use of org.cytoscape.model.subnetwork.CySubNetwork in project cytoscape-impl by cytoscape.
the class SessionXGMMLNetworkWriterTest method testNetworkPointerFromSameRootNetwork.
public void testNetworkPointerFromSameRootNetwork() {
// Create a subnetwork from the same root
CySubNetwork subNet = rootNet.addSubNetwork();
// To force all nested node graphs to be written as XLinks!
setRegistered(subNet, true);
// Set it as network pointer to 2 nodes
CyNode n1 = net.getNodeList().get(0);
CyNode n2 = net.getNodeList().get(1);
// Test
assertEquals(2, evalNumber("count(/x:graph//x:node/x:att/x:graph)"));
assertEquals("" + subNet.getSUID(), getElementId("//x:node[@id=" + n1.getSUID() + "]/x:att/x:graph"));
assertEquals("" + subNet.getSUID(), getElementId("//x:node[@id=" + n2.getSUID() + "]/x:att/x:graph"));
use of org.cytoscape.model.subnetwork.CySubNetwork in project cytoscape-impl by cytoscape.
the class SessionXGMMLNetworkWriterTest method testUnregisteredSubNetworkSavedIfSessionSavePolicy.
public void testUnregisteredSubNetworkSavedIfSessionSavePolicy() throws UnsupportedEncodingException {
CySubNetwork sn = rootNet.addSubNetwork();
// It doesn't matter
setRegistered(sn, false);
assertEquals("0", evalString("/x:graph/x:att/x:graph[@id=" + sn.getSUID() + "]/@cy:registered"));
use of org.cytoscape.model.subnetwork.CySubNetwork in project cytoscape-impl by cytoscape.
the class GMLNetworkReaderTest method testReadGmlAttributes.
public void testReadGmlAttributes() throws Exception {
final GMLNetworkReader reader = readGML("src/test/resources/testData/gml/example2.gml");
final CyNetwork[] networks = reader.getNetworks();
final CyNetworkView[] networkViews = new CyNetworkView[networks.length];
int i = 0;
for (CyNetwork net : networks) {
networkViews[i] = reader.buildCyNetworkView(net);
assertEquals(1, networkViews.length);
final CyNetworkView view = networkViews[0];
final CyNetwork net = view.getModel();
assertEquals(2, net.getNodeCount());
assertEquals(1, net.getEdgeCount());
final CyNode n1 = getNodeByName(net, "node1");
final CyNode n2 = getNodeByName(net, "node2");
final CyEdge e = getEdgeByName(net, "node1 (pp) node2");
// CyTable Data:
final CyRootNetwork rootNet = ((CySubNetwork) net).getRootNetwork();
CyRow row = rootNet.getRow(n1, CyRootNetwork.SHARED_ATTRS);
assertEquals(new Integer(0), row.get("att1", Integer.class));
assertEquals(new Double(0.0), row.get("att2", Double.class));
assertEquals("", row.get("att3", String.class));
row = rootNet.getRow(n2, CyRootNetwork.SHARED_ATTRS);
assertEquals(new Integer(10), row.get("att1", Integer.class));
assertEquals(new Double(10.1), row.get("att2", Double.class));
assertEquals("MyString", row.get("att3", String.class));
row = rootNet.getRow(e, CyRootNetwork.SHARED_ATTRS);
assertEquals(new Integer(2), row.get("att4", Integer.class));
assertEquals(new Double(2.2), row.get("att5", Double.class));
assertEquals("Another string...", row.get("att6", String.class));
// Visual Properties:
final View<CyNode> nv1 = view.getNodeView(n1);
final View<CyNode> nv2 = view.getNodeView(n2);
final View<CyEdge> ev = view.getEdgeView(e);
assertEquals("My GML Network", view.getVisualProperty(NETWORK_TITLE));
assertEquals(64.0, nv1.getVisualProperty(NODE_WIDTH), 0.0);
assertEquals(32.0, nv1.getVisualProperty(NODE_HEIGHT), 0.0);
assertEquals(-66.0, nv1.getVisualProperty(NODE_X_LOCATION), 0.0);
assertEquals(-71.0, nv1.getVisualProperty(NODE_Y_LOCATION), 0.0);
assertEquals(Color.decode("#ffcccc"), nv1.getVisualProperty(NODE_FILL_COLOR));
assertEquals(Color.decode("#ff6666"), nv1.getVisualProperty(NODE_BORDER_PAINT));
assertEquals(3.0, nv1.getVisualProperty(NODE_BORDER_WIDTH), 0.0);
assertEquals(NodeShapeVisualProperty.TRIANGLE, nv1.getVisualProperty(NODE_SHAPE));
assertEquals(40.0, nv2.getVisualProperty(NODE_WIDTH), 0.0);
assertEquals(39.999, nv2.getVisualProperty(NODE_HEIGHT), 0.001);
assertEquals(60.5289, nv2.getVisualProperty(NODE_X_LOCATION), 0.0001);
assertEquals(77.4868, nv2.getVisualProperty(NODE_Y_LOCATION), 0.0001);
assertEquals(Color.decode("#ffffcc"), nv2.getVisualProperty(NODE_FILL_COLOR));
assertEquals(Color.decode("#999900"), nv2.getVisualProperty(NODE_BORDER_PAINT));
assertEquals(4.0, nv2.getVisualProperty(NODE_BORDER_WIDTH), 0.0);
assertEquals(NodeShapeVisualProperty.OCTAGON, nv2.getVisualProperty(NODE_SHAPE));
assertEquals(4.0, ev.getVisualProperty(EDGE_WIDTH), 0.0);
assertEquals(Color.decode("#660066"), ev.getVisualProperty(EDGE_UNSELECTED_PAINT));
assertEquals(Color.decode("#660066"), ev.getVisualProperty(EDGE_STROKE_UNSELECTED_PAINT));
assertEquals(LineTypeVisualProperty.SOLID, ev.getVisualProperty(EDGE_LINE_TYPE));
assertEquals(ArrowShapeVisualProperty.CIRCLE, ev.getVisualProperty(EDGE_SOURCE_ARROW_SHAPE));
assertEquals(ArrowShapeVisualProperty.DIAMOND, ev.getVisualProperty(EDGE_TARGET_ARROW_SHAPE));
use of org.cytoscape.model.subnetwork.CySubNetwork in project cytoscape-impl by cytoscape.
the class ReadDataManager method createEdge.
protected CyEdge createEdge(final Object sourceId, final Object targetId, Object id, final String label, final boolean directed, final CyNetwork net) {
if (id == null)
id = label;
CyNode source = cache.getNode(sourceId);
CyNode target = cache.getNode(targetId);
final boolean haveTarget = target != null;
final boolean haveSource = source != null;
// (it can happen if the edge is written before its nodes in the XGMML document)
if (!haveSource)
source = createNode(sourceId, null, net);
if (!haveTarget)
target = createNode(targetId, null, net);
// Create the edge
final CyNetwork curNet = getCurrentNetwork();
final CyEdge edge = createEdge(source, target, id, label, directed, net);
if (curNet instanceof CySubNetwork) {
// If the actual node elements are not parsed later, they should be deleted from this subnetwork.
if (!haveSource)
cache.addUnresolvedNode(source, (CySubNetwork) curNet);
if (!haveTarget)
cache.addUnresolvedNode(target, (CySubNetwork) curNet);
return edge;
use of org.cytoscape.model.subnetwork.CySubNetwork in project cytoscape-impl by cytoscape.
the class ReadDataManager method createEdge.
protected CyEdge createEdge(final CyNode source, final CyNode target, Object id, final String label, final boolean directed, CyNetwork net) {
CyEdge edge = null;
if (id == null)
id = label;
if (net instanceof CySubNetwork && this.getParentNetwork() != null) {
// Do not create the element again if the network is a sub-network and the edge already exists!
edge = cache.getEdge(id);
if (edge != null)
((CySubNetwork) net).addEdge(edge);
if (edge == null) {
// OK, create it
// But first get the actual source/target instances from the current network,
// because both node instances have to belong to the same root or sub-network.
CyNode actualSrc = net.getNode(source.getSUID());
CyNode actualTgt = net.getNode(target.getSUID());
// For 2.x groups
List<Long> extEdgeIds = null;
if ((getDocumentVersion() < 3.0 || !isSessionFormat()) && (actualSrc == null || actualTgt == null)) {
// The nodes might have been added to other sub-networks, but not to the current one.
// If that is the case, the root network should have both nodes,
// so let's just add the edge to the root.
final CyRootNetwork rootNet = getRootNetwork();
if (actualSrc == null)
actualSrc = rootNet.getNode(source.getSUID());
if (actualTgt == null)
actualTgt = rootNet.getNode(target.getSUID());
// Does the current subnetwork belong to a 2.x group?
if (getDocumentVersion() < 3.0 && !compoundNodeStack.isEmpty() && networkStack.size() > 1) {
// Get the current compound node
final CyNode grNode = compoundNodeStack.peek();
// Get the network of that node (the current one is its network pointer)
final CyNetwork parentNet = cache.getNetwork(networkStack.elementAt(networkStack.size() - 2));
// Check for the group's metadata attribute
final CyRow gnhRow = parentNet.getRow(grNode, CyNetwork.HIDDEN_ATTRS);
if (gnhRow.isSet(GROUP_STATE_ATTRIBUTE)) {
// It's a group!
// Get the network pointer's hidden row
final CyRow nphRow = net.getRow(net, CyNetwork.HIDDEN_ATTRS);
// Add extra metadata for external edges, so that the information is not lost
if (nphRow.getTable().getColumn(EXTERNAL_EDGE_ATTRIBUTE) == null) {
nphRow.getTable().createListColumn(EXTERNAL_EDGE_ATTRIBUTE, Long.class, false);
// These are already the new SUIDs. Let's tell the SUIDUpdater to ignore this column,
// in order to prevent it from replacing the correct list by an empty one.
suidUpdater.ignoreColumn(nphRow.getTable(), EXTERNAL_EDGE_ATTRIBUTE);
extEdgeIds = nphRow.getList(EXTERNAL_EDGE_ATTRIBUTE, Long.class);
if (extEdgeIds == null) {
nphRow.set(EXTERNAL_EDGE_ATTRIBUTE, new ArrayList<Long>());
extEdgeIds = nphRow.getList(EXTERNAL_EDGE_ATTRIBUTE, Long.class);
net = rootNet;
edge = net.addEdge(actualSrc, actualTgt, directed);
if (extEdgeIds != null)
mapSUIDs(id, edge.getSUID());
// Add to internal cache:
cache.cache(id, edge);
return edge;