use of in project ceylon by eclipse.
the class StatementTransformer method transformCaseIs.
* Transform a "case(is ...)"
* @param selectorAlias
* @param caseClause
* @param isCase
* @param last
* @return
private JCStatement transformCaseIs(Naming.SyntheticName selectorAlias, Tree.CaseClause caseClause, String tmpVar, Tree.Term outerExpression, Type expectedType, Tree.IsCase isCase, JCStatement last, Type expressionType) {
// Use the type of the variable, which is more precise than the type we test for.
Type varType = isCase.getVariable().getDeclarationModel().getType();
Type caseType = getIsCaseType(isCase);
// note: There's no point using makeOptimizedTypeTest() because cases are disjoint
// anyway and the cheap cases get evaluated first.
JCExpression cond = makeTypeTest(null, selectorAlias, caseType, expressionType);
String name = isCase.getVariable().getIdentifier().getText();
TypedDeclaration varDecl = isCase.getVariable().getDeclarationModel();
Naming.SyntheticName tmpVarName = selectorAlias;
Name substVarName = naming.aliasName(name);
// Want raw type for instanceof since it can't be used with generic types
JCExpression rawToTypeExpr = makeJavaType(varType, JT_NO_PRIMITIVES | JT_RAW);
// Substitute variable with the correct type to use in the rest of the code block
JCExpression tmpVarExpr = at(isCase).TypeCast(rawToTypeExpr, tmpVarName.makeIdent());
JCExpression toTypeExpr;
if (isCeylonBasicType(varType) && varDecl.getUnboxed() == true) {
toTypeExpr = makeJavaType(varType);
tmpVarExpr = unboxType(tmpVarExpr, varType);
} else {
toTypeExpr = makeJavaType(varType, JT_NO_PRIMITIVES);
// The variable holding the result for the code inside the code block
JCVariableDecl decl2 = at(isCase).VarDef(make().Modifiers(FINAL), substVarName, toTypeExpr, tmpVarExpr);
// Prepare for variable substitution in the following code block
Substitution prevSubst = naming.addVariableSubst(varDecl, substVarName.toString());
List<JCStatement> stats = List.<JCStatement>of(decl2);
stats = stats.appendList(transformCaseClause(caseClause, tmpVar, outerExpression, expectedType));
JCBlock block = at(isCase).Block(0, stats);
// Deactivate the above variable substitution
last = make().If(cond, block, last);
return last;
use of in project ceylon by eclipse.
the class StatementTransformer method transformCatchesIfElseIf.
* Transforms a list of {@code CatchClause}s to a single {@code JCCatch}
* containing and if/else if chain for finding the appropriate catch block.
* @see #transformCatchesPolymorphic(java.util.List)
private List<JCCatch> transformCatchesIfElseIf(java.util.List<Tree.CatchClause> catchClauses) {
Type supertype = intersectionOfCatchClauseTypes(catchClauses);
JCExpression exceptionType = makeJavaType(supertype, JT_CATCH | JT_RAW);
SyntheticName exceptionVar = naming.alias("exception");
JCVariableDecl param = make().VarDef(make().Modifiers(Flags.FINAL), exceptionVar.asName(), exceptionType, null);
ArrayList<Tree.CatchClause> reversed = new ArrayList<Tree.CatchClause>(catchClauses);
JCStatement elsePart = make().Throw(exceptionVar.makeIdent());
for (Tree.CatchClause catchClause : reversed) {
Tree.Variable caughtVar = catchClause.getCatchVariable().getVariable();
Type caughtType = caughtVar.getType().getTypeModel();
List<JCStatement> catchBlock = transformBlock(catchClause.getBlock());
catchBlock = catchBlock.prepend(makeVar(FINAL, caughtVar.getIdentifier().getText(), makeJavaType(caughtType), expressionGen().applyErasureAndBoxing(exceptionVar.makeIdent(), supertype, true, true, BoxingStrategy.BOXED, caughtType, 0)));
elsePart = make().If(makeOptimizedTypeTest(null, exceptionVar, caughtType, supertype), make().Block(0, catchBlock), elsePart);
return List.of(make().Catch(param, make().Block(0, List.<JCStatement>of(elsePart))));
use of in project ceylon by eclipse.
the class StatementTransformer method transform.
public JCStatement transform(Tree.TryCatchStatement t) {
Tree.TryClause tryClause = t.getTryClause();
JCBlock tryBlock = transform(tryClause.getBlock());
Tree.ResourceList resList = tryClause.getResourceList();
if (resList != null) {
ArrayList<Tree.Resource> resources = new ArrayList<Tree.Resource>(resList.getResources());
for (Tree.Resource res : resources) {
List<JCStatement> stats = List.nil();
Tree.Expression resExpr;
String resVarName;
if (res.getExpression() != null) {
resExpr = res.getExpression();
resVarName = naming.newTemp("try");
} else if (res.getVariable() != null) {
Tree.Variable var = res.getVariable();
resExpr = var.getSpecifierExpression().getExpression();
resVarName = var.getIdentifier().getText();
} else {
throw new BugException(res, "missing resource expression");
final TryResourceTransformation resourceTx;
if (typeFact().getDestroyableType().isSupertypeOf(resExpr.getTypeModel())) {
resourceTx = destroyableResource;
} else if (typeFact().getObtainableType().isSupertypeOf(resExpr.getTypeModel())) {
resourceTx = obtainableResource;
} else if (javacJavaTypeToProducedType(syms().autoCloseableType).isSupertypeOf(resExpr.getTypeModel())) {
resourceTx = javaAutoCloseableResource;
} else {
throw BugException.unhandledTypeCase(resExpr.getTypeModel());
Type resVarType = resExpr.getTypeModel();
Type resVarExpectedType = resourceTx.getType();
// CloseableType $var = resource-expression
JCExpression expr = expressionGen().transformExpression(resExpr);
JCExpression javaType = makeJavaType(resVarType);
JCVariableDecl var = makeVar(FINAL, resVarName, javaType, expr);
stats = stats.append(var);
if (resourceTx.getInitMethodName() != null) {
JCExpression resVar0 = expressionGen().applyErasureAndBoxing(makeUnquotedIdent(resVarName), resVarType, true, BoxingStrategy.BOXED, resVarExpectedType);
JCMethodInvocation openCall = make().Apply(null, makeQualIdent(resVar0, resourceTx.getInitMethodName()), List.<JCExpression>nil());
stats = stats.append(make().Exec(openCall));
// Exception $tpmex = null;
String innerExTmpVarName = naming.newTemp("ex");
JCExpression innerExType = makeJavaType(typeFact().getThrowableType(), JT_CATCH);
JCVariableDecl innerExTmpVar = makeVar(innerExTmpVarName, innerExType, makeNull());
stats = stats.append(innerExTmpVar);
// $tmpex = ex;
List<JCStatement> innerCatchStats = List.nil();
Name innerCatchVarName = naming.tempName("ex");
JCAssign exTmpAssign = make().Assign(makeUnquotedIdent(innerExTmpVarName), make().Ident(innerCatchVarName));
innerCatchStats = innerCatchStats.append(make().Exec(exTmpAssign));
// throw ex;
JCThrow innerCatchThrow = make().Throw(make().Ident(innerCatchVarName));
innerCatchStats = innerCatchStats.append(innerCatchThrow);
JCBlock innerCatchBlock = make().Block(0, innerCatchStats);
// $var.close() /// ((Closeable)$var).close()
JCExpression exarg = makeUnquotedIdent(innerExTmpVarName);
JCExpression resVar1 = expressionGen().applyErasureAndBoxing(makeUnquotedIdent(resVarName), resVarType, true, BoxingStrategy.BOXED, resVarExpectedType);
JCExpression closeCall = resourceTx.makeRecover(resVar1, exarg);
JCBlock closeTryBlock = make().Block(0, List.<JCStatement>of(make().Exec(closeCall)));
// try { $var.close() } catch (Exception closex) { $tmpex.addSuppressed(closex); }
Name closeCatchVarName = naming.tempName("closex");
JCExpression closeCatchExType = makeJavaType(typeFact().getThrowableType(), JT_CATCH);
JCVariableDecl closeCatchVar = make().VarDef(make().Modifiers(Flags.FINAL), closeCatchVarName, closeCatchExType, null);
JCExpression addarg = make().Ident(closeCatchVarName);
JCMethodInvocation addSuppressedCall = make().Apply(null, makeQualIdent(makeUnquotedIdent(innerExTmpVarName), "addSuppressed"), List.<JCExpression>of(addarg));
JCStatement catchForClose;
if (resourceTx != javaAutoCloseableResource) {
// Obtainable.release() and Destroyable.close() could
// rethrow the originating exception, so guard against
// self-supression (which causes addSuppressed() to throw
catchForClose = make().If(make().Binary(JCTree.Tag.NE, makeUnquotedIdent(innerExTmpVarName), make().Ident(closeCatchVarName)), make().Block(0, List.<JCStatement>of(make().Exec(addSuppressedCall))), null);
} else {
// AutoClosable can't rethrow the originating exception,
// so no need to worry about self suppression
catchForClose = make().Exec(addSuppressedCall);
JCCatch closeCatch = make().Catch(closeCatchVar, make().Block(0, List.<JCStatement>of(catchForClose)));
JCTry closeTry = at(res).Try(closeTryBlock, List.<JCCatch>of(closeCatch), null);
// $var.close() /// ((Closeable)$var).close()
JCExpression exarg2 = makeUnquotedIdent(innerExTmpVarName);
JCExpression resVar2 = expressionGen().applyErasureAndBoxing(makeUnquotedIdent(resVarName), resVarType, true, BoxingStrategy.BOXED, resVarExpectedType);
JCExpression closeCall2 = resourceTx.makeRecover(resVar1, exarg);
// if ($tmpex != null) { ... } else { ... }
JCBinary closeCatchCond = make().Binary(JCTree.Tag.NE, makeUnquotedIdent(innerExTmpVarName), makeNull());
JCIf closeCatchIf = make().If(closeCatchCond, make().Block(0, List.<JCStatement>of(closeTry)), make().Block(0, List.<JCStatement>of(make().Exec(closeCall2))));
// try { .... } catch (Exception ex) { $tmpex=ex; throw ex; }
// finally { try { $var.close() } catch (Exception closex) { } }
JCExpression innerCatchExType = makeJavaType(typeFact().getThrowableType(), JT_CATCH);
JCVariableDecl innerCatchVar = make().VarDef(make().Modifiers(Flags.FINAL), innerCatchVarName, innerCatchExType, null);
JCCatch innerCatch = make().Catch(innerCatchVar, innerCatchBlock);
JCBlock innerFinallyBlock = make().Block(0, List.<JCStatement>of(closeCatchIf));
JCTry innerTry = at(res).Try(tryBlock, List.<JCCatch>of(innerCatch), innerFinallyBlock);
stats = stats.append(innerTry);
tryBlock = at(res).Block(0, stats);
final List<JCCatch> catches;
if (usePolymorphicCatches(t.getCatchClauses())) {
catches = transformCatchesPolymorphic(t.getCatchClauses());
} else {
catches = transformCatchesIfElseIf(t.getCatchClauses());
final JCBlock finallyBlock;
Tree.FinallyClause finallyClause = t.getFinallyClause();
if (finallyClause != null) {
finallyBlock = transform(finallyClause.getBlock());
} else {
finallyBlock = null;
if (!catches.isEmpty() || finallyBlock != null) {
return at(t).Try(tryBlock, catches, finallyBlock);
} else {
return tryBlock;
use of in project ceylon by eclipse.
the class JavacTrees method getLub.
public TypeMirror getLub(CatchTree tree) {
JCCatch ct = (JCCatch) tree;
JCVariableDecl v = ct.param;
if (v.type != null && v.type.getKind() == TypeKind.UNION) {
UnionClassType ut = (UnionClassType) v.type;
return ut.getLub();
} else {
return v.type;
use of in project ceylon by eclipse.
the class JavacTrees method getAttrContext.
private Env<AttrContext> getAttrContext(TreePath path) {
if (// implicit null-check
!(path.getLeaf() instanceof JCTree))
throw new IllegalArgumentException();
// will already have been entered.
if (javacTaskImpl != null) {
try {
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new Error("unexpected error while entering symbols: " + e);
JCCompilationUnit unit = (JCCompilationUnit) path.getCompilationUnit();
Copier copier = createCopier(treeMaker.forToplevel(unit));
Env<AttrContext> env = null;
JCMethodDecl method = null;
JCVariableDecl field = null;
List<Tree> l = List.nil();
TreePath p = path;
while (p != null) {
l = l.prepend(p.getLeaf());
p = p.getParentPath();
for (; l.nonEmpty(); l = l.tail) {
Tree tree = l.head;
switch(tree.getKind()) {
// System.err.println("COMP: " + ((JCCompilationUnit)tree).sourcefile);
env = enter.getTopLevelEnv((JCCompilationUnit) tree);
case CLASS:
case ENUM:
// System.err.println("CLASS: " + ((JCClassDecl)tree).sym.getSimpleName());
env = enter.getClassEnv(((JCClassDecl) tree).sym);
case METHOD:
// System.err.println("METHOD: " + ((JCMethodDecl)tree).sym.getSimpleName());
method = (JCMethodDecl) tree;
env = memberEnter.getMethodEnv(method, env);
// System.err.println("FIELD: " + ((JCVariableDecl)tree).sym.getSimpleName());
field = (JCVariableDecl) tree;
case BLOCK:
// System.err.println("BLOCK: ");
if (method != null) {
try {
Assert.check(method.body == tree);
method.body = copier.copy((JCBlock) tree, (JCTree) path.getLeaf());
env = attribStatToTree(method.body, env, copier.leafCopy);
} finally {
method.body = (JCBlock) tree;
} else {
JCBlock body = copier.copy((JCBlock) tree, (JCTree) path.getLeaf());
env = attribStatToTree(body, env, copier.leafCopy);
return env;
// System.err.println("DEFAULT: " + tree.getKind());
if (field != null && field.getInitializer() == tree) {
env = memberEnter.getInitEnv(field, env);
JCExpression expr = copier.copy((JCExpression) tree, (JCTree) path.getLeaf());
env = attribExprToTree(expr, env, copier.leafCopy);
return env;
return (field != null) ? memberEnter.getInitEnv(field, env) : env;