.getColumnIndexByInputType(InputDataType.BIT_LENGTH);
int enumColumn = typeDefn.getColumnIndexByInputType(InputDataType.ENUMERATION);
int descColumn = typeDefn.getColumnIndexByInputType(InputDataType.DESCRIPTION);
int unitsColumn = typeDefn.getColumnIndexByInputType(InputDataType.UNITS);
int minColumn = typeDefn.getColumnIndexByInputType(InputDataType.MINIMUM);
int maxColumn = typeDefn.getColumnIndexByInputType(InputDataType.MAXIMUM);
// Set the flag to indicate if this is the telemetry header table
boolean isTlmHeaderTable = tableName.equals(tlmHeaderTable);
// Check if this is the telemetry header table
if (isTlmHeaderTable) {
// Store the telemetry header's path
tlmHeaderPath = systemPath;
// Export the parameter container for this structure
addParameterContainer(namespace, tableInfo, varColumn, typeColumn, sizeColumn, minColumn, maxColumn, isTlmHeaderTable, applicationID, ccsdsAppID);
// Step through each row in the structure table
for (String[] rowData : tableInfo.getData()) {
// used to define the array)
if (!ArrayVariable.isArrayMember(rowData[varColumn])) {
// Add the variable to the data sheet
addParameter(namespace, rowData[varColumn], rowData[typeColumn], rowData[sizeColumn], rowData[bitColumn], (enumColumn != -1 && !rowData[enumColumn].isEmpty() ? rowData[enumColumn] : null), (unitsColumn != -1 && !rowData[unitsColumn].isEmpty() ? rowData[unitsColumn] : null), (descColumn != -1 && !rowData[descColumn].isEmpty() ? rowData[descColumn] : null), (dataTypeHandler.isString(rowData[typeColumn]) && !rowData[sizeColumn].isEmpty() ? Integer.valueOf(rowData[sizeColumn].replaceAll("^.*(\\d+)$", "$1")) : 1));
} else // This is a command table
// Check if this is the command header table
if (tableName.equals(cmdHeaderTable)) {
// Store the command header's path
cmdHeaderPath = systemPath;
// Add the command(s) from this table to the data sheet
addNamespaceCommands(namespace, tableInfo, tableName.equals(cmdHeaderTable), applicationID, ccsdsAppID, ccsdsFuncCode);
// Step through each table name
for (String tableName : tableNames) {
// Get the prototype for the child
tableName = TableInformation.getPrototypeName(tableName);
// Get the name of the system to which this table belongs from the table's
// system path data field (if present)
String systemPath = cleanSystemPath(fieldHandler.getFieldValue(tableName, InputDataType.SYSTEM_PATH));
// Get the name space for this table
NamespaceType namespace = searchNamespacesForName(systemPath, tableName);
// Check if the table's name space exists
if (namespace != null) {
// Step through the each parameter type
for (RootDataType type : namespace.getDataTypeSet().getArrayDataTypeOrBinaryDataTypeOrBooleanDataType()) {
// base type it's a reference to a child structure
if (type instanceof ContainerDataType && ((ContainerDataType) type).getBaseType() != null) {
// Get the base type, which has the name space path for the child structure
String typeName = ((ContainerDataType) type).getBaseType();
// Get the beginning of the last portion of the path, which is the
// structure data type
int index = ((ContainerDataType) type).getBaseType().lastIndexOf("/");
// Check if the structure data type exists
if (index != -1) {
// Remove the structure data type, leaving only the name space path to
// the child structure's definition
typeName = typeName.substring(0, index);
// Get the name space for the child structure's definition
NamespaceType nmspc = searchNamespacesForName(null, typeName);
// Check if the name space exists
if (nmspc != null) {
DataTypeSetType dataTypeSet = nmspc.getDataTypeSet();
// Check if the child's data type set exists
if (dataTypeSet != null && !dataTypeSet.getArrayDataTypeOrBinaryDataTypeOrBooleanDataType().isEmpty()) {
// Step through each data type
for (RootDataType rootData : dataTypeSet.getArrayDataTypeOrBinaryDataTypeOrBooleanDataType()) {
// Check if this is the container with the structure's members
if (rootData instanceof ContainerDataType && rootData.getName().equals(type.getName())) {
// Set the parent structure table's list of members of the
// child structure using the child structure definition's
// list, and stop searching
((ContainerDataType) type).setEntryList(((ContainerDataType) rootData).getEntryList());
use of org.ccsds.schema.sois.seds.DataTypeSetType in project CCDD by nasa.
the class CcddEDSHandler method addParameterContainer.
* Add the parameter container
* @param namespace
* name space
* @param tableInfo
* table information reference
* @param varColumn
* variable name column index (model coordinates)
* @param typeColumn
* data type column index (model coordinates)
* @param sizeColumn
* array size column index (model coordinates)
* @param minColumn
* minimum value column index (model coordinates)
* @param maxColumn
* maximum value column index (model coordinates)
* @param isTlmHeader
* true if this table represents the CCSDS telemetry header
* @param applicationID
* application ID
* @param ccsdsAppID
* name of the command header argument containing the application ID
private void addParameterContainer(NamespaceType namespace, TableInformation tableInfo, int varColumn, int typeColumn, int sizeColumn, int minColumn, int maxColumn, boolean isTlmHeader, // TODO WHERE DOES THIS GET PUT?
String applicationID, // TODO WHERE DOES THIS GET PUT?
String ccsdsAppID) {
ContainerDataType containerType = null;
EntryListType entryList = factory.createEntryListType();
// Step through each row of data in the structure table
for (String[] rowData : tableInfo.getData()) {
// used to create the list)
if (!ArrayVariable.isArrayMember(rowData[varColumn])) {
// Store the parameter reference in the list
EntryType entryType = factory.createEntryType();
entryType.setType(getReferenceByDataType(rowData[varColumn], rowData[typeColumn], !dataTypeHandler.isPrimitive(rowData[typeColumn])) + getObjectIdentifier(rowData[sizeColumn]));
// Check if a minimum or maximum value exists
if ((minColumn != -1 && !rowData[minColumn].isEmpty()) || (maxColumn != -1 && !rowData[maxColumn].isEmpty())) {
DerivedTypeRangeType range = factory.createDerivedTypeRangeType();
MinMaxRangeType minMaxRange = factory.createMinMaxRangeType();
// Set the flag if the parameter is in integer data type
boolean isInteger = dataTypeHandler.isInteger(rowData[typeColumn]);
// Check if a minimum value is specified
if (minColumn != -1 && !rowData[minColumn].isEmpty()) {
// Set the minimum value
minMaxRange.setMin(isInteger ? BigDecimal.valueOf(Integer.valueOf(rowData[minColumn])) : BigDecimal.valueOf(Float.valueOf(rowData[minColumn])));
// Check if a maximum value is specified
if (maxColumn != -1 && !rowData[maxColumn].isEmpty()) {
// Set the maximum value
minMaxRange.setMax(isInteger ? BigDecimal.valueOf(Integer.valueOf(rowData[maxColumn])) : BigDecimal.valueOf(Float.valueOf(rowData[maxColumn])));
// Set the range
// Check if any parameters exist
if (!entryList.getEntryOrFixedValueEntryOrPaddingEntry().isEmpty()) {
// Check if the parameter sequence container set hasn't been created
if (containerType == null) {
// Create the parameter sequence container set
containerType = factory.createContainerDataType();
// Check if this is the telemetry header
if (isTlmHeader) {
containerType.setName(tlmHeaderTable + TYPE);
} else // Not the telemetry header
containerType.setName(tableInfo.getPrototypeName() + TYPE);
// Store the parameters in the parameter sequence container
// Check if any parameters exist
if (containerType != null) {
// Get the data type set for this name space
DataTypeSetType dataTypeSet = namespace.getDataTypeSet();
// enumerated parameter
if (dataTypeSet == null) {
// Create the data type set
dataTypeSet = factory.createDataTypeSetType();
// Add the parameters to the system