use of org.deeplearning4j.nn.conf.InputPreProcessor in project deeplearning4j by deeplearning4j.
the class KerasModel method getComputationGraphConfiguration.
* Configure a ComputationGraph from this Keras Model configuration.
* @return ComputationGraph
public ComputationGraphConfiguration getComputationGraphConfiguration() throws InvalidKerasConfigurationException, UnsupportedKerasConfigurationException {
if (!this.className.equals(MODEL_CLASS_NAME_MODEL) && !this.className.equals(MODEL_CLASS_NAME_SEQUENTIAL))
throw new InvalidKerasConfigurationException("Keras model class name " + this.className + " incompatible with ComputationGraph");
NeuralNetConfiguration.Builder modelBuilder = new NeuralNetConfiguration.Builder();
ComputationGraphConfiguration.GraphBuilder graphBuilder = modelBuilder.graphBuilder();
/* Build String array of input layer names, add to ComputationGraph. */
String[] inputLayerNameArray = new String[this.inputLayerNames.size()];
/* Build InputType array of input layer types, add to ComputationGraph. */
List<InputType> inputTypeList = new ArrayList<InputType>();
for (String inputLayerName : this.inputLayerNames) inputTypeList.add(this.layers.get(inputLayerName).getOutputType());
InputType[] inputTypes = new InputType[inputTypeList.size()];
/* Build String array of output layer names, add to ComputationGraph. */
String[] outputLayerNameArray = new String[this.outputLayerNames.size()];
Map<String, InputPreProcessor> preprocessors = new HashMap<String, InputPreProcessor>();
/* Add layersOrdered one at a time. */
for (KerasLayer layer : this.layersOrdered) {
/* Get inbound layer names. */
List<String> inboundLayerNames = layer.getInboundLayerNames();
String[] inboundLayerNamesArray = new String[inboundLayerNames.size()];
/* Get inbound InputTypes and InputPreProcessor, if necessary. */
List<InputType> inboundTypeList = new ArrayList<InputType>();
for (String layerName : inboundLayerNames) inboundTypeList.add(this.outputTypes.get(layerName));
InputType[] inboundTypeArray = new InputType[inboundTypeList.size()];
InputPreProcessor preprocessor = layer.getInputPreprocessor(inboundTypeArray);
if (layer.usesRegularization())
if (layer.isLayer()) {
/* Add DL4J layer. */
if (preprocessor != null)
preprocessors.put(layer.getLayerName(), preprocessor);
graphBuilder.addLayer(layer.getLayerName(), layer.getLayer(), inboundLayerNamesArray);
if (this.outputLayerNames.contains(layer.getLayerName()) && !(layer.getLayer() instanceof IOutputLayer))
log.warn("Model cannot be trained: output layer " + layer.getLayerName() + " is not an IOutputLayer (no loss function specified)");
} else if (layer.isVertex()) {
/* Add DL4J vertex. */
if (preprocessor != null)
preprocessors.put(layer.getLayerName(), preprocessor);
graphBuilder.addVertex(layer.getLayerName(), layer.getVertex(), inboundLayerNamesArray);
if (this.outputLayerNames.contains(layer.getLayerName()) && !(layer.getVertex() instanceof IOutputLayer))
log.warn("Model cannot be trained: output vertex " + layer.getLayerName() + " is not an IOutputLayer (no loss function specified)");
} else if (layer.isInputPreProcessor()) {
if (preprocessor == null)
throw new UnsupportedKerasConfigurationException("Layer " + layer.getLayerName() + " could not be mapped to Layer, Vertex, or InputPreProcessor");
graphBuilder.addVertex(layer.getLayerName(), new PreprocessorVertex(preprocessor), inboundLayerNamesArray);
if (this.outputLayerNames.contains(layer.getLayerName()))
log.warn("Model cannot be trained: output " + layer.getLayerName() + " is not an IOutputLayer (no loss function specified)");
/* Whether to use standard backprop (or BPTT) or truncated BPTT. */
if (this.useTruncatedBPTT && this.truncatedBPTT > 0)
use of org.deeplearning4j.nn.conf.InputPreProcessor in project deeplearning4j by deeplearning4j.
the class TestPreProcessors method testRnnToCnnPreProcessor.
public void testRnnToCnnPreProcessor() {
//Two ways to test this:
// (a) check that doing preProcess + backprop on a given input gives same result
// (b) compare to ComposableInputPreProcessor(CNNtoFF, FFtoRNN)
int[] miniBatchSizes = { 5, 1 };
int[] timeSeriesLengths = { 9, 1 };
int[] inputHeights = { 10, 30 };
int[] inputWidths = { 10, 30 };
int[] numChannels = { 1, 3, 6 };
int cnnNChannelsIn = 3;
for (int miniBatchSize : miniBatchSizes) {
for (int timeSeriesLength : timeSeriesLengths) {
for (int inputHeight : inputHeights) {
for (int inputWidth : inputWidths) {
for (int nChannels : numChannels) {
InputPreProcessor proc = new RnnToCnnPreProcessor(inputHeight, inputWidth, nChannels);
NeuralNetConfiguration nnc = new NeuralNetConfiguration.Builder().layer(new org.deeplearning4j.nn.conf.layers.ConvolutionLayer.Builder(inputWidth, inputHeight).nIn(cnnNChannelsIn).nOut(nChannels).build()).build();
int numParams = nnc.getLayer().initializer().numParams(nnc);
INDArray params = Nd4j.create(1, numParams);
ConvolutionLayer layer = (ConvolutionLayer) nnc.getLayer().instantiate(nnc, null, 0, params, true);
int[] shape_rnn = new int[] { miniBatchSize, nChannels * inputHeight * inputWidth, timeSeriesLength };
INDArray rand = Nd4j.rand(shape_rnn);
INDArray activationsRnn_c = Nd4j.create(shape_rnn, 'c');
INDArray activationsRnn_f = Nd4j.create(shape_rnn, 'f');
assertEquals(activationsRnn_c, activationsRnn_f);
//Check shape of outputs:
INDArray activationsCnn_c = proc.preProcess(activationsRnn_c, miniBatchSize);
INDArray activationsCnn_f = proc.preProcess(activationsRnn_f, miniBatchSize);
int[] shape_cnn = new int[] { miniBatchSize * timeSeriesLength, nChannels, inputHeight, inputWidth };
assertArrayEquals(shape_cnn, activationsCnn_c.shape());
assertArrayEquals(shape_cnn, activationsCnn_f.shape());
assertEquals(activationsCnn_c, activationsCnn_f);
//Check backward pass. Given that activations and epsilons have same shape, they should
//be opposite operations - i.e., get the same thing back out
INDArray twiceProcessed_c = proc.backprop(activationsCnn_c, miniBatchSize);
INDArray twiceProcessed_f = proc.backprop(activationsCnn_c, miniBatchSize);
assertArrayEquals(shape_rnn, twiceProcessed_c.shape());
assertArrayEquals(shape_rnn, twiceProcessed_f.shape());
assertEquals(activationsRnn_c, twiceProcessed_c);
assertEquals(activationsRnn_c, twiceProcessed_f);
//Second way to check: compare to ComposableInputPreProcessor(RNNtoFF, FFtoCNN)
InputPreProcessor compProc = new ComposableInputPreProcessor(new RnnToFeedForwardPreProcessor(), new FeedForwardToCnnPreProcessor(inputHeight, inputWidth, nChannels));
INDArray activationsCnnComp_c = compProc.preProcess(activationsRnn_c, miniBatchSize);
INDArray activationsCnnComp_f = compProc.preProcess(activationsRnn_f, miniBatchSize);
assertEquals(activationsCnnComp_c, activationsCnn_c);
assertEquals(activationsCnnComp_f, activationsCnn_f);
int[] epsilonShape = new int[] { miniBatchSize * timeSeriesLength, nChannels, inputHeight, inputWidth };
rand = Nd4j.rand(epsilonShape);
INDArray epsilonsCnn_c = Nd4j.create(epsilonShape, 'c');
INDArray epsilonsCnn_f = Nd4j.create(epsilonShape, 'f');
INDArray epsilonsRnnComp_c = compProc.backprop(epsilonsCnn_c, miniBatchSize);
INDArray epsilonsRnnComp_f = compProc.backprop(epsilonsCnn_f, miniBatchSize);
assertEquals(epsilonsRnnComp_c, epsilonsRnnComp_f);
INDArray epsilonsRnn_c = proc.backprop(epsilonsCnn_c, miniBatchSize);
INDArray epsilonsRnn_f = proc.backprop(epsilonsCnn_f, miniBatchSize);
assertEquals(epsilonsRnn_c, epsilonsRnn_f);
if (!epsilonsRnn_c.equals(epsilonsRnnComp_c)) {
System.out.println(miniBatchSize + "\t" + timeSeriesLength + "\t" + inputHeight + "\t" + inputWidth + "\t" + nChannels);
System.out.println("expected - epsilonsRnnComp");
System.out.println("actual - epsilonsRnn");
assertEquals(epsilonsRnnComp_c, epsilonsRnn_c);
assertEquals(epsilonsRnnComp_c, epsilonsRnn_f);
use of org.deeplearning4j.nn.conf.InputPreProcessor in project deeplearning4j by deeplearning4j.
the class TestPreProcessors method testCnnToRnnPreProcessor.
public void testCnnToRnnPreProcessor() {
//Two ways to test this:
// (a) check that doing preProcess + backprop on a given input gives same result
// (b) compare to ComposableInputPreProcessor(CNNtoFF, FFtoRNN)
int[] miniBatchSizes = { 5, 1 };
int[] timeSeriesLengths = { 9, 1 };
int[] inputHeights = { 10, 30 };
int[] inputWidths = { 10, 30 };
int[] numChannels = { 1, 3, 6 };
int cnnNChannelsIn = 3;
for (int miniBatchSize : miniBatchSizes) {
for (int timeSeriesLength : timeSeriesLengths) {
for (int inputHeight : inputHeights) {
for (int inputWidth : inputWidths) {
for (int nChannels : numChannels) {
String msg = "miniBatch=" + miniBatchSize + ", tsLength=" + timeSeriesLength + ", h=" + inputHeight + ", w=" + inputWidth + ", ch=" + nChannels;
InputPreProcessor proc = new CnnToRnnPreProcessor(inputHeight, inputWidth, nChannels);
NeuralNetConfiguration nnc = new NeuralNetConfiguration.Builder().layer(new org.deeplearning4j.nn.conf.layers.ConvolutionLayer.Builder(inputWidth, inputHeight).nIn(cnnNChannelsIn).nOut(nChannels).build()).build();
int numParams = nnc.getLayer().initializer().numParams(nnc);
INDArray params = Nd4j.create(1, numParams);
ConvolutionLayer layer = (ConvolutionLayer) nnc.getLayer().instantiate(nnc, null, 0, params, true);
INDArray activationsCnn = Nd4j.rand(new int[] { miniBatchSize * timeSeriesLength, nChannels, inputHeight, inputWidth });
//Check shape of outputs:
int prod = nChannels * inputHeight * inputWidth;
INDArray activationsRnn = proc.preProcess(activationsCnn, miniBatchSize);
assertArrayEquals(msg, new int[] { miniBatchSize, prod, timeSeriesLength }, activationsRnn.shape());
//Check backward pass. Given that activations and epsilons have same shape, they should
//be opposite operations - i.e., get the same thing back out
INDArray twiceProcessed = proc.backprop(activationsRnn, miniBatchSize);
assertArrayEquals(msg, activationsCnn.shape(), twiceProcessed.shape());
assertEquals(msg, activationsCnn, twiceProcessed);
//Second way to check: compare to ComposableInputPreProcessor(CNNtoFF, FFtoRNN)
InputPreProcessor compProc = new ComposableInputPreProcessor(new CnnToFeedForwardPreProcessor(inputHeight, inputWidth, nChannels), new FeedForwardToRnnPreProcessor());
INDArray activationsRnnComp = compProc.preProcess(activationsCnn, miniBatchSize);
assertEquals(msg, activationsRnnComp, activationsRnn);
INDArray epsilonsRnn = Nd4j.rand(new int[] { miniBatchSize, nChannels * inputHeight * inputWidth, timeSeriesLength });
INDArray epsilonsCnnComp = compProc.backprop(epsilonsRnn, miniBatchSize);
INDArray epsilonsCnn = proc.backprop(epsilonsRnn, miniBatchSize);
if (!epsilonsCnn.equals(epsilonsCnnComp)) {
System.out.println(miniBatchSize + "\t" + timeSeriesLength + "\t" + inputHeight + "\t" + inputWidth + "\t" + nChannels);
System.out.println("expected - epsilonsCnnComp");
System.out.println("actual - epsilonsCnn");
assertEquals(msg, epsilonsCnnComp, epsilonsCnn);
use of org.deeplearning4j.nn.conf.InputPreProcessor in project deeplearning4j by deeplearning4j.
the class KerasSequentialModel method getMultiLayerConfiguration.
* Configure a MultiLayerConfiguration from this Keras Sequential model configuration.
* @return MultiLayerConfiguration
public MultiLayerConfiguration getMultiLayerConfiguration() throws InvalidKerasConfigurationException, UnsupportedKerasConfigurationException {
if (!this.className.equals(MODEL_CLASS_NAME_SEQUENTIAL))
throw new InvalidKerasConfigurationException("Keras model class name " + this.className + " incompatible with MultiLayerNetwork");
if (this.inputLayerNames.size() != 1)
throw new InvalidKerasConfigurationException("MultiLayeNetwork expects only 1 input (found " + this.inputLayerNames.size() + ")");
if (this.outputLayerNames.size() != 1)
throw new InvalidKerasConfigurationException("MultiLayeNetwork expects only 1 output (found " + this.outputLayerNames.size() + ")");
NeuralNetConfiguration.Builder modelBuilder = new NeuralNetConfiguration.Builder();
NeuralNetConfiguration.ListBuilder listBuilder = modelBuilder.list();
/* Add layers one at a time. */
KerasLayer prevLayer = null;
int layerIndex = 0;
for (KerasLayer layer : this.layersOrdered) {
if (layer.usesRegularization())
if (layer.isLayer()) {
int nbInbound = layer.getInboundLayerNames().size();
if (nbInbound != 1)
throw new InvalidKerasConfigurationException("Layers in MultiLayerConfiguration must have exactly one inbound layer (found " + nbInbound + " for layer " + layer.getLayerName() + ")");
if (prevLayer != null) {
InputType[] inputTypes = new InputType[1];
InputPreProcessor preprocessor = null;
if (prevLayer.isInputPreProcessor()) {
inputTypes[0] = this.outputTypes.get(prevLayer.getInboundLayerNames().get(0));
preprocessor = prevLayer.getInputPreprocessor(inputTypes);
} else {
inputTypes[0] = this.outputTypes.get(prevLayer.getLayerName());
preprocessor = layer.getInputPreprocessor(inputTypes);
if (preprocessor != null)
listBuilder.inputPreProcessor(layerIndex, preprocessor);
listBuilder.layer(layerIndex++, layer.getLayer());
if (this.outputLayerNames.contains(layer.getLayerName()) && !(layer.getLayer() instanceof IOutputLayer))
log.warn("Model cannot be trained: output layer " + layer.getLayerName() + " is not an IOutputLayer (no loss function specified)");
} else if (layer.getVertex() != null)
throw new InvalidKerasConfigurationException("Cannot add vertex to MultiLayerConfiguration (class name " + layer.getClassName() + ", layer name " + layer.getLayerName() + ")");
prevLayer = layer;
InputType inputType = this.layersOrdered.get(0).getOutputType();
if (inputType != null)
/* Whether to use standard backprop (or BPTT) or truncated BPTT. */
if (this.useTruncatedBPTT && this.truncatedBPTT > 0)
use of org.deeplearning4j.nn.conf.InputPreProcessor in project deeplearning4j by deeplearning4j.
the class ComposableInputPreProcessor method feedForwardMaskArray.
public Pair<INDArray, MaskState> feedForwardMaskArray(INDArray maskArray, MaskState currentMaskState, int minibatchSize) {
for (InputPreProcessor preproc : inputPreProcessors) {
Pair<INDArray, MaskState> p = preproc.feedForwardMaskArray(maskArray, currentMaskState, minibatchSize);
maskArray = p.getFirst();
currentMaskState = p.getSecond();
return new Pair<>(maskArray, currentMaskState);