use of org.esa.snap.core.dataop.maptransf.MapProjection in project s1tbx by senbox-org.
the class NetCDFUtils method createMapInfoX.
public static MapInfoX createMapInfoX(final Variable lonVar, final Variable latVar, final int sceneRasterWidth, final int sceneRasterHeight) throws IOException {
float pixelX;
float pixelY;
float easting;
float northing;
float pixelSizeX;
float pixelSizeY;
final NcAttributeMap lonAttrMap = NcAttributeMap.create(lonVar);
final Number lonValidMin = lonAttrMap.getNumericValue(NetcdfConstants.VALID_MIN_ATT_NAME);
final Number lonStep = lonAttrMap.getNumericValue(NetcdfConstants.STEP_ATT_NAME);
final NcAttributeMap latAttrMap = NcAttributeMap.create(latVar);
final Number latValidMin = latAttrMap.getNumericValue(NetcdfConstants.VALID_MIN_ATT_NAME);
final Number latStep = latAttrMap.getNumericValue(NetcdfConstants.STEP_ATT_NAME);
boolean yFlipped;
if (lonValidMin != null && lonStep != null && latValidMin != null && latStep != null) {
// COARDS convention uses 'valid_min' and 'step' attributes
pixelX = 0.5f;
pixelY = (sceneRasterHeight - 1.0f) + 0.5f;
easting = lonValidMin.floatValue();
northing = latValidMin.floatValue();
pixelSizeX = lonStep.floatValue();
pixelSizeY = latStep.floatValue();
// must flip
// todo - check
yFlipped = true;
} else {
// CF convention
final Array lonData =;
final Array latData =;
final Index i0 = lonData.getIndex().set(0);
final Index i1 = lonData.getIndex().set(1);
pixelSizeX = lonData.getFloat(i1) - lonData.getFloat(i0);
easting = lonData.getFloat(i0);
final int latSize = (int) latVar.getSize();
final Index j0 = latData.getIndex().set(0);
final Index j1 = latData.getIndex().set(1);
pixelSizeY = latData.getFloat(j1) - latData.getFloat(j0);
pixelX = 0.5f;
pixelY = 0.5f;
// this should be the 'normal' case
if (pixelSizeY < 0) {
pixelSizeY *= -1;
yFlipped = false;
northing = latData.getFloat(latData.getIndex().set(0));
} else {
yFlipped = true;
northing = latData.getFloat(latData.getIndex().set(latSize - 1));
if (pixelSizeX <= 0 || pixelSizeY <= 0) {
return null;
final MapProjection projection = MapProjectionRegistry.getProjection(IdentityTransformDescriptor.NAME);
final MapInfo mapInfo = new MapInfo(projection, pixelX, pixelY, easting, northing, pixelSizeX, pixelSizeY, Datum.WGS_84);
return new MapInfoX(mapInfo, yFlipped);