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Example 21 with DynmapBlockState

use of org.dynmap.renderer.DynmapBlockState in project dynmap by webbukkit.

the class DynmapPlugin method initializeBlockStates.

 * Initialize block states (org.dynmap.blockstate.DynmapBlockState)
public void initializeBlockStates() {
    // Simple map - scale as needed
    stateByID = new DynmapBlockState[512 * 32];
    // Default to air
    Arrays.fill(stateByID, DynmapBlockState.AIR);
    IdList<BlockState> bsids = Block.STATE_IDS;
    DynmapBlockState basebs = null;
    Block baseb = null;
    int baseidx = 0;
    Iterator<BlockState> iter = bsids.iterator();
    DynmapBlockState.Builder bld = new DynmapBlockState.Builder();
    while (iter.hasNext()) {
        BlockState bs =;
        int idx = bsids.getId(bs);
        if (idx >= stateByID.length) {
            int plen = stateByID.length;
            // grow array by 10%
            stateByID = Arrays.copyOf(stateByID, idx * 11 / 10);
            Arrays.fill(stateByID, plen, stateByID.length, DynmapBlockState.AIR);
        Block b = bs.getBlock();
        // If this is new block vs last, it's the base block state
        if (b != baseb) {
            basebs = null;
            baseidx = idx;
            baseb = b;
        Identifier ui = Registry.BLOCK.getId(b);
        if (ui == null) {
        String bn = ui.getNamespace() + ":" + ui.getPath();
        // Only do defined names, and not "air"
        if (!bn.equals(DynmapBlockState.AIR_BLOCK)) {
            Material mat = bs.getMaterial();
            String statename = "";
            for (<?> p : bs.getProperties()) {
                if (statename.length() > 0) {
                    statename += ",";
                statename += p.getName() + "=" + bs.get(p).toString();
            int lightAtten = bs.isFullOpaque(EmptyBlockView.INSTANCE, BlockPos.ORIGIN) ? 15 : (bs.isTranslucent(EmptyBlockView.INSTANCE, BlockPos.ORIGIN) ? 0 : 1);
            //"statename=" + bn + "[" + statename + "], lightAtten=" + lightAtten);
            // Fill in base attributes
            bld.setBaseState(basebs).setStateIndex(idx - baseidx).setBlockName(bn).setStateName(statename).setMaterial(mat.toString()).setLegacyBlockID(idx).setAttenuatesLight(lightAtten);
            if (mat.isSolid()) {
            if (mat == Material.AIR) {
            if (mat == Material.WOOD) {
            if (mat == Material.LEAVES) {
            if ((!bs.getFluidState().isEmpty()) && !(bs.getBlock() instanceof FluidBlock)) {
            // Build state
            DynmapBlockState dbs =;
            stateByID[idx] = dbs;
            if (basebs == null) {
                basebs = dbs;
    for (int gidx = 0; gidx < DynmapBlockState.getGlobalIndexMax(); gidx++) {
        DynmapBlockState bs = DynmapBlockState.getStateByGlobalIndex(gidx);
    // + ":" + bs.toString() + ", gidx=" + bs.globalStateIndex + ", sidx=" + bs.stateIndex);
Also used : FluidBlock(net.minecraft.block.FluidBlock) DynmapBlockState(org.dynmap.renderer.DynmapBlockState) Material(net.minecraft.block.Material) BlockState(net.minecraft.block.BlockState) DynmapBlockState(org.dynmap.renderer.DynmapBlockState) Identifier(net.minecraft.util.Identifier) FluidBlock(net.minecraft.block.FluidBlock) Block(net.minecraft.block.Block)

Example 22 with DynmapBlockState

use of org.dynmap.renderer.DynmapBlockState in project dynmap by webbukkit.

the class BukkitVersionHelperSpigot117 method initializeBlockStates.

 * Initialize block states (org.dynmap.blockstate.DynmapBlockState)
public void initializeBlockStates() {
    dataToState = new IdentityHashMap<IBlockData, DynmapBlockState>();
    HashMap<String, DynmapBlockState> lastBlockState = new HashMap<String, DynmapBlockState>();
    int cnt = Block.p.a();
    // Loop through block data states
    DynmapBlockState.Builder bld = new DynmapBlockState.Builder();
    for (int i = 0; i < cnt; i++) {
        IBlockData bd = Block.getByCombinedId(i);
        Block b = bd.getBlock();
        String bname = IRegistry.W.getKey(bd.getBlock()).toString();
        // See if we have seen this one
        DynmapBlockState lastbs = lastBlockState.get(bname);
        int idx = 0;
        if (lastbs != null) {
            // Yes
            // Get number of states so far, since this is next
            idx = lastbs.getStateCount();
        // Build state name
        String sb = "";
        String fname = bd.toString();
        int off1 = fname.indexOf('[');
        if (off1 >= 0) {
            int off2 = fname.indexOf(']');
            sb = fname.substring(off1 + 1, off2);
        Material mat = bd.getMaterial();
        // getLightBlock
        int lightAtten = b.g(bd, BlockAccessAir.a, BlockPosition.b);
        //"statename=" + bname + "[" + sb + "], lightAtten=" + lightAtten);
        // Fill in base attributes
        if (mat.isSolid()) {
        if (mat == Material.a) {
        if ((bd.getBlock() instanceof BlockRotatable) && (bd.getMaterial() == Material.z)) {
        if (mat == Material.E) {
        if ((!bd.getFluid().isEmpty()) && ((bd.getBlock() instanceof BlockFluids) == false)) {
            // Test if fluid type for block is not empty
        // Build state
        DynmapBlockState dbs =;
        dataToState.put(bd, dbs);
        lastBlockState.put(bname, (lastbs == null) ? dbs : lastbs);
        Log.verboseinfo("blk=" + bname + ", idx=" + idx + ", state=" + sb + ", waterlogged=" + dbs.isWaterlogged());
Also used : BlockRotatable( IdentityHashMap(java.util.IdentityHashMap) HashMap(java.util.HashMap) DynmapBlockState(org.dynmap.renderer.DynmapBlockState) GsonBuilder( BukkitMaterial(org.dynmap.bukkit.helper.BukkitMaterial) Material( NBTTagString(net.minecraft.nbt.NBTTagString) IBlockData( Block( BlockFluids(

Example 23 with DynmapBlockState

use of org.dynmap.renderer.DynmapBlockState in project dynmap by webbukkit.

the class BukkitVersionHelperSpigot118_2 method initializeBlockStates.

 * Initialize block states (org.dynmap.blockstate.DynmapBlockState)
public void initializeBlockStates() {
    dataToState = new IdentityHashMap<IBlockData, DynmapBlockState>();
    HashMap<String, DynmapBlockState> lastBlockState = new HashMap<String, DynmapBlockState>();
    RegistryBlockID<IBlockData> bsids = Block.o;
    Block baseb = null;
    Iterator<IBlockData> iter = bsids.iterator();
    ArrayList<String> names = new ArrayList<String>();
    // Loop through block data states
    DynmapBlockState.Builder bld = new DynmapBlockState.Builder();
    while (iter.hasNext()) {
        IBlockData bd =;
        Block b = bd.b();
        MinecraftKey id = RegistryBlocks.U.b(b);
        String bname = id.toString();
        // See if we have seen this one
        DynmapBlockState lastbs = lastBlockState.get(bname);
        int idx = 0;
        if (lastbs != null) {
            // Yes
            // Get number of states so far, since this is next
            idx = lastbs.getStateCount();
        // Build state name
        String sb = "";
        String fname = bd.toString();
        int off1 = fname.indexOf('[');
        if (off1 >= 0) {
            int off2 = fname.indexOf(']');
            sb = fname.substring(off1 + 1, off2);
        } mat = bd.c();
        // getLightBlock
        int lightAtten = b.g(bd, BlockAccessAir.a, BlockPosition.b);
        //"statename=" + bname + "[" + sb + "], lightAtten=" + lightAtten);
        // Fill in base attributes
        if (mat.b()) {
        if (mat == {
        if (mat == {
        if (mat == {
        if ((!bd.o().c()) && ((bd.b() instanceof BlockFluids) == false)) {
            // Test if fluid type for block is not empty
        // Build state
        DynmapBlockState dbs =;
        dataToState.put(bd, dbs);
        lastBlockState.put(bname, (lastbs == null) ? dbs : lastbs);
        Log.verboseinfo("blk=" + bname + ", idx=" + idx + ", state=" + sb + ", waterlogged=" + dbs.isWaterlogged());
Also used : IdentityHashMap(java.util.IdentityHashMap) HashMap(java.util.HashMap) DynmapBlockState(org.dynmap.renderer.DynmapBlockState) GsonBuilder( ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) NBTTagString(net.minecraft.nbt.NBTTagString) MinecraftKey(net.minecraft.resources.MinecraftKey) IBlockData( Block( BlockFluids(

Example 24 with DynmapBlockState

use of org.dynmap.renderer.DynmapBlockState in project dynmap by webbukkit.

the class BukkitVersionHelperSpigot115 method initializeBlockStates.

 * Initialize block states (org.dynmap.blockstate.DynmapBlockState)
public void initializeBlockStates() {
    dataToState = new IdentityHashMap<IBlockData, DynmapBlockState>();
    HashMap<String, DynmapBlockState> lastBlockState = new HashMap<String, DynmapBlockState>();
    int cnt = Block.REGISTRY_ID.a();
    DynmapBlockState.Builder bld = new DynmapBlockState.Builder();
    // Loop through block data states
    for (int i = 0; i < cnt; i++) {
        IBlockData bd = Block.getByCombinedId(i);
        Block b = bd.getBlock();
        String bname = IRegistry.BLOCK.getKey(bd.getBlock()).toString();
        // See if we have seen this one
        DynmapBlockState lastbs = lastBlockState.get(bname);
        int idx = 0;
        if (lastbs != null) {
            // Yes
            // Get number of states so far, since this is next
            idx = lastbs.getStateCount();
        // Build state name
        String sb = "";
        String fname = bd.toString();
        int off1 = fname.indexOf('[');
        if (off1 >= 0) {
            int off2 = fname.indexOf(']');
            sb = fname.substring(off1 + 1, off2);
        Material mat = bd.getMaterial();
        // getLightBlock
        int lightAtten = b.l(bd, BlockAccessAir.INSTANCE, BlockPosition.ZERO);
        //"statename=" + bname + "[" + sb + "], lightAtten=" + lightAtten);
        // Fill in base attributes
        if (mat.isSolid()) {
        if (mat == Material.AIR) {
        if ((bd.getBlock() instanceof BlockRotatable) && (bd.getMaterial() == Material.WOOD)) {
        if (mat == Material.LEAVES) {
        if ((!bd.getFluid().isEmpty()) && ((bd.getBlock() instanceof BlockFluids) == false)) {
            // Test if fluid type for block is not empty
        // Build state
        DynmapBlockState dbs =;
        dataToState.put(bd, dbs);
        lastBlockState.put(bname, (lastbs == null) ? dbs : lastbs);
        Log.verboseinfo("blk=" + bname + ", idx=" + idx + ", state=" + sb + ", waterlogged=" + dbs.isWaterlogged());
Also used : BlockRotatable(net.minecraft.server.v1_15_R1.BlockRotatable) HashMap(java.util.HashMap) IdentityHashMap(java.util.IdentityHashMap) DynmapBlockState(org.dynmap.renderer.DynmapBlockState) Material(net.minecraft.server.v1_15_R1.Material) IBlockData(net.minecraft.server.v1_15_R1.IBlockData) Block(net.minecraft.server.v1_15_R1.Block) BlockFluids(net.minecraft.server.v1_15_R1.BlockFluids)

Example 25 with DynmapBlockState

use of org.dynmap.renderer.DynmapBlockState in project dynmap by webbukkit.

the class BukkitVersionHelper method initializeBlockStates.

 * Initialize block states (org.dynmap.blockstate.DynmapBlockState)
public void initializeBlockStates() {
    String[] blkname = getBlockNames();
    BukkitMaterial[] blkmat = getMaterialList();
    // Keep it simple for now - just assume 16 meta states for each
    stateByID = new DynmapBlockState[16 * blkname.length];
    Arrays.fill(stateByID, DynmapBlockState.AIR);
    for (int i = 0; i < blkname.length; i++) {
        if (blkname[i] == null)
        String bn = blkname[i];
        if (bn.indexOf(':') < 0) {
            bn = "minecraft:" + bn;
        // Only do defined names, and not "air"
        if (!bn.equals(DynmapBlockState.AIR_BLOCK)) {
            BukkitMaterial mat = blkmat[i];
            DynmapBlockState basebs = null;
            for (int m = 0; m < 16; m++) {
                String sn = helper.getStateStringByCombinedId(i, m);
                DynmapBlockState bs = new DynmapBlockState(basebs, m, bn, sn,, i);
                if (basebs == null)
                    basebs = bs;
                stateByID[(i << 4) + m] = bs;
                if (mat != null) {
                    if ("AIR")) {
                    if ("LEAVES")) {
                    if ("WOOD")) {
                    if (mat.isSolid) {
// for (int gidx = 0; gidx < DynmapBlockState.getGlobalIndexMax(); gidx++) {
// DynmapBlockState bs = DynmapBlockState.getStateByGlobalIndex(gidx);
// Log.verboseinfo(gidx + ":" + bs.toString() + ", gidx=" + bs.globalStateIndex + ", sidx=" + bs.stateIndex);
// }
Also used : DynmapBlockState(org.dynmap.renderer.DynmapBlockState)


DynmapBlockState (org.dynmap.renderer.DynmapBlockState)62 HashMap (java.util.HashMap)12 ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)10 IdentityHashMap (java.util.IdentityHashMap)10 Block (net.minecraft.block.Block)10 GsonBuilder ( BlockState (net.minecraft.block.BlockState)9 BitSet (java.util.BitSet)7 RequiredArgumentBuilder (com.mojang.brigadier.builder.RequiredArgumentBuilder)6 File ( FluidBlock (net.minecraft.block.FluidBlock)6 Material (net.minecraft.block.Material)6 Identifier (net.minecraft.util.Identifier)6 Block ( RenderPatch (org.dynmap.renderer.RenderPatch)6 JsonParseException ( IOException ( CancellationException (java.util.concurrent.CancellationException)5 ExecutionException (java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException)5 ZipFile (