use of org.deeplearning4j.nn.api.layers.IOutputLayer in project deeplearning4j by deeplearning4j.
the class MultiLayerNetwork method labelProbabilities.
* Returns the probabilities for each label
* for each example row wise
* @param examples the examples to classify (one example in each row)
* @return the likelihoods of each example and each label
public INDArray labelProbabilities(INDArray examples) {
List<INDArray> feed = feedForward(examples);
IOutputLayer o = (IOutputLayer) getOutputLayer();
return o.labelProbabilities(feed.get(feed.size() - 1));
use of org.deeplearning4j.nn.api.layers.IOutputLayer in project deeplearning4j by deeplearning4j.
the class MultiLayerNetwork method score.
/**Calculate the score (loss function) of the prediction with respect to the true labels<br>
* @param data data to calculate score for
* @param training If true: score during training. If false: score at test time. This can affect the application of
* certain features, such as dropout and dropconnect (which are applied at training time only)
* @return the score (value of the loss function)
public double score(DataSet data, boolean training) {
boolean hasMaskArray = data.hasMaskArrays();
if (hasMaskArray)
setLayerMaskArrays(data.getFeaturesMaskArray(), data.getLabelsMaskArray());
// activation for output layer is calculated in computeScore
List<INDArray> activations = feedForwardToLayer(layers.length - 2, data.getFeatureMatrix(), training);
int n = activations.size();
if (getOutputLayer() instanceof IOutputLayer) {
IOutputLayer ol = (IOutputLayer) getOutputLayer();
INDArray olInput = activations.get(n - 1);
if (getLayerWiseConfigurations().getInputPreProcess(n - 1) != null) {
olInput = getLayerWiseConfigurations().getInputPreProcess(n - 1).preProcess(olInput, input.size(0));
//Feedforward doesn't include output layer for efficiency
ol.computeScore(calcL1(true), calcL2(true), training);
this.score = ol.score();
} else {
log.warn("Cannot calculate score wrt labels without an OutputLayer");
return 0.0;
if (hasMaskArray)
return score();
use of org.deeplearning4j.nn.api.layers.IOutputLayer in project deeplearning4j by deeplearning4j.
the class KerasModel method getComputationGraphConfiguration.
* Configure a ComputationGraph from this Keras Model configuration.
* @return ComputationGraph
public ComputationGraphConfiguration getComputationGraphConfiguration() throws InvalidKerasConfigurationException, UnsupportedKerasConfigurationException {
if (!this.className.equals(MODEL_CLASS_NAME_MODEL) && !this.className.equals(MODEL_CLASS_NAME_SEQUENTIAL))
throw new InvalidKerasConfigurationException("Keras model class name " + this.className + " incompatible with ComputationGraph");
NeuralNetConfiguration.Builder modelBuilder = new NeuralNetConfiguration.Builder();
ComputationGraphConfiguration.GraphBuilder graphBuilder = modelBuilder.graphBuilder();
/* Build String array of input layer names, add to ComputationGraph. */
String[] inputLayerNameArray = new String[this.inputLayerNames.size()];
/* Build InputType array of input layer types, add to ComputationGraph. */
List<InputType> inputTypeList = new ArrayList<InputType>();
for (String inputLayerName : this.inputLayerNames) inputTypeList.add(this.layers.get(inputLayerName).getOutputType());
InputType[] inputTypes = new InputType[inputTypeList.size()];
/* Build String array of output layer names, add to ComputationGraph. */
String[] outputLayerNameArray = new String[this.outputLayerNames.size()];
Map<String, InputPreProcessor> preprocessors = new HashMap<String, InputPreProcessor>();
/* Add layersOrdered one at a time. */
for (KerasLayer layer : this.layersOrdered) {
/* Get inbound layer names. */
List<String> inboundLayerNames = layer.getInboundLayerNames();
String[] inboundLayerNamesArray = new String[inboundLayerNames.size()];
/* Get inbound InputTypes and InputPreProcessor, if necessary. */
List<InputType> inboundTypeList = new ArrayList<InputType>();
for (String layerName : inboundLayerNames) inboundTypeList.add(this.outputTypes.get(layerName));
InputType[] inboundTypeArray = new InputType[inboundTypeList.size()];
InputPreProcessor preprocessor = layer.getInputPreprocessor(inboundTypeArray);
if (layer.usesRegularization())
if (layer.isLayer()) {
/* Add DL4J layer. */
if (preprocessor != null)
preprocessors.put(layer.getLayerName(), preprocessor);
graphBuilder.addLayer(layer.getLayerName(), layer.getLayer(), inboundLayerNamesArray);
if (this.outputLayerNames.contains(layer.getLayerName()) && !(layer.getLayer() instanceof IOutputLayer))
log.warn("Model cannot be trained: output layer " + layer.getLayerName() + " is not an IOutputLayer (no loss function specified)");
} else if (layer.isVertex()) {
/* Add DL4J vertex. */
if (preprocessor != null)
preprocessors.put(layer.getLayerName(), preprocessor);
graphBuilder.addVertex(layer.getLayerName(), layer.getVertex(), inboundLayerNamesArray);
if (this.outputLayerNames.contains(layer.getLayerName()) && !(layer.getVertex() instanceof IOutputLayer))
log.warn("Model cannot be trained: output vertex " + layer.getLayerName() + " is not an IOutputLayer (no loss function specified)");
} else if (layer.isInputPreProcessor()) {
if (preprocessor == null)
throw new UnsupportedKerasConfigurationException("Layer " + layer.getLayerName() + " could not be mapped to Layer, Vertex, or InputPreProcessor");
graphBuilder.addVertex(layer.getLayerName(), new PreprocessorVertex(preprocessor), inboundLayerNamesArray);
if (this.outputLayerNames.contains(layer.getLayerName()))
log.warn("Model cannot be trained: output " + layer.getLayerName() + " is not an IOutputLayer (no loss function specified)");
/* Whether to use standard backprop (or BPTT) or truncated BPTT. */
if (this.useTruncatedBPTT && this.truncatedBPTT > 0)
use of org.deeplearning4j.nn.api.layers.IOutputLayer in project deeplearning4j by deeplearning4j.
the class MultiLayerNetwork method pretrain.
* @deprecated use {@link #pretrain(DataSetIterator)} or {@link #pretrainLayer(int, DataSetIterator)} or {@link #pretrainLayer(int, INDArray)}.
* Pretraining each layer in a row on a single minibatch (as per this method) instead of N epochs per layer is not advisable.
public void pretrain(INDArray input) {
if (!layerWiseConfigurations.isPretrain())
if (flattenedGradients == null)
/* During pretrain, feed forward expected activations of network, use activation cooccurrences during pretrain */
int miniBatchSize = input.size(0);
INDArray layerInput = null;
Layer layer;
int nPretrainLayers = getnLayers();
if (getLayer(getnLayers() - 1) instanceof IOutputLayer)
for (int i = 0; i < nPretrainLayers; i++) {
layer = getLayer(i);
if (i == 0) {
if (getLayerWiseConfigurations().getInputPreProcess(i) != null) {
layerInput = getLayerWiseConfigurations().getInputPreProcess(i).preProcess(input, miniBatchSize);
} else {
layerInput = input;
} else {
layerInput = activationFromPrevLayer(i - 1, layerInput, true);
use of org.deeplearning4j.nn.api.layers.IOutputLayer in project deeplearning4j by deeplearning4j.
the class MultiLayerNetwork method initialize.
* Sets the input and labels from this dataset
* @param data the dataset to initialize with
public void initialize(DataSet data) {
this.labels = data.getLabels();
if (getOutputLayer() instanceof IOutputLayer) {
IOutputLayer ol = (IOutputLayer) getOutputLayer();