use of in project legend-engine by finos.
the class TestGeneration method testGenerationWithSnowflakeConnection.
public void testGenerationWithSnowflakeConnection() throws Exception {
PureModelContextData contextData = PureGrammarParser.newInstance().parseModel("" + "Class p::A {name:String[1];}" + "function p::f():p::A[*]{p::A.all();}\n" + "###Relational\n" + "Database p::db(Table tb (name VARCHAR(200)))\n" + "###Mapping\n" + "Mapping p::M (p::A : Relational {name : [p::db] })\n" + "###Runtime\n" + "Runtime p::R" + "{" + " mappings:[p::M];" + " connections:[" + " p::db : [" + " c1: #{\n" + " RelationalDatabaseConnection\n" + " {\n" + " type: Snowflake;\n" + " specification: Snowflake\n" + " {\n" + " name: 'test';\n" + " account: 'account';\n" + " warehouse: 'warehouseName';\n" + " region: 'us-east2';\n" + " cloudType: 'aws';\n" + " quotedIdentifiersIgnoreCase : false;\n" + " };\n" + " auth: SnowflakePublic\n" + " {" + " publicUserName: 'name';\n" + " privateKeyVaultReference : 'key';\n" + " passPhraseVaultReference: 'val';" + " };\n" + " }\n" + " }#\n" + " ]" + " ];" + "}");
PureModel pureModel = Compiler.compile(contextData, null, null);
String plan = PlanGenerator.generateExecutionPlanAsString(HelperValueSpecificationBuilder.buildLambda(contextData.getElementsOfType(Function.class).get(0).body, Collections.emptyList(), new CompileContext.Builder(pureModel).build()), pureModel.getMapping("p::M"), pureModel.getRuntime("p::R"), null, pureModel, "vX_X_X", PlanPlatform.JAVA, null, core_relational_relational_router_router_extension.Root_meta_pure_router_extension_defaultRelationalExtensions__RouterExtension_MANY_(pureModel.getExecutionSupport()), LegendPlanTransformers.transformers);
ObjectMapper mapper = ObjectMapperFactory.getNewStandardObjectMapperWithPureProtocolExtensionSupports().enable(SerializationFeature.INDENT_OUTPUT);
ExecutionPlan executionPlan = mapper.readValue(plan, ExecutionPlan.class);
StringWriter writer = new StringWriter();
mapper.writeValue(writer, executionPlan);
assertGeneratedStringEquals("{\n" + " \"_type\" : \"simple\",\n" + " \"authDependent\" : false,\n" + " \"globalImplementationSupport\" : {\n" + " \"_type\" : \"java\",\n" + " \"classes\" : [ {\n" + " \"name\" : \"A\",\n" + " \"package\" : \"\",\n" + " \"source\" : \"package;\\n\\nimport java.math.*;\\nimport java.util.*;\\nimport;\\n\\npublic interface A extends\\n{\\n String getName();\\n String getAlloyStoreObjectReference$();\\n}\"\n" + " }, {\n" + " \"name\" : \"A_p_A_BaseImpl\",\n" + " \"package\" : \"_pure.plan.root\",\n" + " \"source\" : \"package _pure.plan.root;\\n\\nimport com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonIgnore;\\nimport com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonInclude;\\nimport com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonProperty;\\nimport com.fasterxml.jackson.core.JsonGenerator;\\nimport com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.JsonSerializer;\\nimport com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper;\\nimport com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.SerializerProvider;\\nimport com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.module.SimpleModule;\\nimport;\\nimport java.util.*;\\nimport;\\n\\npublic class A_p_A_BaseImpl implements\\n{\\n private String name;\\n private String setId$;\\n public static String databaseConnection$;\\n private static final ObjectMapper objectMapper$ = new ObjectMapper().setSerializationInclusion(JsonInclude.Include.NON_NULL).registerModule(new SimpleModule().addSerializer(PureDate.class, new JsonSerializer<PureDate>() { @Override public void serialize(PureDate value, JsonGenerator gen, SerializerProvider serializers) throws IOException { gen.writeRawValue(\\\"\\\\\\\"\\\" + value.toString() + \\\"\\\\\\\"\\\"); } }));\\n private String alloyStoreObjectReference$;\\n\\n @JsonProperty(\\\"name\\\")\\n public String getName()\\n {\\n return;\\n }\\n\\n public void setName(String name)\\n {\\n = name;\\n }\\n\\n @JsonIgnore\\n public String getSetId$()\\n {\\n return this.setId$;\\n }\\n\\n public void setSetId$(String setId)\\n {\\n this.setId$ = setId;\\n }\\n\\n @JsonProperty(\\\"alloyStoreObjectReference$\\\")\\n public String getAlloyStoreObjectReference$()\\n {\\n if (this.alloyStoreObjectReference$ == null)\\n {\\n try\\n {\\n StringBuilder referenceBuilder = new StringBuilder();\\n referenceBuilder.append(\\\"001:\\\");\\n referenceBuilder.append(\\\"010:\\\");\\n\\n referenceBuilder.append(\\\"0000000010:\\\");\\n referenceBuilder.append(\\\"Relational:\\\");\\n\\n referenceBuilder.append(\\\"0000000004:\\\");\\n referenceBuilder.append(\\\"p::M:\\\");\\n\\n referenceBuilder.append(\\\"0000000003:\\\");\\n referenceBuilder.append(\\\"p_A:\\\");\\n\\n String setId = this.getSetId$();\\n referenceBuilder.append(String.format(\\\"%010d\\\", setId.length()));\\n referenceBuilder.append(\\\":\\\");\\n referenceBuilder.append(setId);\\n referenceBuilder.append(\\\":\\\");\\n\\n String databaseConnectionString = _pure.plan.root.A_p_A_BaseImpl.databaseConnection$;\\n referenceBuilder.append(String.format(\\\"%010d\\\", databaseConnectionString.length()));\\n referenceBuilder.append(\\\":\\\");\\n referenceBuilder.append(databaseConnectionString);\\n referenceBuilder.append(\\\":\\\");\\n\\n Map<String, Object> pkMap = new HashMap<>();\\n\\n String pkMapString = objectMapper$.writeValueAsString(pkMap);\\n referenceBuilder.append(String.format(\\\"%010d\\\", pkMapString.length()));\\n referenceBuilder.append(\\\":\\\");\\n referenceBuilder.append(pkMapString);\\n\\n this.alloyStoreObjectReference$ = \\\"ASOR:\\\" + org.apache.commons.codec.binary.Base64.encodeBase64URLSafeString(referenceBuilder.toString().getBytes());\\n }\\n catch (Exception e)\\n {\\n throw new RuntimeException(e);\\n }\\n }\\n\\n return this.alloyStoreObjectReference$;\\n }\\n}\"\n" + " }, {\n" + " \"name\" : \"A_p_A_Impl\",\n" + " \"package\" : \"_pure.plan.root\",\n" + " \"source\" : \"package _pure.plan.root;\\n\\nimport com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonIgnore;\\nimport com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonProperty;\\nimport java.util.*;\\n\\npublic class A_p_A_Impl extends A_p_A_BaseImpl implements\\n{\\n public A_p_A_Impl()\\n {\\n this.setSetId$(\\\"p_A\\\");\\n }\\n}\"\n" + " }, {\n" + " \"name\" : \"Execute\",\n" + " \"package\" : \"_pure.plan.root\",\n" + " \"source\" : \"package _pure.plan.root;\\n\\nimport java.sql.ResultSet;\\nimport java.util.*;\\nimport;\\n\\npublic class Execute implements IRelationalClassInstantiationNodeExecutor\\n{\\n private Helper helper;\\n\\n public Execute()\\n {\\n this.helper = new Helper();\\n }\\n\\n public Object getObjectFromResultSet(ResultSet resultSet,\\n String databaseTimeZone,\\n String databaseConnection)\\n {\\n return this.helper.getObjectFromResultSet(resultSet, databaseTimeZone, databaseConnection);\\n }\\n}\"\n" + " }, {\n" + " \"name\" : \"Helper\",\n" + " \"package\" : \"_pure.plan.root\",\n" + " \"source\" : \"package _pure.plan.root;\\n\\nimport java.sql.ResultSet;\\nimport java.sql.ResultSetMetaData;\\nimport java.sql.Types;\\nimport java.util.*;\\nimport java.util.function.*;\\nimport*;\\nimport;\\n\\npublic class Helper\\n{\\n private static final List<Integer> STRING_TYPES = Arrays.asList(Types.CHAR, Types.VARCHAR, Types.LONGVARCHAR, Types.NCHAR, Types.NVARCHAR, Types.LONGNVARCHAR, Types.OTHER, Types.NULL);\\n private static final List<Integer> INT_TYPES = Arrays.asList(Types.TINYINT, Types.SMALLINT, Types.INTEGER, Types.BIGINT, Types.NULL);\\n private static final List<Integer> FLOAT_TYPES = Arrays.asList(Types.REAL, Types.FLOAT, Types.DOUBLE, Types.DECIMAL, Types.NUMERIC, Types.NULL);\\n private static final List<Integer> BOOL_TYPES = Arrays.asList(Types.BIT, Types.BOOLEAN, Types.NULL);\\n private static final List<Integer> STRICT_DATE_TYPES = Arrays.asList(Types.DATE, Types.NULL);\\n private static final List<Integer> DATE_TIME_TYPES = Arrays.asList(Types.TIMESTAMP, Types.NULL);\\n private List<Integer> columnTypes;\\n private List<List<Integer>> propertyIndices;\\n private List<List<Supplier<Object>>> propertyGetters;\\n private Calendar calendar;\\n\\n private Supplier<Object> getResultSetPropertyGetterForStringProperty(ResultSet resultSet,\\n int columnIndex,\\n int columnType,\\n String propertyName)\\n {\\n if (STRING_TYPES.contains(columnType))\\n {\\n return () -> {\\n try\\n {\\n return resultSet.getString(columnIndex);\\n }\\n catch (Exception e)\\n {\\n throw new RuntimeException(e);\\n }\\n };\\n }\\n else\\n {\\n throw new RuntimeException(\\\"Error reading in property '\\\" + propertyName + \\\"' of type String from SQL column of type '\\\" + columnType + \\\"'.\\\");\\n }\\n }\\n\\n private Supplier<Object> getResultSetPropertyGetterForIntegerProperty(ResultSet resultSet,\\n int columnIndex,\\n int columnType,\\n String propertyName)\\n {\\n if (INT_TYPES.contains(columnType))\\n {\\n return () -> {\\n try\\n {\\n Long res = null;\\n long r = resultSet.getLong(columnIndex);\\n if (!resultSet.wasNull())\\n {\\n res = Long.valueOf(r);\\n }\\n return res;\\n }\\n catch (Exception e)\\n {\\n throw new RuntimeException(e);\\n }\\n };\\n }\\n throw new RuntimeException(\\\"Error reading in property '\\\" + propertyName + \\\"' of type Integer from SQL column of type '\\\" + columnType + \\\"'.\\\");\\n }\\n\\n private Supplier<Object> getResultSetPropertyGetterForFloatProperty(ResultSet resultSet,\\n int columnIndex,\\n int columnType,\\n String propertyName)\\n {\\n if (FLOAT_TYPES.contains(columnType))\\n {\\n return () -> {\\n try\\n {\\n Double res = null;\\n double r = resultSet.getDouble(columnIndex);\\n if (!resultSet.wasNull())\\n {\\n res = Double.valueOf(r);\\n }\\n return res;\\n }\\n catch (Exception e)\\n {\\n throw new RuntimeException(e);\\n }\\n };\\n }\\n if (INT_TYPES.contains(columnType))\\n {\\n return () -> {\\n try\\n {\\n Double res = null;\\n long r = resultSet.getLong(columnIndex);\\n if (!resultSet.wasNull())\\n {\\n res = Double.valueOf(r);\\n }\\n return res;\\n }\\n catch (Exception e)\\n {\\n throw new RuntimeException(e);\\n }\\n };\\n }\\n throw new RuntimeException(\\\"Error reading in property '\\\" + propertyName + \\\"' of type Float from SQL column of type '\\\" + columnType + \\\"'.\\\");\\n }\\n\\n private Supplier<Object> getResultSetPropertyGetterForDecimalProperty(ResultSet resultSet,\\n int columnIndex,\\n int columnType,\\n String propertyName)\\n {\\n if (FLOAT_TYPES.contains(columnType))\\n {\\n return () -> {\\n try\\n {\\n java.math.BigDecimal res = null;\\n double r = resultSet.getDouble(columnIndex);\\n if (!resultSet.wasNull())\\n {\\n res = java.math.BigDecimal.valueOf(r);\\n }\\n return res;\\n }\\n catch (Exception e)\\n {\\n throw new RuntimeException(e);\\n }\\n };\\n }\\n if (INT_TYPES.contains(columnType))\\n {\\n return () -> {\\n try\\n {\\n java.math.BigDecimal res = null;\\n long r = resultSet.getLong(columnIndex);\\n if (!resultSet.wasNull())\\n {\\n res = java.math.BigDecimal.valueOf(r);\\n }\\n return res;\\n }\\n catch (Exception e)\\n {\\n throw new RuntimeException(e);\\n }\\n };\\n }\\n throw new RuntimeException(\\\"Error reading in property '\\\" + propertyName + \\\"' of type Decimal from SQL column of type '\\\" + columnType + \\\"'.\\\");\\n }\\n\\n private Supplier<Object> getResultSetPropertyGetterForBooleanProperty(ResultSet resultSet,\\n int columnIndex,\\n int columnType,\\n String propertyName)\\n {\\n if (BOOL_TYPES.contains(columnType))\\n {\\n return () -> {\\n try\\n {\\n Boolean res = null;\\n boolean r = resultSet.getBoolean(columnIndex);\\n if (!resultSet.wasNull())\\n {\\n res = Boolean.valueOf(r);\\n }\\n return res;\\n }\\n catch (Exception e)\\n {\\n throw new RuntimeException(e);\\n }\\n };\\n }\\n if (STRING_TYPES.contains(columnType))\\n {\\n return () -> {\\n try\\n {\\n Boolean res = null;\\n String r = resultSet.getString(columnIndex);\\n if (!resultSet.wasNull())\\n {\\n res = Boolean.valueOf(r);\\n }\\n return res;\\n }\\n catch (Exception e)\\n {\\n throw new RuntimeException(e);\\n }\\n };\\n }\\n if (INT_TYPES.contains(columnType))\\n {\\n return () -> {\\n try\\n {\\n Boolean res = null;\\n long r = resultSet.getLong(columnIndex);\\n if (!resultSet.wasNull())\\n {\\n res = Boolean.valueOf(r == 1);\\n }\\n return res;\\n }\\n catch (Exception e)\\n {\\n throw new RuntimeException(e);\\n }\\n };\\n }\\n throw new RuntimeException(\\\"Error reading in property '\\\" + propertyName + \\\"' of type Boolean from SQL column of type '\\\" + columnType + \\\"'.\\\");\\n }\\n\\n private Supplier<Object> getResultSetPropertyGetterForStrictDateProperty(ResultSet resultSet,\\n int columnIndex,\\n int columnType,\\n String propertyName)\\n {\\n if (STRICT_DATE_TYPES.contains(columnType))\\n {\\n return () -> {\\n try\\n {\\n PureDate res = null;\\n java.sql.Date r = resultSet.getDate(columnIndex);\\n if (r != null)\\n {\\n res = PureDate.fromSQLDate(r);\\n }\\n return res;\\n }\\n catch (Exception e)\\n {\\n throw new RuntimeException(e);\\n }\\n };\\n }\\n if (STRING_TYPES.contains(columnType))\\n {\\n return () -> {\\n try\\n {\\n PureDate res = null;\\n String r = resultSet.getString(columnIndex);\\n if (r != null)\\n {\\n try\\n {\\n res = PureDate.parsePureDate(r);\\n }\\n catch (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException dateTimeParseException)\\n {\\n res = PureDate.fromSQLDate(java.sql.Date.valueOf(r));\\n }\\n }\\n return res;\\n }\\n catch (Exception e)\\n {\\n throw new RuntimeException(e);\\n }\\n };\\n }\\n throw new RuntimeException(\\\"Error reading in property '\\\" + propertyName + \\\"' of type StrictDate from SQL column of type '\\\" + columnType + \\\"'.\\\");\\n }\\n\\n private Supplier<Object> getResultSetPropertyGetterForDateTimeProperty(ResultSet resultSet,\\n int columnIndex,\\n int columnType,\\n String propertyName)\\n {\\n if (DATE_TIME_TYPES.contains(columnType))\\n {\\n return () -> {\\n try\\n {\\n PureDate res = null;\\n java.sql.Timestamp r = resultSet.getTimestamp(columnIndex, this.calendar);\\n if (r != null)\\n {\\n res = PureDate.fromSQLTimestamp(r);\\n }\\n return res;\\n }\\n catch (Exception e)\\n {\\n throw new RuntimeException(e);\\n }\\n };\\n }\\n if (STRING_TYPES.contains(columnType))\\n {\\n return () -> {\\n try\\n {\\n PureDate res = null;\\n String r = resultSet.getString(columnIndex);\\n if (r != null)\\n {\\n try\\n {\\n res = PureDate.parsePureDate(r);\\n }\\n catch (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException dateTimeParseException)\\n {\\n res = PureDate.fromSQLTimestamp(java.sql.Timestamp.valueOf(r));\\n }\\n }\\n return res;\\n }\\n catch (Exception e)\\n {\\n throw new RuntimeException(e);\\n }\\n };\\n }\\n throw new RuntimeException(\\\"Error reading in property '\\\" + propertyName + \\\"' of type DateTime from SQL column of type '\\\" + columnType + \\\"'.\\\");\\n }\\n\\n private Supplier<Object> getResultSetPropertyGetterForDateProperty(ResultSet resultSet,\\n int columnIndex,\\n int columnType,\\n String propertyName)\\n {\\n if (STRICT_DATE_TYPES.contains(columnType))\\n {\\n return () -> {\\n try\\n {\\n PureDate res = null;\\n java.sql.Date r = resultSet.getDate(columnIndex);\\n if (r != null)\\n {\\n res = PureDate.fromSQLDate(r);\\n }\\n return res;\\n }\\n catch (Exception e)\\n {\\n throw new RuntimeException(e);\\n }\\n };\\n }\\n if (DATE_TIME_TYPES.contains(columnType))\\n {\\n return () -> {\\n try\\n {\\n PureDate res = null;\\n java.sql.Timestamp r = resultSet.getTimestamp(columnIndex, this.calendar);\\n if (r != null)\\n {\\n res = PureDate.fromSQLTimestamp(r);\\n }\\n return res;\\n }\\n catch (Exception e)\\n {\\n throw new RuntimeException(e);\\n }\\n };\\n }\\n if (STRING_TYPES.contains(columnType))\\n {\\n return () -> {\\n try\\n {\\n PureDate res = null;\\n String r = resultSet.getString(columnIndex);\\n if (r != null)\\n {\\n try\\n {\\n res = PureDate.parsePureDate(r);\\n }\\n catch (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException dateTimeParseException1)\\n {\\n try\\n {\\n res = PureDate.fromSQLTimestamp(java.sql.Timestamp.valueOf(r));\\n }\\n catch (java.time.format.DateTimeParseException dateTimeParseException2)\\n {\\n res = PureDate.fromSQLDate(java.sql.Date.valueOf(r));\\n }\\n }\\n }\\n return res;\\n }\\n catch (Exception e)\\n {\\n throw new RuntimeException(e);\\n }\\n };\\n }\\n throw new RuntimeException(\\\"Error reading in property '\\\" + propertyName + \\\"' of type Date from SQL column of type '\\\" + columnType + \\\"'.\\\");\\n }\\n\\n private Object getAlloyNativeValueFromResultSet(ResultSet resultSet,\\n int columnIndex,\\n int columnType)\\n {\\n try\\n {\\n Object result = null;\\n switch (columnType)\\n {\\n case Types.DATE:\\n {\\n java.sql.Date date = resultSet.getDate(columnIndex);\\n if (date != null)\\n {\\n result = PureDate.fromSQLDate(date);\\n }\\n break;\\n }\\n case Types.TIMESTAMP:\\n {\\n java.sql.Timestamp timestamp = resultSet.getTimestamp(columnIndex, this.calendar);\\n if (timestamp != null)\\n {\\n result = PureDate.fromSQLTimestamp(timestamp);\\n }\\n break;\\n }\\n case Types.TINYINT:\\n case Types.SMALLINT:\\n case Types.INTEGER:\\n case Types.BIGINT:\\n {\\n long num = resultSet.getLong(columnIndex);\\n if (!resultSet.wasNull())\\n {\\n result = Long.valueOf(num);\\n }\\n break;\\n }\\n case Types.REAL:\\n case Types.FLOAT:\\n case Types.DOUBLE:\\n {\\n double num = resultSet.getDouble(columnIndex);\\n if (!resultSet.wasNull())\\n {\\n result = Double.valueOf(num);\\n }\\n break;\\n }\\n case Types.DECIMAL:\\n case Types.NUMERIC:\\n {\\n result = resultSet.getBigDecimal(columnIndex);\\n break;\\n }\\n case Types.CHAR:\\n case Types.VARCHAR:\\n case Types.LONGVARCHAR:\\n case Types.NCHAR:\\n case Types.NVARCHAR:\\n case Types.LONGNVARCHAR:\\n case Types.OTHER:\\n {\\n result = resultSet.getString(columnIndex);\\n break;\\n }\\n case Types.BIT:\\n case Types.BOOLEAN:\\n {\\n boolean bool = resultSet.getBoolean(columnIndex);\\n if (!resultSet.wasNull())\\n {\\n result = Boolean.valueOf(bool);\\n }\\n }\\n case Types.BINARY:\\n case Types.VARBINARY:\\n case Types.LONGVARBINARY:\\n {\\n byte[] bytes = resultSet.getBytes(columnIndex);\\n if (bytes != null)\\n {\\n result = this.encodeHex(bytes);\\n }\\n break;\\n }\\n case Types.NULL:\\n {\\n // do nothing: value is already assigned to null\\n break;\\n }\\n default:\\n {\\n result = resultSet.getObject(columnIndex);\\n }\\n }\\n return result;}\\n catch (Exception e)\\n {\\n throw new RuntimeException(e);\\n }\\n }\\n\\n private String encodeHex(byte[] data)\\n {\\n final char[] DIGITS_LOWER = {'0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f'};\\n final int l = data.length;\\n final char[] out = new char[l << 1];\\n for (int i = 0, j = 0; i < l; i++)\\n {\\n out[j++] = DIGITS_LOWER[(0xF0 & data[i]) >>> 4];\\n out[j++] = DIGITS_LOWER[0x0F & data[i]];\\n }\\n return new String(out);\\n }\\n\\n public Object getObjectFromResultSet(ResultSet resultSet,\\n String databaseTimeZone,\\n String databaseConnection)\\n {\\n if (this.propertyIndices == null)\\n {\\n this.doSetup(resultSet, databaseTimeZone, databaseConnection);\\n }\\n final _pure.plan.root.A_p_A_Impl object = new _pure.plan.root.A_p_A_Impl();\\n object.setSetId$(\\\"p_A\\\");\\n int pkColIndex;\\n\\n int propertyIndex;\\n\\n propertyIndex = this.propertyIndices.get(0).get(0);\\n {\\n String res = (String) this.propertyGetters.get(0).get(0).get();\\n if (res == null)\\n {\\n throw new RuntimeException(\\\"Error reading in property 'name'. Property of multiplicity [1] can not be null\\\");\\n }\\n object.setName(res);\\n }\\n\\n return object;\\n }\\n\\n private void doSetup(ResultSet resultSet, String databaseTimeZone, String databaseConnection)\\n {\\n try\\n {\\n this.calendar = new GregorianCalendar(TimeZone.getTimeZone(databaseTimeZone));\\n _pure.plan.root.A_p_A_BaseImpl.databaseConnection$ = databaseConnection;\\n ResultSetMetaData resultSetMetaData = resultSet.getMetaData();\\n int columnCount = resultSetMetaData.getColumnCount();\\n this.columnTypes = new ArrayList<>();\\n List<String> columnNames = new ArrayList<>();\\n for (int i = 1; i <= columnCount; i++)\\n {\\n String columnLabel = resultSetMetaData.getColumnLabel(i);\\n columnNames.add(columnLabel.startsWith(\\\"\\\\\\\"\\\") && columnLabel.endsWith(\\\"\\\\\\\"\\\") ? columnLabel.substring(1, columnLabel.length() - 1).toUpperCase() : columnLabel.toUpperCase());\\n this.columnTypes.add(resultSetMetaData.getColumnType(i));\\n }\\n\\n this.propertyIndices = new ArrayList<>();\\n List<Integer> index_0 = new ArrayList<>();\\n index_0.add(columnNames.indexOf(\\\"NAME\\\") + 1);\\n this.propertyIndices.add(index_0);\\n\\n this.propertyGetters = new ArrayList<>();\\n int propertyIndex;\\n Supplier<Object> propertyGetter = null;\\n\\n List<Supplier<Object>> propertyGetter_0 = new ArrayList<>();\\n\\n propertyIndex = this.propertyIndices.get(0).get(0);\\n propertyGetter = this.getResultSetPropertyGetterForStringProperty(resultSet, propertyIndex, resultSetMetaData.getColumnType(propertyIndex), \\\"name\\\");\\n propertyGetter_0.add(propertyGetter);\\n\\n this.propertyGetters.add(propertyGetter_0);\\n }\\n catch (RuntimeException e)\\n {\\n throw e;\\n }\\n catch (Exception e)\\n {\\n throw new RuntimeException(e);\\n }\\n }\\n}\"\n" + " } ]\n" + " },\n" + " \"rootExecutionNode\" : {\n" + " \"_type\" : \"relationalClassInstantiation\",\n" + " \"executionNodes\" : [ {\n" + " \"_type\" : \"sql\",\n" + " \"connection\" : {\n" + " \"_type\" : \"RelationalDatabaseConnection\",\n" + " \"authenticationStrategy\" : {\n" + " \"_type\" : \"snowflakePublic\",\n" + " \"passPhraseVaultReference\" : \"val\",\n" + " \"privateKeyVaultReference\" : \"key\",\n" + " \"publicUserName\" : \"name\"\n" + " },\n" + " \"datasourceSpecification\" : {\n" + " \"_type\" : \"snowflake\",\n" + " \"accountName\" : \"account\",\n" + " \"cloudType\" : \"aws\",\n" + " \"databaseName\" : \"test\",\n" + " \"quotedIdentifiersIgnoreCase\" : false,\n" + " \"region\" : \"us-east2\",\n" + " \"warehouseName\" : \"warehouseName\"\n" + " },\n" + " \"element\" : \"p::db\",\n" + " \"postProcessorWithParameter\" : [ ],\n" + " \"postProcessors\" : [ ],\n" + " \"type\" : \"Snowflake\"\n" + " },\n" + " \"executionNodes\" : [ ],\n" + " \"resultColumns\" : [ {\n" + " \"dataType\" : \"VARCHAR(200)\",\n" + " \"label\" : \"\\\"name\\\"\"\n" + " } ],\n" + " \"resultType\" : {\n" + " \"_type\" : \"dataType\",\n" + " \"dataType\" : \"meta::pure::metamodel::type::Any\"\n" + " },\n" + " \"sqlQuery\" : \"select \\\"root\\\".name as \\\"name\\\" from tb as \\\"root\\\"\"\n" + " } ],\n" + " \"implementation\" : {\n" + " \"_type\" : \"java\",\n" + " \"executionClassFullName\" : \"_pure.plan.root.Execute\"\n" + " },\n" + " \"resultSizeRange\" : {\n" + " \"lowerBound\" : 0\n" + " },\n" + " \"resultType\" : {\n" + " \"_type\" : \"class\",\n" + " \"class\" : \"p::A\",\n" + " \"setImplementations\" : [ {\n" + " \"class\" : \"p::A\",\n" + " \"id\" : \"p_A\",\n" + " \"mapping\" : \"p::M\",\n" + " \"propertyMappings\" : [ {\n" + " \"enumMapping\" : { },\n" + " \"property\" : \"name\",\n" + " \"type\" : \"String\"\n" + " } ]\n" + " } ]\n" + " }\n" + " },\n" + " \"serializer\" : {\n" + " \"name\" : \"pure\",\n" + " \"version\" : \"vX_X_X\"\n" + " },\n" + " \"templateFunctions\" : [ \"<#function renderCollection collection separator prefix suffix defaultValue><#if collection?size == 0><#return defaultValue></#if><#return prefix + collection?join(suffix + separator + prefix) + suffix></#function>\", \"<#function collectionSize collection> <#return collection?size?c> </#function>\" ]\n" + "}", writer.toString());
use of in project legend-engine by finos.
the class TestGeneration method testGenerationWithBigQueryConnection.
public void testGenerationWithBigQueryConnection() throws Exception {
PureModelContextData contextData = PureGrammarParser.newInstance().parseModel("" + "Class p::A {name:String[1];}" + "function p::f():p::A[*]{p::A.all();}\n" + "###Relational\n" + "Database p::db(Table tb (name VARCHAR(200)))\n" + "###Mapping\n" + "Mapping p::M (p::A : Relational {name : [p::db] })\n" + "###Runtime\n" + "Runtime p::R" + "{" + " mappings:[p::M];" + " connections:[" + " p::db : [" + " c1: #{\n" + " RelationalDatabaseConnection\n" + " {\n" + " type: BigQuery;\n" + " specification: BigQuery\n" + " {\n" + " projectId: 'proj1';\n" + " defaultDataset: 'dataset1';\n" + " };\n" + " auth: GCPApplicationDefaultCredentials;\n" + " }\n" + " }#\n" + " ]" + " ];" + "}");
PureModel pureModel = Compiler.compile(contextData, null, null);
String plan = PlanGenerator.generateExecutionPlanAsString(HelperValueSpecificationBuilder.buildLambda(contextData.getElementsOfType(Function.class).get(0).body, Collections.emptyList(), new CompileContext.Builder(pureModel).build()), pureModel.getMapping("p::M"), pureModel.getRuntime("p::R"), null, pureModel, "vX_X_X", PlanPlatform.JAVA, null, core_relational_relational_router_router_extension.Root_meta_pure_router_extension_defaultRelationalExtensions__RouterExtension_MANY_(pureModel.getExecutionSupport()), LegendPlanTransformers.transformers);
ObjectMapper mapper = ObjectMapperFactory.getNewStandardObjectMapperWithPureProtocolExtensionSupports().enable(SerializationFeature.INDENT_OUTPUT);
ExecutionPlan executionPlan = mapper.readValue(plan, ExecutionPlan.class);
StringWriter writer = new StringWriter();
mapper.writeValue(writer, executionPlan);
assertGeneratedStringEquals("{\n" + " \"_type\" : \"simple\",\n" + " \"authDependent\" : false,\n" + " \"globalImplementationSupport\" : {\n" + " \"_type\" : \"java\",\n" + " \"classes\" : [ {\n" + " \"name\" : \"A\",\n" + " \"package\" : \"\",\n" + " \"source\" : \"package;\\n\\nimport java.math.*;\\nimport java.util.*;\\nimport;\\n\\npublic interface A extends\\n{\\n String getName();\\n String getAlloyStoreObjectReference$();\\n}\"\n" + " }, {\n" + " \"name\" : \"A_p_A_BaseImpl\",\n" + " \"package\" : \"_pure.plan.root\",\n" + " \"source\" : \"package _pure.plan.root;\\n\\nimport com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonIgnore;\\nimport com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonInclude;\\nimport com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonProperty;\\nimport com.fasterxml.jackson.core.JsonGenerator;\\nimport com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.JsonSerializer;\\nimport com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper;\\nimport com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.SerializerProvider;\\nimport com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.module.SimpleModule;\\nimport;\\nimport java.util.*;\\nimport;\\n\\npublic class A_p_A_BaseImpl implements\\n{\\n private String name;\\n private String setId$;\\n public static String databaseConnection$;\\n private static final ObjectMapper objectMapper$ = new ObjectMapper().setSerializationInclusion(JsonInclude.Include.NON_NULL).registerModule(new SimpleModule().addSerializer(PureDate.class, new JsonSerializer<PureDate>() { @Override public void serialize(PureDate value, JsonGenerator gen, SerializerProvider serializers) throws IOException { gen.writeRawValue(\\\"\\\\\\\"\\\" + value.toString() + \\\"\\\\\\\"\\\"); } }));\\n private String alloyStoreObjectReference$;\\n\\n @JsonProperty(\\\"name\\\")\\n public String getName()\\n {\\n return;\\n }\\n\\n public void setName(String name)\\n {\\n = name;\\n }\\n\\n @JsonIgnore\\n public String getSetId$()\\n {\\n return this.setId$;\\n }\\n\\n public void setSetId$(String setId)\\n {\\n this.setId$ = setId;\\n }\\n\\n @JsonProperty(\\\"alloyStoreObjectReference$\\\")\\n public String getAlloyStoreObjectReference$()\\n {\\n if (this.alloyStoreObjectReference$ == null)\\n {\\n try\\n {\\n StringBuilder referenceBuilder = new StringBuilder();\\n referenceBuilder.append(\\\"001:\\\");\\n referenceBuilder.append(\\\"010:\\\");\\n\\n referenceBuilder.append(\\\"0000000010:\\\");\\n referenceBuilder.append(\\\"Relational:\\\");\\n\\n referenceBuilder.append(\\\"0000000004:\\\");\\n referenceBuilder.append(\\\"p::M:\\\");\\n\\n referenceBuilder.append(\\\"0000000003:\\\");\\n referenceBuilder.append(\\\"p_A:\\\");\\n\\n String setId = this.getSetId$();\\n referenceBuilder.append(String.format(\\\"%010d\\\", setId.length()));\\n referenceBuilder.append(\\\":\\\");\\n referenceBuilder.append(setId);\\n referenceBuilder.append(\\\":\\\");\\n\\n String databaseConnectionString = _pure.plan.root.A_p_A_BaseImpl.databaseConnection$;\\n referenceBuilder.append(String.format(\\\"%010d\\\", databaseConnectionString.length()));\\n referenceBuilder.append(\\\":\\\");\\n referenceBuilder.append(databaseConnectionString);\\n referenceBuilder.append(\\\":\\\");\\n\\n Map<String, Object> pkMap = new HashMap<>();\\n\\n String pkMapString = objectMapper$.writeValueAsString(pkMap);\\n referenceBuilder.append(String.format(\\\"%010d\\\", pkMapString.length()));\\n referenceBuilder.append(\\\":\\\");\\n referenceBuilder.append(pkMapString);\\n\\n this.alloyStoreObjectReference$ = \\\"ASOR:\\\" + org.apache.commons.codec.binary.Base64.encodeBase64URLSafeString(referenceBuilder.toString().getBytes());\\n }\\n catch (Exception e)\\n {\\n throw new RuntimeException(e);\\n }\\n }\\n\\n return this.alloyStoreObjectReference$;\\n }\\n}\"\n" + " }, {\n" + " \"name\" : \"A_p_A_Impl\",\n" + " \"package\" : \"_pure.plan.root\",\n" + " \"source\" : \"package _pure.plan.root;\\n\\nimport com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonIgnore;\\nimport com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonProperty;\\nimport java.util.*;\\n\\npublic class A_p_A_Impl extends A_p_A_BaseImpl implements\\n{\\n public A_p_A_Impl()\\n {\\n this.setSetId$(\\\"p_A\\\");\\n }\\n}\"\n" + " }, {\n" + " \"name\" : \"Execute\",\n" + " \"package\" : \"_pure.plan.root\",\n" + " \"source\" : \"package _pure.plan.root;\\n\\nimport java.sql.ResultSet;\\nimport java.util.*;\\nimport;\\n\\npublic class Execute implements IRelationalClassInstantiationNodeExecutor\\n{\\n private Helper helper;\\n\\n public Execute()\\n {\\n this.helper = new Helper();\\n }\\n\\n public Object getObjectFromResultSet(ResultSet resultSet,\\n String databaseTimeZone,\\n String databaseConnection)\\n {\\n return this.helper.getObjectFromResultSet(resultSet, databaseTimeZone, databaseConnection);\\n }\\n}\"\n" + " }, {\n" + " \"name\" : \"Helper\",\n" + " \"package\" : \"_pure.plan.root\",\n" + " \"source\" : \"package _pure.plan.root;\\n\\nimport java.sql.ResultSet;\\nimport java.sql.ResultSetMetaData;\\nimport java.sql.Types;\\nimport java.util.*;\\nimport java.util.function.*;\\nimport*;\\nimport;\\n\\npublic class Helper\\n{\\n private static final List<Integer> STRING_TYPES = Arrays.asList(Types.CHAR, Types.VARCHAR, Types.LONGVARCHAR, Types.NCHAR, Types.NVARCHAR, Types.LONGNVARCHAR, Types.OTHER, Types.NULL);\\n private static final List<Integer> INT_TYPES = Arrays.asList(Types.TINYINT, Types.SMALLINT, Types.INTEGER, Types.BIGINT, Types.NULL);\\n private static final List<Integer> FLOAT_TYPES = Arrays.asList(Types.REAL, Types.FLOAT, Types.DOUBLE, Types.DECIMAL, Types.NUMERIC, Types.NULL);\\n private static final List<Integer> BOOL_TYPES = Arrays.asList(Types.BIT, Types.BOOLEAN, Types.NULL);\\n private static final List<Integer> STRICT_DATE_TYPES = Arrays.asList(Types.DATE, Types.NULL);\\n private static final List<Integer> DATE_TIME_TYPES = Arrays.asList(Types.TIMESTAMP, Types.NULL);\\n private List<Integer> columnTypes;\\n private List<List<Integer>> propertyIndices;\\n private List<List<Supplier<Object>>> propertyGetters;\\n private Calendar calendar;\\n\\n private Supplier<Object> getResultSetPropertyGetterForStringProperty(ResultSet resultSet,\\n int columnIndex,\\n int columnType,\\n String propertyName)\\n {\\n if (STRING_TYPES.contains(columnType))\\n {\\n return () -> {\\n try\\n {\\n return resultSet.getString(columnIndex);\\n }\\n catch (Exception e)\\n {\\n throw new RuntimeException(e);\\n }\\n };\\n }\\n else\\n {\\n throw new RuntimeException(\\\"Error reading in property '\\\" + propertyName + \\\"' of type String from SQL column of type '\\\" + columnType + \\\"'.\\\");\\n }\\n }\\n\\n private Supplier<Object> getResultSetPropertyGetterForIntegerProperty(ResultSet resultSet,\\n int columnIndex,\\n int columnType,\\n String propertyName)\\n {\\n if (INT_TYPES.contains(columnType))\\n {\\n return () -> {\\n try\\n {\\n Long res = null;\\n long r = resultSet.getLong(columnIndex);\\n if (!resultSet.wasNull())\\n {\\n res = Long.valueOf(r);\\n }\\n return res;\\n }\\n catch (Exception e)\\n {\\n throw new RuntimeException(e);\\n }\\n };\\n }\\n throw new RuntimeException(\\\"Error reading in property '\\\" + propertyName + \\\"' of type Integer from SQL column of type '\\\" + columnType + \\\"'.\\\");\\n }\\n\\n private Supplier<Object> getResultSetPropertyGetterForFloatProperty(ResultSet resultSet,\\n int columnIndex,\\n int columnType,\\n String propertyName)\\n {\\n if (FLOAT_TYPES.contains(columnType))\\n {\\n return () -> {\\n try\\n {\\n Double res = null;\\n double r = resultSet.getDouble(columnIndex);\\n if (!resultSet.wasNull())\\n {\\n res = Double.valueOf(r);\\n }\\n return res;\\n }\\n catch (Exception e)\\n {\\n throw new RuntimeException(e);\\n }\\n };\\n }\\n if (INT_TYPES.contains(columnType))\\n {\\n return () -> {\\n try\\n {\\n Double res = null;\\n long r = resultSet.getLong(columnIndex);\\n if (!resultSet.wasNull())\\n {\\n res = Double.valueOf(r);\\n }\\n return res;\\n }\\n catch (Exception e)\\n {\\n throw new RuntimeException(e);\\n }\\n };\\n }\\n throw new RuntimeException(\\\"Error reading in property '\\\" + propertyName + \\\"' of type Float from SQL column of type '\\\" + columnType + \\\"'.\\\");\\n }\\n\\n private Supplier<Object> getResultSetPropertyGetterForDecimalProperty(ResultSet resultSet,\\n int columnIndex,\\n int columnType,\\n String propertyName)\\n {\\n if (FLOAT_TYPES.contains(columnType))\\n {\\n return () -> {\\n try\\n {\\n java.math.BigDecimal res = null;\\n double r = resultSet.getDouble(columnIndex);\\n if (!resultSet.wasNull())\\n {\\n res = java.math.BigDecimal.valueOf(r);\\n }\\n return res;\\n }\\n catch (Exception e)\\n {\\n throw new RuntimeException(e);\\n }\\n };\\n }\\n if (INT_TYPES.contains(columnType))\\n {\\n return () -> {\\n try\\n {\\n java.math.BigDecimal res = null;\\n long r = resultSet.getLong(columnIndex);\\n if (!resultSet.wasNull())\\n {\\n res = java.math.BigDecimal.valueOf(r);\\n }\\n return res;\\n }\\n catch (Exception e)\\n {\\n throw new RuntimeException(e);\\n }\\n };\\n }\\n throw new RuntimeException(\\\"Error reading in property '\\\" + propertyName + \\\"' of type Decimal from SQL column of type '\\\" + columnType + \\\"'.\\\");\\n }\\n\\n private Supplier<Object> getResultSetPropertyGetterForBooleanProperty(ResultSet resultSet,\\n int columnIndex,\\n int columnType,\\n String propertyName)\\n {\\n if (BOOL_TYPES.contains(columnType))\\n {\\n return () -> {\\n try\\n {\\n Boolean res = null;\\n boolean r = resultSet.getBoolean(columnIndex);\\n if (!resultSet.wasNull())\\n {\\n res = Boolean.valueOf(r);\\n }\\n return res;\\n }\\n catch (Exception e)\\n {\\n throw new RuntimeException(e);\\n }\\n };\\n }\\n if (STRING_TYPES.contains(columnType))\\n {\\n return () -> {\\n try\\n {\\n Boolean res = null;\\n String r = resultSet.getString(columnIndex);\\n if (!resultSet.wasNull())\\n {\\n res = Boolean.valueOf(r);\\n }\\n return res;\\n }\\n catch (Exception e)\\n {\\n throw new RuntimeException(e);\\n }\\n };\\n }\\n if (INT_TYPES.contains(columnType))\\n {\\n return () -> {\\n try\\n {\\n Boolean res = null;\\n long r = resultSet.getLong(columnIndex);\\n if (!resultSet.wasNull())\\n {\\n res = Boolean.valueOf(r == 1);\\n }\\n return res;\\n }\\n catch (Exception e)\\n {\\n throw new RuntimeException(e);\\n }\\n };\\n }\\n throw new RuntimeException(\\\"Error reading in property '\\\" + propertyName + \\\"' of type Boolean from SQL column of type '\\\" + columnType + \\\"'.\\\");\\n }\\n\\n private Supplier<Object> getResultSetPropertyGetterForStrictDateProperty(ResultSet resultSet,\\n int columnIndex,\\n int columnType,\\n String propertyName)\\n {\\n if (STRICT_DATE_TYPES.contains(columnType))\\n {\\n return () -> {\\n try\\n {\\n PureDate res = null;\\n java.sql.Date r = resultSet.getDate(columnIndex);\\n if (r != null)\\n {\\n res = PureDate.fromSQLDate(r);\\n }\\n return res;\\n }\\n catch (Exception e)\\n {\\n throw new RuntimeException(e);\\n }\\n };\\n }\\n if (STRING_TYPES.contains(columnType))\\n {\\n return () -> {\\n try\\n {\\n PureDate res = null;\\n String r = resultSet.getString(columnIndex);\\n if (r != null)\\n {\\n try\\n {\\n res = PureDate.parsePureDate(r);\\n }\\n catch (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException dateTimeParseException)\\n {\\n res = PureDate.fromSQLDate(java.sql.Date.valueOf(r));\\n }\\n }\\n return res;\\n }\\n catch (Exception e)\\n {\\n throw new RuntimeException(e);\\n }\\n };\\n }\\n throw new RuntimeException(\\\"Error reading in property '\\\" + propertyName + \\\"' of type StrictDate from SQL column of type '\\\" + columnType + \\\"'.\\\");\\n }\\n\\n private Supplier<Object> getResultSetPropertyGetterForDateTimeProperty(ResultSet resultSet,\\n int columnIndex,\\n int columnType,\\n String propertyName)\\n {\\n if (DATE_TIME_TYPES.contains(columnType))\\n {\\n return () -> {\\n try\\n {\\n PureDate res = null;\\n java.sql.Timestamp r = resultSet.getTimestamp(columnIndex, this.calendar);\\n if (r != null)\\n {\\n res = PureDate.fromSQLTimestamp(r);\\n }\\n return res;\\n }\\n catch (Exception e)\\n {\\n throw new RuntimeException(e);\\n }\\n };\\n }\\n if (STRING_TYPES.contains(columnType))\\n {\\n return () -> {\\n try\\n {\\n PureDate res = null;\\n String r = resultSet.getString(columnIndex);\\n if (r != null)\\n {\\n try\\n {\\n res = PureDate.parsePureDate(r);\\n }\\n catch (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException dateTimeParseException)\\n {\\n res = PureDate.fromSQLTimestamp(java.sql.Timestamp.valueOf(r));\\n }\\n }\\n return res;\\n }\\n catch (Exception e)\\n {\\n throw new RuntimeException(e);\\n }\\n };\\n }\\n throw new RuntimeException(\\\"Error reading in property '\\\" + propertyName + \\\"' of type DateTime from SQL column of type '\\\" + columnType + \\\"'.\\\");\\n }\\n\\n private Supplier<Object> getResultSetPropertyGetterForDateProperty(ResultSet resultSet,\\n int columnIndex,\\n int columnType,\\n String propertyName)\\n {\\n if (STRICT_DATE_TYPES.contains(columnType))\\n {\\n return () -> {\\n try\\n {\\n PureDate res = null;\\n java.sql.Date r = resultSet.getDate(columnIndex);\\n if (r != null)\\n {\\n res = PureDate.fromSQLDate(r);\\n }\\n return res;\\n }\\n catch (Exception e)\\n {\\n throw new RuntimeException(e);\\n }\\n };\\n }\\n if (DATE_TIME_TYPES.contains(columnType))\\n {\\n return () -> {\\n try\\n {\\n PureDate res = null;\\n java.sql.Timestamp r = resultSet.getTimestamp(columnIndex, this.calendar);\\n if (r != null)\\n {\\n res = PureDate.fromSQLTimestamp(r);\\n }\\n return res;\\n }\\n catch (Exception e)\\n {\\n throw new RuntimeException(e);\\n }\\n };\\n }\\n if (STRING_TYPES.contains(columnType))\\n {\\n return () -> {\\n try\\n {\\n PureDate res = null;\\n String r = resultSet.getString(columnIndex);\\n if (r != null)\\n {\\n try\\n {\\n res = PureDate.parsePureDate(r);\\n }\\n catch (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException dateTimeParseException1)\\n {\\n try\\n {\\n res = PureDate.fromSQLTimestamp(java.sql.Timestamp.valueOf(r));\\n }\\n catch (java.time.format.DateTimeParseException dateTimeParseException2)\\n {\\n res = PureDate.fromSQLDate(java.sql.Date.valueOf(r));\\n }\\n }\\n }\\n return res;\\n }\\n catch (Exception e)\\n {\\n throw new RuntimeException(e);\\n }\\n };\\n }\\n throw new RuntimeException(\\\"Error reading in property '\\\" + propertyName + \\\"' of type Date from SQL column of type '\\\" + columnType + \\\"'.\\\");\\n }\\n\\n private Object getAlloyNativeValueFromResultSet(ResultSet resultSet,\\n int columnIndex,\\n int columnType)\\n {\\n try\\n {\\n Object result = null;\\n switch (columnType)\\n {\\n case Types.DATE:\\n {\\n java.sql.Date date = resultSet.getDate(columnIndex);\\n if (date != null)\\n {\\n result = PureDate.fromSQLDate(date);\\n }\\n break;\\n }\\n case Types.TIMESTAMP:\\n {\\n java.sql.Timestamp timestamp = resultSet.getTimestamp(columnIndex, this.calendar);\\n if (timestamp != null)\\n {\\n result = PureDate.fromSQLTimestamp(timestamp);\\n }\\n break;\\n }\\n case Types.TINYINT:\\n case Types.SMALLINT:\\n case Types.INTEGER:\\n case Types.BIGINT:\\n {\\n long num = resultSet.getLong(columnIndex);\\n if (!resultSet.wasNull())\\n {\\n result = Long.valueOf(num);\\n }\\n break;\\n }\\n case Types.REAL:\\n case Types.FLOAT:\\n case Types.DOUBLE:\\n {\\n double num = resultSet.getDouble(columnIndex);\\n if (!resultSet.wasNull())\\n {\\n result = Double.valueOf(num);\\n }\\n break;\\n }\\n case Types.DECIMAL:\\n case Types.NUMERIC:\\n {\\n result = resultSet.getBigDecimal(columnIndex);\\n break;\\n }\\n case Types.CHAR:\\n case Types.VARCHAR:\\n case Types.LONGVARCHAR:\\n case Types.NCHAR:\\n case Types.NVARCHAR:\\n case Types.LONGNVARCHAR:\\n case Types.OTHER:\\n {\\n result = resultSet.getString(columnIndex);\\n break;\\n }\\n case Types.BIT:\\n case Types.BOOLEAN:\\n {\\n boolean bool = resultSet.getBoolean(columnIndex);\\n if (!resultSet.wasNull())\\n {\\n result = Boolean.valueOf(bool);\\n }\\n }\\n case Types.BINARY:\\n case Types.VARBINARY:\\n case Types.LONGVARBINARY:\\n {\\n byte[] bytes = resultSet.getBytes(columnIndex);\\n if (bytes != null)\\n {\\n result = this.encodeHex(bytes);\\n }\\n break;\\n }\\n case Types.NULL:\\n {\\n // do nothing: value is already assigned to null\\n break;\\n }\\n default:\\n {\\n result = resultSet.getObject(columnIndex);\\n }\\n }\\n return result;}\\n catch (Exception e)\\n {\\n throw new RuntimeException(e);\\n }\\n }\\n\\n private String encodeHex(byte[] data)\\n {\\n final char[] DIGITS_LOWER = {'0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f'};\\n final int l = data.length;\\n final char[] out = new char[l << 1];\\n for (int i = 0, j = 0; i < l; i++)\\n {\\n out[j++] = DIGITS_LOWER[(0xF0 & data[i]) >>> 4];\\n out[j++] = DIGITS_LOWER[0x0F & data[i]];\\n }\\n return new String(out);\\n }\\n\\n public Object getObjectFromResultSet(ResultSet resultSet,\\n String databaseTimeZone,\\n String databaseConnection)\\n {\\n if (this.propertyIndices == null)\\n {\\n this.doSetup(resultSet, databaseTimeZone, databaseConnection);\\n }\\n final _pure.plan.root.A_p_A_Impl object = new _pure.plan.root.A_p_A_Impl();\\n object.setSetId$(\\\"p_A\\\");\\n int pkColIndex;\\n\\n int propertyIndex;\\n\\n propertyIndex = this.propertyIndices.get(0).get(0);\\n {\\n String res = (String) this.propertyGetters.get(0).get(0).get();\\n if (res == null)\\n {\\n throw new RuntimeException(\\\"Error reading in property 'name'. Property of multiplicity [1] can not be null\\\");\\n }\\n object.setName(res);\\n }\\n\\n return object;\\n }\\n\\n private void doSetup(ResultSet resultSet, String databaseTimeZone, String databaseConnection)\\n {\\n try\\n {\\n this.calendar = new GregorianCalendar(TimeZone.getTimeZone(databaseTimeZone));\\n _pure.plan.root.A_p_A_BaseImpl.databaseConnection$ = databaseConnection;\\n ResultSetMetaData resultSetMetaData = resultSet.getMetaData();\\n int columnCount = resultSetMetaData.getColumnCount();\\n this.columnTypes = new ArrayList<>();\\n List<String> columnNames = new ArrayList<>();\\n for (int i = 1; i <= columnCount; i++)\\n {\\n String columnLabel = resultSetMetaData.getColumnLabel(i);\\n columnNames.add(columnLabel.startsWith(\\\"\\\\\\\"\\\") && columnLabel.endsWith(\\\"\\\\\\\"\\\") ? columnLabel.substring(1, columnLabel.length() - 1).toUpperCase() : columnLabel.toUpperCase());\\n this.columnTypes.add(resultSetMetaData.getColumnType(i));\\n }\\n\\n this.propertyIndices = new ArrayList<>();\\n List<Integer> index_0 = new ArrayList<>();\\n index_0.add(columnNames.indexOf(\\\"NAME\\\") + 1);\\n this.propertyIndices.add(index_0);\\n\\n this.propertyGetters = new ArrayList<>();\\n int propertyIndex;\\n Supplier<Object> propertyGetter = null;\\n\\n List<Supplier<Object>> propertyGetter_0 = new ArrayList<>();\\n\\n propertyIndex = this.propertyIndices.get(0).get(0);\\n propertyGetter = this.getResultSetPropertyGetterForStringProperty(resultSet, propertyIndex, resultSetMetaData.getColumnType(propertyIndex), \\\"name\\\");\\n propertyGetter_0.add(propertyGetter);\\n\\n this.propertyGetters.add(propertyGetter_0);\\n }\\n catch (RuntimeException e)\\n {\\n throw e;\\n }\\n catch (Exception e)\\n {\\n throw new RuntimeException(e);\\n }\\n }\\n}\"\n" + " } ]\n" + " },\n" + " \"rootExecutionNode\" : {\n" + " \"_type\" : \"relationalClassInstantiation\",\n" + " \"executionNodes\" : [ {\n" + " \"_type\" : \"sql\",\n" + " \"connection\" : {\n" + " \"_type\" : \"RelationalDatabaseConnection\",\n" + " \"authenticationStrategy\" : {\n" + " \"_type\" : \"gcpApplicationDefaultCredentials\"\n" + " },\n" + " \"datasourceSpecification\" : {\n" + " \"_type\" : \"bigQuery\",\n" + " \"defaultDataset\" : \"dataset1\",\n" + " \"projectId\" : \"proj1\"\n" + " },\n" + " \"element\" : \"p::db\",\n" + " \"postProcessorWithParameter\" : [ ],\n" + " \"postProcessors\" : [ ],\n" + " \"type\" : \"BigQuery\"\n" + " },\n" + " \"executionNodes\" : [ ],\n" + " \"resultColumns\" : [ {\n" + " \"dataType\" : \"VARCHAR(200)\",\n" + " \"label\" : \"\\\"name\\\"\"\n" + " } ],\n" + " \"resultType\" : {\n" + " \"_type\" : \"dataType\",\n" + " \"dataType\" : \"meta::pure::metamodel::type::Any\"\n" + " },\n" + " \"sqlQuery\" : \"select `root`.name as `name` from tb as `root`\"\n" + " } ],\n" + " \"implementation\" : {\n" + " \"_type\" : \"java\",\n" + " \"executionClassFullName\" : \"_pure.plan.root.Execute\"\n" + " },\n" + " \"resultSizeRange\" : {\n" + " \"lowerBound\" : 0\n" + " },\n" + " \"resultType\" : {\n" + " \"_type\" : \"class\",\n" + " \"class\" : \"p::A\",\n" + " \"setImplementations\" : [ {\n" + " \"class\" : \"p::A\",\n" + " \"id\" : \"p_A\",\n" + " \"mapping\" : \"p::M\",\n" + " \"propertyMappings\" : [ {\n" + " \"enumMapping\" : { },\n" + " \"property\" : \"name\",\n" + " \"type\" : \"String\"\n" + " } ]\n" + " } ]\n" + " }\n" + " },\n" + " \"serializer\" : {\n" + " \"name\" : \"pure\",\n" + " \"version\" : \"vX_X_X\"\n" + " },\n" + " \"templateFunctions\" : [ \"<#function renderCollection collection separator prefix suffix defaultValue><#if collection?size == 0><#return defaultValue></#if><#return prefix + collection?join(suffix + separator + prefix) + suffix></#function>\", \"<#function collectionSize collection> <#return collection?size?c> </#function>\" ]\n" + "}", writer.toString());
use of in project legend-engine by finos.
the class ServiceTestRunner method executeTestAsserts.
@Prometheus(name = "service test execute", doc = "Execution duration summary within service test execution")
private RichServiceTestResult executeTestAsserts(SingleExecutionPlan executionPlan, List<TestContainer> asserts, RichIterable<? extends String> sqlStatements, Scope scope) throws IOException {
long start = System.currentTimeMillis();
if (ExecutionNodeTDSResultHelper.isResultTDS(executionPlan.rootExecutionNode) || (executionPlan.rootExecutionNode.isResultPrimitiveType() && "String".equals(executionPlan.rootExecutionNode.getDataTypeResultType()))) {
// Java
String packageName = "org.finos.legend.tests.generated";
String className = "TestSuite";
String javaCode = ServiceTestGenerationHelper.generateJavaForAsserts(asserts, this.service, this.pureModel, packageName, className);
Class<?> assertsClass;
RichServiceTestResult testRun;
try {
assertsClass = compileJavaForAsserts(packageName, className, javaCode);
} catch (JavaCompileException e) {
MetricsHandler.incrementErrorCount("test_execute", 0);
throw new RuntimeException("Error compiling test asserts for " + this.service.getPath(), e);
scope.span().log("Java asserts generated and compiled");
TestExecutionScope execScope = null;
try {
// Setup test database if needed
if (sqlStatements != null) {
execScope = TestExecutionScope.setupTestServer(sqlStatements, scope);
// Run tests
Map<String, TestResult> results = Maps.mutable.empty();
Map<String, Exception> assertExceptions = Maps.mutable.empty();
for (Pair<TestContainer, Integer> tc : LazyIterate.zipWithIndex(asserts)) {
// Build Param Map
Map<String, Result> parameters = Maps.mutable.empty();
if (this.service.execution instanceof PureExecution) {
parameters = this.service.execution).func.parameters, tc.getOne().parametersValues).toMap(p -> p.getOne().name, p -> // Condition evoked in case of studio-flow
p.getTwo() instanceof Collection ? new ConstantResult(ListIterate.collect(((Collection) p.getTwo()).values, v -> v.accept(new ValueSpecificationToResultVisitor()).getValue())) : // Condition evoked in case of pureIDE-flow
p.getTwo() instanceof PureList ? new ConstantResult(ListIterate.collect(((PureList) p.getTwo()).values, v -> v.accept(new ValueSpecificationToResultVisitor()).getValue())) : p.getTwo().accept(new ValueSpecificationToResultVisitor()));
// Execute Plan
ExecutionState testExecutionState = new ExecutionState(parameters, Lists.mutable.withAll(executionPlan.templateFunctions), Lists.mutable.with(new RelationalStoreExecutionState(new RelationalStoreState(execScope == null ? -1 : execScope.getPort())), new InMemoryStoreExecutionState(new InMemoryStoreState()), new ServiceStoreExecutionState(new ServiceStoreState())));
Result result = this.executor.execute(executionPlan, testExecutionState, null, null);
org.finos.legend.pure.m3.coreinstance.meta.pure.mapping.Result<Object> pureResult = result.accept(new ResultToPureResultVisitor());
// Execute Assert
String testName = ServiceTestGenerationHelper.getAssertMethodName(tc.getTwo());
scope.span().setTag(testName, resultToString(pureResult, this.pureModel.getExecutionSupport()));
TestResult testResult;
try {
Boolean assertResult = (Boolean) assertsClass.getMethod(testName, org.finos.legend.pure.m3.coreinstance.meta.pure.mapping.Result.class, ExecutionSupport.class).invoke(null, pureResult, pureModel.getExecutionSupport());
testResult = assertResult ? TestResult.SUCCESS : TestResult.FAILURE;
scope.span().setTag(testName + "_assert", assertResult);
} catch (Exception e) {
StringWriter out = new StringWriter();
PrintWriter writer = new PrintWriter(out);
testResult = TestResult.ERROR;
assertExceptions.put(testName, e);
scope.span().setTag(testName + "_assert", out.toString());
results.put(testName, testResult);
testRun = new RichServiceTestResult(service.getPath(), results, assertExceptions, null, executionPlan, javaCode);
scope.span().log("Finished running tests " + results);
MetricsHandler.observeServerOperation("test_execute", metricsContext, start, System.currentTimeMillis());
} catch (Exception e) {
LOGGER.error("Error running tests", e);
MetricsHandler.incrementErrorCount("test_execute", 0);
throw (e instanceof RuntimeException) ? (RuntimeException) e : new RuntimeException(e);
} finally {
if (execScope != null) {
MetricsHandler.observe("service test execute", start, System.currentTimeMillis());
return testRun;
} else {
return new RichServiceTestResult(this.service.getPath(), Collections.emptyMap(), Collections.emptyMap(), null, executionPlan, "");
use of in project legend-engine by finos.
the class TestRuntimeGenerationForServiceTests method testRuntimeGenerationForModelChainConnection.
public void testRuntimeGenerationForModelChainConnection() {
String pureGrammarWithModelChainConnection = "###Relational\n" + "Database demo::modelChainConnection::relationalDB\n" + "(\n" + " Table Person\n" + " (\n" + " fullname VARCHAR(1000) PRIMARY KEY,\n" + " firm VARCHAR(200)\n" + " )\n" + ")\n" + "\n" + "\n" + "###Service\n" + "Service demo::modelChainConnection::testModelChainConnectionService\n" + "{\n" + " pattern: '/maheha/testModelChainConnection/fromStudio/';\n" + " owners:\n" + " [\n" + " 'maheha'\n" + " ];\n" + " documentation: '';\n" + " autoActivateUpdates: false;\n" + " execution: Single\n" + " {\n" + " query: |demo::modelChainConnection::dest::Person.all()->project([f|$f.firstName, f|$f.lastName], ['firstName', 'lastName']);\n" + " mapping: demo::modelChainConnection::simpleModelMappingWithAssociation;\n" + " runtime:\n" + " #{\n" + " mappings:\n" + " [\n" + " demo::modelChainConnection::simpleModelMappingWithAssociation\n" + " ];\n" + " connections:\n" + " [\n" + " ModelStore:\n" + " [\n" + " connection_1: demo::modelChainConnection::modelChainConnection\n" + " ],\n" + " demo::modelChainConnection::relationalDB:\n" + " [\n" + " connection_2: demo::modelChainConnection::mySimpleConnection\n" + " ]\n" + " ];\n" + " }#;\n" + " }\n" + " test: Single\n" + " {\n" + " data: 'default\\nPerson\\nfullname,firm\\nPierre DeBelen,A\\nA. Only One,A\\n\\n\\n\\n';\n" + " asserts:\n" + " [\n" + " ];\n" + " }\n" + "}\n" + "\n" + "\n" + "###Pure\n" + "Class demo::modelChainConnection::dest::Address\n" + "{\n" + " street: String[0..1];\n" + " extension: demo::modelChainConnection::dest::AddressExtension[0..1];\n" + "}\n" + "\n" + "Class demo::modelChainConnection::dest::AddressExtension\n" + "{\n" + " stuff: String[1];\n" + "}\n" + "\n" + "Class demo::modelChainConnection::dest::Firm\n" + "{\n" + " legalName: String[1];\n" + " employees: demo::modelChainConnection::dest::Person[*];\n" + " addresses: demo::modelChainConnection::dest::Address[*];\n" + " count: Integer[1];\n" + "}\n" + "\n" + "Class demo::modelChainConnection::dest::Person\n" + "{\n" + " firstName: String[1];\n" + " lastName: String[1];\n" + " addresses: demo::modelChainConnection::dest::Address[*];\n" + " firm: demo::modelChainConnection::dest::Firm[0..1];\n" + " description: String[0..1];\n" + " type: String[0..1];\n" + "}\n" + "\n" + "Class demo::modelChainConnection::src::_Person\n" + "{\n" + " fullName: String[1];\n" + " addresses: demo::modelChainConnection::dest::Address[*];\n" + "}\n" + "\n" + "\n" + "###Mapping\n" + "Mapping demo::modelChainConnection::relationalMapping\n" + "(\n" + " demo::modelChainConnection::src::_Person: Relational\n" + " {\n" + " ~primaryKey\n" + " (\n" + " [demo::modelChainConnection::relationalDB]Person.fullname\n" + " )\n" + " ~mainTable [demo::modelChainConnection::relationalDB]Person\n" + " fullName: [demo::modelChainConnection::relationalDB]Person.fullname\n" + " }\n" + ")\n" + "\n" + "Mapping demo::modelChainConnection::simpleModelMappingWithAssociation\n" + "(\n" + " demo::modelChainConnection::dest::Person: Pure\n" + " {\n" + " ~src demo::modelChainConnection::src::_Person\n" + " firstName: $src.fullName->substring(0, $src.fullName->indexOf(' ')),\n" + " lastName: $src.fullName->substring($src.fullName->indexOf(' ') + 1, $src.fullName->length())\n" + " }\n" + ")\n" + "\n" + "\n" + "###Connection\n" + "ModelChainConnection demo::modelChainConnection::modelChainConnection\n" + "{\n" + " mappings: [\n" + " demo::modelChainConnection::relationalMapping\n" + " ];\n" + "}\n" + "\n" + "RelationalDatabaseConnection demo::modelChainConnection::mySimpleConnection\n" + "{\n" + " store: demo::modelChainConnection::relationalDB;\n" + " type: H2;\n" + " specification: LocalH2\n" + " {\n" + " testDataSetupCSV: '';\n" + " };\n" + " auth: DefaultH2;\n" + "}\n" + "\n" + "\n" + "###Runtime\n" + "Runtime demo::modelChainConnection\n" + "{\n" + " mappings:\n" + " [\n" + " demo::modelChainConnection::simpleModelMappingWithAssociation\n" + " ];\n" + " connections:\n" + " [\n" + " ModelStore:\n" + " [\n" + " connection_1: demo::modelChainConnection::modelChainConnection\n" + " ],\n" + " demo::modelChainConnection::relationalDB:\n" + " [\n" + " connection_2: demo::modelChainConnection::mySimpleConnection\n" + " ]\n" + " ];\n" + "}\n";
PureModelContextData contextData = PureGrammarParser.newInstance().parseModel(pureGrammarWithModelChainConnection);
PureModel pureModel = new PureModel(contextData, null, DeploymentMode.TEST);
Service service = contextData.getElementsOfType(Service.class).get(0);
EngineRuntime testRuntime = (EngineRuntime) ServiceTestGenerationHelper.buildSingleExecutionTestRuntime((PureSingleExecution) service.execution, (SingleExecutionTest) service.test, contextData, pureModel);
Assert.assertEquals(testRuntime.connections.size(), 2);
Assert.assertEquals(testRuntime.getStoreConnections("ModelStore").storeConnections.size(), 1);
Assert.assertFalse((testRuntime.getStoreConnections("ModelStore").storeConnections.get(0).connection instanceof RelationalDatabaseConnection));
use of in project legend-engine by finos.
the class TestRuntimeGenerationForServiceTests method testRuntimeGenerationForServiceWithRuntimePointer.
public void testRuntimeGenerationForServiceWithRuntimePointer() {
String pureGrammarWithModelChainConnection = "###Relational\n" + "Database test::relationalDB\n" + "(\n" + " Table Person\n" + " (\n" + " fullname VARCHAR(1000) PRIMARY KEY\n" + " )\n" + ")\n" + "\n" + "\n" + "###Service\n" + "Service test::serviceWithRuntimePointer\n" + "{\n" + " pattern: '/garprat/test/fromStudio/';\n" + " owners:\n" + " [\n" + " 'garprat'\n" + " ];\n" + " documentation: '';\n" + " autoActivateUpdates: false;\n" + " execution: Single\n" + " {\n" + " query: |test::Person.all()->project([f|$f.fullName], ['fullName']);\n" + " mapping: test::relationalMapping;\n" + " runtime: test::runtimePointer;\n" + " }\n" + " test: Single\n" + " {\n" + " data: 'default\\nPerson\\nfullname\\nPierre DeBelen\\n';\n" + " asserts:\n" + " [\n" + " ];\n" + " }\n" + "}\n" + "\n" + "\n" + "###Pure\n" + "Class test::Person\n" + "{\n" + " fullName: String[1];\n" + "}\n" + "\n" + "\n" + "###Mapping\n" + "Mapping test::relationalMapping\n" + "(\n" + " test::Person: Relational\n" + " {\n" + " ~primaryKey\n" + " (\n" + " [test::relationalDB]Person.fullname\n" + " )\n" + " ~mainTable [test::relationalDB]Person\n" + " fullName: [test::relationalDB]Person.fullname\n" + " }\n" + ")\n" + "\n" + "###Connection\n" + "RelationalDatabaseConnection test::mySimpleConnection\n" + "{\n" + " store: test::relationalDB;\n" + " type: MemSQL;\n" + " specification: Static\n" + " {\n" + " name: 'memsql_person_data';\n" + " host: 'myserver_url';\n" + " port: 80;\n" + " };\n" + " auth: DefaultH2;\n" + "}\n" + "\n" + "\n" + "###Runtime\n" + "Runtime test::runtimePointer\n" + "{\n" + " mappings:\n" + " [\n" + " test::relationalMapping\n" + " ];\n" + " connections:\n" + " [\n" + " test::relationalDB:\n" + " [\n" + " connection_1: test::mySimpleConnection\n" + " ]\n" + " ];\n" + "}\n";
PureModelContextData contextData = PureGrammarParser.newInstance().parseModel(pureGrammarWithModelChainConnection);
PureModel pureModel = new PureModel(contextData, null, DeploymentMode.TEST);
Service service = contextData.getElementsOfType(Service.class).get(0);
EngineRuntime testRuntime = (EngineRuntime) ServiceTestGenerationHelper.buildSingleExecutionTestRuntime((PureSingleExecution) service.execution, (SingleExecutionTest) service.test, contextData, pureModel);
Assert.assertEquals(testRuntime.connections.size(), 1);