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Example 1 with JCCompilationUnit

use of in project ceylon by eclipse.

the class CeylonTransformer method makeJCCompilationUnitPlaceholder.

 * In this pass we only make an empty placeholder which we'll fill in the
 * EnterCeylon phase later on
public JCCompilationUnit makeJCCompilationUnitPlaceholder(Tree.CompilationUnit t, JavaFileObject file, String pkgName, PhasedUnit phasedUnit) {
    JCExpression pkg = pkgName != null ? getPackage(pkgName) : null;
    List<JCTree> defs = makeDefs(t);
    JCCompilationUnit topLev = new CeylonCompilationUnit(List.<JCTree.JCAnnotation>nil(), pkg, defs, null, null, null, null, t, phasedUnit);
    topLev.lineMap = getMap();
    topLev.sourcefile = file;
    topLev.isCeylonProgram = true;
    return topLev;
Also used : JCCompilationUnit( JCExpression( JCTree(

Example 2 with JCCompilationUnit

use of in project ceylon by eclipse.

the class CeylonTransformer method transformPackageInfo.

public List<JCCompilationUnit> transformPackageInfo(CeylonCompilationUnit ccu) {
    final CeylonFileObject fo = (CeylonFileObject) ((CeylonPhasedUnit) ccu.phasedUnit).getFileObject();
    ListBuffer<JCCompilationUnit> packageInfos = new ListBuffer<JCCompilationUnit>();
    for (Tree.PackageDescriptor pack : ccu.ceylonTree.getPackageDescriptors()) {
        List<JCAnnotation> packageAnnotations = expressionGen().transformAnnotations(OutputElement.PACKAGE, pack);
        if (packageAnnotations.isEmpty()) {
        JCCompilationUnit packageInfo = make().TopLevel(packageAnnotations, naming.makeQuotedFQIdent(pack.getScope().getQualifiedNameString()), List.<JCTree>nil());
        // Enter.visitTopLevel(JCCompilationUnit) uses the tree.sourceFile
        // to decide whether it's seeing a
        // So set up a fake one...
        packageInfo.sourcefile = new JavaFileObject() {

            public boolean isNameCompatible(String simpleName, Kind kind) {
                return "package-info".equals(simpleName) && JavaFileObject.Kind.SOURCE == kind;

            public URI toUri() {
                return fo.toUri();

            public String getName() {
                return fo.getName();

            public InputStream openInputStream() throws IOException {
                return fo.openInputStream();

            public OutputStream openOutputStream() throws IOException {
                return fo.openOutputStream();

            public Reader openReader(boolean ignoreEncodingErrors) throws IOException {
                return fo.openReader(ignoreEncodingErrors);

            public CharSequence getCharContent(boolean ignoreEncodingErrors) throws IOException {
                return fo.getCharContent(ignoreEncodingErrors);

            public Writer openWriter() throws IOException {
                return fo.openWriter();

            public long getLastModified() {
                return fo.getLastModified();

            public boolean delete() {
                return fo.delete();

            public Kind getKind() {
                return fo.getKind();

            public NestingKind getNestingKind() {
                return fo.getNestingKind();

            public Modifier getAccessLevel() {
                return fo.getAccessLevel();
    return packageInfos.toList();
Also used : JCCompilationUnit( InputStream( ListBuffer( OutputStream( Reader( IOException( URI( JavaFileObject( NestingKind(org.eclipse.ceylon.javax.lang.model.element.NestingKind) JCTree( Tree(org.eclipse.ceylon.compiler.typechecker.tree.Tree) PackageDescriptor(org.eclipse.ceylon.compiler.typechecker.tree.Tree.PackageDescriptor) Modifier(org.eclipse.ceylon.javax.lang.model.element.Modifier) JCAnnotation( Writer( NestingKind(org.eclipse.ceylon.javax.lang.model.element.NestingKind)

Example 3 with JCCompilationUnit

use of in project ceylon by eclipse.

the class CompilerTests method compareWithJavaSourceWithLines.

protected void compareWithJavaSourceWithLines(String name) {
    // make a compiler task
    // FIXME: runFileManager.setSourcePath(dir);
    CeyloncTaskImpl task = getCompilerTask(new String[] { name + ".ceylon" });
    // grab the CU after we've completed it
    class Listener implements TaskListener {

        JCCompilationUnit compilationUnit;

        private String compilerSrc;

        private JavaPositionsRetriever javaPositionsRetriever = new JavaPositionsRetriever();

        public void started(TaskEvent e) {

        public void finished(TaskEvent e) {
            if (e.getKind() == Kind.ENTER) {
                if (compilationUnit == null) {
                    compilationUnit = (JCCompilationUnit) e.getCompilationUnit();
                    // for some reason compilationUnit is full here in the listener, but empty as soon
                    // as the compile task is done. probably to clean up for the gc?
                    compilerSrc = normalizeLineEndings(javaPositionsRetriever.getJavaSourceCodeWithCeylonLines());
    Listener listener = new Listener();
    // now compile it all the way
    ExitState exitState = task.call2();
    Assert.assertEquals("Compilation failed", exitState.ceylonState, CeylonState.OK);
    // now look at what we expected
    String expectedSrc = normalizeLineEndings(readFile(new File(getPackagePath(), name + ".src"))).trim();
    String compiledSrc = listener.compilerSrc.trim();
    Assert.assertEquals("Source code differs", expectedSrc, compiledSrc);
Also used : JCCompilationUnit( TaskListener(org.eclipse.ceylon.langtools.source.util.TaskListener) DiagnosticListener( ExitState( TaskEvent(org.eclipse.ceylon.langtools.source.util.TaskEvent) TaskListener(org.eclipse.ceylon.langtools.source.util.TaskListener) CeyloncTaskImpl( JavaPositionsRetriever( ZipFile( File(

Example 4 with JCCompilationUnit

use of in project ceylon by eclipse.

the class CompilerTests method compareWithJavaSource.

protected void compareWithJavaSource(List<String> options, final int index, String java, String... ceylon) {
    // make a compiler task
    // FIXME: runFileManager.setSourcePath(dir);
    ErrorCollector collector = new ErrorCollector();
    CeyloncTaskImpl task = getCompilerTask(options, collector, ceylon);
    // grab the CU after we've completed it
    class Listener implements TaskListener {

        JCCompilationUnit compilationUnit;

        private String compilerSrc;

        int count = 0;

        public void started(TaskEvent e) {

        public void finished(TaskEvent e) {
            if (e.getKind() == Kind.ENTER) {
                if (compilationUnit == null && index == count++) {
                    compilationUnit = (JCCompilationUnit) e.getCompilationUnit();
                    // for some reason compilationUnit is full here in the listener, but empty as soon
                    // as the compile task is done. probably to clean up for the gc?
                    compilerSrc = normalizeLineEndings(compilationUnit.toString());
    Listener listener = new Listener();
    // now compile it all the way
    assertCompilesOk(collector, task.call2());
    // now look at what we expected
    File expectedSrcFile = new File(getPackagePath(), java);
    String expectedSrc = normalizeLineEndings(readFile(expectedSrcFile)).trim();
    String compiledSrc = listener.compilerSrc.trim();
    // Can be used to do batch updating of known correct tests
    // Uncomment only when you know what you're doing!
    // if (expectedSrc != null && compiledSrc != null && !expectedSrc.equals(compiledSrc)) {
    // writeFile(expectedSrcFile, compiledSrc);
    // expectedSrc = compiledSrc;
    // }
    Assert.assertEquals("Source code differs", expectedSrc, compiledSrc);
Also used : JCCompilationUnit( TaskListener(org.eclipse.ceylon.langtools.source.util.TaskListener) DiagnosticListener( TaskEvent(org.eclipse.ceylon.langtools.source.util.TaskEvent) TaskListener(org.eclipse.ceylon.langtools.source.util.TaskListener) CeyloncTaskImpl( ZipFile( File(

Example 5 with JCCompilationUnit

use of in project ceylon by eclipse.

the class CompilerTests method compareWithJavaSourceWithPositions.

protected void compareWithJavaSourceWithPositions(String name) {
    // make a compiler task
    // FIXME: runFileManager.setSourcePath(dir);
    CeyloncTaskImpl task = getCompilerTask(new String[] { name + ".ceylon" });
    // grab the CU after we've completed it
    class Listener implements TaskListener {

        JCCompilationUnit compilationUnit;

        private String compilerSrc;

        private JavaPositionsRetriever javaPositionsRetriever = new JavaPositionsRetriever();

        public void started(TaskEvent e) {

        public void finished(TaskEvent e) {
            if (e.getKind() == Kind.ENTER) {
                if (compilationUnit == null) {
                    compilationUnit = (JCCompilationUnit) e.getCompilationUnit();
                    // for some reason compilationUnit is full here in the listener, but empty as soon
                    // as the compile task is done. probably to clean up for the gc?
                    compilerSrc = normalizeLineEndings(javaPositionsRetriever.getJavaSourceCodeWithCeylonPositions());
    Listener listener = new Listener();
    // now compile it all the way
    ExitState exitState = task.call2();
    Assert.assertEquals("Compilation failed", CeylonState.OK, exitState.ceylonState);
    // now look at what we expected
    String expectedSrc = normalizeLineEndings(readFile(new File(getPackagePath(), name + ".src"))).trim();
    String compiledSrc = listener.compilerSrc.trim();
    Assert.assertEquals("Source code differs", expectedSrc, compiledSrc);
Also used : JCCompilationUnit( TaskListener(org.eclipse.ceylon.langtools.source.util.TaskListener) DiagnosticListener( ExitState( TaskEvent(org.eclipse.ceylon.langtools.source.util.TaskEvent) TaskListener(org.eclipse.ceylon.langtools.source.util.TaskListener) CeyloncTaskImpl( JavaPositionsRetriever( ZipFile( File(


JCCompilationUnit ( IOException ( CeylonCompilationUnit ( File ( TaskEvent (org.eclipse.ceylon.langtools.source.util.TaskEvent)4 JCTree ( ZipFile ( CeyloncTaskImpl ( PhasedUnit (org.eclipse.ceylon.compiler.typechecker.context.PhasedUnit)3 DiagnosticListener ( TaskListener (org.eclipse.ceylon.langtools.source.util.TaskListener)3 Package (org.eclipse.ceylon.model.typechecker.model.Package)3 JavaPositionsRetriever ( ExitState ( JavaFileObject ( JCAnnotation ( JCBlock ( JCClassDecl ( JCMethodDecl ( JCVariableDecl (