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Example 1 with ValueRange

use of in project org.csstudio.display.builder by kasemir.

the class PlotProcessor method roundValueRange.

 * Round value range up/down to add a little room above & below the exact range.
 *  This results in "locking" to a nice looking range for a while
 *  until a new sample outside of the rounded range is added.
 *  @param low Low and
 *  @param high high end of value range
 *  @return Adjusted range
public ValueRange roundValueRange(final double low, final double high) {
    final double size = Math.abs(high - low);
    if (size > 0) {
        // Add 2 digits to the 'tight' order of magnitude
        final double order_of_magnitude = Math.floor(Log10.log10(size)) - 2;
        final double round = Math.pow(10, order_of_magnitude);
        return new ValueRange(Math.floor(low / round) * round, Math.ceil(high / round) * round);
    } else
        return new ValueRange(low, high);
Also used : ValueRange(

Example 2 with ValueRange

use of in project org.csstudio.display.builder by kasemir.

the class ImageConfigDialog method createContent.

private Node createContent() {
    final GridPane layout = new GridPane();
    // Debug layout
    // layout.setGridLinesVisible(true);
    // Row to use for the next elements
    int row = 0;
    Label label = new Label("Value Range");
    final Font font = label.getFont();
    final Font section_font = Font.font(font.getFamily(), FontWeight.BOLD, font.getSize());
    layout.add(label, 0, ++row);
    // Only show the color mapping selector when it's currently a named mapping.
    // Suppress when widget has a custom color map.
    final ColorMappingFunction selected_mapping = plot.internalGetImagePlot().getColorMapping();
    if (selected_mapping instanceof NamedColorMapping) {
        label = new Label("Mapping");
        layout.add(label, 1, row);
        final ComboBox<String> mappings = new ComboBox<>();
        for (NamedColorMapping mapping : NamedColorMappings.getMappings()) mappings.getItems().add(mapping.getName());
        mappings.setValue(((NamedColorMapping) selected_mapping).getName());
        mappings.setOnAction(event -> {
            final NamedColorMapping mapping = NamedColorMappings.getMapping(mappings.getValue());
        layout.add(mappings, 2, row++);
    label = new Label("Minimum");
    layout.add(label, 1, row);
    final TextField min = new TextField(Double.toString(plot.getValueRange().getLow()));
    layout.add(min, 2, row);
    label = new Label("Maximum");
    layout.add(label, 1, ++row);
    final TextField max = new TextField(Double.toString(plot.getValueRange().getHigh()));
    layout.add(max, 2, row);
    final EventHandler<ActionEvent> update_range = event -> {
        try {
            plot.setValueRange(Double.parseDouble(min.getText().trim()), Double.parseDouble(max.getText().trim()));
        } catch (NumberFormatException ex) {
            final ValueRange range = plot.getValueRange();
    final CheckBox autoscale = new CheckBox("auto-scale");
    autoscale.setOnAction(event -> {
    layout.add(autoscale, 2, ++row);
    final CheckBox show_color_bar = new CheckBox("show color bar");
    show_color_bar.setOnAction(event -> plot.showColorMap(show_color_bar.isSelected()));
    layout.add(show_color_bar, 2, ++row);
    final CheckBox logscale = new CheckBox("log scale");
    logscale.setOnAction(event -> {
    layout.add(logscale, 2, ++row);
    label = new Label("Horizontal Axis");
    layout.add(label, 0, ++row);
    row = addAxisContent(layout, row, plot.getXAxis());
    label = new Label("Vertical Axis");
    layout.add(label, 0, ++row);
    row = addAxisContent(layout, row, plot.getYAxis());
    return layout;
Also used : NamedColorMapping(org.csstudio.javafx.rtplot.NamedColorMapping) EventHandler(javafx.event.EventHandler) FontWeight(javafx.scene.text.FontWeight) Activator(org.csstudio.javafx.rtplot.Activator) NamedColorMappings(org.csstudio.javafx.rtplot.NamedColorMappings) TextField(javafx.scene.control.TextField) Modality(javafx.stage.Modality) Dialog(javafx.scene.control.Dialog) Label(javafx.scene.control.Label) ButtonType(javafx.scene.control.ButtonType) Node(javafx.scene.Node) CheckBox(javafx.scene.control.CheckBox) Font(javafx.scene.text.Font) ValueRange( ActionEvent(javafx.event.ActionEvent) ComboBox(javafx.scene.control.ComboBox) RTImagePlot(org.csstudio.javafx.rtplot.RTImagePlot) ImageView(javafx.scene.image.ImageView) ColorMappingFunction(org.csstudio.javafx.rtplot.ColorMappingFunction) Axis(org.csstudio.javafx.rtplot.Axis) GridPane(javafx.scene.layout.GridPane) GridPane(javafx.scene.layout.GridPane) ComboBox(javafx.scene.control.ComboBox) ActionEvent(javafx.event.ActionEvent) ColorMappingFunction(org.csstudio.javafx.rtplot.ColorMappingFunction) Label(javafx.scene.control.Label) Font(javafx.scene.text.Font) ValueRange( CheckBox(javafx.scene.control.CheckBox) NamedColorMapping(org.csstudio.javafx.rtplot.NamedColorMapping) TextField(javafx.scene.control.TextField)

Example 3 with ValueRange

use of in project org.csstudio.display.builder by kasemir.

the class PlotProcessor method stagger.

 * Stagger the range of axes
public void stagger() {
    thread_pool.execute(() -> {
        final double GAP = 0.1;
        // Arrange all axes so they don't overlap by assigning 1/Nth of
        // the vertical range to each one
        // Determine range of each axes' traces in parallel
        final List<YAxisImpl<XTYPE>> y_axes = new ArrayList<>();
        final List<AxisRange<Double>> original_ranges = new ArrayList<>();
        final List<AxisRange<Double>> new_ranges = new ArrayList<>();
        final List<Future<ValueRange>> ranges = new ArrayList<Future<ValueRange>>();
        for (YAxisImpl<XTYPE> axis : plot.getYAxes()) {
            // As fallback, assume that new range matches old range
            ranges.add(determineValueRange(axis, plot.getXAxis().getValueRange()));
        final int N = y_axes.size();
        for (int i = 0; i < N; ++i) {
            final YAxisImpl<XTYPE> axis = y_axes.get(i);
            // Does axis handle itself in another way?
            if (axis.isAutoscale())
            // Fetch range of values on this axis
            final ValueRange axis_range;
            try {
                axis_range = ranges.get(i).get();
            } catch (Exception ex) {
                logger.log(Level.WARNING, "Axis stagger error", ex);
            // Skip axis which for some reason cannot determine its range
            double low = axis_range.getLow();
            double high = axis_range.getHigh();
            if (low > high)
            if (low == high) {
                // Center trace with constant value (empty range)
                final double half = Math.abs(low / 2);
                low -= half;
                high += half;
            if (axis.isLogarithmic()) {
                // Transition into log space
                low = Log10.log10(low);
                high = Log10.log10(high);
            double span = high - low;
            // Make some extra space
            low -= GAP * span;
            high += GAP * span;
            span = high - low;
            // With N axes, assign 1/Nth of the vertical plot space to this axis
            // by shifting the span down according to the axis index,
            // using a total of N*range.
            low -= (N - i - 1) * span;
            high += i * span;
            final ValueRange rounded = roundValueRange(low, high);
            low = rounded.getLow();
            high = rounded.getHigh();
            if (axis.isLogarithmic()) {
                // Revert from log space
                low = Log10.pow10(low);
                high = Log10.pow10(high);
            // Sanity check for empty traces
            if (low < high && !Double.isInfinite(low) && !Double.isInfinite(high)) {
                final AxisRange<Double> orig = original_ranges.get(i);
                final boolean normal = orig.getLow() < orig.getHigh();
                new_ranges.set(i, normal ? new AxisRange<Double>(low, high) : new AxisRange<Double>(high, low));
        // 'Stagger' tends to be on-demand,
        // or executed infrequently as archived data arrives after a zoom operation
        // -> Use undo, which also notifies listeners
        plot.getUndoableActionManager().execute(new ChangeAxisRanges<>(plot, Messages.Zoom_Stagger, y_axes, original_ranges, new_ranges, null));
Also used : ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) TimeoutException(java.util.concurrent.TimeoutException) ValueRange( AxisRange(org.csstudio.javafx.rtplot.AxisRange) Future(java.util.concurrent.Future)

Example 4 with ValueRange

use of in project org.csstudio.display.builder by kasemir.

the class PlotProcessor method autoscale.

 * Perform autoscale for all axes that are marked as such
public void autoscale() {
    // Determine range of each axes' traces in parallel
    final List<YAxisImpl<XTYPE>> all_y_axes = plot.getYAxes();
    final List<YAxisImpl<XTYPE>> y_axes = new ArrayList<>();
    final List<Future<ValueRange>> ranges = new ArrayList<Future<ValueRange>>();
    for (YAxisImpl<XTYPE> axis : all_y_axes) if (axis.isAutoscale()) {
        ranges.add(determineValueRange(axis, plot.getXAxis().getValueRange()));
    // If X axis is auto-scale, schedule fetching its range
    final Future<AxisRange<XTYPE>> pos_range = plot.getXAxis().isAutoscale() ? determinePositionRange(all_y_axes) : null;
    final int N = y_axes.size();
    for (int i = 0; i < N; ++i) {
        final YAxisImpl<XTYPE> axis = y_axes.get(i);
        try {
            final ValueRange new_range = ranges.get(i).get();
            double low = new_range.getLow(), high = new_range.getHigh();
            if (low > high)
            if (low == high) {
                // Center trace with constant value (empty range)
                final double half = Math.abs(low / 2);
                low -= half;
                high += half;
            if (axis.isLogarithmic()) {
                // But first, refuse to deal with <= 0
                if (low <= 0.0)
                    low = 1;
                if (high <= low)
                    high = 100;
                low = Log10.log10(low);
                high = Log10.log10(high);
            final ValueRange rounded = roundValueRange(low, high);
            low = rounded.getLow();
            high = rounded.getHigh();
            if (axis.isLogarithmic()) {
                low = Log10.pow10(low);
                high = Log10.pow10(high);
            } else {
                // Stretch range a little bit
                // (but not for log scale, where low just above 0
                // could be stretched to <= 0)
                final double headroom = (high - low) * 0.05;
                low -= headroom;
                high += headroom;
            // Do not use undo, but notify listeners.
            if (low != high) {
                final AxisRange<Double> orig = axis.getValueRange();
                final boolean normal = orig.getLow() < orig.getHigh();
                final boolean changed = normal ? axis.setValueRange(low, high) : axis.setValueRange(high, low);
                if (changed)
        } catch (Exception ex) {
            logger.log(Level.WARNING, "Axis autorange error for " + axis, ex);
    if (pos_range == null)
    try {
        final AxisRange<XTYPE> range = pos_range.get();
        if (range == null)
        plot.getXAxis().setValueRange(range.getLow(), range.getHigh());
    } catch (Exception ex) {
        logger.log(Level.WARNING, "Axis autorange error for " + plot.getXAxis(), ex);
Also used : ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) TimeoutException(java.util.concurrent.TimeoutException) ValueRange( AxisRange(org.csstudio.javafx.rtplot.AxisRange) Future(java.util.concurrent.Future)


ValueRange ( ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)2 Future (java.util.concurrent.Future)2 TimeoutException (java.util.concurrent.TimeoutException)2 AxisRange (org.csstudio.javafx.rtplot.AxisRange)2 ActionEvent (javafx.event.ActionEvent)1 EventHandler (javafx.event.EventHandler)1 Node (javafx.scene.Node)1 ButtonType (javafx.scene.control.ButtonType)1 CheckBox (javafx.scene.control.CheckBox)1 ComboBox (javafx.scene.control.ComboBox)1 Dialog (javafx.scene.control.Dialog)1 Label (javafx.scene.control.Label)1 TextField (javafx.scene.control.TextField)1 ImageView (javafx.scene.image.ImageView)1 GridPane (javafx.scene.layout.GridPane)1 Font (javafx.scene.text.Font)1 FontWeight (javafx.scene.text.FontWeight)1 Modality (javafx.stage.Modality)1 Activator (org.csstudio.javafx.rtplot.Activator)1