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Example 1 with BlobReference

use of in project exist by eXist-db.

the class BlobStoreImpl method compactPersistentReferences.

 * Compacts an existing Blob Store file.
 * Reads the existing Blob Store file and copies non zero reference
 * entries to a new Blob Store file. We call this compaction.
 * Once complete, the existing file is replaced with the new file.
 * @param persistentFile an existing persistentFile to compact.
 * @return An in-memory representation of the compacted Blob Store
 * @throws IOException if an error occurs during compaction.
private ConcurrentMap<BlobId, BlobReference> compactPersistentReferences(final ByteBuffer buffer, final Path persistentFile) throws IOException {
    final ConcurrentMap<BlobId, BlobReference> compactReferences = new ConcurrentHashMap<>();
    final Path compactPersistentFile = persistentFile.getParent().resolve(persistentFile.getFileName() + ".new." + System.currentTimeMillis());
    // tracks the BlobIds of Blob Files which have been orphaned
    final Set<BlobId> orphanedBlobFileIds = new HashSet<>();
    try (final SeekableByteChannel channel = Files.newByteChannel(persistentFile, READ)) {
        validateFileHeader(buffer, persistentFile, channel);
        try (final SeekableByteChannel compactChannel = Files.newByteChannel(compactPersistentFile, CREATE_NEW, APPEND)) {
            writeFileHeader(buffer, compactChannel);
            while ( > -1) {
                final byte[] id = new byte[digestType.getDigestLengthBytes()];
                final BlobId blobId = new BlobId(id);
                final int count = buffer.getInt();
                if (count == 0) {
                } else {
                    compactReferences.put(blobId, new BlobReference(count, compactChannel.position()));
    // cleanup any orphaned Blob files
    for (final BlobId orphanedBlobFileId : orphanedBlobFileIds) {
        deleteBlob(blobDir, orphanedBlobFileId, false);
    // replace the persistent file with the new compact persistent file
    Files.move(compactPersistentFile, persistentFile, ATOMIC_MOVE, REPLACE_EXISTING);
    return compactReferences;
Also used : Path(java.nio.file.Path) SeekableByteChannel(java.nio.channels.SeekableByteChannel) BlobReference(

Example 2 with BlobReference

use of in project exist by eXist-db.

the class BlobStoreImpl method add.

public Tuple2<BlobId, Long> add(final Txn transaction, final InputStream is) throws IOException {
    if (state.get() != State.OPEN) {
        throw new IOException("Blob Store is not open!");
    // stage the BLOB file
    final Tuple3<Path, Long, MessageDigest> staged = stage(is);
    final BlobVacuum.RequestDeleteStagedBlobFile requestDeleteStagedBlobFile = new BlobVacuum.RequestDeleteStagedBlobFile(stagingDir, staged._1.getFileName().toString());
    // register a callback to cleanup the staged BLOB file ONLY after commit+checkpoint
    final JournalManager journalManager = database.getJournalManager().orElse(null);
    if (journalManager != null) {
        final DeleteStagedBlobFile cleanupStagedBlob = new DeleteStagedBlobFile(vacuumQueue, requestDeleteStagedBlobFile);
    final BlobId blobId = new BlobId(staged._3.getValue());
    // if the blob entry does not exist, we exclusively compute it as STAGED.
    BlobReference blobReference = references.computeIfAbsent(blobId, k -> new BlobReference(STAGED));
    try {
        while (true) {
            if (blobReference.count.compareAndSet(STAGED, PROMOTING)) {
                // write journal entries to the WAL
                if (journalManager != null) {
                    try {
                        journalManager.journal(new StoreBlobFileLoggable(transaction.getId(), blobId, staged._1.getFileName().toString()));
                        journalManager.journal(new UpdateBlobRefCountLoggable(transaction.getId(), blobId, 0, 1));
                        // force WAL entries to disk!
                        journalManager.flush(true, true);
                    } catch (final JournalException e) {
                        throw new IOException(e);
                // promote the staged blob
                if (journalManager == null) {
                    // no journal (or recovery)... so go ahead and schedule cleanup of the staged blob file
                    enqueueVacuum(vacuumQueue, requestDeleteStagedBlobFile);
                // schedule disk persist of the new value
                persistQueue.put(Tuple(blobId, blobReference, 1));
                // update memory with the new value
                // done!
                return Tuple(blobId, staged._2);
            final int count = blobReference.count.get();
            // guard against a concurrent #add or #remove
            if (count == PROMOTING || count == UPDATING_COUNT) {
                // spin whilst another thread promotes the blob, or updates the reference count
                // sleep a small time to save CPU
            // i.e. wait for the deletion of the blob to complete, and then we can add the blob again
            if (count == DELETING) {
                blobReference = references.computeIfAbsent(blobId, k -> new BlobReference(STAGED));
                // loop again
            // only increment the blob reference if the blob is active!
            if (count >= 0 && blobReference.count.compareAndSet(count, UPDATING_COUNT)) {
                // NOTE: we are the only thread that can be in this branch for the blobId
                final int newCount = count + 1;
                // write journal entries to the WAL
                if (journalManager != null) {
                    try {
                        journalManager.journal(new UpdateBlobRefCountLoggable(transaction.getId(), blobId, count, newCount));
                        // force WAL entries to disk!
                        journalManager.flush(true, true);
                    } catch (final JournalException e) {
                        // restore the state of the blobReference first!
                        throw new IOException(e);
                // persist the new value
                persistQueue.put(Tuple(blobId, blobReference, newCount));
                // update memory with the new value, and release other spinning threads
                // done!
                return Tuple(blobId, staged._2);
    } catch (final InterruptedException e) {
        // thrown by persistQueue.put or Thread.sleep
        throw new IOException(e);
Also used : Path(java.nio.file.Path) Tuple3(com.evolvedbinary.j8fu.tuple.Tuple3) Tuple2(com.evolvedbinary.j8fu.tuple.Tuple2) Txn( JournalException( RawDataBackup(org.exist.backup.RawDataBackup) ByteBuffer(java.nio.ByteBuffer) FileUtils(org.exist.util.FileUtils) Tuple(com.evolvedbinary.j8fu.tuple.Tuple.Tuple) ThreadUtils.nameInstanceThread(org.exist.util.ThreadUtils.nameInstanceThread) DigestInputStream(org.exist.util.crypto.digest.DigestInputStream) StreamableDigest(org.exist.util.crypto.digest.StreamableDigest) AtomicInteger(java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger) DigestType(org.exist.util.crypto.digest.DigestType) LOG_UPDATE_BLOB_REF_COUNT( Path(java.nio.file.Path) java.util.concurrent(java.util.concurrent) StandardOpenOption(java.nio.file.StandardOpenOption) FileNotFoundException( SeekableByteChannel(java.nio.channels.SeekableByteChannel) Logger(org.apache.logging.log4j.Logger) TxnListener( LogEntryTypes( java.util(java.util) Try(com.evolvedbinary.j8fu.Try) ThreadSafe(net.jcip.annotations.ThreadSafe) AtomicBoolean(java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean) AtomicReference(java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicReference) Function(java.util.function.Function) FilterInputStream( LOG_STORE_BLOB_FILE( ThreadUtils.newInstanceSubThreadGroup(org.exist.util.ThreadUtils.newInstanceSubThreadGroup) LogException( REPLACE_EXISTING(java.nio.file.StandardCopyOption.REPLACE_EXISTING) Nullable(javax.annotation.Nullable) OutputStream( Database(org.exist.Database) ATOMIC_MOVE(java.nio.file.StandardCopyOption.ATOMIC_MOVE) CountingInputStream( Files(java.nio.file.Files) HexEncoder.bytesToHex(org.exist.util.HexEncoder.bytesToHex) JournalManager( IOException( BlobReference( UUIDGenerator(org.exist.util.UUIDGenerator) MessageDigest(org.exist.util.crypto.digest.MessageDigest) FileUtils.fileName(org.exist.util.FileUtils.fileName) TaggedTryUnchecked(com.evolvedbinary.j8fu.Try.TaggedTryUnchecked) LogManager(org.apache.logging.log4j.LogManager) InputStream( BlobReference( JournalException( JournalManager( IOException( MessageDigest(org.exist.util.crypto.digest.MessageDigest)

Example 3 with BlobReference

use of in project exist by eXist-db.

the class BlobStoreImpl method readLeaseBlobFile.

 * Lease a Blob file for reading from the Blob Store.
 * @param transaction the current database transaction.
 * @param blobId the identifier of the blob to lease the blob file from.
 * @return the blob file lease, or null if the blob does not exist in the Blob Store
 * @throws IOException if an error occurs whilst retrieving the BLOB file.
private BlobFileLease readLeaseBlobFile(final Txn transaction, final BlobId blobId) throws IOException {
    if (state.get() != State.OPEN) {
        throw new IOException("Blob Store is not open!");
    final BlobReference blobReference = references.get(blobId);
    if (blobReference == null) {
        return null;
    try {
        while (true) {
            final int count = blobReference.count.get();
            if (count == 0) {
                // can't return something with has zero references
                return null;
            // guard against a concurrent vacuum operation
            if (count == DELETING) {
                // can't return something with has zero references (because it is being deleted)
                return null;
            // guard against a concurrent #add doing staging
            if (count == STAGED || count == PROMOTING) {
                // spin whilst another thread promotes the blob
                // sleep a small time to save CPU
            // read a blob which has references
            if (count > 0) {
                // we are reading
                // get the blob
                final Path blobFile = blobDir.resolve(bytesToHex(blobId.getId()));
                return new BlobFileLease(blobFile, blobReference.readers::decrementAndGet);
    } catch (final InterruptedException e) {
        // only thrown by Thread.sleep above
        throw new IOException(e);
Also used : Path(java.nio.file.Path) BlobReference( IOException(

Example 4 with BlobReference

use of in project exist by eXist-db.

the class BlobStoreImpl method copy.

public BlobId copy(final Txn transaction, final BlobId blobId) throws IOException {
    if (state.get() != State.OPEN) {
        throw new IOException("Blob Store is not open!");
    final BlobReference blobReference = references.get(blobId);
    if (blobReference == null) {
        return null;
    // NOTE: that copy is simply an increment of the reference count!
    try {
        while (true) {
            final int count = blobReference.count.get();
            // guard against a concurrent #add or #remove
            if (count == STAGED || count == PROMOTING || count == UPDATING_COUNT) {
                // spin whilst another thread promotes the blob, or updates the reference count
                // sleep a small time to save CPU
            // guard against a concurrent vacuum operation
            if (count == DELETING) {
                return null;
            // only increment the blob reference if the blob is active!
            if (count >= 0 && blobReference.count.compareAndSet(count, UPDATING_COUNT)) {
                // NOTE: we are the only thread that can be in this branch for the blobId
                final int newCount = count + 1;
                // write journal entries to the WAL
                final JournalManager journalManager = database.getJournalManager().orElse(null);
                if (journalManager != null) {
                    try {
                        journalManager.journal(new UpdateBlobRefCountLoggable(transaction.getId(), blobId, count, newCount));
                        // force WAL entries to disk!
                        journalManager.flush(true, true);
                    } catch (final JournalException e) {
                        // restore the state of the blobReference first!
                        throw new IOException(e);
                // persist the new value
                persistQueue.put(Tuple(blobId, blobReference, newCount));
                // update memory with the new value, and release other spinning threads
                // done!
                return blobId;
    } catch (final InterruptedException e) {
        // thrown by persistQueue.put or Thread.sleep
        throw new IOException(e);
Also used : BlobReference( JournalException( JournalManager( IOException(

Example 5 with BlobReference

use of in project exist by eXist-db.

the class BlobStoreImpl method remove.

public void remove(final Txn transaction, final BlobId blobId) throws IOException {
    if (state.get() != State.OPEN) {
        throw new IOException("Blob Store is not open!");
    final BlobReference blobReference = references.get(blobId);
    if (blobReference == null) {
    try {
        while (true) {
            final int count = blobReference.count.get();
            if (count == 0) {
                // can't remove something which has zero references
            // guard against a concurrent vacuum operation
            if (count == DELETING) {
                // can't remove something which has zero references (because it is being deleted)
            // guard against a concurrent #add or #remove
            if (count == STAGED || count == PROMOTING || count == UPDATING_COUNT) {
                // spin whilst another thread promotes the blob or updates the reference count
                // sleep a small time to save CPU
            // only decrement the blob reference if the blob has more than zero references
            if (count > 0 && blobReference.count.compareAndSet(count, UPDATING_COUNT)) {
                // NOTE: we are the only thread that can be in this branch for the blobId
                final int newCount = count - 1;
                // write journal entries to the WAL
                final JournalManager journalManager = database.getJournalManager().orElse(null);
                if (journalManager != null) {
                    try {
                        journalManager.journal(new UpdateBlobRefCountLoggable(transaction.getId(), blobId, count, newCount));
                        // force WAL entries to disk!
                        journalManager.flush(true, true);
                    } catch (final JournalException e) {
                        // restore the state of the blobReference first!
                        throw new IOException(e);
                // schedule disk persist of the new value
                persistQueue.put(Tuple(blobId, blobReference, newCount));
                if (newCount == 0) {
                    // schedule blob file for vacuum.
                    final BlobVacuum.RequestDeleteBlobFile requestDeleteBlobFile = new BlobVacuum.RequestDeleteBlobFile(references, blobDir, blobId, blobReference);
                    if (journalManager != null) {
                        // register a callback to schedule the BLOB file for vacuum ONLY after commit+checkpoint
                        final ScheduleDeleteBlobFile scheduleDeleteBlobFile = new ScheduleDeleteBlobFile(vacuumQueue, requestDeleteBlobFile);
                    } else {
                        // no journal (or recovery)... so go ahead and schedule
                        enqueueVacuum(vacuumQueue, requestDeleteBlobFile);
                // update memory with the new value, and release other spinning threads
                // done!
    } catch (final InterruptedException e) {
        // thrown by persistQueue.put or Thread.sleep
        throw new IOException(e);
Also used : BlobReference( JournalException( JournalManager( IOException(


BlobReference ( IOException ( Path (java.nio.file.Path)3 JournalException ( JournalManager ( SeekableByteChannel (java.nio.channels.SeekableByteChannel)2 Try (com.evolvedbinary.j8fu.Try)1 TaggedTryUnchecked (com.evolvedbinary.j8fu.Try.TaggedTryUnchecked)1 Tuple (com.evolvedbinary.j8fu.tuple.Tuple.Tuple)1 Tuple2 (com.evolvedbinary.j8fu.tuple.Tuple2)1 Tuple3 (com.evolvedbinary.j8fu.tuple.Tuple3)1 FileNotFoundException ( FilterInputStream ( InputStream ( OutputStream ( ByteBuffer (java.nio.ByteBuffer)1 Files (java.nio.file.Files)1 ATOMIC_MOVE (java.nio.file.StandardCopyOption.ATOMIC_MOVE)1 REPLACE_EXISTING (java.nio.file.StandardCopyOption.REPLACE_EXISTING)1 StandardOpenOption (java.nio.file.StandardOpenOption)1