use of org.dcache.xrootd.protocol.messages.AwaitAsyncResponse in project dcache by dCache.
the class XrootdRedirectHandler method conditionallyHandleThirdPartyRequest.
* <p>Special handling of third-party requests. Distinguishes among
* several different cases for the open and either returns a response directly to the caller or
* proceeds with the usual mover open and redirect to the pool by returning <code>null</code>.
* Also verifies the rendezvous information in the case of the destination server contacting
* dCache as source.</p>
* <p>With the modified TPC lite (delegation) protocol, there is no
* need to wait for the rendezvous destination check by comparing the open from the source.</p>
* <p>There is also the case where no delegated proxy exists but
* a different authentication protocol (like ZTN/scitokens) is being used. It seems that even
* with delegation in this case the initiating client does not call open. A check for authz in
* the opaque data has been added (03/21/2021).</p>
private XrootdResponse<OpenRequest> conditionallyHandleThirdPartyRequest(OpenRequest req, LoginSessionInfo loginSessionInfo, Map<String, String> opaque, FsPath fsPath, String remoteHost) throws CacheException, XrootdException, ParseException {
if (!_door.isReadAllowed(fsPath)) {
throw new PermissionDeniedCacheException("Read permission denied");
Subject subject = loginSessionInfo.getSubject();
Restriction restriction = loginSessionInfo.getRestriction();
if ("placement".equals(opaque.get("tpc.stage"))) {
FileStatus status = _door.getFileStatus(fsPath, subject, restriction, remoteHost);
int fd = _door.nextTpcPlaceholder();
_log.debug("placement response to {} sent to {} with fhandle {}.", req, remoteHost, fd);
return new OpenResponse(req, fd, null, null, status);
String tpcKey = opaque.get("tpc.key");
if (tpcKey == null) {
_log.debug("{} –– not a third-party request.", req);
// proceed as usual with mover + redirect
return null;
if (opaque.containsKey(Cgi.AUTHZ.key())) {
_log.debug("{} –– request contains authorization token.", req);
// proceed as usual with mover + redirect
return null;
* Check the session for the delegated credential to avoid hanging
* in the case that tpc cgi have been passed by the destination
* server even with TPC with delegation.
if (req.getSession().getDelegatedCredential() != null) {
_log.debug("{} –– third-party request with delegation.", req);
// proceed as usual with mover + redirect
return null;
String slfn = req.getPath();
XrootdTpcInfo info = _door.createOrGetRendezvousInfo(tpcKey);
* The request originated from the TPC destination server.
* If the client has not yet opened the file here,
* tells the destination to wait. If the verification, including
* time to live, fails, the request is cancelled. Otherwise,
* the destination is allowed to open the mover and get the
* normal redirect response.
* Note that the tpc info is created by either the client or the
* server, whichever gets here first. Verification of the key
* itself is implicit (it has been found in the map); correctness is
* further satisfied by matching org, host and file name.
if (opaque.containsKey("")) {
info.addInfoFromOpaque(slfn, opaque);
switch(info.verify(remoteHost, slfn, opaque.get(""))) {
case READY:
_log.debug("Open request {} from destination server, info {}: " + "OK to proceed.", req, info);
* This means that the destination server open arrived
* second, the client server open succeeded with
* the correct permissions; proceed as usual
* with mover + redirect.
return null;
_log.debug("Open request {} from destination server, info {}: " + "PENDING client open.", req, info);
* This means that the destination server open arrived
* first; return a wait-retry reply.
return new AwaitAsyncResponse<>(req, 3);
String error = info.isExpired() ? "ttl expired" : "dst, path or org" + " did not match";
_log.warn("Open request {} from destination server, info {}: " + "CANCELLED: {}.", req, info, error);
return withError(req, kXR_InvalidRequest, "tpc rendezvous for " + tpcKey + ": " + error);
case ERROR:
* This means that the destination server requested open
* before the client did, and the client did not have
* read permissions on this file.
error = "invalid open request (file permissions).";
_log.warn("Open request {} from destination server, info {}: " + "ERROR: {}.", req, info, error);
return withError(req, kXR_InvalidRequest, "tpc rendezvous for " + tpcKey + ": " + error);
* The request originated from the TPC client, indicating door
* is the source.
if (opaque.containsKey("tpc.dst")) {
_log.debug("Open request {} from client to door as source, " + "info {}: OK.", req, info);
FileStatus status = _door.getFileStatus(fsPath, subject, restriction, remoteHost);
int flags = status.getFlags();
if ((flags & kXR_readable) != kXR_readable) {
* Update the info with ERROR, so when the destination checks
* it, an error can be returned.
return withError(req, kXR_InvalidRequest, "not allowed to read file.");
info.addInfoFromOpaque(slfn, opaque);
return new OpenResponse(req, info.getFd(), null, null, status);
* The request originated from the TPC client, indicating door
* is the destination.
* First check for TLS capability if this is required.
* Remove the rendezvous info (not needed),
* allow mover to start and redirect the client to the pool.
* It is not necessary to delegate the tpc information through the
* protocol, particularly the rendezvous key, because it is part of
* the opaque data, and if any of the opaque tpc info is missing
* from redirected call to the pool, the transfer will fail.
* However, the calling method will need to fetch a delegated
* proxy credential and add that to the protocol.
if (opaque.containsKey("tpc.src")) {
_log.debug("Open request {} from client to door as destination: OK;" + "removing info {}.", req, info);
// proceed as usual with mover + redirect
return null;
* Something went wrong.
String error = String.format("Request metadata is invalid: %s: %s, %s.", req, fsPath, remoteHost);
throw new CacheException(CacheException.THIRD_PARTY_TRANSFER_FAILED, error);