use of org.deeplearning4j.nn.api.layers.IOutputLayer in project deeplearning4j by deeplearning4j.
the class GradientCheckUtil method checkGradients.
* Check backprop gradients for a MultiLayerNetwork.
* @param mln MultiLayerNetwork to test. This must be initialized.
* @param epsilon Usually on the order/ of 1e-4 or so.
* @param maxRelError Maximum relative error. Usually < 1e-5 or so, though maybe more for deep networks or those with nonlinear activation
* @param minAbsoluteError Minimum absolute error to cause a failure. Numerical gradients can be non-zero due to precision issues.
* For example, 0.0 vs. 1e-18: relative error is 1.0, but not really a failure
* @param print Whether to print full pass/failure details for each parameter gradient
* @param exitOnFirstError If true: return upon first failure. If false: continue checking even if
* one parameter gradient has failed. Typically use false for debugging, true for unit tests.
* @param input Input array to use for forward pass. May be mini-batch data.
* @param labels Labels/targets to use to calculate backprop gradient. May be mini-batch data.
* @return true if gradients are passed, false otherwise.
public static boolean checkGradients(MultiLayerNetwork mln, double epsilon, double maxRelError, double minAbsoluteError, boolean print, boolean exitOnFirstError, INDArray input, INDArray labels) {
//Basic sanity checks on input:
if (epsilon <= 0.0 || epsilon > 0.1)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid epsilon: expect epsilon in range (0,0.1], usually 1e-4 or so");
if (maxRelError <= 0.0 || maxRelError > 0.25)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid maxRelativeError: " + maxRelError);
if (!(mln.getOutputLayer() instanceof IOutputLayer))
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot check backprop gradients without OutputLayer");
//Check network configuration:
int layerCount = 0;
for (NeuralNetConfiguration n : mln.getLayerWiseConfigurations().getConfs()) {
org.deeplearning4j.nn.conf.Updater u = n.getLayer().getUpdater();
if (u == org.deeplearning4j.nn.conf.Updater.SGD) {
//Must have LR of 1.0
double lr = n.getLayer().getLearningRate();
if (lr != 1.0) {
throw new IllegalStateException("When using SGD updater, must also use lr=1.0 for layer " + layerCount + "; got " + u + " with lr=" + lr + " for layer \"" + n.getLayer().getLayerName() + "\"");
} else if (u != org.deeplearning4j.nn.conf.Updater.NONE) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Must have Updater.NONE (or SGD + lr=1.0) for layer " + layerCount + "; got " + u);
double dropout = n.getLayer().getDropOut();
if (n.isUseRegularization() && dropout != 0.0) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Must have dropout == 0.0 for gradient checks - got dropout = " + dropout + " for layer " + layerCount);
IActivation activation = n.getLayer().getActivationFn();
if (activation != null) {
if (!VALID_ACTIVATION_FUNCTIONS.contains(activation.getClass())) {
log.warn("Layer " + layerCount + " is possibly using an unsuitable activation function: " + activation.getClass() + ". Activation functions for gradient checks must be smooth (like sigmoid, tanh, softmax) and not " + "contain discontinuities like ReLU or LeakyReLU (these may cause spurious failures)");
Pair<Gradient, Double> gradAndScore = mln.gradientAndScore();
Updater updater = UpdaterCreator.getUpdater(mln);
updater.update(mln, gradAndScore.getFirst(), 0, mln.batchSize());
//need dup: gradients are a *view* of the full gradient array (which will change every time backprop is done)
INDArray gradientToCheck = gradAndScore.getFirst().gradient().dup();
//need dup: params are a *view* of full parameters
INDArray originalParams = mln.params().dup();
int nParams = originalParams.length();
Map<String, INDArray> paramTable = mln.paramTable();
List<String> paramNames = new ArrayList<>(paramTable.keySet());
int[] paramEnds = new int[paramNames.size()];
paramEnds[0] = paramTable.get(paramNames.get(0)).length();
for (int i = 1; i < paramEnds.length; i++) {
paramEnds[i] = paramEnds[i - 1] + paramTable.get(paramNames.get(i)).length();
int totalNFailures = 0;
double maxError = 0.0;
DataSet ds = new DataSet(input, labels);
int currParamNameIdx = 0;
//Assumption here: params is a view that we can modify in-place
INDArray params = mln.params();
for (int i = 0; i < nParams; i++) {
//Get param name
if (i >= paramEnds[currParamNameIdx]) {
String paramName = paramNames.get(currParamNameIdx);
//(w+epsilon): Do forward pass and score
double origValue = params.getDouble(i);
params.putScalar(i, origValue + epsilon);
double scorePlus = mln.score(ds, true);
//(w-epsilon): Do forward pass and score
params.putScalar(i, origValue - epsilon);
double scoreMinus = mln.score(ds, true);
//Reset original param value
params.putScalar(i, origValue);
//Calculate numerical parameter gradient:
double scoreDelta = scorePlus - scoreMinus;
double numericalGradient = scoreDelta / (2 * epsilon);
if (Double.isNaN(numericalGradient))
throw new IllegalStateException("Numerical gradient was NaN for parameter " + i + " of " + nParams);
double backpropGradient = gradientToCheck.getDouble(i);
//use mean centered
double relError = Math.abs(backpropGradient - numericalGradient) / (Math.abs(numericalGradient) + Math.abs(backpropGradient));
if (backpropGradient == 0.0 && numericalGradient == 0.0)
//Edge case: i.e., RNNs with time series length of 1.0
relError = 0.0;
if (relError > maxError)
maxError = relError;
if (relError > maxRelError || Double.isNaN(relError)) {
double absError = Math.abs(backpropGradient - numericalGradient);
if (absError < minAbsoluteError) {"Param " + i + " (" + paramName + ") passed: grad= " + backpropGradient + ", numericalGrad= " + numericalGradient + ", relError= " + relError + "; absolute error = " + absError + " < minAbsoluteError = " + minAbsoluteError);
} else {
if (print)"Param " + i + " (" + paramName + ") FAILED: grad= " + backpropGradient + ", numericalGrad= " + numericalGradient + ", relError= " + relError + ", scorePlus=" + scorePlus + ", scoreMinus= " + scoreMinus);
if (exitOnFirstError)
return false;
} else if (print) {"Param " + i + " (" + paramName + ") passed: grad= " + backpropGradient + ", numericalGrad= " + numericalGradient + ", relError= " + relError);
if (print) {
int nPass = nParams - totalNFailures;"GradientCheckUtil.checkGradients(): " + nParams + " params checked, " + nPass + " passed, " + totalNFailures + " failed. Largest relative error = " + maxError);
return totalNFailures == 0;
use of org.deeplearning4j.nn.api.layers.IOutputLayer in project deeplearning4j by deeplearning4j.
the class ComputationGraph method score.
* Sets the input and labels and returns a score for the prediction with respect to the true labels<br>
* @param dataSet the data to score
* @param training whether score is being calculated at training time (true) or test time (false)
* @return the score for the given input,label pairs
public double score(MultiDataSet dataSet, boolean training) {
boolean hasMaskArrays = dataSet.hasMaskArrays();
if (hasMaskArrays) {
setLayerMaskArrays(dataSet.getFeaturesMaskArrays(), dataSet.getLabelsMaskArrays());
feedForward(dataSet.getFeatures(), training);
INDArray[] labels = dataSet.getLabels();
//Score: sum of the scores for the various output layers...
double l1 = calcL1();
double l2 = calcL2();
double score = 0.0;
int i = 0;
for (String s : configuration.getNetworkOutputs()) {
Layer outLayer = verticesMap.get(s).getLayer();
if (outLayer == null || !(outLayer instanceof IOutputLayer)) {
log.warn("Cannot calculate score: vertex \"" + s + "\" is not an output layer");
return 0.0;
IOutputLayer ol = (IOutputLayer) outLayer;
score += ol.computeScore(l1, l2, training);
//Only want to add l1/l2 once...
l1 = 0.0;
l2 = 0.0;
if (hasMaskArrays)
return score;
use of org.deeplearning4j.nn.api.layers.IOutputLayer in project deeplearning4j by deeplearning4j.
the class ComputationGraph method feedForward.
private Map<String, INDArray> feedForward(boolean train, boolean excludeOutputLayers) {
Map<String, INDArray> layerActivations = new HashMap<>();
//Do forward pass according to the topological ordering of the network
for (int i = 0; i < topologicalOrder.length; i++) {
GraphVertex current = vertices[topologicalOrder[i]];
if (current.isInputVertex()) {
VertexIndices[] inputsTo = current.getOutputVertices();
INDArray input = inputs[current.getVertexIndex()];
layerActivations.put(current.getVertexName(), input);
for (VertexIndices v : inputsTo) {
int vIdx = v.getVertexIndex();
int vIdxInputNum = v.getVertexEdgeNumber();
//This input: the 'vIdxInputNum'th input to vertex 'vIdx'
vertices[vIdx].setInput(vIdxInputNum, input.dup());
} else {
//Do forward pass:
if (excludeOutputLayers && current.isOutputVertex() && current.hasLayer() && current.getLayer() instanceof IOutputLayer) {
// we only need to ensure the input to the output layers is set properly
INDArray out = current.doForward(train);
if (current.hasLayer()) {
layerActivations.put(current.getVertexName(), out);
//Now, set the inputs for the next vertices:
VertexIndices[] outputsTo = current.getOutputVertices();
if (outputsTo != null) {
for (VertexIndices v : outputsTo) {
int vIdx = v.getVertexIndex();
int inputNum = v.getVertexEdgeNumber();
//This (jth) connection from the output: is the 'inputNum'th input to vertex 'vIdx'
vertices[vIdx].setInput(inputNum, out);
return layerActivations;
use of org.deeplearning4j.nn.api.layers.IOutputLayer in project deeplearning4j by deeplearning4j.
the class ComputationGraph method calcBackpropGradients.
* Do backprop (gradient calculation)
* @param truncatedBPTT false: normal backprop. true: calculate gradients using truncated BPTT for RNN layers
* @param externalEpsilons null usually (for typical supervised learning). If not null (and length > 0) then assume that
* the user has provided some errors externally, as they would do for example in reinforcement
* learning situations.
protected void calcBackpropGradients(boolean truncatedBPTT, INDArray... externalEpsilons) {
if (flattenedGradients == null)
LinkedList<Triple<String, INDArray, Character>> gradients = new LinkedList<>();
//Do backprop according to the reverse of the topological ordering of the network
//If true: already set epsilon for this vertex; later epsilons should be *added* to the existing one, not set
boolean[] setVertexEpsilon = new boolean[topologicalOrder.length];
for (int i = topologicalOrder.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
GraphVertex current = vertices[topologicalOrder[i]];
if (current.isInputVertex())
//No op
//FIXME: make the frozen vertex feature extraction more flexible
if (current.hasLayer() && current.getLayer() instanceof FrozenLayer)
if (current.isOutputVertex()) {
//Two reasons for a vertex to be an output vertex:
//(a) it's an output layer (i.e., instanceof IOutputLayer), or
//(b) it's a normal layer, but it has been marked as an output layer for use in external errors - for reinforcement learning, for example
int thisOutputNumber = configuration.getNetworkOutputs().indexOf(current.getVertexName());
if (current.getLayer() instanceof IOutputLayer) {
IOutputLayer outputLayer = (IOutputLayer) current.getLayer();
INDArray currLabels = labels[thisOutputNumber];
} else {
setVertexEpsilon[topologicalOrder[i]] = true;
Pair<Gradient, INDArray[]> pair = current.doBackward(truncatedBPTT);
INDArray[] epsilons = pair.getSecond();
//Inputs to the current GraphVertex:
VertexIndices[] inputVertices = current.getInputVertices();
//Set epsilons for the vertices that provide inputs to this vertex:
if (inputVertices != null) {
int j = 0;
for (VertexIndices v : inputVertices) {
GraphVertex gv = vertices[v.getVertexIndex()];
if (setVertexEpsilon[gv.getVertexIndex()]) {
//This vertex: must output to multiple vertices... we want to add the epsilons here
INDArray currentEps = gv.getEpsilon();
//TODO: in some circumstances, it may be safe to do in-place add (but not always)
} else {
setVertexEpsilon[gv.getVertexIndex()] = true;
if (pair.getFirst() != null) {
Gradient g = pair.getFirst();
Map<String, INDArray> map = g.gradientForVariable();
LinkedList<Triple<String, INDArray, Character>> tempList = new LinkedList<>();
for (Map.Entry<String, INDArray> entry : map.entrySet()) {
String origName = entry.getKey();
String newName = current.getVertexName() + "_" + origName;
tempList.addFirst(new Triple<>(newName, entry.getValue(), g.flatteningOrderForVariable(origName)));
for (Triple<String, INDArray, Character> t : tempList) gradients.addFirst(t);
//Now, add the gradients in the order we need them in for flattening (same as params order)
Gradient gradient = new DefaultGradient(flattenedGradients);
for (Triple<String, INDArray, Character> t : gradients) {
gradient.setGradientFor(t.getFirst(), t.getSecond(), t.getThird());
this.gradient = gradient;
use of org.deeplearning4j.nn.api.layers.IOutputLayer in project deeplearning4j by deeplearning4j.
the class ComputationGraph method evaluate.
* Evaluate the network (for classification) on the provided data set, with top N accuracy in addition to standard accuracy.
* For 'standard' accuracy evaluation only, use topN = 1
* @param iterator Iterator (data) to evaluate on
* @param labelsList List of labels. May be null.
* @param topN N value for top N accuracy evaluation
* @return Evaluation object, summarizing the results of the evaluation on the provided DataSetIterator
public Evaluation evaluate(DataSetIterator iterator, List<String> labelsList, int topN) {
if (layers == null || !(getOutputLayer(0) instanceof IOutputLayer)) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot evaluate network with no output layer");
if (labelsList == null)
labelsList = iterator.getLabels();
Evaluation e = new Evaluation(labelsList, topN);
while (iterator.hasNext()) {
org.nd4j.linalg.dataset.DataSet next =;
if (next.getFeatureMatrix() == null || next.getLabels() == null)
INDArray features = next.getFeatures();
INDArray labels = next.getLabels();
INDArray[] out;
out = output(false, features);
if (labels.rank() == 3)
e.evalTimeSeries(labels, out[0]);
e.eval(labels, out[0]);
return e;