use of org.checkerframework.checker.nullness.qual.MonotonicNonNull in project druid by druid-io.
the class SqlSegmentsMetadataManager method replaceWithExistingSegmentIfPresent.
* For the garbage collector in Java, it's better to keep new objects short-living, but once they are old enough
* (i. e. promoted to old generation), try to keep them alive. In {@link #poll()}, we fetch and deserialize all
* existing segments each time, and then replace them in {@link #dataSourcesSnapshot}. This method allows to use
* already existing (old) segments when possible, effectively interning them a-la {@link String#intern} or {@link
*}, aiming to make the majority of {@link DataSegment} objects garbage soon after
* they are deserialized and to die in young generation. It allows to avoid fragmentation of the old generation and
* full GCs.
private DataSegment replaceWithExistingSegmentIfPresent(DataSegment segment) {
@MonotonicNonNull DataSourcesSnapshot dataSourcesSnapshot = this.dataSourcesSnapshot;
if (dataSourcesSnapshot == null) {
return segment;
@Nullable ImmutableDruidDataSource dataSource = dataSourcesSnapshot.getDataSource(segment.getDataSource());
if (dataSource == null) {
return segment;
DataSegment alreadyExistingSegment = dataSource.getSegment(segment.getId());
return alreadyExistingSegment != null ? alreadyExistingSegment : segment;
use of org.checkerframework.checker.nullness.qual.MonotonicNonNull in project ExoPlayer by google.
the class FakeVideoRenderer method shouldProcessBuffer.
protected boolean shouldProcessBuffer(long bufferTimeUs, long playbackPositionUs) {
boolean shouldProcess = super.shouldProcessBuffer(bufferTimeUs, playbackPositionUs);
boolean shouldRenderFirstFrame = output != null && (!renderedFirstFrameAfterEnable ? (getState() == Renderer.STATE_STARTED || mayRenderFirstFrameAfterEnableIfNotStarted) : !renderedFirstFrameAfterReset);
shouldProcess |= shouldRenderFirstFrame && playbackPositionUs >= streamOffsetUs;
@Nullable Object output = this.output;
if (shouldProcess && !renderedFirstFrameAfterReset && output != null) {
@MonotonicNonNull Format format = Assertions.checkNotNull(this.format);
eventDispatcher.videoSizeChanged(new VideoSize(format.width, format.height, format.rotationDegrees, format.pixelWidthHeightRatio));
renderedFirstFrameAfterReset = true;
renderedFirstFrameAfterEnable = true;
return shouldProcess;