use of org.cristalise.kernel.common.PersistencyException in project kernel by cristal-ise.
the class ItemImplementation method queryLifeCycle.
public String queryLifeCycle(SystemKey agentId, boolean filter) throws AccessRightsException, ObjectNotFoundException, PersistencyException {
Logger.msg(1, "ItemImplementation::queryLifeCycle(" + mItemPath + ") - agent: " + agentId);
try {
AgentPath agent;
try {
agent = new AgentPath(agentId);
} catch (InvalidItemPathException e) {
throw new AccessRightsException("Agent " + agentId + " doesn't exist");
Workflow wf = (Workflow) mStorage.get(mItemPath, ClusterType.LIFECYCLE + "/workflow", null);
JobArrayList jobBag = new JobArrayList();
CompositeActivity domainWf = (CompositeActivity)"workflow/domain");
jobBag.list = filter ? domainWf.calculateJobs(agent, mItemPath, true) : domainWf.calculateAllJobs(agent, mItemPath, true);
Logger.msg(1, "ItemImplementation::queryLifeCycle(" + mItemPath + ") - Returning " + jobBag.list.size() + " jobs.");
try {
return Gateway.getMarshaller().marshall(jobBag);
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new PersistencyException("Error marshalling job bag");
} catch (AccessRightsException | ObjectNotFoundException | PersistencyException e) {
throw e;
} catch (Throwable ex) {
Logger.error("ItemImplementation::queryLifeCycle(" + mItemPath + ") - Unknown error");
throw new PersistencyException("Unknown error querying jobs. Please see server log.");
use of org.cristalise.kernel.common.PersistencyException in project kernel by cristal-ise.
the class ImportItem method create.
public Path create(AgentPath agentPath, boolean reset) throws InvalidDataException, ObjectCannotBeUpdated, ObjectNotFoundException, CannotManageException, ObjectAlreadyExistsException, InvalidCollectionModification, PersistencyException {
domainPath = new DomainPath(new DomainPath(initialPath), name);
if (domainPath.exists()) {
ItemPath domItem = domainPath.getItemPath();
if (!getItemPath().equals(domItem)) {
throw new CannotManageException("Item " + domainPath + " was found with the wrong itemPath (" + domainPath.getItemPath() + " vs " + getItemPath() + ")");
} else
isDOMPathExists = false;
TraceableEntity newItem = getTraceableEntitiy();
// (re)initialise the new item with properties, workflow and collections
try {
newItem.initialise(agentPath.getSystemKey(), Gateway.getMarshaller().marshall(createItemProperties()), Gateway.getMarshaller().marshall(createCompositeActivity()), Gateway.getMarshaller().marshall(createCollections()));
} catch (Exception ex) {
Logger.error("Error initialising new item " + ns + "/" + name);
if (isNewItem)
throw new CannotManageException("Problem initialising new item. See server log:" + ex.getMessage());
History hist = new History(getItemPath(), null);
// import outcomes
for (ImportOutcome thisOutcome : outcomes) {
String outcomeData = thisOutcome.getData(ns);
// load schema and state machine
Schema schema = LocalObjectLoader.getSchema(thisOutcome.schema, thisOutcome.version);
// parse new outcome and validate
Outcome newOutcome = new Outcome(-1, outcomeData, schema);
Viewpoint impView;
try {
impView = (Viewpoint) Gateway.getStorage().get(getItemPath(), ClusterType.VIEWPOINT + "/" + thisOutcome.schema + "/" + thisOutcome.viewname, null);
if (newOutcome.isIdentical(impView.getOutcome())) {
Logger.msg(5, "ImportItem.create() - View " + thisOutcome.schema + "/" + thisOutcome.viewname + " in " + ns + "/" + name + " identical, no update required");
} else {
Logger.msg("ImportItem.create() - Difference found in view " + thisOutcome.schema + "/" + thisOutcome.viewname + " in " + ns + "/" + name);
if (!reset && !impView.getEvent().getStepPath().equals("Import")) {
Logger.msg("ImportItem.create() - Last edit was not done by import, and reset not requested. Not overwriting.");
} catch (ObjectNotFoundException ex) {
Logger.msg("ImportItem.create() - View " + thisOutcome.schema + "/" + thisOutcome.viewname + " not found in " + ns + "/" + name + ". Creating.");
impView = new Viewpoint(getItemPath(), schema, thisOutcome.viewname, -1);
// write new view/outcome/event
Event newEvent = hist.addEvent(agentPath, null, "Admin", "Import", "Import", "Import", schema, Bootstrap.getPredefSM(), PredefinedStep.DONE, thisOutcome.viewname);
Gateway.getStorage().put(getItemPath(), newOutcome, null);
Gateway.getStorage().put(getItemPath(), impView, null);
// register domain path (before collections in case of recursive collections)
if (!isDOMPathExists) {
return domainPath;
use of org.cristalise.kernel.common.PersistencyException in project kernel by cristal-ise.
the class ItemProxy method setProperty.
* Sets the vlaue of the given Property
* @param agent the Agent who is setting the Property
* @param name the name of the Property
* @param value the value of the Property
* @throws AccessRightsException Agent does not the rights to execute this operation
* @throws PersistencyException there was a database problems during this operations
* @throws InvalidDataException data was invalid
public void setProperty(AgentProxy agent, String name, String value) throws AccessRightsException, PersistencyException, InvalidDataException {
try {
String[] params = { name, value };
agent.execute(this, "WriteProperty", params);
} catch (AccessRightsException | PersistencyException | InvalidDataException e) {
throw (e);
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new PersistencyException("Could not store property:" + e.getMessage());
use of org.cristalise.kernel.common.PersistencyException in project kernel by cristal-ise.
the class Import method runActivityLogic.
* Params: Schemaname_version:Viewpoint (optional), Outcome, Timestamp (optional)
protected String runActivityLogic(AgentPath agent, ItemPath item, int transitionID, String requestData, Object locker) throws InvalidDataException, PersistencyException, ObjectNotFoundException {
String[] params = getDataList(requestData);
if (Logger.doLog(3))
Logger.msg(3, "Import: called by " + agent + " on " + item + " with parameters " + Arrays.toString(params));
int split1 = params[0].indexOf('_');
int split2 = params[0].indexOf(':');
if (split1 == -1)
throw new InvalidDataException("Import: Invalid parameters " + Arrays.toString(params));
requestData = params[1];
Schema schema;
String viewpoint = null;
String schemaName = params[0].substring(0, split1);
int schemaVersion;
if (split2 > -1) {
schemaVersion = Integer.parseInt(params[0].substring(split1 + 1, split2));
viewpoint = params[0].substring(split2 + 1);
} else
schemaVersion = Integer.parseInt(params[0].substring(split1 + 1));
schema = LocalObjectLoader.getSchema(schemaName, schemaVersion);
String timestamp;
if (params.length == 3)
timestamp = params[2];
timestamp = DateUtility.timeToString(DateUtility.getNow());
// write event, outcome and viewpoints to storage
TransactionManager storage = Gateway.getStorage();
History hist = getWf().getHistory();
Event event = hist.addEvent(agent, null, getCurrentAgentRole(), getName(), getPath(), getType(), schema, getStateMachine(), transitionID, viewpoint, timestamp);
try {
storage.put(item, new Outcome(event.getID(), requestData, schema), locker);
storage.put(item, new Viewpoint(item, schema, viewpoint, event.getID()), locker);
if (!"last".equals(viewpoint))
storage.put(item, new Viewpoint(item, schema, "last", event.getID()), locker);
} catch (PersistencyException e) {
throw e;
return requestData;
use of org.cristalise.kernel.common.PersistencyException in project kernel by cristal-ise.
the class ReplaceDomainWorkflow method runActivityLogic.
protected String runActivityLogic(AgentPath agent, ItemPath item, int transitionID, String requestData, Object locker) throws InvalidDataException, PersistencyException {
Workflow lifeCycle = getWf();
String[] params = getDataList(requestData);
if (Logger.doLog(3))
Logger.msg(3, "ReplaceDomainWorkflow: called by " + agent + " on " + item + " with parameters " + Arrays.toString(params));
if (params.length != 1)
throw new InvalidDataException("ReplaceDomainWorkflow: Invalid parameters " + Arrays.toString(params));
CompositeActivity domain;
try {
domain = (CompositeActivity) Gateway.getMarshaller().unmarshall(params[0]);
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new InvalidDataException("ReplaceDomainWorkflow: Could not unmarshall new workflow: " + e.getMessage());
lifeCycle.initChild(domain, true, new GraphPoint(150, 100));
// if new workflow, activate it, otherwise refresh the jobs
if (!, item, locker);
// store new wf
try {
Gateway.getStorage().put(item, lifeCycle, locker);
} catch (PersistencyException e) {
throw new PersistencyException("ReplaceDomainWorkflow: Could not write new workflow to storage: " + e.getMessage());
return requestData;