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Example 51 with JCTree

use of in project ceylon by eclipse.

the class Lower method lowerBoxedPostop.

 * Lower a tree of the form e++ or e-- where e is an object type
JCTree lowerBoxedPostop(final JCUnary tree) {
    // translate to tmp1=lval(e); tmp2=tmp1; tmp1 OP 1; tmp2
    // or
    // translate to tmp1=lval(e); tmp2=tmp1; (typeof tree)tmp1 OP 1; tmp2
    // where OP is += or -=
    final boolean cast = TreeInfo.skipParens(tree.arg).hasTag(TYPECAST);
    return abstractLval(tree.arg, new TreeBuilder() {

        public JCTree build(final JCTree tmp1) {
            return abstractRval(tmp1, tree.arg.type, new TreeBuilder() {

                public JCTree build(final JCTree tmp2) {
                    JCTree.Tag opcode = (tree.hasTag(POSTINC)) ? PLUS_ASG : MINUS_ASG;
                    JCTree lhs = cast ? make.TypeCast(tree.arg.type, (JCExpression) tmp1) : tmp1;
                    JCTree update = makeAssignop(opcode, lhs, make.Literal(1));
                    return makeComma(update, tmp2);
Also used : Tag( JCTree(

Example 52 with JCTree

use of in project ceylon by eclipse.

the class Lower method visitClassDef.

public void visitClassDef(JCClassDecl tree) {
    Env<AttrContext> prevEnv = attrEnv;
    ClassSymbol currentClassPrev = currentClass;
    MethodSymbol currentMethodSymPrev = currentMethodSym;
    currentClass = tree.sym;
    currentMethodSym = null;
    attrEnv = typeEnvs.remove(currentClass);
    if (attrEnv == null)
        attrEnv = prevEnv;
    classdefs.put(currentClass, tree);
    proxies = proxies.dup(currentClass);
    List<VarSymbol> prevOuterThisStack = outerThisStack;
    // If this is an enum definition
    if ((tree.mods.flags & ENUM) != 0 && (types.supertype(currentClass.type).tsym.flags() & ENUM) == 0)
    // If this is a nested class, define a this$n field for
    // it and add to proxies.
    JCVariableDecl otdef = null;
    if (currentClass.hasOuterInstance())
        otdef = outerThisDef(tree.pos, currentClass);
    // If this is a local class, define proxies for all its free variables.
    List<JCVariableDecl> fvdefs = freevarDefs(tree.pos, freevars(currentClass), currentClass);
    // Recursively translate superclass, interfaces.
    tree.extending = translate(tree.extending);
    tree.implementing = translate(tree.implementing);
    if (currentClass.isLocal()) {
        ClassSymbol encl = currentClass.owner.enclClass();
        if (encl.trans_local == null) {
            encl.trans_local = List.nil();
        encl.trans_local = encl.trans_local.prepend(currentClass);
    // Recursively translate members, taking into account that new members
    // might be created during the translation and prepended to the member
    // list `tree.defs'.
    List<JCTree> seen = List.nil();
    while (tree.defs != seen) {
        List<JCTree> unseen = tree.defs;
        for (List<JCTree> l = unseen; l.nonEmpty() && l != seen; l = l.tail) {
            JCTree outermostMemberDefPrev = outermostMemberDef;
            if (outermostMemberDefPrev == null)
                outermostMemberDef = l.head;
            l.head = translate(l.head);
            outermostMemberDef = outermostMemberDefPrev;
        seen = unseen;
    // Convert a protected modifier to public, mask static modifier.
    if ((tree.mods.flags & PROTECTED) != 0)
        tree.mods.flags |= PUBLIC;
    tree.mods.flags &= ClassFlags;
    // Convert name to flat representation, replacing '.' by '$'. = Convert.shortName(currentClass.flatName());
    for (List<JCVariableDecl> l = fvdefs; l.nonEmpty(); l = l.tail) {
        tree.defs = tree.defs.prepend(l.head);
        enterSynthetic(tree.pos(), l.head.sym, currentClass.members());
    if (currentClass.hasOuterInstance()) {
        tree.defs = tree.defs.prepend(otdef);
        enterSynthetic(tree.pos(), otdef.sym, currentClass.members());
    proxies = proxies.leave();
    outerThisStack = prevOuterThisStack;
    // Append translated tree to `translated' queue.
    attrEnv = prevEnv;
    currentClass = currentClassPrev;
    currentMethodSym = currentMethodSymPrev;
    // Return empty block {} as a placeholder for an inner class.
    result = make_at(tree.pos()).Block(SYNTHETIC, List.<JCStatement>nil());
Also used : JCTree(

Example 53 with JCTree

use of in project ceylon by eclipse.

the class Lower method makeTwrBlock.

private JCBlock makeTwrBlock(List<JCTree> resources, JCBlock block, boolean finallyCanCompleteNormally, int depth) {
    if (resources.isEmpty())
        return block;
    // Add resource declaration or expression to block statements
    ListBuffer<JCStatement> stats = new ListBuffer<JCStatement>();
    JCTree resource = resources.head;
    JCExpression expr = null;
    if (resource instanceof JCVariableDecl) {
        JCVariableDecl var = (JCVariableDecl) resource;
        expr = make.Ident(var.sym).setType(resource.type);
    } else {
        Assert.check(resource instanceof JCExpression);
        VarSymbol syntheticTwrVar = new VarSymbol(SYNTHETIC | FINAL, makeSyntheticName(names.fromString("twrVar" + depth), twrVars), (resource.type.hasTag(BOT)) ? syms.autoCloseableType : resource.type, currentMethodSym);
        JCVariableDecl syntheticTwrVarDecl = make.VarDef(syntheticTwrVar, (JCExpression) resource);
        expr = (JCExpression) make.Ident(syntheticTwrVar);
    // Add primaryException declaration
    VarSymbol primaryException = new VarSymbol(SYNTHETIC, makeSyntheticName(names.fromString("primaryException" + depth), twrVars), syms.throwableType, currentMethodSym);
    JCVariableDecl primaryExceptionTreeDecl = make.VarDef(primaryException, makeNull());
    // Create catch clause that saves exception and then rethrows it
    VarSymbol param = new VarSymbol(FINAL | SYNTHETIC, names.fromString("t" + target.syntheticNameChar()), syms.throwableType, currentMethodSym);
    JCVariableDecl paramTree = make.VarDef(param, null);
    JCStatement assign = make.Assignment(primaryException, make.Ident(param));
    JCStatement rethrowStat = make.Throw(make.Ident(param));
    JCBlock catchBlock = make.Block(0L, List.<JCStatement>of(assign, rethrowStat));
    JCCatch catchClause = make.Catch(paramTree, catchBlock);
    int oldPos = make.pos;;
    JCBlock finallyClause = makeTwrFinallyClause(primaryException, expr);;
    JCTry outerTry = make.Try(makeTwrBlock(resources.tail, block, finallyCanCompleteNormally, depth + 1), List.<JCCatch>of(catchClause), finallyClause);
    outerTry.finallyCanCompleteNormally = finallyCanCompleteNormally;
    JCBlock newBlock = make.Block(0L, stats.toList());
    return newBlock;
Also used : JCTree(

Example 54 with JCTree

use of in project ceylon by eclipse.

the class Lower method visitBinary.

public void visitBinary(JCBinary tree) {
    List<Type> formals = tree.operator.type.getParameterTypes();
    JCTree lhs = tree.lhs = translate(tree.lhs, formals.head);
    switch(tree.getTag()) {
        case OR:
            if (lhs.type.isTrue()) {
                result = lhs;
            if (lhs.type.isFalse()) {
                result = translate(tree.rhs, formals.tail.head);
        case AND:
            if (lhs.type.isFalse()) {
                result = lhs;
            if (lhs.type.isTrue()) {
                result = translate(tree.rhs, formals.tail.head);
    tree.rhs = translate(tree.rhs, formals.tail.head);
    result = tree;
Also used : Type( JCTree(

Example 55 with JCTree

use of in project ceylon by eclipse.

the class Lower method abstractRval.

 * Construct an expression using the builder, with the given rval
 *  expression as an argument to the builder.  However, the rval
 *  expression must be computed only once, even if used multiple
 *  times in the result of the builder.  We do that by
 *  constructing a "let" expression that saves the rvalue into a
 *  temporary variable and then uses the temporary variable in
 *  place of the expression built by the builder.  The complete
 *  resulting expression is of the form
 *  <pre>
 *    (let <b>TYPE</b> <b>TEMP</b> = <b>RVAL</b>;
 *     in (<b>BUILDER</b>(<b>TEMP</b>)))
 *  </pre>
 *  where <code><b>TEMP</b></code> is a newly declared variable
 *  in the let expression.
JCTree abstractRval(JCTree rval, Type type, TreeBuilder builder) {
    rval = TreeInfo.skipParens(rval);
    switch(rval.getTag()) {
        case LITERAL:
        case IDENT:
            JCIdent id = (JCIdent) rval;
            if ((id.sym.flags() & FINAL) != 0 && id.sym.owner.kind == MTH)
    VarSymbol var = new VarSymbol(FINAL | SYNTHETIC, names.fromString(target.syntheticNameChar() + "" + rval.hashCode()), type, currentMethodSym);
    rval = convert(rval, type);
    // XXX cast
    JCVariableDecl def = make.VarDef(var, (JCExpression) rval);
    JCTree built =;
    JCTree res = make.LetExpr(def, built);
    res.type = built.type;
    return res;
Also used : JCTree(


JCTree ( JCExpression ( Tree (org.eclipse.ceylon.compiler.typechecker.tree.Tree)18 Symbol ( JCVariableDecl ( JCStatement ( JavaFileObject ( Type ( JCNewClass ( ListBuffer ( SyntheticName ( Type (org.eclipse.ceylon.model.typechecker.model.Type)6 JCAnnotation ( JCBlock ( JCClassDecl ( JCCompilationUnit ( JCPrimitiveTypeTree ( TypedDeclaration (org.eclipse.ceylon.model.typechecker.model.TypedDeclaration)4 IOException ( TaskEvent (org.eclipse.ceylon.langtools.source.util.TaskEvent)3