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Example 1 with EnvEntry

use of in project jetty.project by eclipse.

the class PlusDescriptorProcessor method bindEnvEntry.

     * @param name the jndi name
     * @param value the value
     * @throws Exception if unable to bind entry
public void bindEnvEntry(String name, Object value) throws Exception {
    InitialContext ic = null;
    boolean bound = false;
    //check to see if we bound a value and an EnvEntry with this name already
    //when we processed the server and the webapp's naming environment
    //@see EnvConfiguration.bindEnvEntries()
    ic = new InitialContext();
    try {
        NamingEntry ne = (NamingEntry) ic.lookup("java:comp/env/" + NamingEntryUtil.makeNamingEntryName(ic.getNameParser(""), name));
        if (ne != null && ne instanceof EnvEntry) {
            EnvEntry ee = (EnvEntry) ne;
            bound = ee.isOverrideWebXml();
    } catch (NameNotFoundException e) {
        bound = false;
    if (!bound) {
        //either nothing was bound or the value from web.xml should override
        Context envCtx = (Context) ic.lookup("java:comp/env");
        NamingUtil.bind(envCtx, name, value);
Also used : WebAppContext(org.eclipse.jetty.webapp.WebAppContext) Context(javax.naming.Context) InitialContext(javax.naming.InitialContext) NameNotFoundException(javax.naming.NameNotFoundException) NamingEntry( InitialContext(javax.naming.InitialContext) EnvEntry(

Example 2 with EnvEntry

use of in project jetty.project by eclipse.

the class TestConfiguration method testIt.

public void testIt() throws Exception {
    ClassLoader old_loader = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader();
    try {
        InitialContext ic = new InitialContext();
        Server server = new Server();
        WebAppContext wac = new WebAppContext();
        wac.setClassLoader(new WebAppClassLoader(Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader(), wac));
        MetaData metaData = new MetaData();
        PlusDescriptorProcessor plusProcessor = new PlusDescriptorProcessor();
        //bind some EnvEntrys at the server level
        EnvEntry ee1 = new EnvEntry(server, "xxx/a", "100", true);
        EnvEntry ee2 = new EnvEntry(server, "yyy/b", "200", false);
        EnvEntry ee3 = new EnvEntry(server, "zzz/c", "300", false);
        EnvEntry ee4 = new EnvEntry(server, "zzz/d", "400", false);
        EnvEntry ee5 = new EnvEntry(server, "zzz/f", "500", true);
        //bind some EnvEntrys at the webapp level
        EnvEntry ee6 = new EnvEntry(wac, "xxx/a", "900", true);
        EnvEntry ee7 = new EnvEntry(wac, "yyy/b", "910", true);
        EnvEntry ee8 = new EnvEntry(wac, "zzz/c", "920", false);
        EnvEntry ee9 = new EnvEntry(wac, "zzz/e", "930", false);
        assertNotNull(NamingEntryUtil.lookupNamingEntry(server, "xxx/a"));
        assertNotNull(NamingEntryUtil.lookupNamingEntry(server, "yyy/b"));
        assertNotNull(NamingEntryUtil.lookupNamingEntry(server, "zzz/c"));
        assertNotNull(NamingEntryUtil.lookupNamingEntry(server, "zzz/d"));
        assertNotNull(NamingEntryUtil.lookupNamingEntry(wac, "xxx/a"));
        assertNotNull(NamingEntryUtil.lookupNamingEntry(wac, "yyy/b"));
        assertNotNull(NamingEntryUtil.lookupNamingEntry(wac, "zzz/c"));
        assertNotNull(NamingEntryUtil.lookupNamingEntry(wac, "zzz/e"));
        //make a new env configuration
        EnvConfiguration envConfig = new EnvConfiguration();
        MetaData metadata = new MetaData();
        String val = (String) ic.lookup("java:comp/env/xxx/a");
        //webapp naming overrides server
        assertEquals("900", val);
        val = (String) ic.lookup("java:comp/env/yyy/b");
        //webapp overrides server
        assertEquals("910", val);
        val = (String) ic.lookup("java:comp/env/zzz/c");
        //webapp overrides server
        assertEquals("920", val);
        val = (String) ic.lookup("java:comp/env/zzz/d");
        //from server naming
        assertEquals("400", val);
        val = (String) ic.lookup("java:comp/env/zzz/e");
        //from webapp naming
        assertEquals("930", val);
        NamingEntry ne = (NamingEntry) ic.lookup("java:comp/env/" + NamingEntry.__contextName + "/xxx/a");
        ne = (NamingEntry) ic.lookup("java:comp/env/" + NamingEntry.__contextName + "/yyy/b");
        ne = (NamingEntry) ic.lookup("java:comp/env/" + NamingEntry.__contextName + "/zzz/c");
        ne = (NamingEntry) ic.lookup("java:comp/env/" + NamingEntry.__contextName + "/zzz/d");
        ne = (NamingEntry) ic.lookup("java:comp/env/" + NamingEntry.__contextName + "/zzz/e");
        plusProcessor.bindEnvEntry("foo", "99");
        assertEquals("99", ic.lookup("java:comp/env/foo"));
        plusProcessor.bindEnvEntry("xxx/a", "7");
        //webapp overrides web.xml
        assertEquals("900", ic.lookup("java:comp/env/xxx/a"));
        plusProcessor.bindEnvEntry("yyy/b", "7");
        //webapp overrides web.xml
        assertEquals("910", ic.lookup("java:comp/env/yyy/b"));
        plusProcessor.bindEnvEntry("zzz/c", "7");
        //webapp does NOT override web.xml
        assertEquals("7", ic.lookup("java:comp/env/zzz/c"));
        plusProcessor.bindEnvEntry("zzz/d", "7");
        //server does NOT override web.xml
        assertEquals("7", ic.lookup("java:comp/env/zzz/d"));
        plusProcessor.bindEnvEntry("zzz/e", "7");
        //webapp does NOT override web.xml
        assertEquals("7", ic.lookup("java:comp/env/zzz/e"));
        plusProcessor.bindEnvEntry("zzz/f", "7");
        //server overrides web.xml
        assertEquals("500", ic.lookup("java:comp/env/zzz/f"));
        ((Context) ic.lookup("java:comp")).destroySubcontext("env");
    } finally {
Also used : InitialContext(javax.naming.InitialContext) WebAppContext(org.eclipse.jetty.webapp.WebAppContext) Context(javax.naming.Context) WebAppContext(org.eclipse.jetty.webapp.WebAppContext) Server(org.eclipse.jetty.server.Server) MetaData(org.eclipse.jetty.webapp.MetaData) WebAppClassLoader(org.eclipse.jetty.webapp.WebAppClassLoader) NamingEntry( WebAppClassLoader(org.eclipse.jetty.webapp.WebAppClassLoader) InitialContext(javax.naming.InitialContext) EnvEntry( Test(org.junit.Test)

Example 3 with EnvEntry

use of in project jetty.project by eclipse.

the class ServerWithAnnotations method main.

public static final void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
    // Create the server
    Server server = new Server(8080);
    // Enable parsing of jndi-related parts of web.xml and jetty-env.xml
    Configuration.ClassList classlist = Configuration.ClassList.setServerDefault(server);
    classlist.addAfter("org.eclipse.jetty.webapp.FragmentConfiguration", "", "");
    classlist.addBefore("org.eclipse.jetty.webapp.JettyWebXmlConfiguration", "org.eclipse.jetty.annotations.AnnotationConfiguration");
    // Create a WebApp
    WebAppContext webapp = new WebAppContext();
    File warFile = new File("../../jetty-distribution/target/distribution/demo-base/webapps/test.war");
    webapp.setAttribute("org.eclipse.jetty.server.webapp.ContainerIncludeJarPattern", ".*/javax.servlet-[^/]*\\.jar$|.*/servlet-api-[^/]*\\.jar$");
    // Register new transaction manager in JNDI
    // At runtime, the webapp accesses this as java:comp/UserTransaction
    new Transaction(new com.acme.MockUserTransaction());
    // Define an env entry with webapp scope.
    new EnvEntry(webapp, "maxAmount", new Double(100), true);
    // Register a mock DataSource scoped to the webapp
    new Resource(webapp, "jdbc/mydatasource", new com.acme.MockDataSource());
    // Configure a LoginService
    HashLoginService loginService = new HashLoginService();
    loginService.setName("Test Realm");
Also used : Server(org.eclipse.jetty.server.Server) Configuration(org.eclipse.jetty.webapp.Configuration) Resource( WebAppContext(org.eclipse.jetty.webapp.WebAppContext) HashLoginService( Transaction( File( EnvEntry(

Example 4 with EnvEntry

use of in project jetty.project by eclipse.

the class EnvConfiguration method bindEnvEntries.

     * Bind all EnvEntries that have been declared, so that the processing of the
     * web.xml file can potentially override them.
     * We first bind EnvEntries declared in Server scope, then WebAppContext scope.
     * @param context the context to use for the object scope
     * @throws NamingException if unable to bind env entries
public void bindEnvEntries(WebAppContext context) throws NamingException {
    LOG.debug("Binding env entries from the jvm scope");
    InitialContext ic = new InitialContext();
    Context envCtx = (Context) ic.lookup("java:comp/env");
    Object scope = null;
    List<Object> list = NamingEntryUtil.lookupNamingEntries(scope, EnvEntry.class);
    Iterator<Object> itor = list.iterator();
    while (itor.hasNext()) {
        EnvEntry ee = (EnvEntry);
        Name namingEntryName = NamingEntryUtil.makeNamingEntryName(null, ee);
        //also save the EnvEntry in the context so we can check it later
        NamingUtil.bind(envCtx, namingEntryName.toString(), ee);
    LOG.debug("Binding env entries from the server scope");
    scope = context.getServer();
    list = NamingEntryUtil.lookupNamingEntries(scope, EnvEntry.class);
    itor = list.iterator();
    while (itor.hasNext()) {
        EnvEntry ee = (EnvEntry);
        Name namingEntryName = NamingEntryUtil.makeNamingEntryName(null, ee);
        //also save the EnvEntry in the context so we can check it later
        NamingUtil.bind(envCtx, namingEntryName.toString(), ee);
    LOG.debug("Binding env entries from the context scope");
    scope = context;
    list = NamingEntryUtil.lookupNamingEntries(scope, EnvEntry.class);
    itor = list.iterator();
    while (itor.hasNext()) {
        EnvEntry ee = (EnvEntry);
        Name namingEntryName = NamingEntryUtil.makeNamingEntryName(null, ee);
        //also save the EnvEntry in the context so we can check it later
        NamingUtil.bind(envCtx, namingEntryName.toString(), ee);
Also used : InitialContext(javax.naming.InitialContext) WebAppContext(org.eclipse.jetty.webapp.WebAppContext) NamingContext(org.eclipse.jetty.jndi.NamingContext) Context(javax.naming.Context) InitialContext(javax.naming.InitialContext) EnvEntry( Name(javax.naming.Name)


EnvEntry ( WebAppContext (org.eclipse.jetty.webapp.WebAppContext)4 Context (javax.naming.Context)3 InitialContext (javax.naming.InitialContext)3 NamingEntry ( Server (org.eclipse.jetty.server.Server)2 File ( Name (javax.naming.Name)1 NameNotFoundException (javax.naming.NameNotFoundException)1 NamingContext (org.eclipse.jetty.jndi.NamingContext)1 Resource ( Transaction ( HashLoginService ( Configuration (org.eclipse.jetty.webapp.Configuration)1 MetaData (org.eclipse.jetty.webapp.MetaData)1 WebAppClassLoader (org.eclipse.jetty.webapp.WebAppClassLoader)1 Test (org.junit.Test)1