use of org.dragonet.protocol.type.chunk.Section in project DragonProxy by DragonetMC.
the class ChunkCache method translateChunk.
public final ChunkData translateChunk(int columnX, int columnZ) {
ChunkPos columnPos = new ChunkPos(columnX, columnZ);
if (chunkCache.containsKey(columnPos)) {
Column column = chunkCache.get(columnPos);
ChunkData chunk = new ChunkData();
chunk.sections = new Section[16];
for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++) chunk.sections[i] = new Section();
// Blocks
for (int y = 0; y < 256; y++) {
int cy = y >> 4;
Chunk c = null;
try {
c = column.getChunks()[cy];
} catch (Exception ex) {
DragonProxy.getInstance().getLogger().info("Chunk " + columnX + ", " + cy + ", " + columnZ + " not exist !");
if (c == null || c.isEmpty())
BlockStorage blocks = c.getBlocks();
for (int x = 0; x < 16; x++) for (int z = 0; z < 16; z++) {
BlockState block = blocks.get(x, y & 0xF, z);
ItemEntry entry = ItemBlockTranslator.translateToPE(block.getId(), block.getData());
Section section = chunk.sections[cy];
// Block id
section.blockIds[index(x, y, z)] = (byte) (entry.getId() & 0xFF);
// Data value
int i = dataIndex(x, y, z);
byte data = section.blockMetas[i];
int newValue = entry.getPEDamage().byteValue();
if ((y & 1) == 0)
data = (byte) ((data & 0xf0) | (newValue & 0x0f));
data = (byte) (((newValue & 0x0f) << 4) | (data & 0x0f));
section.blockMetas[i] = data;
// Blocks entities
try {
List<CompoundTag> blockEntities = new ArrayList<>();
for (int i = 0; i < column.getTileEntities().length; i++) {
CompoundTag peTag = ItemBlockTranslator.translateBlockEntityToPE(column.getTileEntities()[i]);
if (// filter non handled blocks entities
peTag != null)
// else // debug
// DragonProxy.getInstance().getLogger().debug("NBT null for " + pc.getTileEntities()[i].toString());
chunk.blockEntities = NBTIO.write(blockEntities, ByteOrder.LITTLE_ENDIAN, true);
} catch (IOException ex) {
return chunk;
// System.out.println("Chunk " + columnX + ", " + columnZ + " not in cache !!!!!!!!!!!!!");
return null;
use of org.dragonet.protocol.type.chunk.Section in project DragonProxy by DragonetMC.
the class UpstreamSession method postLogin.
public void postLogin() {
sendPacket(new ResourcePackStackPacket(), true);
loggedIn = true;
proxy.getLogger().info(proxy.getLang().get(Lang.MESSAGE_CLIENT_CONNECTED, username, remoteAddress));
PlayerAuthenticationEvent authEvent = new PlayerAuthenticationEvent(this);
if (authEvent.isCancelled())
if (proxy.getAuthMode().equals("online")) {
proxy.getLogger().debug("Login online mode, sending placeholder datas");
StartGamePacket pkStartGame = new StartGamePacket();
// well we use 1 now
pkStartGame.eid = getEntityCache().getClientEntity().proxyEid;
pkStartGame.rtid = getEntityCache().getClientEntity().proxyEid;
pkStartGame.dimension = 0;
pkStartGame.seed = 0;
pkStartGame.generator = 1;
pkStartGame.difficulty = Difficulty.PEACEFUL;
pkStartGame.spawnPosition = new BlockPosition(0, 72, 0);
pkStartGame.position = new Vector3F(0f, 72f + EntityType.PLAYER.getOffset(), 0f);
pkStartGame.levelId = "";
pkStartGame.worldName = "World";
pkStartGame.defaultPlayerPermission = 2;
pkStartGame.commandsEnabled = true;
pkStartGame.premiumWorldTemplateId = "";
sendPacket(pkStartGame, true);
SetSpawnPositionPacket pkSpawn = new SetSpawnPositionPacket();
pkSpawn.position = new BlockPosition(0, 72, 0);
sendPacket(pkSpawn, true);
ChunkData data = new ChunkData();
data.sections = new Section[16];
for (int cy = 0; cy < 16; cy++) {
data.sections[cy] = new Section();
if (cy < 6)
Arrays.fill(data.sections[cy].blockIds, (byte) 1);
sendPacket(new FullChunkDataPacket(0, 0, data.getBuffer()), true);
sendPacket(new FullChunkDataPacket(0, -1, data.getBuffer()), true);
sendPacket(new FullChunkDataPacket(-1, 0, data.getBuffer()), true);
sendPacket(new FullChunkDataPacket(-1, -1, data.getBuffer()), true);
dataCache.put(CacheKey.AUTHENTICATION_STATE, "online_login_wait");
PlayStatusPacket pkStat = new PlayStatusPacket();
pkStat.status = PlayStatusPacket.PLAYER_SPAWN;
sendPacket(pkStat, true);
} else if (proxy.getAuthMode().equals("cls")) {
if (!CLSAuthenticationService.getInstance().authenticate(this)) {
if (getDataCache().containsKey("cls_link_server") && getDataCache().containsKey("cls_link_pin")) {
disconnect("You must link your Mojang account, please visit :\n" + (String) getDataCache().get("cls_link_server") + "\n" + "Your pin code is: " + (String) getDataCache().get("cls_link_pin"));
disconnect(proxy.getLang().get(Lang.MESSAGE_SERVER_ERROR, proxy.getLang().get(Lang.ERROR_CLS_UNREACHABLE)));
proxy.getLogger().severe(proxy.getLang().get(Lang.MESSAGE_SERVER_ERROR, proxy.getLang().get(Lang.ERROR_CLS_UNREACHABLE)).replace("§c", "").replace("§0", ""));
AuthenticationService authSvc = new AuthenticationService((String) dataCache.get("mojang_clientToken"));
authSvc.setUsername((String) dataCache.get("mojang_displayName"));
authSvc.setAccessToken((String) dataCache.get("mojang_accessToken"));
try {
getDataCache().put("mojang_accessToken", authSvc.getAccessToken());
} catch (RequestException ex) {
disconnect(proxy.getLang().get(Lang.MESSAGE_SERVER_ERROR, proxy.getLang().get(Lang.ERROR_CLS_ERROR)));
username = authSvc.getSelectedProfile().getName();
CLSAuthenticationService.getInstance().refresh(this, authSvc.getAccessToken());
protocol = new MinecraftProtocol(authSvc.getSelectedProfile(), authSvc.getAccessToken());
proxy.getLogger().debug("Initially joining [" + proxy.getConfig().remote_server_addr + "]... ");
connectToServer(proxy.getConfig().remote_server_addr, proxy.getConfig().remote_server_port);
} else {
protocol = new MinecraftProtocol(username);
proxy.getLogger().debug("Initially joining [" + proxy.getConfig().remote_server_addr + "]... ");
connectToServer(proxy.getConfig().remote_server_addr, proxy.getConfig().remote_server_port);
use of org.dragonet.protocol.type.chunk.Section in project DragonProxy by DragonetMC.
the class TestCommand method execute.
public void execute(DragonProxy proxy, String[] args) {
if (args.length == 0) {
System.out.println("This is a developer's command! ");
UpstreamSession player = proxy.getSessionRegister().getAll().values().toArray(new UpstreamSession[1])[0];
if (args[0].equalsIgnoreCase("status")) {
PlayStatusPacket s = new PlayStatusPacket();
s.status = PlayStatusPacket.PLAYER_SPAWN;
} else if (args[0].equalsIgnoreCase("res")) {
player.sendPacket(new ResourcePacksInfoPacket());
} else if (args[0].equalsIgnoreCase("pos")) {
player.sendChat("pos at: " + player.getEntityCache().getClientEntity().x + ", " + player.getEntityCache().getClientEntity().y + ", " + player.getEntityCache().getClientEntity().z);
} else if (args[0].equalsIgnoreCase("respawn")) {
RespawnPacket resp = new RespawnPacket();
resp.position = new Vector3F(Float.parseFloat(args[1]), Float.parseFloat(args[2]), Float.parseFloat(args[3]));
} else if (args[0].equalsIgnoreCase("chunkradius")) {
player.sendPacket(new ChunkRadiusUpdatedPacket(8));
} else if (args[0].equalsIgnoreCase("setspawnpos")) {
SetSpawnPositionPacket packetSetSpawnPosition = new SetSpawnPositionPacket();
packetSetSpawnPosition.position = new BlockPosition(Integer.parseInt(args[1]), Integer.parseInt(args[2]), Integer.parseInt(args[3]));
} else if (args[0].equalsIgnoreCase("motion")) {
SetEntityMotionPacket mot = new SetEntityMotionPacket();
mot.rtid = 1L;
mot.motion = new Vector3F(0f, 0f, 0f);
} else if (args[0].equalsIgnoreCase("die")) {
player.sendPacket(new SetHealthPacket(0));
} else if (args[0].equalsIgnoreCase("tp")) {
Vector3F dest = new Vector3F(Float.parseFloat(args[1]), Float.parseFloat(args[2]), Float.parseFloat(args[3]));
MovePlayerPacket m = new MovePlayerPacket();
m.rtid = 1L;
m.mode = (byte) (Integer.parseInt(args[4]) & 0xFF);
m.position = dest;
player.sendChat("\u00a7bTeleported to: " + dest.toString());
} else if (args[0].equalsIgnoreCase("moveentity")) {
Vector3F dest = new Vector3F(Float.parseFloat(args[1]), Float.parseFloat(args[2]), Float.parseFloat(args[3]));
MoveEntityPacket m = new MoveEntityPacket();
m.rtid = 1L;
m.teleported = args[4].equalsIgnoreCase("true");
m.position = dest;
player.sendChat("\u00a7bTeleported to: " + dest.toString());
} else if (args[0].equalsIgnoreCase("chunk")) {
* FullChunkData chunk = new FullChunkData(Integer.parseInt(args[1]),
* Integer.parseInt(args[2])); Arrays.fill(chunk.ids, (byte)1);
ChunkData data = new ChunkData();
data.sections = new Section[16];
for (int cy = 0; cy < 16; cy++) {
data.sections[cy] = new Section();
Arrays.fill(data.sections[cy].blockIds, (byte) 1);
FullChunkDataPacket chunk = new FullChunkDataPacket();
chunk.x = Integer.parseInt(args[1]);
chunk.z = Integer.parseInt(args[2]);
chunk.payload = data.getBuffer();
} else if (args[0].equalsIgnoreCase("form")) {
} else if (args[0].equalsIgnoreCase("sound")) {
int id = Integer.parseInt(args[1]);
LevelSoundEventPacket pk = new LevelSoundEventPacket();
CachedEntity self = player.getEntityCache().getClientEntity();
pk.position = new Vector3F((float) self.x, (float) self.y, (float) self.z);
pk.sound = LevelSoundEventPacket.Sound.fromID(id);
player.sendChat("\u00a7bSound ID " + pk.sound.soundID + " (" + + ") sent");
} else if (args[0].equalsIgnoreCase("painting")) {
AddPaintingPacket pk = new AddPaintingPacket();
pk.rtid = player.getEntityCache().getNextAtomicLong().incrementAndGet();
pk.eid = pk.rtid;
pk.pos = new BlockPosition(Integer.parseInt(args[1]), Integer.parseInt(args[2]), Integer.parseInt(args[3]));
pk.direction = Integer.parseInt(args[4]);
pk.title = args[5];
player.sendChat("\u00a7bPainting " + pk.title + " spawned at " + pk.pos.toString());