use of in project cytoscape-impl by cytoscape.
the class AttributeValueUtil method handleAttribute.
@SuppressWarnings({ "unchecked", "rawtypes" })
protected ParseState handleAttribute(Attributes atts) throws SAXParseException {
ParseState parseState = ParseState.NONE;
final String name = atts.getValue("name");
String type = atts.getValue("type");
String cyType = atts.getValue("cy:type");
if ("has_nested_network".equals(name))
type = ObjectType.BOOLEAN.getXgmmlValue();
final boolean isEquation = ObjectTypeMap.fromXGMMLBoolean(atts.getValue("cy:equation"));
final boolean isHidden = ObjectTypeMap.fromXGMMLBoolean(atts.getValue("cy:hidden"));
final CyIdentifiable curElement = manager.getCurrentElement();
CyNetwork curNet = manager.getCurrentNetwork();
// under the group subgraph, but the edge will be created on the root-network only,
if (curElement instanceof CyNode || curElement instanceof CyEdge) {
boolean containsElement = (curElement instanceof CyNode && curNet.containsNode((CyNode) curElement));
containsElement |= (curElement instanceof CyEdge && curNet.containsEdge((CyEdge) curElement));
// So if the current network does not contain this element, the CyRootNetwork should contain it
if (!containsElement)
curNet = manager.getRootNetwork();
CyRow row = null;
if (isHidden) {
row = curNet.getRow(curElement, CyNetwork.HIDDEN_ATTRS);
} else {
// Network name must be local, right? What about other network attributes?
if (CyNetwork.SELECTED.equals(name) || (curElement instanceof CyNetwork))
row = curNet.getRow(curElement, CyNetwork.LOCAL_ATTRS);
// Will be created in the shared table
row = curNet.getRow(curElement, CyNetwork.DEFAULT_ATTRS);
CyTable table = row.getTable();
CyColumn column = table.getColumn(name);
if (column != null) {
// Check if it's a virtual column
// It's necessary because the source row may not exist yet, which would throw an exception
// when the value is set. Doing this forces the creation of the source row.
final VirtualColumnInfo info = column.getVirtualColumnInfo();
if (info.isVirtual()) {
final CyTable srcTable = info.getSourceTable();
final CyColumn srcColumn = srcTable.getColumn(info.getSourceColumn());
final Class<?> jkColType = table.getColumn(info.getTargetJoinKey()).getType();
final Object jkValue = row.get(info.getTargetJoinKey(), jkColType);
final Collection<CyRow> srcRowList = srcTable.getMatchingRows(info.getSourceJoinKey(), jkValue);
final CyRow srcRow;
if (srcRowList == null || srcRowList.isEmpty()) {
if (info.getTargetJoinKey().equals(CyIdentifiable.SUID)) {
// Try to create the row
srcRow = srcTable.getRow(jkValue);
} else {
logger.error("Unable to import virtual column \"" + name + "\": The source table \"" + srcTable.getTitle() + "\" does not have any matching rows for join key \"" + info.getSourceJoinKey() + "=" + jkValue + "\".");
return parseState;
} else {
srcRow = srcRowList.iterator().next();
// Use the source table instead
table = srcTable;
column = srcColumn;
row = srcRow;
} else {
// Also check if the column exists in a network's local table
final Class<? extends CyIdentifiable> tableType;
if (curElement instanceof CyNode)
tableType = CyNode.class;
else if (curElement instanceof CyEdge)
tableType = CyEdge.class;
tableType = CyNetwork.class;
if (existsInLocalTable(name, tableType, manager.getRootNetwork()))
row = curNet.getRow(curElement, CyNetwork.LOCAL_ATTRS);
Object value = null;
final ObjectType objType = typeMap.fromXgmml(cyType, type);
if (isEquation) {
// It is an equation...
String formula = atts.getValue("value");
if (name != null && formula != null) {
manager.addEquationString(row, name, formula);
} else {
// Regular attribute value...
value = getTypedAttributeValue(objType, atts, name);
switch(objType) {
if (name != null)
setAttribute(row, name, Boolean.class, (Boolean) value);
case REAL:
if (name != null) {
if (SUIDUpdater.isUpdatable(name))
setAttribute(row, name, Long.class, (Long) value);
setAttribute(row, name, Double.class, (Double) value);
if (name != null) {
if (SUIDUpdater.isUpdatable(name))
setAttribute(row, name, Long.class, (Long) value);
setAttribute(row, name, Integer.class, (Integer) value);
case LONG:
if (name != null)
setAttribute(row, name, Long.class, (Long) value);
case STRING:
if (name != null)
setAttribute(row, name, String.class, (String) value);
// must make sure to clear out any existing values before we parse.
case LIST:
manager.currentAttributeID = name;
if (column != null && List.class.isAssignableFrom(column.getType()))
row.set(name, null);
if (column == null) {
// Since Cytoscape v3.3
final String elementType = atts.getValue("cy:elementType");
if (elementType != null) {
final ObjectType elementObjType = typeMap.fromXgmml(elementType, null);
final Class<?> clazz = typeMap.getClass(elementObjType, name);
table.createListColumn(name, clazz, false, new ArrayList());
column = row.getTable().getColumn(name);
manager.listAttrHolder = new ArrayList<Object>();
return ParseState.LIST_ATT;
return parseState;
use of in project cytoscape-impl by cytoscape.
the class HandleEdgeAttribute method handle.
public ParseState handle(String tag, Attributes atts, ParseState current) throws SAXException {
if (atts == null)
return current;
manager.attState = current;
// application generates the CYS file with redundant <att> tags for 3.0+.
if (!manager.isSessionFormat() || manager.getDocumentVersion() < 3.0) {
// Is this a graphics override?
String name = atts.getValue(NAME);
// Check for blank attribute
final String value = atts.getValue(VALUE);
if (name == null && value == null)
return current;
if (manager.getDocumentVersion() < 3.0) {
// Writing locked visual properties as regular <att> tags is deprecated!
if (name.startsWith("edge.")) {
// It is a bypass attribute...
name = name.replace(".", "").toLowerCase();
manager.addGraphicsAttribute(manager.getCurrentEdge(), name, value);
ParseState nextState = attributeValueUtil.handleAttribute(atts);
if (nextState != ParseState.NONE)
return nextState;
return current;
use of in project cytoscape-impl by cytoscape.
the class HandleGraphAttribute method handle.
public ParseState handle(String tag, Attributes atts, ParseState current) throws SAXException {
if (atts == null)
return current;
manager.attState = current;
ParseState nextState = current;
String attName = atts.getValue(AttributeValueUtil.ATTR_NAME);
if (attName == null && atts.getValue("value") == null)
return current;
// Look for "special" network attributes
if (attName.equals("documentVersion")) {
// Old format only!
manager.setDocumentVersion(attributeValueUtil.getAttributeValue(atts, attName));
} else if (attName.matches("backgroundColor|GRAPH_VIEW_ZOOM|GRAPH_VIEW_CENTER_[XY]|NODE_SIZE_LOCKED")) {
String attValue = attributeValueUtil.getAttributeValue(atts, attName);
manager.addGraphicsAttribute(manager.getCurrentNetwork(), attName, attValue);
} else {
nextState = attributeValueUtil.handleAttribute(atts);
if (nextState != ParseState.NONE)
return nextState;
return current;
use of in project cytoscape-impl by cytoscape.
the class HandleGraphGraphics method handle.
public ParseState handle(String tag, Attributes atts, ParseState current) throws SAXException {
if (atts == null)
return current;
manager.attState = current;
ParseState nextState = current;
if (tag.equals("graphics")) {
manager.addGraphicsAttributes(manager.getCurrentNetwork(), atts);
} else if (tag.equals("att")) {
String name = atts.getValue(AttributeValueUtil.ATTR_NAME);
String value = atts.getValue(AttributeValueUtil.ATTR_VALUE);
if (name != null && value != null)
manager.addGraphicsAttribute(manager.getCurrentNetwork(), name, value);
if (nextState != ParseState.NONE)
return nextState;
return current;
use of in project cytoscape-impl by cytoscape.
the class HandleNodeAttribute method handle.
public ParseState handle(String tag, Attributes atts, ParseState current) throws SAXException {
if (atts == null)
return current;
manager.attState = current;
// the CYS file with redundant <att> tags for 3.0+.
if (!manager.isSessionFormat() || manager.getDocumentVersion() < 3.0) {
// Is this a graphics override?
String name = atts.getValue("name");
// Check for blank attribute (e.g. surrounding a group)
if (name == null && atts.getValue("value") == null)
return current;
if (manager.getDocumentVersion() < 3.0) {
if (name.startsWith("node.")) {
// It is a bypass attribute...
// Writing locked visual properties as regular <att> tags is deprecated!
name = name.replace(".", "").toLowerCase();
String value = atts.getValue("value");
manager.addGraphicsAttribute(manager.getCurrentNode(), name, value);
} else if (name.equals("nested_network_id")) {
// Handle 2.x nested network as network pointer
final String netId = atts.getValue("value");
final CyNode node = manager.getCurrentNode();
// because the first one may be a 2.x group-network
if (netId != null && !netId.equals(manager.getCache().getNetworkPointerId(node)))
manager.getCache().addNetworkPointer(node, netId);
ParseState nextState = attributeValueUtil.handleAttribute(atts);
if (nextState != ParseState.NONE)
return nextState;
return current;