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Example 1 with FileStatus

use of org.dcache.xrootd.util.FileStatus in project dcache by dCache.

the class XrootdRedirectHandler method conditionallyHandleThirdPartyRequest.

 * <p>Special handling of third-party requests. Distinguishes among
 * several different cases for the open and either returns a response directly to the caller or
 * proceeds with the usual mover open and redirect to the pool by returning <code>null</code>.
 * Also verifies the rendezvous information in the case of the destination server contacting
 * dCache as source.</p>
 * <p>With the modified TPC lite (delegation) protocol, there is no
 * need to wait for the rendezvous destination check by comparing the open from the source.</p>
 * <p>There is also the case where no delegated proxy exists but
 * a different authentication protocol (like ZTN/scitokens) is being used.  It seems that even
 * with delegation in this case the initiating client does not call open. A check for authz in
 * the opaque data has been added (03/21/2021).</p>
private XrootdResponse<OpenRequest> conditionallyHandleThirdPartyRequest(OpenRequest req, LoginSessionInfo loginSessionInfo, Map<String, String> opaque, FsPath fsPath, String remoteHost) throws CacheException, XrootdException, ParseException {
    if (!_door.isReadAllowed(fsPath)) {
        throw new PermissionDeniedCacheException("Read permission denied");
    Subject subject = loginSessionInfo.getSubject();
    Restriction restriction = loginSessionInfo.getRestriction();
    if ("placement".equals(opaque.get("tpc.stage"))) {
        FileStatus status = _door.getFileStatus(fsPath, subject, restriction, remoteHost);
        int fd = _door.nextTpcPlaceholder();
        _log.debug("placement response to {} sent to {} with fhandle {}.", req, remoteHost, fd);
        return new OpenResponse(req, fd, null, null, status);
    String tpcKey = opaque.get("tpc.key");
    if (tpcKey == null) {
        _log.debug("{} –– not a third-party request.", req);
        // proceed as usual with mover + redirect
        return null;
    if (opaque.containsKey(Cgi.AUTHZ.key())) {
        _log.debug("{} –– request contains authorization token.", req);
        // proceed as usual with mover + redirect
        return null;
         * Check the session for the delegated credential to avoid hanging
         * in the case that tpc cgi have been passed by the destination
         * server even with TPC with delegation.
    if (req.getSession().getDelegatedCredential() != null) {
        _log.debug("{} –– third-party request with delegation.", req);
        // proceed as usual with mover + redirect
        return null;
    String slfn = req.getPath();
    XrootdTpcInfo info = _door.createOrGetRendezvousInfo(tpcKey);
         *  The request originated from the TPC destination server.
         *  If the client has not yet opened the file here,
         *  tells the destination to wait.  If the verification, including
         *  time to live, fails, the request is cancelled.  Otherwise,
         *  the destination is allowed to open the mover and get the
         *  normal redirect response.
         *  Note that the tpc info is created by either the client or the
         *  server, whichever gets here first.  Verification of the key
         *  itself is implicit (it has been found in the map); correctness is
         *  further satisfied by matching org, host and file name.
    if (opaque.containsKey("")) {
        info.addInfoFromOpaque(slfn, opaque);
        switch(info.verify(remoteHost, slfn, opaque.get(""))) {
            case READY:
                _log.debug("Open request {} from destination server, info {}: " + "OK to proceed.", req, info);
                     *  This means that the destination server open arrived
                     *  second, the client server open succeeded with
                     *  the correct permissions; proceed as usual
                     *  with mover + redirect.
                return null;
            case PENDING:
                _log.debug("Open request {} from destination server, info {}: " + "PENDING client open.", req, info);
                     *  This means that the destination server open arrived
                     *  first; return a wait-retry reply.
                return new AwaitAsyncResponse<>(req, 3);
            case CANCELLED:
                String error = info.isExpired() ? "ttl expired" : "dst, path or org" + " did not match";
                _log.warn("Open request {} from destination server, info {}: " + "CANCELLED: {}.", req, info, error);
                return withError(req, kXR_InvalidRequest, "tpc rendezvous for " + tpcKey + ": " + error);
            case ERROR:
                     *  This means that the destination server requested open
                     *  before the client did, and the client did not have
                     *  read permissions on this file.
                error = "invalid open request (file permissions).";
                _log.warn("Open request {} from destination server, info {}: " + "ERROR: {}.", req, info, error);
                return withError(req, kXR_InvalidRequest, "tpc rendezvous for " + tpcKey + ": " + error);
         *  The request originated from the TPC client, indicating door
         *  is the source.
    if (opaque.containsKey("tpc.dst")) {
        _log.debug("Open request {} from client to door as source, " + "info {}: OK.", req, info);
        FileStatus status = _door.getFileStatus(fsPath, subject, restriction, remoteHost);
        int flags = status.getFlags();
        if ((flags & kXR_readable) != kXR_readable) {
                 * Update the info with ERROR, so when the destination checks
                 * it, an error can be returned.
            return withError(req, kXR_InvalidRequest, "not allowed to read file.");
        info.addInfoFromOpaque(slfn, opaque);
        return new OpenResponse(req, info.getFd(), null, null, status);
         *  The request originated from the TPC client, indicating door
         *  is the destination.
         *  First check for TLS capability if this is required.
         *  Remove the rendezvous info (not needed),
         *  allow mover to start and redirect the client to the pool.
         *  It is not necessary to delegate the tpc information through the
         *  protocol, particularly the rendezvous key, because it is part of
         *  the opaque data, and if any of the opaque tpc info is missing
         *  from redirected call to the pool, the transfer will fail.
         *  However, the calling method will need to fetch a delegated
         *  proxy credential and add that to the protocol.
    if (opaque.containsKey("tpc.src")) {
        _log.debug("Open request {} from client to door as destination: OK;" + "removing info {}.", req, info);
        // proceed as usual with mover + redirect
        return null;
         *  Something went wrong.
    String error = String.format("Request metadata is invalid: %s: %s, %s.", req, fsPath, remoteHost);
    throw new CacheException(CacheException.THIRD_PARTY_TRANSFER_FAILED, error);
Also used : Restriction(org.dcache.auth.attributes.Restriction) PermissionDeniedCacheException(diskCacheV111.util.PermissionDeniedCacheException) AwaitAsyncResponse(org.dcache.xrootd.protocol.messages.AwaitAsyncResponse) FileStatus(org.dcache.xrootd.util.FileStatus) XrootdTpcInfo(org.dcache.xrootd.tpc.XrootdTpcInfo) FileIsNewCacheException(diskCacheV111.util.FileIsNewCacheException) FileExistsCacheException(diskCacheV111.util.FileExistsCacheException) FileNotFoundCacheException(diskCacheV111.util.FileNotFoundCacheException) NotFileCacheException(diskCacheV111.util.NotFileCacheException) TimeoutCacheException(diskCacheV111.util.TimeoutCacheException) CacheException(diskCacheV111.util.CacheException) PermissionDeniedCacheException(diskCacheV111.util.PermissionDeniedCacheException) OpenResponse(org.dcache.xrootd.protocol.messages.OpenResponse) Subject(

Example 2 with FileStatus

use of org.dcache.xrootd.util.FileStatus in project dcache by dCache.

the class XrootdPoolRequestHandler method doOnOpen.

 * Obtains the right mover channel using an opaque token in the request. The mover channel is
 * wrapped by a file descriptor. The file descriptor is stored for subsequent access.
 * <p>
 * In the case that this is a write request as destination in a third party copy, a third-party
 * client is started.  The client issues login, open and read requests to the source server, and
 * writes the responses to the file descriptor.
 * <p>
 * The third-party client also sends a sync response back to the client when the transfer has
 * completed.
protected XrootdResponse<OpenRequest> doOnOpen(ChannelHandlerContext ctx, OpenRequest msg) throws XrootdException {
    try {
        Map<String, String> opaqueMap = getOpaqueMap(msg.getOpaque());
        UUID uuid = getUuid(opaqueMap);
        if (uuid == null) {
  "Request to open {} contains no UUID.", msg.getPath());
            throw new XrootdException(kXR_NotAuthorized, "Request lacks the " + UUID_PREFIX + " property.");
        NettyTransferService<XrootdProtocolInfo>.NettyMoverChannel file = _server.openFile(uuid, false);
        if (file == null) {
  "No mover found for {} with UUID {}.", msg.getPath(), uuid);
            return redirectToDoor(ctx, msg, () -> {
                throw new XrootdException(kXR_NotAuthorized, UUID_PREFIX + " is no longer valid.");
             *  Stop any timer in case this is a reconnect.
        _log.debug("doOnOpen, called cancel on reconnect timers for {}", uuid);
        XrootdProtocolInfo protocolInfo = file.getProtocolInfo();
        try {
            FileDescriptor descriptor;
            boolean isWrite = file.getIoMode().contains(StandardOpenOption.WRITE);
            if (msg.isNew() && !isWrite) {
                throw new XrootdException(kXR_FileNotOpen, "File exists.");
            } else if (msg.isDelete() && !isWrite) {
                throw new XrootdException(kXR_Unsupported, "File exists.");
                     *  Some clients express only kXR_delete when then intend to write
                     *  so we need to consider delete as a write request here.
            } else if ((msg.isNew() || msg.isReadWrite() || msg.isDelete()) && isWrite) {
                boolean posc = (msg.getOptions() & kXR_posc) == kXR_posc || protocolInfo.getFlags().contains(XrootdProtocolInfo.Flags.POSC);
                if (opaqueMap.containsKey("tpc.src")) {
                    _log.debug("Request to open {} is as third-party destination.", msg);
                    XrootdTpcInfo tpcInfo = new XrootdTpcInfo(opaqueMap);
                    descriptor = new TpcWriteDescriptor(file, posc, ctx, _server, opaqueMap.get("org.dcache.xrootd.client"), tpcInfo, tlsSessionInfo);
                } else {
                    descriptor = new WriteDescriptor(file, posc);
            } else {
                descriptor = new ReadDescriptor(file);
            FileStatus stat = msg.isRetStat() ? stat(file) : null;
            int fd = addDescriptor(descriptor);
            _redirectingDoor = protocolInfo.getDoorAddress();
            file = null;
            _hasOpenedFiles = true;
            return new OpenResponse(msg, fd, null, null, stat);
        } finally {
            if (file != null) {
    } catch (ParseException e) {
        throw new XrootdException(kXR_ArgInvalid, e.getMessage());
    } catch (IOException e) {
        throw new XrootdException(kXR_IOError, e.getMessage());
Also used : NettyTransferService(org.dcache.pool.movers.NettyTransferService) FileStatus(org.dcache.xrootd.util.FileStatus) XrootdProtocolInfo(org.dcache.vehicles.XrootdProtocolInfo) IOException( TpcWriteDescriptor(org.dcache.xrootd.tpc.TpcWriteDescriptor) XrootdTpcInfo(org.dcache.xrootd.tpc.XrootdTpcInfo) OpenResponse(org.dcache.xrootd.protocol.messages.OpenResponse) ParseException(org.dcache.xrootd.util.ParseException) UUID(java.util.UUID) XrootdException(org.dcache.xrootd.core.XrootdException) TpcWriteDescriptor(org.dcache.xrootd.tpc.TpcWriteDescriptor)

Example 3 with FileStatus

use of org.dcache.xrootd.util.FileStatus in project xrootd4j by dCache.

the class DataServerHandler method doOnOpen.

 * Obtains the right mover instance using an opaque token in the
 * request and instruct the mover to open the file in the request.
 * Associates the mover with the file-handle that is produced during
 * processing
protected OpenResponse doOnOpen(ChannelHandlerContext ctx, OpenRequest msg) throws XrootdException {
    try {
        File file = getFile(msg.getPath());
        if (file.isDirectory()) {
            throw new XrootdException(kXR_isDirectory, "Not a file: " + file);
        File parent = file.getParentFile();
        RandomAccessFile raf;
        if (msg.isReadWrite()) {
            if (msg.isMkPath() && !parent.exists() && !parent.mkdirs()) {
                throw new XrootdException(kXR_IOError, "Failed to create directories: " + parent);
            if (msg.isNew() && !file.createNewFile()) {
                throw new XrootdException(kXR_IOError, "Failed to create file: " + file);
            raf = new RandomAccessFile(file, "rw");
        } else {
            raf = new RandomAccessFile(file, "r");
        try {
            if (msg.isReadWrite() && msg.isDelete()) {
            FileStatus stat = null;
            if (msg.isRetStat()) {
                stat = getFileStatusOf(file);
            int fd = addOpenFile(raf);
            raf = null;
            return new OpenResponse(msg, fd, null, null, stat);
        } finally {
            if (raf != null) {
    } catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
        throw new XrootdException(kXR_NotFound, e.getMessage());
    } catch (IOException e) {
        throw new XrootdException(kXR_IOError, e.getMessage());
Also used : FileStatus(org.dcache.xrootd.util.FileStatus) RandomAccessFile( OpenResponse(org.dcache.xrootd.protocol.messages.OpenResponse) FileNotFoundException( IOException( XrootdException(org.dcache.xrootd.core.XrootdException) RandomAccessFile( XrootdProtocol.kXR_NotFile(org.dcache.xrootd.protocol.XrootdProtocol.kXR_NotFile) File(

Example 4 with FileStatus

use of org.dcache.xrootd.util.FileStatus in project dcache-cta by dCache.

the class DataServerHandler method doOnOpen.

 * Obtains the right mover instance using an opaque token in the request and instruct the mover
 * to open the file in the request. Associates the mover with the file-handle that is produced
 * during processing
protected OpenResponse doOnOpen(ChannelHandlerContext ctx, OpenRequest msg) throws XrootdException {
    try {
        var pr = getIORequest(msg.getPath());
        var r = pr.getRequest();
        var file = getFile(r);"Request {} scheduling time: {}", file, TimeUtils.describe(Duration.between(, pr.getSubmissionTime()).abs()).orElse("-"));
        RandomAccessFile raf;
        if (msg.isReadWrite() || msg.isNew() || msg.isDelete()) {
            if (!(r instanceof StageRequest)) {
                throw new XrootdException(kXR_ArgInvalid, "An attempt to open-for-read for stage requests");
  "Opening {} for writing", file);
            raf = new RandomAccessFile(file, "rw");
            if (msg.isDelete()) {
        } else {
            if (!(r instanceof FlushRequest)) {
                throw new XrootdException(kXR_ArgInvalid, "An attempt to open-for-write for flush requests");
  "Opening {} for reading.", file);
            raf = new RandomAccessFile(file, "r");
        FileStatus stat = null;
        if (msg.isRetStat()) {
            stat = statusByFile(file);
        var migrationRequest = new MigrationRequest(r, raf);
        int fd = addOpenFile(migrationRequest);
        return new OpenResponse(msg, fd, null, null, stat);
    } catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
        throw new XrootdException(kXR_NotFound, e.getMessage());
    } catch (IOException e) {
        throw new XrootdException(kXR_IOError, e.getMessage());
Also used : FileStatus(org.dcache.xrootd.util.FileStatus) RandomAccessFile( StageRequest(org.dcache.pool.nearline.spi.StageRequest) FlushRequest(org.dcache.pool.nearline.spi.FlushRequest) OpenResponse(org.dcache.xrootd.protocol.messages.OpenResponse) FileNotFoundException( IOException( XrootdException(org.dcache.xrootd.core.XrootdException)

Example 5 with FileStatus

use of org.dcache.xrootd.util.FileStatus in project dcache by dCache.

the class TpcWriteDescriptor method handleStat.

public synchronized XrootdResponse<StatRequest> handleStat(StatRequest msg) throws XrootdException {
    if (client.getError() != null) {
        return new ErrorResponse<>(msg, client.getErrno(), client.getError());
    int fd = msg.getFhandle();
    NettyMoverChannel channel = getChannel();
    FileStatus fileStatus;
    try {
        fileStatus = new FileStatus(fd, channel.size(), XrootdPoolRequestHandler.DEFAULT_FILESTATUS_FLAGS, channel.getFileAttributes().getModificationTime() / 1000);
    } catch (IOException e) {
        String error = String.format("Failed to get channel " + "info for %s: %s.", msg, e.toString());
        throw new XrootdException(kXR_IOError, error);
    return new StatResponse(msg, fileStatus);
Also used : NettyMoverChannel(org.dcache.pool.movers.NettyTransferService.NettyMoverChannel) FileStatus(org.dcache.xrootd.util.FileStatus) StatResponse(org.dcache.xrootd.protocol.messages.StatResponse) IOException( XrootdException(org.dcache.xrootd.core.XrootdException) ErrorResponse(org.dcache.xrootd.protocol.messages.ErrorResponse)


FileStatus (org.dcache.xrootd.util.FileStatus)6 OpenResponse (org.dcache.xrootd.protocol.messages.OpenResponse)5 IOException ( XrootdException (org.dcache.xrootd.core.XrootdException)4 FileNotFoundException ( RandomAccessFile ( ErrorResponse (org.dcache.xrootd.protocol.messages.ErrorResponse)2 StatResponse (org.dcache.xrootd.protocol.messages.StatResponse)2 XrootdTpcInfo (org.dcache.xrootd.tpc.XrootdTpcInfo)2 CacheException (diskCacheV111.util.CacheException)1 FileExistsCacheException (diskCacheV111.util.FileExistsCacheException)1 FileIsNewCacheException (diskCacheV111.util.FileIsNewCacheException)1 FileNotFoundCacheException (diskCacheV111.util.FileNotFoundCacheException)1 NotFileCacheException (diskCacheV111.util.NotFileCacheException)1 PermissionDeniedCacheException (diskCacheV111.util.PermissionDeniedCacheException)1 TimeoutCacheException (diskCacheV111.util.TimeoutCacheException)1 File ( UUID (java.util.UUID)1 Subject ( Restriction (org.dcache.auth.attributes.Restriction)1